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Inferno Tech 05-15-2007 10:00 PM

[ITech] [AJAX] Inferno vBShout Lite 2.5.0
1 Attachment(s)
[ITech] [AJAX] Inferno vBShout Lite
Created By Inferno Technologies (http://www.infernotechnologies.net)
Copyright 2004-2008
All rights reserved
Project Development Team: Zero Tolerance
Project Lead: Iain "Decado" Kidd
Support Forum: http://forums.infernotechnologies.ne...-Supp-f23.html

Pro Version: http://infernotechnologies.net/idx/infernoshout/

2.5.1 Update
Fixed Bug: Archive Pagination wasn't working (page 2 showed same content as page 1)
Fixed Bug: Archive member links did not work
AOP Change: AOP now uses aop.txt, to work on IIS servers.

Project Description

This is the latest version of Inferno vBShout LITE, the free version of our Inferno vBShout Pro product (see above link). Those who were running 1.0.1 Lite will find a lot of useful upgrades and additions, including aesthetic changes and many bug fixes and most importantly a huge decrease in server load and bandwidth consumption.

This version is supported, exclusively at our support forums.

  • AJAX Shoutbox
  • AJAX Shoutbox Active Users
  • Formatting Options Saved
  • Notice posted when user replies to a thread
  • Notice posted when user creates a new thread
  • Notices posted for most admin commands executed
  • /prune command (admin only)
  • /ban userid or username command (admin only)
  • /unban userid or username command (admin only)
  • /notice message (admin only) Assigns shoutbox notice
  • /removenotive (admin only) Removes any assgned shoutbox notice
  • On/off switch for the Shoutbox
  • Enhanced Page Deployment - Easily place the shoutbox ANYWHERE in your forum
  • Editor Colours/Fonts editable
  • Editor Position
  • Shoutbox frame height
  • Select which editor tools to display
  • Select which BBCodes are allowed within the shoutbox
  • Allow images in the shoutbox
  • Allow smilies in the shoutbox
  • Edit shoutbox notice (alternate to using command)
  • Edit shoutbox banned users (alternate to using command)
  • Idle Timeout (Seconds) - Set how many seconds before a user becomes idle in the shoutbox, this stops shoutbox updates
  • Select Usergroups who can use admin commands
  • Enter forum ID(s) which are exempt from new thread/reply shoutbox notices
  • Archive System (view all shouts, see shout statistics, view top shouters)
  • Shoutbox Lockdown Mode (Only 1 userid will be able to shout)
  • Shouts To Display (How many shouts you want to display)
  • Flood Control (Shouts cannot be posted after X seconds of shout)
  • Use Normal Font Size (instead of using small font)
  • Shout Listings Order (Show newest at top or bottom)
  • Smilies To Show (set how many smilies you want to show)
  • Maximum [SIZE] (Set the maximum size allowed for the [SIZE] tag)
  • Protected Usergroups (cannot be banned)
  • Disable Thread/Reply Notices
  • Thread/Reply Notice Exemptions (Enter forum IDs to be exempt)
  • AJAX Refresh Speed (Set how fast ajax will refresh)
  • Smilies Menu
  • Hide Shoutbox To UGs

Additional Features

The auto-idle system will drastically lower server load on sites with many users on at the same time. It allows you to automatically set the user to "idle" in the shoutbox, meaning the shoutbox will load shouts once, then idle the user until the click the unidle button or make a shout. Afterwards they will idle as normal (as set in the ACP).

Shoutbox Advanced Optimised Protocol
The Shoutbox AOP is a brand new feature that when turned on will dramatically cut server resources/bandwidth used by the shoutbox. Instead of the shoutbox refreshing every X seconds to check if there is new data, it will know when there is new data and only refresh then, meaning when there is no activity in the shoutbox, no resources will be consumed, or bandwidth.

Shoutbox Low Level Logging
The shoutbox low level logging system will provide you with a log of shout edits, deletes, bans, unbans, notices and remove notice commands. This will help you keep track of commands being used in the shoutbox. This can be turned off.

Private Message System
When clicking a username in the shoutbox, it will now open a new "tab" (This is a shoutbox tab, not a browser tab). In this tab you will be able to privately chat to the member where only they and you will see the messages. This helps split private chats and the main chat, and you can have as many private chats open as you like!

vBSEO Issues?
If you're encountering issues with vBSEO this is most likely due to the option within vBSEO to "clean html", you do not need to turn this option off, but you will need to change the plugin for vBShout. Go to the Plugin Manager within your ACP, and find the plugin: "Inferno Shoutbox: Deploy Shoutbox". Edit this plugin, and where you see the option "Execution Order", set this to 1 and save, you should no longer encounter issues.

I'll update screenshots soon! 5am here right now...


