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-   -   Where did the VBlogetin go? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151350)

kushal 07-04-2007 02:23 PM

Where did the VBlogetin go?
I checked up http://www.vblogetin.com/ and found the the site is not there. Has the company gone out of business. I had their blog script installed into my forum.

nexialys 07-04-2007 02:29 PM

looks like you have to contact "Sir Adrian" for that ...

i suppose he did not pay his domain renewing fee...

Lizard King 07-04-2007 02:35 PM

I am really sad what happened to vblogetin. They were improving the script and when vB Blog is announced everything stopped at once. I wished Adrian and Hugh choose the way to be competitive with vB blog. Another good vb addon is dissapearing.

kushal 07-04-2007 02:57 PM

oh! is that so sudden! Atleast we should have got email regarding this.

Adrian Schneider 07-04-2007 03:58 PM

Nothing happened to us but the domain expired. It's not in my name so I didn't get a chance to renew it. Worst case scenario is we end up moving it to another site, but it will probably be down for a few days in the meantime.

projectego 07-04-2007 06:20 PM

Good to hear that it's just a case of a domain needing renewal. I hope we get to see vBlogetin return as soon as possible; it looks like a great product.

eJM 07-04-2007 07:19 PM

Was there no early warning that the domain needed to be renewed? I use a registrar that notifies me 90 days in advance. I even renewed a domain once that had been expired for 2 weeks.

I don't care whose name it was in. There was plenty of time for it to be renewed without any down-time. This is just another indication of the kind of service and support we have to look forward to - which has been going on for months now. Half measures.

The product works. Too many bells and whistles were being added on and the core product did not move to the next level. Some of those "extra" features would make fine stand-alone products, or could be added into later versions. But you guys played around and disappointed a large group of people who are now looking to abandon ship.

Don't give us promises or excuses. Re-organize, prioritize and get back to work.


Adrian Schneider 07-04-2007 07:23 PM


Was there no early warning that the domain needed to be renewed?
The guy I started vBlogetin with owns the domain, and he just told me about it possibly expiring this month last night. I woke up and it was expired. Since he got married he has been online about once a month.

Anyway, as of July I'm working on it full time again.

nexialys 07-04-2007 07:24 PM

he is not the owner of the domain, but one of my partners... he was alerted this morning the same way as you were all...

now he need to deal the ownage of the domain or change it... will be done quickly to not loose contact too much

cyberphr 07-04-2007 07:30 PM

I presume it's gone because of the upcoming official vB Blog.

eJM 07-04-2007 07:32 PM

Try to follow along, cyberphr. :rolleyes:

nexialys 07-04-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by cyberphr (Post 1282857)
I presume it's gone because of the upcoming official vB Blog.

you did not read the thread, don't you ?!

Endurer 07-04-2007 11:54 PM

Phew, glad that Adrian replied.

I can wait for a few days.

Hornstar 07-05-2007 05:11 AM

Glad I found this thread, was a little worried for a moment lol

tminus 07-05-2007 05:54 AM

Zoints has a blog. It is an alternative at least.

Adrian Schneider 07-05-2007 07:03 AM

We should be back online within 2-3 days.

nexialys 07-05-2007 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by tminus (Post 1283237)
Zoints has a blog. It is an alternative at least.

Zoints do not have a blog, they have a community sharing system... and it's a crap.

Guest190829 07-05-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1283416)
Zoints do not have a blog, they have a community sharing system... and it's a crap.

Zoints has a blog in their profile system, a simple one, but its a blog. :)

quiklink 07-05-2007 09:37 PM

Oh this is good to hear. I was getting worried. I love vBlogetin and after seeing the vB Blogs so far I'm sticking with vBlogetin.

d1414 07-06-2007 02:40 AM

I hope you continue with vblogetin as from what I can see, the vbulletin blog system sucks compared to yours.

Morrus 07-06-2007 03:11 AM

Hopefully you'll be back soon, Adrian - my vBlogetin is still broken and I need help!

gingery 07-06-2007 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by eJM (Post 1282848)
This is just another indication of the kind of service and support we have to look forward to - which has been going on for months now. Half measures.

The product works. Too many bells and whistles were being added on and the core product did not move to the next level. Some of those "extra" features would make fine stand-alone products, or could be added into later versions. But you guys played around and disappointed a large group of people who are now looking to abandon ship.

Don't give us promises or excuses. Re-organize, prioritize and get back to work.


Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! Add me to the "group of people who are now looking to abandon ship". I'm so frustrated with the lack of progress going on with this project. I'm very close to chalking up the fifty bucks I paid as a lost cause and moving on.

Brandon Sheley 07-06-2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by gingery (Post 1284440)
Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! Add me to the "group of people who are now looking to abandon ship". I'm so frustrated with the lack of progress going on with this project. I'm very close to chalking up the fifty bucks I paid as a lost cause and moving on.

The lack of progress ?? It's seemed very reasonable to me. They may have slowed down a Little, but what do you expect for 2 ppl who prolly work full time.

Sell your vBlogetin, it's a great script, someone will buy it from you ;)

With that said, I hadn't even noticed the site was down. I hope you don't lost your domain Adrian :(

Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 1284055)
Hopefully you'll be back soon, Adrian - my vBlogetin is still broken and I need help!

send me a pm, I'll get you working.

shredded 07-06-2007 05:05 PM

I am in the market to add some sort of blog/social networking facility to my site. It is a bodybuilding site and I think members having there own "place" to let loose and be vane is what my site needs to attract and keep people interested. So...

I started looking at the possible candidates and really only found 2 and a half. I say a "half" because the vBlogs piece that vBulletin is working on is not a real product yet. With that said, I think the vBlogetin is still a beta. The last is Zoints. I have heard so many contradictory reviews about this one that it makes me leary of trying it.

The vBlogs hasn't impressed me much yet, although they seem to have enough resources to follow through. I was tempted to give vBlogetin a try but when I was about to act on my impulse, the site was not available. Geeez, somethings gotta give!

Is there anyone out there that can show me the true capabilities of vBlogetin minus all the bullcrap. People can have one bad experience with software and then they go off on this tangent. What is it that makes you want to jump ship? Just cause it won't do something for which it was never intended to do? You're still using it... There must be something good about it. Or, is it just because there is no other alternatives to choose from?

SirAdrian... Having a bit of a development background myself, I can relate to the relentless crap your subjected to by "users". All I want to know... do you have every intention of seeing this through? Will this be a product that I will display proudly on my site?

Lizard King 07-06-2007 08:45 PM

I am still using vblogetin on my site and i really like the features. But on the other hand the script needs to be taken care of. It still has couple bugs which need to be corrected , some features are not functioning correctly. But if you can live with these small problems then i can advise you to choose vblogetin ( if you don't want to wait vb blog )
Here is the live adress on my sites :
http://www.ayyas.com/blogs/ blog directory ( needs a lot of work )
http://www.ayyas.com/blogs/lizard-king/ my personal blog

kira 07-06-2007 09:06 PM

I'm glad to hear you'll be coming back, SirAdrian. I didn't even notice the site was down until I saw this post and a mention from Lizard King over at vb.com that the site needed "resurrecting."

Shredded, if you'd like to see a working vblogetin setup, you can visit ours at http://www.epiguide.com/forums/blogs/ . If you click on a few different blogs you'll notice that many have different styles, which blog owners can select as they choose. That's something vBlogs doesn't offer. Also, people can add or remove content blocks in their blogs, which is another feature I don't see in vBlogs yet.

We're a small and not very active community but I do think the vblogetin component will be a big help to engaging our users during some upcoming community projects.

rwilkins108 07-06-2007 09:44 PM

You can see vblogetin running on my site as well ->

gingery 07-06-2007 10:38 PM


The lack of progress ??
Yeah. It has been beta 3-8 now for what? Months?

what do you expect for 2 ppl who prolly work full time
I dunno. Maybe that when a timeline is given, it is met - give or take a few weeks (or even a couple of months).

Sell your vBlogetin, it's a great script, someone will buy it from you
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep it in mind!


What is it that makes you want to jump ship?
It has been stuck on beta 3-8 for months now. Updates on progress are not so frequent. While I'm sure the picture attachment thing will be really cool, I would have like to have seen a stable base product rolled out and then the cutesie things added on later.

I bought this in early December. Eventually I installed it on my site with the intent of promoting it once it was out of the beta stage. Seven months later it is still in beta, partly because it was put on the backburner so that the developers could work on other projects to keep their revenue coming in. I guess that left a sour taste in my mouth.

rwilkins108 07-06-2007 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by gingery (Post 1284781)
Seven months later it is still in beta, partly because it was put on the backburner so that the developers could work on other projects to keep their revenue coming in. I guess that left a sour taste in my mouth.

