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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - passiveVid - (YouTube, Myspace, Google...) Not BBCODE :D (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150761)

Coders Shack 06-26-2007 10:00 PM

passiveVid - (YouTube, Myspace, Google...) Not BBCODE :D
. . . . . . . . Brought to you by scriptasy.com
note: you can get v2.00 [here]

Live Demo:
Scriptasy passiveVid Demo
External Support:
Scriptasy passiveVid Support
This is unlike my past video mod which used bbcode, this one is more simple and works much better for the user too. What it does it parses the url when the post is viewed, so it will work with past links and new links.

So basically the user enters a video link in a post and its automaticly displayed as the actual embedded video.
Works With:
vBulletin [3.6.X to 3.7.0 beta 3]
vBlog [1.0.0 to 1.0.3]
vbAdvanced [3.0 RC2]
Supported Video Sites:
  1. YouTube v1.0.0
  2. Google Video v1.0.0
  3. MySpace Video v1.0.0
  4. MetaCafe Video v1.0.0
  5. Yahoo Video v1.0.1
  6. Koreus Video v1.0.1
  7. Sapo Video v1.0.1
  8. video.google.co.uk v1.0.2
  9. Live Leak v1.0.2
  10. Photobucket v1.0.3
  11. Gametrailers v1.0.3
  12. MyVideo v1.0.4
  13. GameSpot v1.0.4
  14. Veoh v1.0.4
  15. StreetFire v1.0.4
  16. Stage6 v1.0.4
  17. Sevenload v1.0.4
  18. Izlesene v1.0.4
  19. Vidiac v1.0.4
  20. Xtube v1.0.6
  21. VidMax v1.0.6
  22. RedTube v1.0.6
  23. OnSmash v1.0.6
  24. GodTube v1.0.6
  25. PornoTube v1.0.6
  26. BrightCove v1.0.7
  27. YouKu v1.0.7
  28. LiveVideo v1.0.7
  29. Break v1.0.8
  30. ExpertVillage v1.1.2
  • [v1.0.5] Added the ability to enable/disable any of the sites
  • [v1.0.7] Changed the actual structure of the modification, it now gives me the ability to push it even further
  • [v1.0.8] Added support for actually displaying the video titles
  • [v1.0.8] Added the ability to customize the actual embed, you can choose where/how the title and embed will be displayed by using HTML
  • [v1.0.9] Support for vBlog
  • [v1.0.9] Support for vbAdvanced
  • [v1.1.0] Finalized multiple things
  • [v1.1.1] Added ability to restrict the hack per forum
  • [v1.1.1] Added ability to restrict the hack per posters usergroup
  • [v1.1.2] Added ability to restrict the hack per viewers usergroup
  • [v1.1.2] Added the custom replacement that i use
  • [v1.1.2] Added a new var that can be used in the custom replace ($PASSIVEURL)
Installation Instructions (painless install):
(detailed instructions for noobs [here])
  1. Install Product XML
  2. Upload Bitfield XML
  3. Enjoy the modification

Thanks for the nominations!

{Mark As Installed}

Coders Shack 06-27-2007 07:21 AM

Up Coming (v2.0)
Ability to get Video Titles without VBSEO - DONE
Going to recheck all video sites to make sure they are still functioning - DONE
Make compatible with latest VB release - DONE

Supported Sites:
  1. blip
  2. break
  3. brightcove
  4. collegehumor
  5. dailymotion
  6. expertvillage
  7. gamespot
  8. gametrailers
  9. gmx
  10. godtube
  11. google
  12. izlesene
  13. liveleak
  14. livevideo
  15. megarotic - may not be possible
  16. megavideo
  17. metacafe
  18. movieweb
  19. mtv
  20. myspace
  21. myvideo
  22. onsmash
  23. photobucket
  24. pornotube - may not be possible
  25. redtube
  26. revver
  27. sapo
  28. sevenload
  29. sina
  30. streetfire
  31. tu.tv
  32. tudou
  33. veoh
  34. viddler
  35. vidiac
  36. vidmax
  37. vimeo
  38. worldstarhiphop
  39. xtube
  40. yahoo
  41. youku
  42. youmaker
  43. youtube

M-Tuning 06-27-2007 07:43 AM

So it does embed the video when a link like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y9uT40m5mgA has been posted?