Zero Tolerance
Inferno Technologies Lead Developer

Zero Tolerance 05-16-2007 12:19 AM

No joke... I posted this ;)

- Zero Tolerance

Distance 05-16-2007 12:19 AM

Inspired by Distance.. wow :p

Although I already had it installed before you released it and I was the first to download it.. (Sorry, Had to let everyone know that.. :p xD)

Its a great improvement from the vbshout 2.1 you released.. :D

The only things I think could be added are:

Ban usergroups
Show shoutbox to usergroups... x,x,x
New shouts at top / bottom
Shoutbox lockdown (Only userid1 can post)
Have a smiley menu

Anyway great release.. My users are already loving it :)


Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 12:23 AM

Added your suggestions that we didnt have to the list for "Pro" ;)

Shazz 05-16-2007 12:24 AM

Wow 5 Star without even downloading the zip yet :)

TTG 05-16-2007 01:11 AM

Found a small bug .. If a member makes a post, it's added to the shoutbox but if the post is deleted it still shows in the shoutbox.

Members are missing the clickable smilie row from the old 2.1 shoutbox.

Shazz 05-16-2007 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by TTG (Post 1248429)
Found a small bug .. If a member makes a post, it's added to the shoutbox but if the post is deleted it still shows in the shoutbox.

Members are missing the clickable smilie row from the old 2.1 shoutbox.

The smilie thing is comming soon or in the full. Not sure what Zero's status is

Replicators 05-16-2007 01:14 AM

Im not gonna install this, because i plan to buy the pro version, but great job ZT! You know i been impatiently waiting for this >8)

TTG 05-16-2007 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1248431)
Im not gonna install this, because i plan to buy the pro version, but great job ZT! You know i been impatiently waiting for this >8)

There is a pro version ?
Good to ZT posting his excellent hacks once again :up:

blockbusted 05-16-2007 01:18 AM

How does this compare to the regular vBshout in regards to server load?

EDIT: Also, any way to get it on the vB CMPS?

Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 01:20 AM

The mod hasn't been tested on a slow server yet, but thanks to some of the new features (idle timeout etc) and a complete code optimisation and overhaul, it should be much MUCH more efficient.

Pro version is in the works, our aim is to release it within the next week, it will have lots of cool new features. Planned is:

Multi-Shoutbox Page Deployment
Double Click Fast Edits
Smiley Menu

The following commands


There are other features planned as well, but those will stay a secret for now ;)

- Iain "Decado" Kidd, Inferno Technologies Co-Owner

Skavenger 05-16-2007 01:49 AM

An option to integrate the shoutbox to vBa CMPS would be wonderfull

Thank you for the hack

itsblack 05-16-2007 01:58 AM

An option to prune the messages depends on days would be nice

xxHxx 05-16-2007 02:44 AM

again no flood control option !!!

SEOvB 05-16-2007 03:40 AM

Doesn't seem to work with vBSEO enabled.

after disabling vBSEO it works pefectly fine. instead of index every thing is simply rewritten to /, ex:

http://www.yoursite.com/forums/index.php = without vBSEO
http://www.yoursite.com/forums/ = with vBSEO

TTG 05-16-2007 04:23 AM

How can I increase the font size in the shoutbox ?

ssslippy 05-16-2007 04:31 AM

Where did the archives go? Also the ability to ban a usergroup. This is still amazing well done and I can even see the load time cut.

StuntFactoryX 05-16-2007 04:42 AM

does this one work like the flatfile shoutbox or more simular to the first one here on vb.org? my host didnt like me much w/ the first. :)

1337_macro 05-16-2007 04:52 AM

Im getting a error https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2007/05/15.jpg

It looks way outta wack on my forum. Maybe you can help me with this?

bashy 05-16-2007 05:10 AM

Does this use the flatfile?
That version was such an improvement on system resources...

Could this version be used a long side the 2.1 flatfile version?

We use the 2.1 just for the staff, so an ajax one for the members would be a bonus :)

sensimilla 05-16-2007 05:37 AM

Doesn't look good with custom skin like tren_z for example from extremepixels
Thanks for the effort anyway, nominated.

Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1248509)
Where did the archives go? Also the ability to ban a usergroup. This is still amazing well done and I can even see the load time cut.

The archives are coming out as part of the Pro edition and i believe that the ability to ban a usergroup is too.


Originally Posted by StuntFactoryX (Post 1248511)
does this one work like the flatfile shoutbox or more simular to the first one here on vb.org? my host didnt like me much w/ the first. :)

Unfortunatly this is not a flat file system but the code has been greatly optimised so that the shoutbox wont pull alot of resouces so your host should have no problem with it.


Originally Posted by 1337_macro (Post 1248515)
Im getting a error https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2007/05/15.jpg

It looks way outta wack on my forum. Maybe you can help me with this?

