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-   -   [BOTM June 2007] Nominations Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=146399)

Guest190829 05-03-2007 06:54 PM

[BOTM June 2007] Nominations Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month June.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 31th of May . Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM May will remain open as well until the 31th of May.

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you include the site name or URL for the site you are seconding in your post. If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

OziloZ 05-03-2007 08:11 PM

Site Name: Mygeyiq
URL: http://mygeyiq.com
Description: Mygeyiq is a funny forum site.Users are talking about comical news; anecdotes; funny links,videos,pictures and all about funny things..
Reason for Nomination: I and my friends were create the first fun based forum in Turkey. We took it 3.5 years but its founder sold it someone.After that we created Mygeyiq (The previous one is Geyiq lol ). 316 days past from creation. It has over 700.000 posts and 16.400 threads. We didn't take any advertisement until now. Additionally I think our design is simple and usefull.

HMBeaty 05-03-2007 08:28 PM

Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts

Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday.

Shazz 05-03-2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1240854)
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts

Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday.

Second :up:

snobird1211 05-04-2007 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports View Post
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts

Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday.
second this site.

Playa82 05-04-2007 06:02 AM

Site Name: Crackmuzik-GFX-Elite
URL: http://crackmuzik-gfx-elite.de
Description: GFX-Site and normal Community about Sigs, Wallpapers, Banners, Designing and many other Sections.
Reason for Nomination: I want to grow my Forum, and maybe this is a good way to see if somebody like it or not...

Bratz-Designs 05-04-2007 06:09 AM

~Site Name~
Bratz-designs is a community dedicated to photoshop and other
graphics programs. We offer tutorials, resources and all other
kinds of things to help make people a better designer.
~Reason for Nomination~
We have been online for almost 3 years now. Would be great if
we won on our 3rd anniversary :)

Zowners 05-04-2007 07:35 AM

Site Name: For Teens By Teens

URL: http://www.forteensbyteens.com

Description: For Teens By Teens is a community dedicated to teenagers, our main aim is to create a place where teenagers can get away from life's problems and get help and support, as well as meeting friendly people there own age!

Reason for Nomination: We provide a freindly place where you can find answers to common problems such as pregnancy and puberty, we are currently building a small information center for our users located here: http://www.forteensbyteens.com/index.php?page=guide

The reason I have nominated our website is for recognition for what my members have done for activity and suggestions on the website, they deserve this title as they have helped me in so many ways, it will be a great way to get word out on the forum and will allow us to get more activity to this place!

sonichero 05-04-2007 11:09 PM

Site Name: Lambda Core
URL: www.lambdacoremodule.net
Description: A community where aspiring game developers can come together and create game modifications and work on game related applications, talk about game dev, learn game dev, and maybe even help make a full-blown game. Currently not public, release soon.
Reason for Nomination: Ive worked very hard on the styling and modification on this board. There are a lot of mods customized to my liking as well as the templates fully tricked out like my postbit_legacy, which i am still working on.

QsKGlobal.com 05-05-2007 12:14 AM

Site Name: Gaming Vidz
URL: www.GamingVidz.com
Description: A great online gamer community

Reason for Nomination: An amazing site with great members, staff, and wonderful a reputation throughout the online gaming world. (And a sexy skin to go along with it).

KipLarson 05-05-2007 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by QsKGlobal.com (Post 1241682)
Site Name: Gaming Vidz
URL: www.GamingVidz.com
Description: A great online gamer community

Reason for Nomination: An amazing site with great members, staff, and wonderful a reputation throughout the online gaming world. (And a sexy skin to go along with it).