Coders Shack 06-27-2007 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by m-tuning (Post 1277491)
So it does embed the video when a link like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y9uT40m5mgA has been posted?

yes :D and when you try to edit it, it will look the way you posted it "http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y9uT40m5mgA"

Coders Shack 06-27-2007 07:53 AM

im going to add support for past topics that used my old hacks bb code

dooch 06-27-2007 08:01 AM


Great job! Doesnt work with this mod installed though.


Coders Shack 06-27-2007 08:04 AM

dunno what to do about that, you should ask the coder to make it compatible, like exclude the video site urls.

also updated the product so it supports the past mod.

shungo 06-27-2007 09:08 AM

Thanks :)

Do you think this mod may work with this site though ?


Best regards

saidsrc 06-27-2007 10:05 AM

it is not working-!
why, i deleted old version, inavtice....topic,
and install that, but i writed that "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yJdIfKLP0"
and it is look that "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yJdIfKLP0" ( : same : )
so it doesnt work!

bladinet 06-27-2007 12:06 PM

Hello all

can we do anything for "dailymotion.com"...


tschai 06-27-2007 01:37 PM

Thanks a lot: the other BBCode hacks are being ignores by my (stupid) users...they just forget or dont bother to use it although there's a button...

This make life much easier.

PS: I second adding dailymotion and a lot of more of the other popular video/photo sites...

Phooey 06-27-2007 03:03 PM

Just installed it on my site to replace the bbcode one that I had previously had. This is much nicer and significantly easier for users!

My one feature request, however, is that you frame it somehow and auto-embed the title of the video in the header of the frame. If it's possible, that would be awesome.


Coders Shack 06-27-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by saidsrc (Post 1277582)
it is not working-!
why, i deleted old version, inavtice....topic,
and install that, but i writed that "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yJdIfKLP0"
and it is look that "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yJdIfKLP0" ( : same : )
so it doesnt work!

are you using vbAnonymizer ?

if so it currently doesn't work with that.

ProSkinner.com 06-27-2007 05:48 PM

Great job on the new release! I'm using your inlineVideo hack and it works great, too!

Will your hack automatically convert links like this into embedded videos or just when I post the full link out like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yJdIfKLP0?

Coders Shack 06-27-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by edderlee (Post 1277852)
Great job on the new release! I'm using your inlineVideo hack and it works great, too!

Will your hack automatically convert links like this into embedded videos or just when I post the full link out like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8yJdIfKLP0?

it does both, and also supports videos generated by the inlineVideo mod

FleaBag 06-27-2007 09:41 PM

Wasn't this done a few days ago already?

Coders Shack 06-27-2007 09:48 PM


Hornstar 06-27-2007 11:04 PM

wow 2 of these in the same week, both are very good, but you missed my install by a few days.

The Notorious 06-27-2007 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Renes4 (Post 1277685)
PS: I second adding dailymotion and a lot of more of the other popular video/photo sites...

Yup dailymotion is a must plz add.

Coders Shack 06-27-2007 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1278068)
wow 2 of these in the same week, both are very good, but you missed my install by a few days.

wheres the other one?

I'm pretty sure they both work differently.


Originally Posted by The Notorious (Post 1278077)
Yup dailymotion is a must plz add.

would require the server to actually grab the page source from dailymotion because the info needed to create the embed is not provided in the url.

skariko 06-28-2007 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1278087)
wheres the other one?

I think he's talking about this:


Coders Shack 06-28-2007 07:22 AM

well i cant look at it anymore the coder removed it.

nfn 06-28-2007 08:23 AM


Can you help me adding http://videos.sapo.pt/ ?

nfn 06-28-2007 08:49 AM


After a little fight, here it is the code for http://videos.sapo.pt


                // Sapo Video
                $this->post['message'] = preg_replace('#<a href=\"http:\/\/videos.sapo.pt\/(.{20}?)(.*?)\" target=\"_blank\">(.*?)</a>#i','<embed src="http://imgs.sapo.pt/sapovideo/swf/flvplayer-sapo.swf?file=http://rd3.videos.sapo.pt/${1}/mov/1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent"></embed>',$this->post['message']);

Coders Shack 06-28-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by nfn (Post 1278304)

After a little fight, here it is the code for http://videos.sapo.pt


                // Sapo Video
                $this->post['message'] = preg_replace('#<a href=\"http:\/\/videos.sapo.pt\/(.{20}?)(.*?)\" target=\"_blank\">(.*?)</a>#i','<embed src="http://imgs.sapo.pt/sapovideo/swf/flvplayer-sapo.swf?file=http://rd3.videos.sapo.pt/${1}/mov/1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent"></embed>',$this->post['message']);

nice i was abt to make it :D

Sapo Video and a few others are possible, still looking for a fast way to do sites like yahoo.

l SKN l CHRIS 06-28-2007 10:00 PM

nice hack man i love you

Coders Shack 06-28-2007 10:13 PM

lol, currently I'm working on a way to support other video sites that are harder.

ru55ian 06-28-2007 10:25 PM

very nice hack, Been using Inline, but will upgrade tonight. Thanks.