I believe this is a template problem, if you could tell me hwat template you are using then i will see what we can do to help you.


Originally Posted by bashy (Post 1248522)
Does this use the flatfile?
That version was such an improvement on system resources...

Could this version be used a long side the 2.1 flatfile version?

We use the 2.1 just for the staff, so an ajax one for the members would be a bonus :)

No this version does not use flat file althogh the code has been greatly optimised so it will still be a great improvement on system resources. Yes this version can be used alongside 2.1 thanks to the difference in deployment and filename.


Originally Posted by sensimilla (Post 1248534)
Doesn't look good with custom skin like tren_z for example from extremepixels
Thanks for the effort anyway, nominated.

Thankyou very much for the nomination

Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer

Henry187 05-16-2007 07:00 AM

Great mod! Depending on the price of the full version, I may purchase it.

However, in my shoutbox, clicking my username says that the user doesn't exist. The reason for this is because there's no ID number being given in the url of my name, within my shouts so the member.php can't $_GET anything.

I forgot to mention: quite easily my Nominated Mod of the Month.

cyberphr 05-16-2007 07:59 AM

Thanks! :)

cyberphr 05-16-2007 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Henry187 (Post 1248573)
Great mod! Depending on the price of the full version, I may purchase it.

However, in my shoutbox, clicking my username says that the user doesn't exist. The reason for this is because there's no ID number being given in the url of my name, within my shouts so the member.php can't $_GET anything.

I forgot to mention: quite easily my Nominated Mod of the Month.

Yes, it doesn't get my User ID either.

Tri@de 05-16-2007 08:21 AM

Can i put the shoutbox only in the admin forums?
How i can do it?

Distance 05-16-2007 09:03 AM

You could do that by using 'if conditions' around the shoutbox tag.

Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 09:20 AM

Flood control, font size change are both features coming in pro.

Tri@de 05-16-2007 09:25 AM

can you explain me?

cyberphr 05-16-2007 09:25 AM

This f*cks up my portal, since the page is also index.php but in a different directory...

Mr_Snob 05-16-2007 09:45 AM

heyy how can i show this inferno shoutbox on every vbulletin page?

JamieLee2k 05-16-2007 10:09 AM

I think I am going to wait for the Pro version

Neo_Angelo 05-16-2007 10:14 AM

Another fantastic release from ZT and the gang, well done guys, i'll wait for the pro version since i'm quite happy with my 2.1 shoutbox for now, i just love your works. *saves up some $ to buy pro*

blockbusted 05-16-2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by blockbusted (Post 1248434)
How does this compare to the regular vBshout in regards to server load?

EDIT: Also, any way to get it on the vB CMPS?


Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1248489)
Doesn't seem to work with vBSEO enabled.

after disabling vBSEO it works pefectly fine. instead of index every thing is simply rewritten to /, ex:

http://www.yoursite.com/forums/index.php = without vBSEO
http://www.yoursite.com/forums/ = with vBSEO

We will have a loo into that so that it will wok along side vBSEO just hang in there :)


Originally Posted by Henry187 (Post 1248573)
Great mod! Depending on the price of the full version, I may purchase it.

However, in my shoutbox, clicking my username says that the user doesn't exist. The reason for this is because there's no ID number being given in the url of my name, within my shouts so the member.php can't $_GET anything.

I forgot to mention: quite easily my Nominated Mod of the Month.

We tried to recreate this locally and we couldnt find a problem, could you send me a link to your site to have a look please?


Originally Posted by cyberphr (Post 1248632)
This f*cks up my portal, since the page is also index.php but in a different directory...

could you let us know what it does to your portal and what portal system it is please? Then we may be able to help you out.

Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer

EnIgMa1234 05-16-2007 10:51 AM

thanks!! :D

GrendelKhan{TSU 05-16-2007 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1248489)
Doesn't seem to work with vBSEO enabled.

after disabling vBSEO it works pefectly fine. instead of index every thing is simply rewritten to /, ex:

http://www.yoursite.com/forums/index.php = without vBSEO
http://www.yoursite.com/forums/ = with vBSEO

doh! was going to try it out till I saw that.

I'll wait for seo compatibility before changing from the oringal vbshoutbox. :)

Inferno Tech 05-16-2007 11:26 AM

Fair enough, keep an eye on this thread we will let you know when it is updated

Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer

ShawnV 05-16-2007 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Replicators (Post 1248431)
Im not gonna install this, because i plan to buy the pro version, but great job ZT! You know i been impatiently waiting for this >8)

Same here, /drool


Fearlessninja 05-16-2007 11:31 AM

Some problems...
1. No color change like on your SS for the top nav bar in the shoutbox. Same color the message area.
2. Click on user in shoutbox goes to: /member.php?u= leading to no member profile.

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