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-   -   [BOTM May 2007] Nominations Thread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=143787)

Guest190829 04-01-2007 05:31 PM

[BOTM May 2007] Nominations Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month May.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Nominations will be accepted until the 30th of April . Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM April will remain open as well until the 30th of April.

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you include the site name or URL for the site you are seconding in your post. If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Danny.VBT.

Best of luck to all nominees!

Ziki 04-01-2007 07:30 PM

Site Name: Ziki's Hideout The Hideout From Reality
URL: Ziki's Hideout
Description: vBulletin modifications and hacks
Reason for Nomination: The main reason I am nominating because my board has wanted hacks to offer (paid unfortunately).We also provide help and support for unofficial hacks or just for the usual vBulletin users.

sam marland 04-01-2007 08:01 PM

Site Name: mytechforums.com
URL: My Tech Forums
Description: A forum where you can drop by and have a laid back chat about anything tech, and if you are not in the mood for tech anything else you can think of.
Reason for Nomination: Fairly new board, but it is growing quickly and has lots of dedicated members who enjoy the forum and are looking to make it grow. All good forums need loyal members

Jay... 04-01-2007 08:18 PM

Site Name: DonkProject
URL: http://www.donkproject.net
Description: The Northeast's newest clubbing & Scouse House website
Reason for Nomination: DonkProject is home to the UK's largest database of Scouse House & NRG music, we give our members exactly what they want. The site is completely free with a customized design & is improving on a day to day basis

Phooey 04-01-2007 08:19 PM

Site Name: Digitally Wise
URL: www.digitallywise.com
Description: Reviews & discussion for the truly wise. Movies, tv, music, games, & more.
Reason for Nomination: The design of the site is completely custom done, there is great custom content in the form of media reviews by our community, and the memberbase is active and continually growing. I feel that it deserves to be listed in vBorg's poll for BotM, so if you agree please second this.

rknight111 04-02-2007 12:54 AM

Site Name: Snow and Mud.com

URL: http://www.snowandmud.com

Description: Website for the snowmobile, Atv and dirtbike enthusiast. Forum, Photo gallery and more. Board is 6 months old now

Reason for Nomination: This site uses Vbulletin that has been very customized to the theme of snow and mud. We have utilized many of the great modifications found on this website and have had Minor Skinz custom design our skin from our idea's. We are constantly upgrading the site with cool graphics and coding, so check it out and if you agree that this site should be nominated for the board of the month please second this.


bela-meaad 04-02-2007 01:50 AM

Site Name: Bela Meaad
URL: www.bela-meaad.com
Forum URL: www.bela-meaad.com/forum.php
Description: Bela-Meaad.com is Online Since: Jan-2004, has more than 40,000 members.
Bela-Meaad.com brings together all factions and races from all over the world to enjoy a beautiful time.
Reason for Nomination: custom style (i Design it). very clean coding, i spent 4 months to finish this site. its Encoding UTF-8. postbit template is personal coding & can switch the box from left to right within one click.

snobird1211 04-02-2007 06:01 AM

Site Name: iP Tourneys

URL: http://www.iptourneys.com

Description: iP Tourneys Is A Tourney Website For Console Gaming Systems And Is Also A Game Discussion Website. After 6 months It Is Becoming Very Well Known through Out The Gaming Community With 1300+ Members and over 16,000 Posts.

Reason for Nomination: We really want to make a impact for the gaming community and let more people in on this fast growing sport. By being nominated it will give us a chance to get our name out to more people and expand our forums. It will also reward all the great staff who made my site possible and all the people who helped designed my site as well. We have worked very hard to make our mark in the gaming community and I hope you see that in our site when you view it.


foulplay 04-02-2007 09:03 AM

Site Name: Muscular Training Development
URL: http://www.musculartrainingdevelopment.com
Description: Interactive Fitness and Bodybuilding Community
Reason for Nomination: MuscularTrainingDevelopment.com, or "MTD", as it is affectionately known, is an amazing website that has been growing by leaps and bounds since its conception in 2005. It started as a simple MySpace group that has since grown into a free, beautifully designed, fully interactive community with thousands of knowledgeable members, hundreds of articles, and endless information on everything related to fitness!

mcyates 04-02-2007 12:07 PM

Name: My Football Forum


A busy online football forum where fans from across the world come and discuss the latest news and results affecting the world of football.

We restarted the forum December just gone (2007) and we are growing very fast now, we have a new radio station, arcade and design. We feel with all the hard work that has gone into the site this year it deserves and award.

The forums I am going to second are:
1. Snow and Mud.com
This has a great design and looks pretty interesting

2. iP Tourneys
Again, a very nice design.

wpeloquin 04-02-2007 03:38 PM

Site Name: RoadKill Cafe Counterstrike

URL: http://rkccs.com

Description: We are a popular gaming community for Counterstrike players, with 3 active servers. We have a customized board, with quite a few 'designed-by-us' aspects, such as our Admin List and Regs List pages.

Reason for Nomination: The forum skin is unique to our site, as i designed the skin myself, as well as a matching ACP skin. i have customized many aspects of the board, including a nearly full-scale replacement of the original default vb images (based off the army-green images by breaker) (a select handful, such as yellow/red cards, remain default).