Coders Shack 06-28-2007 10:30 PM

this will be much better than my past hack what you see now is a sloppy version of what it can do.

Coders Shack 06-29-2007 06:03 AM

added a new way to get videos from links that wasn't possible before.

Basically when you submit a video link like yahoo's which doesn't have the actual ID inside of the url your server will request the yahoo page and find it, then reconstruct the link so it includes the ID. This will only happen on first submission of the link.

These are the newly supported sites in v1.01:
  1. Yahoo Video
  2. Koreus Video
  3. Sapo Video

thenewuser 06-29-2007 08:41 AM


Marked installed, nominated mod of the month

SkyCatcher 06-29-2007 06:40 PM

ok I love it BUT I've noticed 2 problems:

1) links must be http://www.youtube.com ... http://youtube.com doesn't work

2) Links must be posted with "Reply" - won't work with quick-reply

Not sure how much of a pain it is to add www to the pregmatch but number 2 should be easily solved by adding another plugin with using one of the quickreply hooks.

Still a fantastic product though!

saidsrc 06-29-2007 07:35 PM

hey dude, I have a problem on my board,
this is, prevent shouting options,
if it is open, this links don't working,,

and I can't disable that.
I post a Topic to vbulletin.com/forum
but they just say, "goto admin cp, ..., prevent shouting=0"
but I said that, it is 0 too. But it is still active
I cant disable that, if you know how can disable that manually, please say,
but if you don't , please do this hack can work with,
so prevent shouting must not touch links codes...

Eccentricity 06-30-2007 01:17 AM

It kills all BBCode in private messages for me too (including the register date format).

Coders Shack 06-30-2007 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by SkyCatcher (Post 1279371)
ok I love it BUT I've noticed 2 problems:

1) links must be http://www.youtube.com ... http://youtube.com doesn't work

2) Links must be posted with "Reply" - won't work with quick-reply

Not sure how much of a pain it is to add www to the pregmatch but number 2 should be easily solved by adding another plugin with using one of the quickreply hooks.

Still a fantastic product though!

fixed both.

Originally Posted by saidsrc (Post 1279402)
hey dude, I have a problem on my board,
this is, prevent shouting options,
if it is open, this links don't working,,

and I can't disable that.
I post a Topic to vbulletin.com/forum
but they just say, "goto admin cp, ..., prevent shouting=0"
but I said that, it is 0 too. But it is still active
I cant disable that, if you know how can disable that manually, please say,
but if you don't , please do this hack can work with,
so prevent shouting must not touch links codes...

not sure what your talking about. try the new version it might fix your issue.

Originally Posted by Eccentricity (Post 1279553)
It kills all BBCode in private messages for me too (including the register date format).

fixed i think.

SkyCatcher 06-30-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1279611)
fixed both.

That was fast! Amazing :D

ssvp 06-30-2007 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1278282)
well i cant look at it anymore the coder removed it.

I believe it's this one..


Videx 07-03-2007 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by ssvp (Post 1279801)
I believe it's this one..

The biggest difference between these two mods seems to be that this one parses the links when they're displayed, and AME parses *and edits* the posts as they're made.

Call me a weenie, but I went with this one for now because I like to avoid editing my posts if possible. Seems like it'll work better with future changes.

Coders Shack 07-03-2007 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 1281692)
The biggest difference between these two mods seems to be that this one parses the links when they're displayed, and AME parses *and edits* the posts as they're made.

Call me a weenie, but I went with this one for now because I like to avoid editing my posts if possible. Seems like it'll work better with future changes.

also works on anything that was posted in the past :D

CThiessen 07-03-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Coders Shack (Post 1281706)
also works on anything that was posted in the past :D

Good Job. It works very well.
Thanks a lot.

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