Second ;) Thanks for the nomination I'm glad the skin is finally done. *whew*

ParaNoyaK 05-05-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by OziloZ (Post 1240835)
Site Name: Mygeyiq
URL: http://mygeyiq.com
Description: Mygeyiq is a funny forum site.Users are talking about comical news; anecdotes; funny links,videos,pictures and all about funny things..
Reason for Nomination: I and my friends were create the first fun based forum in Turkey. We took it 3.5 years but its founder sold it someone.After that we created Mygeyiq (The previous one is Geyiq lol ). 316 days past from creation. It has over 700.000 posts and 16.400 threads. We didn't take any advertisement until now. Additionally I think our design is simple and usefull.

seconded :up:

giovannicosta 05-06-2007 11:38 AM

Site Name: Computer Forumz
URL: www.computerforumz.org
Description: Free Computer Help - 24/7/365
Reason for Nomination: I am nominating Computer Forumz as both the staff and members have worked hard to make it a united community in which they can get support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year :)

sanjay369 05-06-2007 06:07 PM

SITE:General [M]ayhem Forums![/B]

URL: www.genmay.com

Description: Large off-topic forums with a pruned user base of around 50K users. Unusual in that the off-topic forum is the lead forum and tech, auto, etc are sub-forums only. The forum is a 'real-time' forum because there are a few hundred to thousand users online simultaneoulsy through out the day...

Genmay was formed when the off-topic forums at Hardforums.com were abruptly shut down in July 2003- a few members decided to create their own country on the internet.

Reason for Nomination:Genmay has been famous for several key internet events such as the public availability of Paris Hilton's hacked sidekick directory- article mentioning genmay in Washington Post and the Christopher Walken 2008 fake presidential bid reference #21 on his wikipedia entry.

Since last year we have been at the center of a wikipedia conspiracy when our entry was deleted suddenly

Genmay is now the anchor of a whole network of forums. All users have been merged so that any user can post on any network forum with their original log-on and password.

The network forums include:

www.spiceforums.com (adult conversation)
www.eternal-allegaince.com (celebrities and their fans)
www.bigscreentalk.com (TV and Movies)
www.therockforum.com (rock n roll)
www.lovethatsound.com (all other music)
www.forumbabes.com (forum hot or not type forum)

Genmay.com has the benefit of many customizations which will be pushed onto the other forums including all the fun stuff that is for sale in our store Basically, since genmay is a rough and tumble, off-topic forum- you have the ability to pay for moderation of each other through paid thread-locks and unlocks. Additionally an individual can have their avatar and title messed with through the store. We believe in Mayhem and these features add to the chaos. The sub-forums are very much on-topic however, and people are impressed at how fast their threads are commented on in any of these subject specific sub-forums.

I would truly appreciate a second to this nomination! :)

We will soon have the ability for users to purchase banners and text ads across our entire network. We will only accept ads from users that relate to their own e-business, or that are links to their threads or efforts online- no commercial advertising.

Beyond all of this will be the launch of our super secret, integrated user profile, search, and transaction engine- www.crowdgather.com

ktutorials 05-06-2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bratz-Designs (Post 1241127)
~Site Name~
Bratz-designs is a community dedicated to photoshop and other
graphics programs. We offer tutorials, resources and all other
kinds of things to help make people a better designer.
~Reason for Nomination~
We have been online for almost 3 years now. Would be great if
we won on our 3rd anniversary :)

looks a nice site... I am nominating(second) it... :)

Nudda 05-06-2007 09:47 PM

Site Name: The Linkin Park Projekt
URL: www.lpprojekt.com , www.lpprojekt.com/forum
Description: Dedicated to Linkin Park, updated daily with news and updates (Their new album is due on the 15th!)
Reason for Nomination: Great graphic design and style, with lots of hacks and customizations. Traffic has boomed in the last couple weeks!

harmor19 05-06-2007 11:48 PM

Site Name: Xen Web Hosting
URL: http://xenweb.net/forums/

(To rid confusion on how to pronounce the title the "X" is pronounced as a "Z" as in "Xylophone")

Description: I offer free hosting with no forced ads and no forced posting. All accounts get cPanel w/ Fantastico, PHP, MySQL, cURL, FrontPage Extensions, Cronjobs, SSL, Web Mail, SSI, plus the other features in cPanel. All accounts get 999 Email Accounts, FTP Accounts, Subdomains, Databases, Addon Domains, Parked Domains

Reason for Nomination: The reason I'm nominating my message board is because I feel it offers more than other forums that provide the same services as mine.

Michael Biddle 05-07-2007 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1240854)
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts

Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday.


