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-   -   [BOTM August 2007] Nomination Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151169)

Guest190829 07-02-2007 07:32 AM

[BOTM August 2007] Nomination Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month August.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 31st of July. Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM July will remain open as well until the 31st of July.

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you include the site name or URL for the site you are seconding in your post. If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, no "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be deleted.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

jacki 07-02-2007 11:41 AM

Site Name: Yorumla.net

URL: http://www.yorumla.net

Description: our forum has 12 main katogories 159 sub kategories. Members organize meetings and make friendship

Reason for Nomination: our forum will be one year old on july of 1. we want to see our forum on that poll on our first year. We made 100.000 members and 1.400.000 posts. We want to show that success here

christian8a 07-02-2007 11:44 AM

Site Name: MyLs1.com

Site URL: http://www.myls1.com

Description: A site made for LSX car enthusiast. We Offer heck of alot more than other LSX or GM boards out there and we have some very good flash designs on it.

Reason for Nomination: Alot of hrs of work, but the site turned out beautifull so I wanted to share it with people from vbulletin forums.
No other LSX site has the stuff that we have and will have. The looking of the site is Unique also :)

ERuiz 07-02-2007 12:21 PM

Site Name: Virtual American Airlines

: www.virtualaa.com/portal.php

Description: Virtual American Airlines is a site dedicated to simulating real world American Airlines operations, by using Microsoft's Flight Simulator software to allow it's members (pilots) to fly scheduled AA flights and subsequently accumulate flight hours.

Reason for Nomination: We at Virtual American Airlines strive on quality and this is clearly apparent by the way we maintain and operate our website. But what really sets us apart from the rest of the Virtual Airlines in the flightsimming community is our family-oriented environment. We have been together as a "family" since the year 2000. We originally started out as a Virtual Airline named AirPUERTORICO.

We then went through some changes and transitions, but throughout all these years, we have stayed together. I really hope you guys enjoy our website. Like I said before, we are all about quality and putting out the best that we have to offer.

Caseyjr86 07-02-2007 01:19 PM

Site Name: Starcraft Vanilla

URL: Starcraft Vanilla

Description: Discussion for the up and coming Starcraft 2, will be offering downloads ranging from RPG's, to Bots on battle.net when SC2 is Released.

Reason for Nomination:
A fairly new/low traffic site, offering up a place for people to get together and gossip about the release about starcraft 2. (Greatest game ever :P) I would love for this site to get some exposure since this is my first site and boy is it time consuming. But, this would be very rewarding for me, if this site was nominated. And also if not for me do it for SC2!

thesportszone 07-02-2007 01:44 PM

Site Name: TSZ - The-SportsZone.net


Description: You want sports we have sports we cover it all from the NFL, NBA, MLB, all the way to Mixed Martial Arts. We have a free magazine that comes out once in awhile to our members for drafting your fantasy teams. MLB Pickem game and a variety of other leagues forming every month.

Reason for Nomination: Been around for around a year now under new ownership and has come along way. Has been referenced at 10-15 top websites now and is only getting better. We are around 1000 members 100 being active on a daily basis and over 140,000 posts. Are your fantasy football leagues forming? Well We can help you win your league this year. This site is only getting better. Give us this nomination.

vertigo jones 07-02-2007 05:18 PM

Site Name: Stirrdup
URL: http://www.stirrdup.com

Description: Social news site similiar to Digg and Reddit, but built upon the idea that the content that is the most interesting isn't necessarily the same as what everyone agrees with. Stories gain points through users doing what they would normally do while using a site (clicking links and leaving comments) and the ones that gain the most interest are promoted to the main page. If they continue to hold interest, they will stay higher on the page until the time weighted system slowly moves them down to allow more fresh content in. This fixes the "bury brigade" censorship that plagues Digg and Reddit.

Reason for Nomination: The entire site is implemented using vbulletin plugins. Not a single file change. Really shows the flexibility of the system.

Playa82 07-02-2007 05:49 PM

Site Name: Crackmuzik-GFX-Elite
URL: http://crackmuzik-gfx-elite.de
Description: GFX-Site and normal Community about Sigs, Wallpapers, Banners, Designing and many other Sections.
Reason for Nomination: I want to grow my Forum, and maybe this is a good way to see if somebody like it or not...