Even though it is in beta it's been noted that the current public beta is release quality. The other "cutsy" things you mention are in pre-release tester's hands. As for taking on other projects, I guess you can just survive on your good looks?!?

eJM 07-06-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by rwilkins108 (Post 1284786)
Even though it is in beta it's been noted that the current public beta is release quality.

That isn't saying much. A lot of applications get released that aren't ready for prime time. I have beta tested a lot of products in my 15 years of computing and only a few could be said were quality products well before release. vBlogetin isn't one of them. It's good and it works well enough for a lot of people, but it's not gold.


The other "cutsy" things you mention are in pre-release tester's hands. As for taking on other projects, I guess you can just survive on your good looks?!?
The attachment feature should have been an application all its own and not applied to vBlogetin when it was. There's the spam thing they worked on and maybe more. Not one of them is gold yet. In fact, they put all the products behind schedule because of a lack of priorities.

Selling an unfinished product (yes, we knew it was unfinished, but there were expectations) and then delaying work on it for an extended period of time in order to work on other products is not a good business plan. Those of us who have been neglected on one product, tend not to give glowing reviews that the developer might realize are necessary for future sales. When people are looking for quality products from this developer, they will likely find a lot of disgruntled users. That's what happens when you try to do a juggling act with one hand.

This domain and server fiasco is just one more indication to me that Sir Adrian and company are not serious about running a quality business. Check the shortcut to vBlogetin and you get a "Coming soon" page that has numerous pop-ups that make it difficult to navigate normally away from the site. It's irritating to say the least.

I've dealt with hosting and domains enough to know the issue is not that difficult to resolve. If I had a partner in a venture that relied on a scheduled payment to maintain the website or facility, I certainly would not leave that up to one person who I had very little contact with. Once it was discovered that the domain was expired, the partner, who was there to tell Adrian it was due, could easily resolve the problem even if it meant going to a library to borrow a public computer. What happened was total BS and we have been fed more of the same with the excuses.

It takes less than a day to register and set up a domain on a host. I did it with TheFloorPro.com. You can check the WhoIs data and then look at my oldest message on the forum. I feel like I am doing business with children who have not taken responsibility for this issue.

vBlogetin will remain on my board until another product of my choosing comes along that has a conversion script. The developers of vBlogetin have lost my faith and respect. I am not asking for too much. I only ask for professionalism. I could care less about any "other" jobs. To me, vBlogetin IS their job and I am paying part of their wage.


jkuang 07-06-2007 11:47 PM

I am about to get vblogetin but this ... sigh ...

There is no *reasonable* alternative to vBlogetin at this moment. But this domain issue makes a lot of people nervous about the future of vblogetin. It highlights the "thiness" of the company.

I think I will still get the product so it fills the needs of my site for now but I am planning on exit strategy even before installing it ... this is definitely not good with vbulletin blog engine catching up on the horizon.

Adrian Schneider 07-07-2007 12:19 AM


The attachment feature should have been an application all its own and not applied to vBlogetin when it was. There's the spam thing they worked on and maybe more. Not one of them is gold yet. In fact, they put all the products behind schedule because of a lack of priorities.
The attachment system was something we thought it needed so it was added. Most of the delay is working out the javascript (text editor) out of forum dir issues, and file permission errors which would involve rewriting the datastore system.

I've dealt with hosting and domains enough to know the issue is not that difficult to resolve. If I had a partner in a venture that relied on a scheduled payment to maintain the website or facility, I certainly would not leave that up to one person who I had very little contact with. Once it was discovered that the domain was expired, the partner, who was there to tell Adrian it was due, could easily resolve the problem even if it meant going to a library to borrow a public computer. What happened was total BS and we have been fed more of the same with the excuses.
No, it's not difficult to resolve, but it can take time. It has been transferred to my name under a different registrar which is why it is taking so long. How is that total bullshit?

This domain and server fiasco is just one more indication to me that Sir Adrian and company are not serious about running a quality business. Check the shortcut to vBlogetin and you get a "Coming soon" page that has numerous pop-ups that make it difficult to navigate normally away from the site. It's irritating to say the least.
That's called a landing page, and is completely automated by the registrar. It's a pretty standard thing to see when experiencing domain problems, or even buying new ones.