Fancy Qtr 05-07-2007 01:00 PM


Qatar World Web Site


Description : Qatari Site in the gulf soon

ummm that's what i have now ^.^

vertigo jones 05-07-2007 02:49 PM

Site Name: Stirrdup
URL: http://www.stirrdup.com

Description: Social news site similiar to Digg and Reddit, but built upon the idea that the content that is the most interesting isn't necessarily the same as what everyone agrees with. Stories gain points through users doing what they would normally do while using a site (clicking links and leaving comments) and the ones that gain the most interest are promoted to the main page. If they continue to hold interest, they will stay higher on the page until the time weighted system slowly moves them down to allow more fresh content in. This fixes the "bury brigade" censorship that plagues Digg and Reddit.

Reason for Nomination: The entire site is implemented using vbulletin plugins. Not a single file change. Really shows the flexibility of the system.

Razasharp 05-08-2007 03:16 PM

Site Name: Gamesey

URL: http://www.gamesey.com

Description: Gamesey is a gaming site with a difference - we have a unique 'club' concept which we hope will help eradicate negative fanboyism on gaming sites (or least on ours). If you're into gaming, you'll know just what I mean.

Reason for Nomination: I think Gamesey has a great custom design that pushes vBulletin - almost every element has been customised (from the front end to the back, such as control panel and profiles) but very careful consideration has been paid towards site compatibility, and more importantly speed and efficiency.

Example Profle

Home Page

About Us

Forum Home

Example Forum Listing

Example Show Thread

Thanks for looking!

Ann A 05-08-2007 05:37 PM

Site Name: World News Zone
URL: http://www.worldnewszone.com/

Description: This is a site with a big heart! News from all over the world are pulled in to give you an insight into whats happening where ever you can think of nearly!

Reason for Nomination: This is a new concept and has been not with out it's problems and trials but is now beginning to flourish, I hope people will take a look, It is a sister site to peterska2 chill out forums, but with a totally different feel!

MadKad 05-08-2007 06:14 PM

URL: http://www.mkpitstop.co.uk/forum

Description: MK PitStop is a website that helps people with a number of subjects as follows:

Computer Consoles

MK PitStop allows all ages from 13 upwards. The forum is free and fully moderated to keep all content clean and respectful.

Reason for Nomination: I have been running MK PitStop for 1 Years, 5 Months, 25 days today, this website was started to allow myself and others to help people in the best way as we can. I have been on the computer every day since I started this website, apart from 4 days when I was ill (I even worked on it, on Christmas day). This website is my life and my biggest hobby; I place as much information on there from what I learn.

In the future I hope to add more subjects to the forums so that it can help more people, but at the moment I am trying my best to not put guests off. When I first started the website I tried using a different forum software and was very unhappy with the hard work I had to place in to remove the bugs, but then I went with vBulletin and it was the best thing I ever did with the website. I have installed lots of hacks and even started doing some my self, thanks to vBulletin.com & vBulletin.org with there great community they made this happen more for me.

I would give my right arm to make my forum to become one of the top leading forums on the internet, maybe one day if I keep trying this will happen, but until then I will just hope for my website to win BOTM.

Thank you.

vertigo jones 05-08-2007 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Razasharp (Post 1243722)
Site Name: Gamesey

URL: http://www.gamesey.com

Description: Gamesey is a gaming site with a difference - we have a unique 'club' concept which we hope will help eradicate negative fanboyism on gaming sites (or least on ours). If you're into gaming, you'll know just what I mean.

I'll second this. That's a pretty good job.

SrLmygyq 05-09-2007 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by OziloZ (Post 1240835)
Site Name: Mygeyiq
URL: http://mygeyiq.com
Description: Mygeyiq is a funny forum site.Users are talking about comical news; anecdotes; funny links,videos,pictures and all about funny things..
Reason for Nomination: I and my friends were create the first fun based forum in Turkey. We took it 3.5 years but its founder sold it someone.After that we created Mygeyiq (The previous one is Geyiq lol ). 316 days past from creation. It has over 700.000 posts and 16.400 threads. We didn't take any advertisement until now. Additionally I think our design is simple and usefull.

seconded :up:

Raptor 05-09-2007 08:17 PM

Site Name: Digital Forums

URL: http://www.digital-forums.com

Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year and is a community dedicated to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies :)

Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.

DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.

If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance :)

Xoligy 05-09-2007 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor (Post 1244545)
Site Name: Digital Forums

URL: http://www.digital-forums.com

Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year and is a community dedicated to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies :)

Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.

DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.

If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance :)

I second digital forums.

Bald Bouncer 05-09-2007 08:25 PM


Site Name: Digital Forums

URL: http://www.digital-forums.com

Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year is a community dedicated to to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies

Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.

DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.

If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance
Second :up:

Big M 05-09-2007 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor (Post 1244545)
Site Name: Digital Forums

URL: http://www.digital-forums.com

Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year is a community dedicated to to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies :)

Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.

DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.

If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance :)

Seconded. :)

AceFIuSH 05-09-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor (Post 1244545)
Site Name: Digital Forums

URL: http://www.digital-forums.com

Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year is a community dedicated to to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies :)

Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.

DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.

If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance :)

I have used Digital-Forums for a number of years and beleive the site is most worthy of this nomination / award.

DF, is my first port of call for any technical issues / questions I have, and find they are usually answered in a quick friendly manner by the members whom in my opinion are second to none.



glorify 05-10-2007 02:01 PM

Site Name: GTP
URL: www.glorifythepast.com
Description: Sports
Reason for Nomination: Newly styled by my own amateurish hands. I hope you like it.

Ohiosweetheart 05-15-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by glorify (Post 1244972)
Site Name: GTP
URL: www.glorifythepast.com
Description: Sports
Reason for Nomination: Newly styled by my own amateurish hands. I hope you like it.

I second this. EXCELLENT skin, glorify, good job!

Brandon Sheley 05-15-2007 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1240854)
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts


Originally Posted by harmor19 (Post 1242767)
Site Name: Xen Web Hosting
URL: http://xenweb.net/forums/

(To rid confusion on how to pronounce the title the "X" is pronounced as a "Z" as in "Xylophone")

I 2nd both these :)

Distance 05-15-2007 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor (Post 1244545)
Site Name: Digital Forums

URL: http://www.digital-forums.com

Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year and is a community dedicated to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies :)

Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.

DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.

If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance :)


v12kid 05-16-2007 03:37 AM

Site Name: Talk Zelda
URL: http://www.talkzelda.com/
Description: A dedicated forum for all things Zelda!
Reason for Nomination: This forum was inherited with many bugs and problems, aftre some work it is now a beautiful place for Zelda fans wordlwide with minimal ads and maximum fun for its users. Currenty an rpg mod is being installed so the user interactivity level will be maxmized :)

Shazz 05-16-2007 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by v12kid (Post 1248487)
Site Name: Talk Zelda
URL: http://www.talkzelda.com/
Description: A dedicated forum for all things Zelda!
Reason for Nomination: This forum was inherited with many bugs and problems, aftre some work it is now a beautiful place for Zelda fans wordlwide with minimal ads and maximum fun for its users. Currenty an rpg mod is being installed so the user interactivity level will be maxmized :)


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1240854)
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts

Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday.

Second both :up:

dturnbull 05-16-2007 07:24 AM

Site Name: Zelda Gamers
URL: www.zeldagamers.com
Description: Relatively large and growing Lengend of Zelda fan community.
Reason for Nomination: The site has recently undergone many changes (new domain, new design, and installation of Living Avatars). The community is simply great, a lot of cool people, and all the members just seem to enjoy their time there. Not to mention I love running it.

glorify 05-17-2007 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart (Post 1247740)
I second this. EXCELLENT skin, glorify, good job!

Thank you very much :)


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1240854)
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org
Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts

Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday.

2nded :)

no mods 05-17-2007 01:45 AM

Site Name: Type 2 Chat

URL: http://www.type2chat.com

Description: A general talk community, were almost anything goes and everyone is invited.

Reason for Nomination: It only been up a little over a week now, but I have two beautyfull skins and my foums are set up nicely. I didnt over power it with useless mods. Its a great site to come on in and chat about everyday things. So have fun.

MadKad 05-17-2007 10:42 PM

delete please sorry

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