ESHQUIA 07-02-2007 08:41 PM

Site Name: Anar$ist
URL: http://www.anarsist.org
Description: Anar$ist is a philosophy, literarure, cinema, music, history, politics and humor platform for Turkish.
Reason for Nomination: Maybe you like anarchizm!

cjddrum1 07-02-2007 09:19 PM

Site Name: 7thGenHonda
URL: 7thgenhonda.com
Description: A community for 2001-2005 Honda Civic owners
Reason for Nomination: We are all really close to each other and many members have known each other for years

jderouen 07-02-2007 09:39 PM

Site Name: The Mego Museum
URL: http://megomuseum.com/community

Description: Companion forums for the The Mego Museum website, a decade-old spot on the web dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of vintage 1970's Mego action figures. We were running on IkonBoard 2.2a for years and only recently upgraded to vBulletin, but have already added a lot of nice mods and have done a lot of customization to fit with our member's needs and wants. We offer several different styles, including one that almost perfectly emulates the old IkonBoard for those traditionalists among our group! We also hold an annual (real life) convention, print trading cards to promote the site, and more. We have close to a thousand members and have been adding new registrations daily since we switched to the much-more-robust vBulletin. We offer Arcade games for our members to play, a marketplace to buy, sell and trade their figures, a gallery to host images, and much more!

Reason for Nomination: We're really proud of our community and would like to show it off!

christian8a 07-03-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by jderouen (Post 1281542)
Site Name: The Mego Museum
URL: http://megomuseum.com/community

Description: Companion forums for the The Mego Museum website, a decade-old spot on the web dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of vintage 1970's Mego action figures. We were running on IkonBoard 2.2a for years and only recently upgraded to vBulletin, but have already added a lot of nice mods and have done a lot of customization to fit with our member's needs and wants. We offer several different styles, including one that almost perfectly emulates the old IkonBoard for those traditionalists among our group! We also hold an annual (real life) convention, print trading cards to promote the site, and more. We have close to a thousand members and have been adding new registrations daily since we switched to the much-more-robust vBulletin. We offer Arcade games for our members to play, a marketplace to buy, sell and trade their figures, a gallery to host images, and much more!

Reason for Nomination: We're really proud of our community and would like to show it off!

Seccond this one :up:

Kebbie 07-03-2007 07:16 AM

Site Name: GotTwinz?
URL: http://gottwinz.net/forums/index.php

Description: GotTwinz is a community for parents of twins. The board has been around for just under 2 years and is doing rather well. There are a lot of options available to paid members, which aren't available to regular registered members, though registered members do have a lot to choose from. GotTwinz is more than a message board, it quickly becomes an internet family to those who post there. There is also a yearly meeting held, last year was NYC, this year was Chicago and next year is Las Vegas.

Reason for Nomination: GotTwinz has come a long way and we are improving the site on a daily basis.

Site Name: The Political Asylum
URL: http://forums.thepoliticalasylum.com/index.php

Description: The Political Asylum is a place for all kinds of people to discuss politics and current events. TPA strives to be unbiased and allow everyone to voice thier opinions while still being respectful of other posters ideals. The Political Asylum is a forum for intelligent debate.
Reason for Nomination: TPA is one of the few Moderated political based forums. It's doing rather well, and we strive daily to continue to improve it.

Egycourt 07-03-2007 12:17 PM

Site Name: egycourt-forums
URL: http://www.egycourt.com/forums/
Description: Law men service and specialized information technology (for middle east law men)
Reason for Nomination: We are the only site in the middle east who care about the law men and give them a various service like law books and supports , from the other hand we offer a free legal consultation for all people .

amnesia623 07-04-2007 02:02 AM

Site Name: TalkArizona.com - Arizona News Talk and Opinion Discussion Forums

URL: http://www.talkarizona.com/forums/

Description: This is a vBulletin based discussion forum for current events, political, religious, and family issues for the people of Arizona.

Reason for Nomination: While this site is fairly new, the community isn't. This is a new domain and software (impexed from SMF) upgrade from the previous domain havasutalk.com. This community has pulled together resources, time, and money (all on it's own) to improve it's 'real life' community by restoring a landmark flag in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. The community is also a very close community of people that talk about some very sensitive topics such as religion and politics, the very areas where other forums refuse to go. The board runs a very basic custom skin with a ton of commercial and free add-ons including photopost pro, vbclassifieds, vbAdvanced (vbalinks too!), zoints, hot-or-not, vbSeo, and many more.

This domain is still new and I have just started marketing it via flyers, ads, and more. There is much work to do, but I would like to recognize this community not only for the software used, but for the people of the forum.

hotcouponworld 07-04-2007 07:20 AM

Well I am going to put in for this again.

URL: http://www.hotcouponworld.com/forums

Description: We are a deals discussion board helping people get the most out of their money. Our members collectively save THOUSANDS of dollars on everyday household and food items. We provide a coupon database with over 50,000 grocery coupons logged for people to use as a trading tool.

