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Various Unusual BB Code (and Definition List)
This modification is not a modification in the sense it requires actual template modifications, but nor is it an add on product in that it uses what is already in vBulletin, as in the BB code manager. This is simply a collection of BB code for features not found online often, and that use standards compliant, semantic code to add curious codes that may come in handy sometimes.
Updates: 1.9- Thanks to a contributor, I added editor buttons for most BB codes.1.8- Added strike through BB code. 1.7- Added a new code (definition) which looks awesome. 1.6- Tried a new code (Internet Explorer only, see post 3. 1.5- Updated Definition List codes. New one allows infinite child items and is perfectly XHTML valid. Also has bold headings. 1.4- Added glossary link code and blink code (plus instructions on how to block blinking text in Firefox 1.3- Forgot to add css for overline in second post. 1.2- Added some other sites to the search link code 1.1- Added horizontal rule and Spoiler code 1.0- Release BB Code Support: None needed Notes: Works in any version with custom BB code as an option. Tested in vBulletin 3.6.4, 3.6.5, 3.6.6 and 3.6.7 PL1. Definition List This allows users to insert a definition list in their posts, and when used with the definition entry BB code, has a wide range of uses. Code to use: Code:
[Definition] Code:
<dl>{param}</dl> Code:
[Definition][Defineobject=PHP]A scripting language used for interactive features such as forums online[/Defineobject][/Definition] Use this to insert the definition titles and actual definitions. Definition Entry (only use with definition list) Code to use: Code:
Defineobject Code:
<dt><b>{option}</b></dt> Code:
[Defineobject=PHP]A scripting language used for interactive features such as forums online[/Defineobject] Use this to add more definitions to a definition list. Heading Use this to add heading tags of types 1 to 6 in posts. Semantic titles without using bold formatting or italics and that show the level of heading to screen readers and the like. Tag: Code:
h Code:
<h{option}>{param}</h{option}> Code:
[h=1]This is a heading[/h] Use this to insert a semantically correct heading into the document by modifying the text you want made into a bold, large heading. This is good semantics for headings in guides and FAQs. Google Search: Use this to link to Google for the specified term. I also attached a modified one which replaces Google with Ask Jeeves. Can also be used for any search engine online if you know how to edit the code. Tag: Replacement: Code:
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q={param}">{param}</a> Code:
[google]Nintendo[/google] Code:
<a href="http://uk.ask.com/web?q={param}">{param}</a> Code:
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{param}">{param}</a> Code:
<a href="http://search.lycos.com/?query={param}&x=0&y=0">{param}</a> Code:
<a href="http://search.yahoo.com/search?p={param}&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&vc=&fp_ip=UK">{param}</a> Code:
<a href="http://web.archive.org/web/*/{param}">{param}</a> Right to left Changes text direction. Tag: rtl Replacement: Code:
<bdo dir="rtl">{param}</bdo> Code:
[rtl]This is weird[/rtl] Turns the text from the right to left rather than left to right. Sub Script This is explanatory in the name. Tag: sub Replacement: Code:
<sub>{param}</sub> Code:
[sub]test[/sub] Make text that floats slightly below the main text. Sup Script Tag: sup Replacement: Code:
<sup>{param}</sup> Code:
3[sup]3[/sup] This is for text floating slightly above, like how the 3 floated up and to the right of a number shows that it is cubed. Horizontal Line Tag: hr Replacement: Code:
<hr /><p>{param}</p> Code:
[hr]text[/hr] Use this to insert a horizontal line into your post with your highlighted content below it. Note: The text between goes in the p tags under the line. Spoiler Tag Tag: spoiler Replacement: Code:
<span class="Spoiler">{param}</span> Code:
.Spoiler {background: white; color: white; outline: 1px solid black;} Example: Code:
[spoiler]There is a Shroob Princess in the Cobalt Star in Mario and Luigi 2[/spoiler] You can use this to hide spoilers in games, movies and from TV shows by turning the text the same colour as the background. Blinking Text Tag: blink Replacement: Code:
<span style="text-decoration: blink">{param}</span> Example: Code:
[blink]text[/blink] This allows you to have blinking text. To disable blink in Firefox if favourite forums implements above code: Type in about:config then set browser.blink_allowed so the value is false. No more blinking text. Glossary Category Link: Tag: Glossary Replacement: Code:
<a href="glossary.php?do=listglossary&c=1<r={param}&pp=0">{param}</a> Code:
[glossary]A[/glossary] Use this to link to a glossary category. Definition Tag: def Replacement: Code:
<dfn title="{option}">{param}</dfn> Code:
dfn {font-weight: bold; background: gold; cursor: help; } Code:
[def=A popular games company]Nintendo[/def] Use to post definitions, without a list, in your posts or signatures. Strike Through tag: strike Replacement: Code:
<span class="linethrough">{param}</span> Code:
.linethrough {text-decoration: line-through; } Code:
[strike]Line is crossed out[/strike] Use this to cross out words in a post. Or sentences. Or paragraphs. |
More BB Code
Overline Just as there is strike through and underlined text, this allows for overlined text in posts. Tag: overline Replacement: Code:
<span class="overline">{param}</span> .overline {text-decoration: overline; } Example: Code:
[overline]This text is overlined[/overline] Description: Use this to overline text, whatever that is. Lower Case Text This turns all text within tags to lower case. Tag: lowercase Replacement: Code:
<span class="lower">{param}</span> Code:
.lower {text-transform: lowercase; } Code:
[lowercase]THIS IS TEXT![/lowercase] Makes all selected text fully upper case. Does not stay upper case when copied to Notepad or any other text editor. Tag: allcaps Replacement: Code:
<span class="Capital">{param}</span> Code:
.Capital {text-transform: uppercase; } Example: Code:
[allcaps]This is some capital text[/allcaps] Use to capitalise all text selected. Small Capital Letters Tag: smallcaps Replacement: Code:
<span class="smallcaps">{param}</span> Code:
.smallcaps {font-variant: small-caps; } Code:
[smallcaps]This is in small caps[/smallcaps] This turns all lower case text between the tags into small upper case letters. Weird but cool. |
Miscellaneous BB Code (either non standard, non semantic or overdone codes)
No Follow Links Tag: nofollow Replacement: Code:
<a href="{option}" rel="nofollow">{param}</a> Code:
[nofollow=http://google.com]Non indexable Google Link[/nofollow] Use this when linking to not liked sites to stop them getting page rank from the links from forum pages! Such as Cheat Code Central! Sample Code Output: Tag: samp Replacement: Code:
<samp>{param}</samp> Code:
[samp]This is the sample output from a PHP String.[/samp] Allows you to show sample output from a code or program. Marquee WARNING: This code is not W3C Compliant! If you use, this will invalidate the FAQ page as standards compliant just as most video codes do, so encourage members NOT to use it in signatures and the like! It also does not work in some Netscape browsers. Tag: move Replacement: Code:
<marquee>{param}</marquee> Code:
[move]Moving text example[/move] Allows for the creation of moving text. Note, please keep moving text to a minimum as not only is it very annoying after a short time, but also not correct XHTML 1.0 coding, which will cause various topic pages and the FAQ to fail validation. Try not to place in signatures. Abbrieviations Tag: Abbrieviate Replacement: Code:
<abbr title="{option}">{param}</abbr> Example: Code:
[Abbrieviate=DS Ultimate]DSU[/Abbrieviate] Use this for abbrieviations such as shortened forms of words and stuff. Flip Vertical (theoretically works, not tested, only works in Internet Explorer) Tag: flipv Replacement: Code:
<span class="flipv">{param}</span> Code:
.flipv { Code:
[flipv]Text goes here[/flipv] Use to post upside down text in posts. Flip Horizontal Tag: fliph Replacement: Code:
<span class="fliph">{param}</span> Code:
.fliph { Use to flip text horizontally. Notes: Best to use the 'Right to left BB code, that's standards compliant. |
Editor Buttons
Thanks to PapaSmurf, who is one of the members here, I now have editor buttons for most of the BB codes. Check this list for what buttons go with what:
Nice never thought of something like this. It would be nice if the definitions code linked to the glossary hack
Nice = Thanx ;)
Jacquii. |
This modification has been updated with two new BB codes, one is for spoilers, the other horizontal lines in posts.
Can you take screenshots?