It takes less than a day to register and set up a domain on a host. I did it with TheFloorPro.com. You can check the WhoIs data and then look at my oldest message on the forum. I feel like I am doing business with children who have not taken responsibility for this issue.
Yes it does. We are not buying a new domain... I talked with the owner and he said something happened to all of his domains. It is being transferred now. A completely different circumstance than what you are describing. How would you have handled this surprise, Jim? I suppose I can fly to Adu Dhabi to talk to my partner, and work out the issue there? That would have taken 2 days (and $3000) to get there, and who knows how long to sort out the domain issue. He did not say what the problem was, only that something happened to all of his domains that were using register.com. I can ask him what the problem was, if you'd like. My guess is the nameservers got wiped out somehow... I was incorrect about it being expired - that was my assumption due to his notice from the previous night.

IMO, we couldn't have fixed it any faster than we did. Sit down and relax for a few minutes; it's not the end of the world.

Blogetin will remain on my board until another product of my choosing comes along that has a conversion script. The developers of vBlogetin have lost my faith and respect. I am not asking for too much. I only ask for professionalism. I could care less about any "other" jobs. To me, vBlogetin IS their job and I am paying part of their wage.
I'll be frank here... You ask for a LOT. Every post. I'm sure a ton of people will agree with me here. You are always condescending and rude on the forums, and you behave like you are the only customer on the site. I have heard this from other people too. We bite our tongue, ignore your attitude, and support you to the best of our ability anyway.

It has been stuck on beta 3-8 for months now. Updates on progress are not so frequent. While I'm sure the picture attachment thing will be really cool, I would have like to have seen a stable base product rolled out and then the cutesie things added on later.
Yeah, that is unacceptable, and I apologize. A combination of a few poor choices (we are coders, not business majors) and also some bad luck (deaths, family issues, moving, etc). We do plan to get things into gold ASAP and you guys will definitely see progress pick up.

Anyway, as I said earlier, this should be sorted out soon. We are waiting for the transfer to go through still. I apologize to everyone about the inconvenience. If you need any support you can contact me via email or PM on this site.

Brandon Sheley 07-07-2007 01:04 AM

Just shows you how many are interested in vblogetin to me ;)
btw, here are our blogs

Roms 07-07-2007 04:30 AM


You have a fine blog and you are a GREAT coder. I'm sure it will be more than competitive with vB blog. I will probably buy vb blog, and also continue to support vBlogetin on my sites. :)

eJM 07-07-2007 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian (Post 1284824)
No, [the domain issues are] not difficult to resolve, but it can take time. It has been transferred to my name under a different registrar which is why it is taking so long. How is that total bullshit?

Let me first say that I have been in business for over 35 years. You may not ascribe to the same business philosophy I do, but I always try to have a backup plan. The customer comes first - my primary goal has always been a satisfied customer. Without that, success is only fleeting. If some part of my business fails or becomes inoperable, I go to plan B.

Websites are the virtual offices of every business on the Internet, including vBlogetin. The sweetest thing about the Net is that you can have a number of fall-back offices in case one goes up in flames. Every domain I register, I grab the dot COM and the dot NET - sometimes even the dot ORG. Whether it was your idea or not, you were the driving force of vBlogetin and one of your first obligations to your customers is a stable line of communication. That is what the WWW is all about.

Did you think to look into the ability of vBlogetin to meet its obligations to its customers when you first realized, hey, this might make me a living one day? Did you make sure vBlogetin would always have a recognized home? You knew your partner had registered vBlogetin.com, but what about vBlogetin.net - just in case. Even discounting the possibility your original domain might go up in a cloud of smoke, how about protecting your, I would hope trademarked, name from vandalism and abuse by registering vBlogetin.net.

You didn't do that, Adrian. Your partner didn't do that. Not even did your trusted co-hort, Hugh, do that. I found it languishing in the ether, NOT ready to let you set up a temporary vBlogetin site. You could have been up and running all this time simply by restoring backups to that domain and getting the word out that you were alive and well and ready to serve your customer base.

I registered vBlogetin.net. That's right, that jerk customer who insists on being treated well for the financial and beta support I have given you. I know it ain't much, but it's what you asked of me and I willingly gave it. You have perhaps hundreds of customers, some of us more difficult than others, but none of us deserves to be disparaged so that you can be relieved of your responsibility to us.

No, I didn't register vBlogetin.net for myself. You check your PM box shortly and you'll see you have access to the site via FTP, if you want, and you can do whatever you want with it. You can PM me back with the proper info and I will gladly turn the domain over to you, switch it to whatever nameservers you want and take the steps to have the domain transfered to you. No charge. No obligation. I only did it to give you the opportunity to honor your commitment to your customers and quit coming up with BS excuses why I and others have to get slaughtered with pop-ups trying to get to vBlogetin.