Reason for the Nomination: In terms of what our site means to people, we are celebrating our 1 year anniversary this month on July 10th. We have over 250K posts (not including our mod section) and the board is growing by nearly 70 members a day this month. Here's what our members have to say about our site:

Thanks for the consideration!

Kebbie 07-05-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by hotcouponworld (Post 1282484)
Well I am going to put in for this again.

URL: http://www.hotcouponworld.com/forums

Description: We are a deals discussion board helping people get the most out of their money. Our members collectively save THOUSANDS of dollars on everyday household and food items. We provide a coupon database with over 50,000 grocery coupons logged for people to use as a trading tool.

Reason for the Nomination: In terms of what our site means to people, we are celebrating our 1 year anniversary this month on July 10th. We have over 250K posts (not including our mod section) and the board is growing by nearly 70 members a day this month. Here's what our members have to say about our site:

Thanks for the consideration!

I'll second this!

relivo 07-06-2007 04:51 AM

I am going to take the time and nominate ChefClub!

URL: http://www.chefclub.net

Description: A forum dedicated to cooking, recipes and just good and fun members!

Reason for the Nomination: Try and draw more attention to the site and get the exposure out a bit, it has a great design and I think it should be recognized!

Thanks and Good luck to all :)

The Ottoman 07-06-2007 05:21 PM

I would like to Nominate my site, the Red Leather Couch.

URL: http://www.redleathercouch.com

Description: A social forum made up of about 100 regular members from across the US and Canada that has been going strong for close to two years. Rooms open up to members as their post count increases.

Reason for the Nomination: I've never nominated the site before, and would love to show it off to the VB.org community.

TruthElixirX 07-06-2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by ERuiz (Post 1281200)
Site Name: Virtual American Airlines

: www.virtualaa.com/portal.php

Description: Virtual American Airlines is a site dedicated to simulating real world American Airlines operations, by using Microsoft's Flight Simulator software to allow it's members (pilots) to fly scheduled AA flights and subsequently accumulate flight hours.

Reason for Nomination: We at Virtual American Airlines strive on quality and this is clearly apparent by the way we maintain and operate our website. But what really sets us apart from the rest of the Virtual Airlines in the flightsimming community is our family-oriented environment. We have been together as a "family" since the year 2000. We originally started out as a Virtual Airline named AirPUERTORICO.

We then went through some changes and transitions, but throughout all these years, we have stayed together. I really hope you guys enjoy our website. Like I said before, we are all about quality and putting out the best that we have to offer.


giovannicosta 07-06-2007 07:55 PM

Site Name: Computer Forumz
URL: http://www.computerforumz.org
Description: Free Computer Support 24 hours a day! We have been up for nearly a year and this would be the perfect present for up for our 1 year anniversary in August 2007!
Reason for Nomination: Great community, great support, 24 hours a day, 1 year anniversary present!

touba 07-07-2007 12:24 PM

Site Name: Club ScooterGT
URL: http://www.club-scootergt.com/forums
Description: A large community, speaking about scooter + national stroll organization.
Reason for Nomination: the August 26th : our first birthday !

JVCode 07-07-2007 09:01 PM

Site Name: ConsoleCommunity.com
URL: www.ConsoleCommunity.com
Description: Next-Generation games community.
Reason for Nomination: All new and upcomming next-gen gaming community,

M-Tuning 07-08-2007 09:40 AM

Site Name: PSP-Media.nl

URL: http://www.psp-media.nl

Description: Dutch PSP (Playstation Portable) Gaming community

Reason for Nomination: The biggest Dutch PSP Homebrew site, and because we lost 4.000 members due to a HDD failure and an old backup. :(

Virtualshiner 07-08-2007 12:14 PM

Site Name: VMKMagic
URL: http://www.vmkmagic.com
Description: A fansite for disney's free game, VMK ( Virtual magic kingdom, vmk.com )
Reason for Nomination: The owner, xiris, is really helpful. The site has over 10,000 people and a very nice community. The best staff an owner could have! Awesome features. Also, they care about their members, and its 100% free!
( I do not own this site, im just a member their :) )

Marka Ragnos 07-08-2007 09:08 PM

Site Name: Battlestar Galactica Online

URL: http://bsg-online.be or www.battlestar-galactica.be

Description: Obviously a BSG fan site. It's a dutch fan site however we try to post important stuff in English. Just take a look if you want i hope you'll like it

Battlestar Galactica deserves the attention :)


no mods 07-09-2007 02:01 AM

Site Name: Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com

Description: A general talk community, were almost anything goes and everyone is invited. So dont be shy, we dont bite I swear. We have plenty of things to do, including an arcade and award system. So grab a drink, invite your friends, and have a chat!

