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-   -   [BOTM July 2007] Nomination Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=149172)

Guest190829 06-07-2007 07:37 PM

[BOTM July 2007] Nomination Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month July.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 30th of June. Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM June will remain open as well until the 30th of June.

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you include the site name or URL for the site you are seconding in your post. If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

v12kid 06-07-2007 08:27 PM

Site Name: Wizards Extreme
URL: http://www.wizardsextreme.com/
Description: Washington Wizard Fan Forum
Reason for Nomination: its the only and the best Wizards forum!

Shazz 06-07-2007 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by v12kid (Post 1263598)
Site Name: Wizards Extreme
URL: http://www.wizardsextreme.com/
Description: Washington Wizard Fan Forum
Reason for Nomination: its the only and the best Wizards forum!

Second :up:

no mods 06-07-2007 08:31 PM

Site Name: Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com

Description: A general talk community, were almost anything goes and everyone is invited. So dont be shy, we dont bite I swear. We have plenty of things to do, including an arcade and award system. So grab a drink, invite your friends, and have a chat!

Reason for Nomination: Coming along nicely, so might as well through it out there for nomination.

sonichero 06-08-2007 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by no mods (Post 1263602)
Site Name: Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com

Description: A general talk community, were almost anything goes and everyone is invited. So dont be shy, we dont bite I swear. We have plenty of things to do, including an arcade and award system. So grab a drink, invite your friends, and have a chat!

Reason for Nomination: Coming along nicely, so might as well through it out there for nomination.

Mmm... sexy...


Acers 06-08-2007 06:33 AM

Two sites

Site Name: FunEnclave
URL: www.funenclave.com
Description: A general fun site with discussions, funny forwards, gallery, jokes and sports related chat and leagues
Reason for Nomination: A lot of hard work has gone into the features of the site. Right from heavy hacking into the vbgallery for better seo to custom sms joke database. We have also a unique fantasy f1 league. A huge arcade to pass your time.

Site Name: TechEnclave
URL: www.techenclave.com
Description: Technology discussion website with special focus on high end computing. We also have extensive rig gallery and an award system
Reason for Nomination: More than 3 years old now, we have a new skin(based on vbseo style). Plus we boast of many unique scripts eg our computer rig gallery, Featured Threads and an active market system.

6piston 06-08-2007 06:39 AM

I am submitting my site again. I hope this is not against the rules?

Site Name: Zerotohundred.com
URL: http://www.zerotohundred.com
Description: The Automotive Enthusiasts' Network

Reason for Nomination:

I think it has a decent design for a vbulletin software.
I am especially proud of the mainpage.
Please allow time and let the main page load completely.We have images resizing script to automatically resize the images to match the layout. It may be a little slow, but that's mostly because of our server maxing out during peak hours.

Zerotohundred.com have lotsa content and is pretty big with 52,000members as well. So it is well established.

Things to notice:
-Main page
-Forum home icons

sonichero 06-08-2007 06:47 AM

Sorry for the second post, but i just finished some new touches to my forum
Site Name: Lambda Core
URL: http://www.lambdacoremodule.net/forums/index.php
Description: Game Modding and Creation Forum
Reason for Nomination:
Lot of custom work and some day it will have thousands of members that all want to create games.

nexialys 06-08-2007 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by no mods (Post 1263602)
Site Name: Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com

Description: A general talk community, were almost anything goes and everyone is invited. So dont be shy, we dont bite I swear. We have plenty of things to do, including an arcade and award system. So grab a drink, invite your friends, and have a chat!

Reason for Nomination: Coming along nicely, so might as well through it out there for nomination.

i also second this entry... this guy is pretty new in the market, and deserves some hits !!! (so he can pay for serious hosting and have a great style!)

Sofia 06-08-2007 11:38 AM

Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

Allan 06-08-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Sofia
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

Second of course :D

VBDev 06-08-2007 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

I third this entry :)

Bkdenice 06-08-2007 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

Second ^^

vegeta_99 06-08-2007 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

second :)

vertigo jones 06-08-2007 12:32 PM

Site Name: Stirrdup
URL: http://www.stirrdup.com

Description: Social news site similiar to Digg and Reddit, but built upon the idea that the content that is the most interesting isn't necessarily the same as what everyone agrees with. Stories gain points through users doing what they would normally do while using a site (clicking links and leaving comments) and the ones that gain the most interest are promoted to the main page. If they continue to hold interest, they will stay higher on the page until the time weighted system slowly moves them down to allow more fresh content in. This fixes the "bury brigade" censorship that plagues Digg and Reddit.

Reason for Nomination: The entire site is implemented using vbulletin plugins. Not a single file change. Really shows the flexibility of the system.

paradis 06-08-2007 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !


NeRilkA 06-08-2007 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

Second obviously :p

ssmol 06-08-2007 01:05 PM

Site Name: Bryansk City Forum

URL: http://altforum.bks-tv.ru

Bryansk city community - Acquaintances of the Announcement Verses Blogs Clubs

Reason for Nomination: City Forum russian

SilverVice 06-08-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

Second :up:

Didzi 06-08-2007 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

seconde ^^

Dragons76 06-08-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !

Second of course :up:

Mickmimi 06-08-2007 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1264065)
Site Name: vBulletin-Ressources

URL: www.vbulletin-ressources.com

Description: vBulletin-Ressources. com, a french communauty which offers hacks, translations, tutorials, styles and many more !! All you need to make a great vBulletin forum !
Reason for Nomination: A great french communauty simply, which increases the community vBulletin !


karel1985 06-08-2007 05:13 PM

Site Name: Pc Helpforum
URL: www.pc-helpforum.be
Description: Computer support
Reason for Nomination:

t's a dutch forum where people can post their computer problems or questions, u can find also tips and manuals, freeware etc. Since last month we exist 1 year and have now 290 registered members and 11000 posts.

I have customized completely self, we are running vbulletin only 2 month so i hope u like it i did my best so i could help out many people :cool:

Playa82 06-08-2007 07:40 PM

Site Name: Crackmuzik-GFX-Elite
URL: http://crackmuzik-gfx-elite.de
Description: GFX-Site and normal Community about Sigs, Wallpapers, Banners, Designing and many other Sections.
Reason for Nomination: I want to grow my Forum, and maybe this is a good way to see if somebody like it or not...

Roms 06-08-2007 11:30 PM

Site Name: Military Ltd
URL: http://www.militaryltd.com/

Description: Military Limited is a military website that features information, resources, events, groups, and organizations of the Armed Forces. Our online Community is filled with enthusiasts, military personnel, experts, and professionals from around the World. MilitaryLtd.Com is a leading resource for information about any subject matter relating to the Military world.

Reason for Nomination: It's a great community and resource.

no mods 06-08-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Roms (Post 1264464)
Site Name: Military Ltd
URL: http://www.militaryltd.com/

Description: Military Limited is a military website that features information, resources, events, groups, and organizations of the Armed Forces. Our online Community is filled with enthusiasts, military personnel, experts, and professionals from around the World. MilitaryLtd.Com is a leading resource for information about any subject matter relating to the Military world.

Reason for Nomination: It's a great community and resource.

Seconded, Nice Skin!

Mupetz 06-09-2007 08:40 PM

Site Name: Eastsideunited
URL: http://www.eastsideunited.org
Description: East Europe Brotherhood. Eastern countries hangout. Discussion board for all the eastern people.
Reason for Nomination: The forum is very clean. Original logo design and customized template.

radarhunter 06-10-2007 01:59 AM

Site Name : StepheniansOnline™

URL: http://www.StepheniansOnline.com/forum/home.php

Description: St.Stephens Students`Forum

Reason for Nomination : Have done a lot of hard work on it without any knowledge of any language. Won`t say that it`s the best cause there are far more better websites of VB members than me but i`ve worked very hard on it. Have done a lot of Mod work (graphical as well as addons mods)

To me it`s the best site but still it`s upto you guys to decide :)

shlomot 06-10-2007 04:30 AM

Reason for Nomination: Though young, The Relationships Forums have helped already a few in understanding, repairing, and enhancing their relationships.

The board is running on vb 3.6.7 PL1, vBa CMPS 3.0, vbSEO, and using ForumHeaven theme and several MODs such as Ultimate Side Columns, Welcome Header, and Limited Guest Viewing.

Thank you for voting your confidence in The Relationships Forums.

JVCode 06-10-2007 08:56 AM

Site Name: GeneralBanter.com
URL: www.GeneralBanter.com
Description: General Chat forum, Only a week old but have high hopes for it :D
Reason for Nomination: It's my site, so i'm nominating it, lol! :up:;)

Paul M 06-10-2007 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by radarhunter (Post 1265193)
Site Name : StepheniansOnline?

URL: http://www.StepheniansOnline.com/forum/home.php

Description: St.Stephens Students`Forum

Reason for Nomination : Have done a lot of hard work on it without any knowledge of any language. Won`t say that it`s the best cause there are far more better websites of VB members than me but i`ve worked very hard on it. Have done a lot of Mod work (graphical as well as addons mods)

To me it`s the best site but still it`s upto you guys to decide :)

Please check the BOTM rules: This site does not appear to be open to guests so it will not be allowed unless this is changed.

pspcrazy 06-11-2007 12:29 AM

Site Name: GamingCrazy.net Forums
URL: http://forums.pspcrazy.com/forums

Description: A community that pushes gaming forward with a friendly outtake on how discussion should be. Has tons of content, downloads, articles, and whenever you need any gaming help you can ask a question and get your question answered within 1 hour.

