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toonysnn 06-06-2007 10:00 PM

EzIRC Chat
EzIRC for vBulletin 3.6 has been discontinued. You can now only install for vBulletin 3.7.x.


"EzIRC" Chat is a simple and easy-to-use IRC addon using pJIRC, it will advance on and on in the future.
Yes, I know, this is a simple script, but I'm new to the vBulletin coding (at least, releasing something to the public)

Just some IRC Servers...
  • irc.guru-game.com
  • irc.gamesurge.net
  • irc.freenode.net

Snatch 06-07-2007 02:16 PM


toonysnn 06-07-2007 04:25 PM

The old attachment did not add the template for some reason, and the XML had a few bugs, I updated it, and double checked this time that it worked. :)
1.0.0a released
The product has been updated, you can rather download the whole package or just the XML, the XML is only for users that have already downloaded the package before as it is just a huge fix, please remove the previous product (ID: ezirc) and upload the new one.
Sorry for any inconvience!
If anything is found wrong with this package, I will release 1.0.0b
Aaand it seems options are missing...
Just to make it easier I will make the settings (evil imo) in a new XML
1.0.0b released
Okay, finally I have gotten it tested properly on both my live and my test forum. Enjoy and sorry for any trouble this may have caused you.

EDIT: White Page error in 1.0.0b ^^

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 12:10 AM

I've uploaded and installed this to our site.

I'd like to access it before adding it to the nav bar.

How can I do this?

I've gone here: http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/irc/irc.php

Only to find a blank page.

I uploaded the irc folder to /vbulletin/

What have I done wrong?

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 12:15 AM

Ok - Just found something - maybe....

The only phrase that is associated with the IRC chat modification is $vbphrase[ircchatbox] the instructions state to insert the code $vbphrase[ircchat] in the navbar.

There is no phrase 'ircchat' anywhere?

changed it to ircchatbox in the navbar and still no dice.

rjmjr69 06-08-2007 01:25 AM

Nice work will reserve for future features.

AzzidReign 06-08-2007 02:04 AM

I've always used flashchat...but I don't like it as much as IRC so I might have to give this a whirl!!

toonysnn 06-08-2007 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1263757)
Ok - Just found something - maybe....

The only phrase that is associated with the IRC chat modification is $vbphrase[ircchatbox] the instructions state to insert the code $vbphrase[ircchat] in the navbar.

There is no phrase 'ircchat' anywhere?

changed it to ircchatbox in the navbar and still no dice.

The phrase changed? o.O
Gah let me check the XML...it hasn't liked me since I first started on this mod...

Check and make sure the template 'EzIRCvB' is in your templates, if it isn't then I will have to reupload a new zip... I thought I fixed that... o.O.

Ooops! Sorry I forgot to change the php name... will upload a php or a zip of this fix. Thanks for letting me know.
Also: I am fixing the readme issue. :D

EDIT: Everything should be fixed, threw in a quick fix and double checked the XML for any, and I mean any, errors. PHP looks fine, so now all I have to do is add the new features I have in plan :)

As I've said before, sorry for any confusion this has caused.

PS: If you still get a white error page, please tell me.

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 11:06 AM

still getting a white page.

First I tried just uploading the new .php file, nothing.

So I downloaded it all again and reinstalled.

No dice that way either. Still a blank page.

toonysnn 06-08-2007 04:47 PM

Hmm strange, I'll look for a way around this, might just be a stupid PHP error :p [It was :rolleyes:]

This fix will be part of the 1.0.1 release sometime today as stated in the first post with the new features.

EDIT: The white page error is fixed, it was just a globaltemplates missing value. :p
EzIRC 1.0.1 will be released soon, once I get to test the last few things for the new features, even if they are simple lol

1.0.1 released
Added some functionality, template revert required for the new settings to work, if you plan to just overwrite the XML. That is, it won't upgrade if you changed it... I think. :p
Fixed white page issue, thanks to RedGTiVR6 for the quick notice before the next release.

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 06:23 PM

Good news!

Most of the page is showing up. Might just need to check some links on some images.

For instance, the image link on a few shows up as: http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/irc/...bits_start.gif

when it shouldn't have the /irc/ folder there.

I am getting the attached certificate error though when I access the page.

toonysnn 06-08-2007 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1264298)
Good news!

Most of the page is showing up. Might just need to check some links on some images.