Certainly use my test forum www.isosdcftp.com username test pass test |
I am trying to attach images and the like, but it said:
'Jelsoft site not available'. If anyone needs an example, is rjmjr69's site using the codes? Oh, and if you hadn't obviously figured this out, anything I have made, codes, smilies, post icons is in use on my own site. Try the FAQ, and look for posts saying about 'BB code additions'. Oh, and anyone want a modification I may be able to make where the search box is moved to the nav, vBulletin.org style (except without the fancy drop down)? |
I get that error trying to make attachments and posts here often. Its a busy site just keep trying. And I am going to install the dictionary bbcode for you right now. Sorry I should have thought of that. |
Oh, and to make it work with the glossary, there is a problem in that it would require the glossary to use anchors on the page. You could do a very limited one which went to pages for the terms starting with different letters, such as A, or B or whatever.
Okay, I may be able to do this. See next post.
<a href="glossary.php?do=listglossary&c=1<r={param}&pp=0">{param}</a> |
Updated Definition List code. Much easier to use. Perfectly valid. Also has bold headings.
2 more BB codes added to third post.
Sorry to bump this, but added an amazing new definition code partly in response to someone asking for it in Modifications forum and me already having and using it at my own forum.
Where did you put it? |
Definition Tag: def Replacement: Code: <dfn title="{option}">{param}</dfn> Add in CSS: Code: dfn {font-weight: bold; background: gold; cursor: help; } Example: Code: [def=A popular games company]Nintendo[/def] Description: Use to post definitions, without a list, in your posts or signatures. |
someone has icons for those bbcodes??
Not at this moment. The reasons why are:
1- I seriously cannot design non themed, generic buttons for forums, even less for 20 odd vB codes. But if someone else wants to share their designs for buttons which would insert these, go ahead. 2- I never thought of it because I wasn't about to make 65 buttons for all the BB code on my forum. But if no one makes any, I could try to make some that would mimmick the default buttons. |
Heres something slightly unusual, this one is based on TVants, for anyone not into the world of p2ptv? its a popular p2p streaming application that shows all sorts of things from films to live football from all over the world.
Your visitors wanting to view a stream must have TVants installed, Ive added a download link to the code! Works with: Windows Only IE and Firefox when embedded into a page Code:
Title: Theres loads more of these applications and pretty much all of them can be embedded into your forums with some custom vbcode, if you want any more give me a shout at FSi |
Nice. I was trying to find a way personally to embed AOL videos with the object tag simply because it has videos from like 20 different sources which can be embedded with a single code.
I've never used AOL video so I can't really comment, I've just taken a quick look and it seems to be fed from you tube?? have you tried calling it from an asx file?
something along the lines of: <embed src="{param}" quality="high" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed> Example: [aolvideo]http://your-url/stream1.asx[/aolvideo] Where stream1.asx has this: <REPEAT> <ENTRY> <ref href="url/stream_name1" /> <ref href="url/stream_name2" /> <ref href="url/stream_name3" /> <ref href="url/and_so_on" /> </ENTRY> </REPEAT> That should tell the video to move on once the stream contains no more data.. I have no idea if that will work.. :lol: |
The problem I have is that while I can use embed, I am stuck trying to use the object tags so it validates as valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional. And the object tag is a lot more complicated...
ahh.. I have a .js around somewhere that gets around that!!
I've used it recently so It'll be around somewhere.. I'll see if I can find it and get back to you! Quick edit, bookmarks are great!! it used this principal: http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/ I'll hunt down the site I used it on... |
The .js consists of this:
if(typeof deconcept == "undefined") var deconcept = new Object(); This goes in the head Code:
<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript"> the embed is this: Code:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> |
I'll see later.
ok, good luck..
Just added strike through BB code. Because someone requested it in 'Modification not Available' forum. I know, should have been in the mod in the first place...
Just a suggestion, you should use inline styles rather than creating classes. Saves the need for an extra step.
You can tell this from my site; every page outside the forum is generally under 10KB in size. And all images are micro managed to the KB. |
Added a ton of button images, provided by a contributor.
I wonder, is it possible to make a bbcode that allows columns? Like having two columns next to one another with text and/or images in them?
That's a table. And there's already a mod for that here:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ighlight=table I use it myself. |
Here are some cool ones I put on my board:
Background Image Code:
Tag: bgimg Border Code:
Tag: border Hover Code:
Tag: hover Click Code:
Tag: click Hold Code:
Tag: hold Hide Code:
Tag: hide Also, for Blink, you can just use Code:
<blink>{param}</blink> |
Nice code. Oh, and the blink code does not work because Internet Explorer has NEVER supported any variant of it, just like how Netscape browsers never supported Marquee as it was Internet Explorer only code.
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