Reason for Nomination: A heavily modded community, that has been pushed to it's limits to show off how truly awesome a dark skin can look using vbulletin.

radarhunter 06-11-2007 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1265691)
Please check the BOTM rules: This site does not appear to be open to guests so it will not be allowed unless this is changed.

Done sire :D

MadKad 06-11-2007 03:31 PM

URL: http://www.mkpitstop.co.uk/forum

Description: MK PitStop is a website that helps people with a number of subjects as follows:

Computer Consoles
And More

MK PitStop allows all ages from 13 upwards. The forum is free and fully moderated to keep all content clean and respectful.

Reason for Nomination: I have been running MK PitStop for 1 Years, 5 Months, 25 days today, this website was started to allow myself and others to help people in the best way as we can. I have been on the computer every day since I started this website, apart from 4 days when I was ill (I even worked on it, on Christmas day). This website is my life and my biggest hobby; I place as much information on there from what I learn.

In the future I hope to add more subjects to the forums so that it can help more people, but at the moment I am trying my best to not put guests off. When I first started the website I tried using a different forum software and was very unhappy with the hard work I had to place in to remove the bugs, but then I went with vBulletin and it was the best thing I ever did with the website. I have installed lots of hacks and even started doing some my self, thanks to vBulletin.com & vBulletin.org with there great community they made this happen more for me.

I would give my right arm to make my forum to become one of the top leading forums on the internet, maybe one day if I keep trying this will happen, but until then I will just hope for my website to win BOTM.

Thank you.

Magnumutz 06-11-2007 06:47 PM

Site Name: Haste Network
URL: http://Haste-Network.net/index.php
Description: Gaming community
Reason for Nomination: one of the best & fairest gaming communities out there.

M-Tuning 06-11-2007 07:05 PM

Site Name: PSP-Media.nl

URL: http://www.psp-media.nl

Description: Dutch PSP (Playstation Portable) Gaming community

Reason for Nomination: The biggest Dutch PSP Homebrew site, and because we lost 4.000 members due to a HDD failure and an old backup. :(

GlitterKill 06-12-2007 12:56 AM

Site Name: PC Apex

URL: http://forums.pcapex.com

Description: A very active PC geek community site which features hardware reviews, modding articles, and the latest PC news and reviews from around the net. Our forum hosts modding worklogs, troubleshooting discussions, overclocking discussions and much MUCH more. With over 14,500 members, over 625K posts and over 100K threads... PC Apex is a long-standing home for geeks.

Reason for Nomination: Back when we first switched to VBulletin from myphpnuke back in July of 2002 we also created a custom CMS that was used to post our content and use VB as our comment and user registratin system. We still use VB as the core of our site and continue to expand on it via hacks from VB.org. Alot of customization has gone into this installation and our members seem to love every bit of it. :)

twizted@dragonm 06-12-2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by GlitterKill (Post 1266647)
Site Name: PC Apex

URL: http://forums.pcapex.com

Description: A very active PC geek community site which features hardware reviews, modding articles, and the latest PC news and reviews from around the net. Our forum hosts modding worklogs, troubleshooting discussions, overclocking discussions and much MUCH more. With over 14,500 members, over 625K posts and over 100K threads... PC Apex is a long-standing home for geeks.

Reason for Nomination: Back when we first switched to VBulletin from myphpnuke back in July of 2002 we also created a custom CMS that was used to post our content and use VB as our comment and user registratin system. We still use VB as the core of our site and continue to expand on it via hacks from VB.org. Alot of customization has gone into this installation and our members seem to love every bit of it. :)

I would like to second the nomination of PCApex..

3z3k3l 06-12-2007 01:34 PM

Site Name: PBXInfo
URL: http://www.pbxinfo.com

Description: Telecom Community focusing on today's telephone systems for home, Small Office and Large Enterprises. Provides informaiton on options for phone systems.

Reason for Nomiation: We are using VBulleting and VBAdavanced and wanted to get away from the typical "Forum" look and make it look more like a online professional portal. The forums are an intergral part of the site and as you see we have many mods including a custom Member of the Month mod that works very simliar to board or mod of the month but for members. Also we have incorporated a Wiki, News, and many other neat stuff in what we believe to be a very easy to naviage site. Our search works in the forums and/or the wiki.
We tried to be creative in its look and feel. Check it out and let us know what you think by voting.

drdeathuk69 06-12-2007 08:55 PM

Site Name: Auto Chat

URL: http://www.autochat.co.uk

Description: A new community site specifically created for people who enjoy motoring, whether it is professionally, competitively or simply enjoy a Sunday drive!

Reason for Nomination: I have never found a forum that has gone into so much deapth on the cars section, Most forums just cover one car where Auto Chat covers all (if yours is not on there all ya need to do is request your car and it gets added :up: )

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