I am getting the attached certificate error though when I access the page:

I may just have to find a easier way to include a html file with the IRC and have irc.php in the forum root directory. Probably use a iframe without the frame showing

Also, the certificate error happens to me, but it's a pJIRC thing, :P

And my images are set to http://mydomain.info/forums/testvb/images instead of images/ so I never noticed that o.O Maybe I can find a way to add a images redirect to /forumroot/images


For instance, the image link on a few shows up as: http://www.mp3car.com/vbulletin/irc/...bits_start.gif

when it shouldn't have the /irc/ folder there.
Ah! I see... I may have to use something in the bottom of the PHP file to replace /irc/images with /images/

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 07:15 PM

When I try to connect to irc.efnet.org #mp3car using ezirc I get the following error in IE7:


Unable to connect : java.net.SocketException : Software caused connection abort: connect
another user is helping me test and it returned the following to them in FireFox 1.5.x and in IE6 as well:


Logging in... 
-- *** Processing connection to efnet.xs4all.nl 
-- *** Looking up your hostname... 
-- *** Checking Ident 
-- *** Got Ident response 
-- *** Couldn't look up your hostname 
Error : Closing Link: (Bad user info) 
Disconnected from irc.efnet.org

Also, did a quick search and came upon this:


toonysnn 06-08-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1264328)
When I try to connect to irc.efnet.org #mp3car using ezirc I get the following error in IE7:


Unable to connect : java.net.SocketException : Software caused connection abort: connect
another user is helping me test and it returned the following to them in FireFox 1.5.x and in IE6 as well:


Logging in... 
-- *** Processing connection to efnet.xs4all.nl 
-- *** Looking up your hostname... 
-- *** Checking Ident 
-- *** Got Ident response 
-- *** Couldn't look up your hostname 
Error : Closing Link: (Bad user info) 
Disconnected from irc.efnet.org

Also, did a quick search and came upon this:


When trying to connect to efnet.xs4all.nl, I got the same thing:

Logging in...
-- *** Processing connection to efnet.xs4all.nl
-- *** Looking up your hostname...
-- *** Checking Ident
-- *** No Ident response
-- *** Found your hostname
Error : Closing Link: (Bad user info)
Disconnected from efnet.xs4all.nl

But when connecting to irc.efnet.org I got the same error as you.
I'm not sure what the deal with the Ident is... when my friend get's on, he can help more with this problem since he's the 'irc master' in his words.
I could connect just fine to efnet.xs4all.nl with mIRC, so I don't truely know what's going on.

EDIT: Wait... userinfo? Hmm. That's something I may be able to fix. I'll look into that, too.

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 07:53 PM

With the suggestion of the same user, I went into the pjirc.cfg file and made the following change:


no dice here either.

seems that it's reading as the client that's connecting.

It should be requesting that info from the user accessing the IRC page, then passing it to the server. Right?

toonysnn 06-08-2007 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1264346)
With the suggestion of the same user, I went into the pjirc.cfg file and made the following change:


no dice here either.

seems that it's reading as the client that's connecting.

It should be requesting that info from the user accessing the IRC page, then passing it to the server. Right?

Yeah, it should get their host, but as the looks of things, its thinking the host server, the IRC server, is being the host. That could be the problem.
The only thing I can think of is to use a old PHP function I used to use in the pjirc.cfg, dunno if that'd work well though..

RedGTiVR6 06-08-2007 08:39 PM

so you're saying to change the .cfg file back and try it?

Not sure what that would do since it didn't work before I made the change?

toonysnn 06-08-2007 08:48 PM

Well I'm not saying that, the only success I can get to the server your using is via mIRC between the web and GUI clients.
What seems to be the only problem for that server is that it's rejecting the ident or what ever it is.
EDIT: My friend knew what was going on:

Originally Posted by mmavipc
some servers require aident authentication form a ident server which pjirc dosent have

Easier to read:
Some servers require a ident authenication from a ident server which pJIRC doesn't have.

RedGTiVR6 06-09-2007 12:35 AM

so then....no dice for our channel on that server using this mod??

toonysnn 06-09-2007 02:23 AM

No dice for any mod using pJIRC for efnet, sorry.

Terrasoft 06-11-2007 10:05 PM

Something weird. In the top left corner, the redirect page goes to /irc/index.php or in my case /irc/forum.php

How do I change it so it just goes to /forum.php and not in the irc folder which it shouldnt be since the correct location isnt in the irc folder?

toonysnn 06-13-2007 05:28 AM

You could make a forum.php file in /irc/ as this:
PHP Code:

('Location: ../forum.php');

It will redirect it to /forum.php instead of /irc/forum.php

RedGTiVR6 06-19-2007 07:58 PM

would it be possible to have two of these running on the forum?

We'd like to have a general chat then a specific chat for support reasons.

Would this be possible? If so, would you mind explaining how I would go about doing it?

Trigr 06-19-2007 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1267435)
You could make a forum.php file in /irc/ as this:
PHP Code:

('Location: ../forum.php');

It will redirect it to /forum.php instead of /irc/forum.php

still doesnt work. it seems anything i click in my nav bar thinks its going to /irc/ instead of back to my root directory.

toonysnn 06-20-2007 02:45 AM

@Trigr: Weird. And I've known about the navbar issue, I'm working on a fix for that.
@RedGTiVR6: I can make a seperate XML for what you need, and it would require a seperate PHP file, but right now I am working on 1.0.2 (it will be in the root dir instead of /irc/ this time). I'll make it as soon as 1.0.2 works. :)

RedGTiVR6 06-20-2007 12:54 PM

wow - that would be great! Thanks!

I think we're going to end up creating some new rooms for our forum. This would take care of the efnet problems we were running into earlier. That room was created back in 98.