That's called a landing page, and is completely automated by the registrar. It's a pretty standard thing to see when experiencing domain problems, or even buying new ones.
Good hosts and registrars don't use those tactics.


We are not buying a new domain... I talked with the owner and he said something happened to all of his domains. It is being transferred now. A completely different circumstance than what you are describing. How would you have handled this surprise, Jim? I suppose I can fly to Adu Dhabi to talk to my partner, and work out the issue there? That would have taken 2 days (and $3000) to get there, and who knows how long to sort out the domain issue. He did not say what the problem was, only that something happened to all of his domains that were using register.com.
What is this BS about flying to Abu Dhabi? You don't have a phone? Your partner doesn't have a computer? Please don't insult me with this. You (or your partner) call tech support and sort it out. Why don't you have the same access he does to your domain name? Why no backup plan? Why didn't one of you register vBlogetin.net or .org, whatever, so you had someplace to go in a situation like this? Why didn't you get on GoDaddy or whoever and register vBlogetin.net the first day you went down?


IMO, we couldn't have fixed it any faster than we did. Sit down and relax for a few minutes; it's not the end of the world.
No, but it might be the end of your business prospects as you knew them. Are you coding for the hell of it, or are you charging 50 bucks a pop because you want to make a business out of it? The minute you took my money, you made a promise to me that you would do your best to give me a finished product and do it as a professional. Your competition may not have as fully featured and attractive a product as yours, but they are a damn site more professional and a lot of people trust them enough to build hacks and add-ons and plug-ins that could possibly put vBlogetin to shame. You can't afford to gamble on your customer's loyalty.


I'll be frank here... You ask for a LOT. Every post. I'm sure a ton of people will agree with me here. You are always condescending and rude on the forums, and you behave like you are the only customer on the site. I have heard this from other people too. We bite our tongue, ignore your attitude, and support you to the best of our ability anyway.
It's a damn poor businessman who takes an opportunity to disparage a customer to take the heat off their own failings. I don't care whether you like me or not. I had a lot of customers I couldn't stand. But my goal was steadfast: satisfy the customer. Give what I promised. My nick-name is Grump. My first website was GrumpsPlace.com. The license on my car is GRMPJIM (GrumpyJim). I have been a grump for 57 years and it don't matter how many people tell me, I am still and prob'ly always will be. But that doesn't relieve you of your responsibility to all of your customers. You can kick me to the curb, but another, even more obnoxious guy will come along. It's what you get when you put your hand out to take my money. The sweet and wonderful ones make up the difference.

I never posted that much, but when I did, I just wanted the program to work. I remember a few posts where I just wanted to help you, or someone else. When you disappoint me or others, you take the chance we will say things that might be rude. As an official old guy, I don't particularly like dealing with children. Unfortunately, the Net is full of them and I don't have much choice. So, I get cranky and difficult. All you have to do is the job you promised me you would do and you won't have to deal with me much.

You are a coder that wants to make a business from your coding efforts. You can run a legitimate business like vBlogetin, or you can work for someone else that will allow you to code and not deal with the day to day business issues that are so very important to the existence of the company.

Now it's time to get past the animosity, embarrassment or whatever. vBlogetin.net is yours. As soon as it propagates to my host, I'll send you FTP access. You can give me the information necessary to transfer the domain name to you so you can put it on your own host (or leave it on mine for up to a year). If you want me to change the DNS so you can get it set up before the registrar transfer, just let me know the nameservers. My suggestion would be to set it up on my host the way you want temporarily until vBlogetin.com is ready for prime time. I will provide you with all the info via your PM here as soon as it's ready. Again, I want no money, no special consideration or anything. You can continue to treat me in the same manner you have and it won't change a thing.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-07-2007 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by shredded (Post 1284499)
....I started looking at the possible candidates and really only found 2 and a half. I say a "half" because the vBlogs piece that vBulletin is working on is not a real product yet. .......

The first version of vBulletin Blog product is already running on vbulletin.com, you can have a preview of what is coming soon.

TheComputerGuy 07-08-2007 10:13 AM

I was hoping of an update by now....I feel Jim is correct in what he has said. You might consider it rude, but it's true none the less.
I can be very forgiving, but please don't test my forgiveness.
I thought the project had been abandoned as someone else mentioned, and started to look into the vBlog.

Jim - nice for you to help them man. SirA - Get on the ball and make us proud!