Reason for Nomination: Coming along nicely, so might as well through it out there for nomination. Am getting a few members a day, and a couple posts a day. Its a slow growing community, but a growing one. Also have a few styles on the site created by me.:)

ayoko555 07-09-2007 08:00 PM

Site Name: LovingWii
URL: http://forums.lovingwii.com
Description: Download Wii game saves and commuity
Reason for Nomination: clean interface, user-friendly, and a few mods.

smacklan 07-09-2007 09:03 PM

Site Name: vBSkinworks
URL: www.vbskinworks.com/forum
Description: We offer a wide array of vbulletin skins for resale and have added a selection of free skins. A nice community helping each other out.
Reason for nomination: I have never entered any of my sites in any contests, but thought it would be interesting to see what people think of us :)

Ohiosweetheart 07-10-2007 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by smacklan (Post 1287041)
Site Name: vBSkinworks
URL: www.vbskinworks.com/forum
Description: We offer a wide array of vbulletin skins for resale and have added a selection of free skins. A nice community helping each other out.
Reason for nomination: I have never entered any of my sites in any contests, but thought it would be interesting to see what people think of us :)

Second! :)

julia44 07-10-2007 04:17 AM

Site Name: Wrapper's Corner

URL: http://www.wrapperscorner.com

Description: We are a community dedicated to those interested in candy wrapping. Our main goal is helping others learn how to make their business successful.

Reason for Nomination: We are a new community based on stats but the site itself has been in the works for 4 months. A lot of hard work and dedication went into this community.

drdeathuk69 07-10-2007 03:00 PM

Site Name: Auto Chat

URL: http://www.autochat.co.uk

Description: A new community site specifically created for people who enjoy motoring, whether it is professionally, competitively or simply enjoy a Sunday drive!

Reason for Nomination: I have never found a forum that has gone into so much deapth on the cars section, Most forums just cover one car where Auto Chat covers all (if yours is not on there all ya need to do is request your car and it gets added )

NumberSix 07-11-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Marka Ragnos (Post 1286157)
Site Name: Battlestar Galactica Online

URL: http://bsg-online.be or www.battlestar-galactica.be

Description: Obviously a BSG fan site. It's a dutch fan site however we try to post important stuff in English. Just take a look if you want i hope you'll like it

Battlestar Galactica deserves the attention :)




ResaleBroker 07-13-2007 08:41 PM

URL: http://www.salespractice.com/forums/

Description: What makes this board stand out from the default vbulletin is the hand coded customizations which include: User CP (Referral Badges, Referral Links, etc.), Profile Pages (Customizable Personal and Professional Settings), FAQ/Rules (Reconfigured), Custom Pages (Articles, Scripts, etc.), Graphics (Dropdown Lists, Post Icons, etc.), Threads (H1-2-3, Descriptions, Bookmarks, etc.), Lite Version (Guests)... and more.

Reason for Nomination: Besides being an excellent resource for salespeople this forum demonstrates the flexibility of customizing and incorporating vBulletin software into an existing website.

XxBuLLeTz 07-16-2007 02:33 PM

Site Name: GoWBoards

Site URL: http://www.gowboards.com

Description: The site is designed for anyone who takes an interest in Epic's Third Person Shooter, Gears of War. We are based on community through our forums, tournaments, videos, and graphics.

Reason for Nomination: A new template was recently added to get the attention of more gamers. It has a growing community nearing 1,000 members, and I thought being nominated for BOTM would put it over the top.

no mods 07-16-2007 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by smacklan (Post 1287041)
Site Name: vBSkinworks
URL: www.vbskinworks.com/forum
Description: We offer a wide array of vbulletin skins for resale and have added a selection of free skins. A nice community helping each other out.
Reason for nomination: I have never entered any of my sites in any contests, but thought it would be interesting to see what people think of us :)

Seconded, own four of there skins me self, great work:up:

vegeta_99 07-16-2007 08:42 PM

Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests

*** Nomination for this month withdrawn by the site owners ***

VBDev 07-16-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by vegeta_99 (Post 1293115)
Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests

I, of course, second that :)

NeRilkA 07-16-2007 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by vegeta_99 (Post 1293115)
Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests

second !! :)

Allan 07-16-2007 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by vegeta_99 (Post 1293115)
Site Name: vb-hacks.org
URL: www.vb-hacks.org
Description : vb-hacks.org is a website providing free and non-free vbulletin hacks
Reason for Nomination:
vB-Hacks create custom hacks under users requests

Second :)

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