Also, how hard would it be to code in archiving?

andrewkhunn 06-20-2007 11:34 PM

This is a great plugin. I did some light hacking of the template and came up with what I think is a pretty elegant solution for my forum. You can see it in action right here:


Thanks toonysnn!

toonysnn 06-21-2007 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6 (Post 1272446)
wow - that would be great! Thanks!

I think we're going to end up creating some new rooms for our forum. This would take care of the efnet problems we were running into earlier. That room was created back in 98.

Also, how hard would it be to code in archiving?

Archieving? You mean on yoursite.com/forum/archive? I wouldn't know that, my knowledge of vB coding is limited, even if I knew what you were talking about =P
@andrewkhunn: Wow, you did what I was trying to fix (and failed, x.x) ... or did you just put the IRC files in the main dir? :lol:
Your welcome :)
@RedGTiVR6: Here's a seperate addon for you, the new phrases will added on and the PHP file you can rename to what ever you want and put it in the /irc/ folder to get it to work (unless andrew would be kind enough to tell us how he made chat.php in the main dir and /irc/ still holding the files :p) Rename the irc.php file provided in the attachments below to what ever you wish and set the settings in the ACP :)

(This should work, if not just tell me and I'll work it out on my test board. :))

PS: 1.0.2 may not be out for a week or so, I've been a bit busy with my friends with a coding school thing and setting up all the website PHP/MySQL stuff =P

RedGTiVR6 06-21-2007 01:38 PM

archiving, as in if we're holding a support dicussion with some members. Hit a button and it saves the conversation as a text file.

Thanks for the custom mod. Just so I can make sure we're on the same page, this will allow us to run multiple instances of an IRC chat on the forums, right?

Thanks so much!

toonysnn 06-21-2007 04:35 PM

Ah, I see. I would guess that'd be a mod to pJIRC which I've never heard of it before, but I'll look around :)

Your welcome, it will run multiple instances but it will require a php edit and many xml edits (just adding another letter after the phrases [not sure if necassary] and settings etc lol)

I'll be happy to make more copies of it, if ya need it.

Snake 06-21-2007 06:30 PM

Is there any difference with this hack?


toonysnn 06-24-2007 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Snake (Post 1273398)
Is there any difference with this hack?


His or her's is probably better, that's probably one of the diffrences :p
This is just a quick code I made for vB and wanted to release it cause I was bored :/

But yes, there are diffrences and their's is actually better for v1.0

Terrasoft 07-23-2007 08:02 AM

I hope to see a new update from you soon. Both mods are lacking in the same aspect and have same errors but we have yet to see anyone update theirs with the fixes. :(

MetalORock 07-23-2007 02:53 PM

i don't have images on the header ! can you fix it please :)

aggiefan 07-23-2007 06:32 PM

is there a list of free irc servers we could use?

and i looked at a few of the demo's and the one thing missing i dont see yet is the ability to change colors of your text? for our members this is a must and if its possible id like to know how.

toonysnn 08-03-2007 12:35 PM

Sorry I was really busy lately with some major stuff, haven't been able to work on this much at all.

For those of you having the image problems, try using Replacment Variable Manager for the Style Managment in the Admin CP (you have to do this for every style)
Search for Text
Replace with Text


Originally Posted by Terrasoft
I hope to see a new update from you soon. Both mods are lacking in the same aspect and have same errors but we have yet to see anyone update theirs with the fixes. :(

What is it missing?

Originally Posted by aggiefan
is there a list of free irc servers we could use?

and i looked at a few of the demo's and the one thing missing i dont see yet is the ability to change colors of your text? for our members this is a must and if its possible id like to know how.

What do you mean for "change colors of your text?" You mean like a modification to the java applet to have a user option to choose the color they'd like or have default black?

Also you can try Googling for servers. :p

Ricsca 08-10-2007 10:53 PM

Good... work ;)

aggiefan 08-11-2007 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by toonysnn (Post 1308915)
What is it missing?
What do you mean for "change colors of your text?" You mean like a modification to the java applet to have a user option to choose the color they'd like or have default black?

Also you can try Googling for servers. :p

I was talking about letting users select their own text color.... namely because its easier to tell who is who when there are a bunch of people chatting... it all runs together sometimes and having different colors for each person helps.

And I know there are a bunch of "free" ones but was hoping to find something recommended or a good and reliable server to use. thats preferably free. Ive dabbled with irc in the past but its been ages and I dont know which ones are good these days.

toonysnn 08-15-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by aggiefan (Post 1314996)
I was talking about letting users select their own text color.... namely because its easier to tell who is who when there are a bunch of people chatting... it all runs together sometimes and having different colors for each person helps.

And I know there are a bunch of "free" ones but was hoping to find something recommended or a good and reliable server to use. thats preferably free. Ive dabbled with irc in the past but its been ages and I dont know which ones are good these days.

Ah, I see.
I couldn't really do that since I don't know if it's easy or not to make php work with the java applet to make the text change colors via user cp.

Well, I can no longer do development on this, since my license is due to expire in a month (Leased license) and I've got a game server to get running at the moment, along with many other things.

chris_m 08-18-2007 05:13 PM

Anyone have any info on how to fix broken images?

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