ShawnV 07-08-2007 01:55 PM

Well since I am rather irritated with this whole subject at the moment.

/rant on
I buy branding free products always meaning in this case I spent $100, I spend allot of time researching and asking questions before I buy products, I did the same with vBlogetin, everything on the site indicated that this was going to be a well supported and well updated product. To be honest I like the software but once VB announced that they had a BLOG coming out the development and announced updates seemed to grind to a stop, week after week nothing but its going to be out next week, then there is the “we are working on other projects thing”. I don't know perhaps it’s just me but I am getting rather sick of buying premium (not free) products and then seeing them put on the back burner while the authors work on the other “bigger better deal” things. If I did that with my clients I would be out of business in a week. I really hope that vBlogetin gets it together soon, and delivers on what is expected of a business and a product that they are “Selling” However if your not going to get behind your product fully then offer a refund to the poor saps that bought into the hype of a fully completed and actively upgraded product, I for one don't enjoy paying for abandoned or back burner BETA products.
/rant off


RedTyger 07-08-2007 01:56 PM

If they've got any sound business sense (by which I mean if it were me in charge :D) then they'll wait to see what vBulletin's blog product has and then tweak their own to offer an alternative to cater for what vBulletin's blog doesn't deliver. Personally I wouldn't have done any further work beyond the very basics until I'd seen what I was up against. Then I'd pick it up again and deliver the goods. Granted it would arrive much later, but nevertheless everybody wins.

I'm watching this project with renewed interest, since what I've seen from the official project has been, IMO, grossly disappointing so far. It couldn't be any more bog-standard if it tried.

Adrian Schneider 07-08-2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by TheComputerGuy (Post 1285711)
I was hoping of an update by now....I feel Jim is correct in what he has said. You might consider it rude, but it's true none the less.
I can be very forgiving, but please don't test my forgiveness.
I thought the project had been abandoned as someone else mentioned, and started to look into the vBlog.

Jim - nice for you to help them man. SirA - Get on the ball and make us proud!

Register.com replied saying the transfer may take 5-8 days. We are just waiting on it to go through.


Originally Posted by ShawnV (Post 1285810)
Well since I am rather irritated with this whole subject at the moment.

/rant on
I buy branding free products always meaning in this case I spent $100, I spend allot of time researching and asking questions before I buy products, I did the same with vBlogetin, everything on the site indicated that this was going to be a well supported and well updated product. To be honest I like the software but once VB announced that they had a BLOG coming out the development and announced updates seemed to grind to a stop, week after week nothing but its going to be out next week, then there is the “we are working on other projects thing”. I don't know perhaps it’s just me but I am getting rather sick of buying premium (not free) products and then seeing them put on the back burner while the authors work on the other “bigger better deal” things. If I did that with my clients I would be out of business in a week. I really hope that vBlogetin gets it together soon, and delivers on what is expected of a business and a product that they are “Selling” However if your not going to get behind your product fully then offer a refund to the poor saps that bought into the hype of a fully completed and actively upgraded product, I for one don't enjoy paying for abandoned or back burner BETA products.
/rant off


Jelsoft announcing a blog means that we have to make other products in order to keep revenue coming in, otherwise I'd have to take on other jobs. I don't want to live in a tin shack. :p As for bigger better deal things... no, much smaller things. Two quite small projects that are unique enough to have little competition, yet small enough to not take away too much time from vBlogetin.


Originally Posted by RedTyger (Post 1285811)
If they've got any sound business sense (by which I mean if it were me in charge :D) then they'll wait to see what vBulletin's blog product has and then tweak their own to offer an alternative to cater for what vBulletin's blog doesn't deliver. Personally I wouldn't have done any further work beyond the very basics until I'd seen what I was up against. Then I'd pick it up again and deliver the goods. Granted it would arrive much later, but nevertheless everybody wins.

I'm watching this project with renewed interest, since what I've seen from the official project has been, IMO, grossly disappointing so far. It couldn't be any more bog-standard if it tried.

We didn't care what vBulletin blog had to offer - we continued vBlogetin without worrying about it too much, but to be safe we had to start another project to make sure we can keep doing this. As for features, it currently looks like we have quite a few more at the moment. The actual thing that hurt is that it's official.

Anyway, to repeat myself again. We are still working on it, and are just waiting for the transfer to go through. I'm not happy with it bieng down either, but hopefully it comes back soon. It went down on July 4th, so the earliest it would be up (according to them) is tomorrow.

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