We have also added and customized a 2nd skin for those who like the darker boards, as well as a choice to use the vB Default skin if the user prefers. we currently have only 11 members NOT using our custom designed skin.

Playa82 04-02-2007 05:33 PM

Site Name: Crackmuzik-GFX-Elite
URL: http://crackmuzik-gfx-elite.de
Description: GFX-Site and normal Community about Sigs, Wallpapers, Banners, Designing and many other Sections.
Reason for Nomination: I want to grow my Forum, and maybe this is a good way to see if somebody like it or not...

ThreeVisual 04-02-2007 05:50 PM

Site Name: Style:Reboot
URL: http://www.stylereboot.com
Description: A web 2.0 style web design and development community

Reason for Nomination: We have a new clean looking style and some very talented members, Style:Reboot is a new(ish) web design and development community with photopost installed so members can display work in the 'gallery'. Hopefully Style:Reboot is a useful forum which brings inspiration to designers and developers.

giovannicosta 04-02-2007 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ziki (Post 1217763)
Site Name: Ziki's Hideout The Hideout From Reality
URL: Ziki's Hideout
Description: vBulletin modifications and hacks
Reason for Nomination: The main reason I am nominating because my board has wanted hacks to offer (paid unfortunately).We also provide help and support for unofficial hacks or just for the usual vBulletin users.

Seconded. :up: :D

tekram 04-02-2007 07:58 PM

Site Name: Battlefield 2142 Fun Clan

URL: http://battlefield2142-clan.info

Description: We are a Battlefield 2142 Fun Clan. We bring you the latest News from Battlefield 2142 and other Shooter games. We play on 2 Ranked Gameserver with 32 Slots and have aktiv more then 60 Members. First for us is Fun and happiness. We search all the Time for new Players but you must not be the professionell Gamer to Play with us.
TeamSpeak and many other thinks we open for our Members.

Have a look and see it self

Reason for Nomination: Think its time to earn the fruits for my work. All my love and strong i put it into the Website. We are up to date and bring all the Members and Guests the latest News around the Battlefield Scene. Many great Hacks and Tools bring you more fun on the Site. Many thinks on the Style i?ve i changed and modify.
Think its a good Gamer or Clan Gamer Website / Community



miner 04-03-2007 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by rknight111 (Post 1217970)
Site Name: Snow and Mud.com

URL: http://www.snowandmud.com

Description: Website for the snowmobile, Atv and dirtbike enthusiast. Forum, Photo gallery and more. Board is 6 months old now



Originally Posted by snobird1211 (Post 1218139)
Site Name: iP Tourneys

URL: http://www.iptourneys.com

Description: iP Tourneys Is A Tourney Website For Console Gaming Systems And Is Also A Game Discussion Website. After 6 months It Is Becoming Very Well Known through Out The Gaming Community With 1300+ Members and over 16,000 Posts.


I second the 2 above forums...


apdcanari 04-03-2007 04:30 AM

Site Name: Au Paradis des Canaris
URL: http://www.apdcanari.com/
URL Forum : http://www.apdcanari.com/forum/
Description: Our aim is to present you in details the canarys, thanks to numerous articles and photographies. You will find all the informations that are necessary to begin in the breeding on our forum
Reason for Nomination: It's a french site with lots of hacks.

C?dric :)

sam marland 04-03-2007 12:38 PM

i will second
and iptourneys.com

Koopa_Kajun 04-03-2007 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by acidburn0520 (Post 1218461)
Site Name: SocomCity
URL: http://socomcity.net
Description: A gaming board for SOCOM: US Navy SEALs players, focused on Cheating and Exploiting the game.
Reason for Nomination: We're a fairly customized site and are growing in popularity. We've got something for everyone and you don't need to be a gamer to enjoy the website, and I'd like to increase our exposure to the public.

Seconded! :)

flaregun 04-04-2007 03:49 AM

Site Name: Triathlon Week

URL: http://www.triathlonweek.com

Description: Free Triathlon training community featuring triathlon forums, articles, race calendars and more.

Reason for Nomination: Triathlon Week has been a VB board for several years. We recently switched domains from triweek to triathlonweek which caused our google traffic to go way down, but now we are seeing it go back up. I've worked hard on a custom skin and plugins for our users. Winning the BOTM would be a great honor for me.

vB Nova 04-05-2007 10:12 AM

Site Name: vB Nova - vBulletin Modifications
URL: http://www.vbnova.com/
Description: A vBulletin modification resource with a great atmosphere and support.
Reason for Nomination: We have been offering free support and modifications for 6 months and we now have a custom skin and modifications :).

fuzionpoker 04-05-2007 11:35 AM

I Second vBnova

JD45 04-05-2007 03:19 PM

Site Name: JustPressPlay
URL: http://www.justpressplay.net/forum/
Description: Multi Genre Review Site, covering music, movie and game reviews
Reason for Nomination: When it comes to reviews, we give you the easy to understand version...not the version you need a PhD to understand.

dn lodge 04-06-2007 12:54 AM

Site Name: DN Lodge Webmaster Forums

URL: http://www.dnlodge.com

Description: A community of webmasters who are all interconnected through domains, which is what DN stands for in our title. DN Lodge was launched August 8th, 2005, and has been live ever since: for 20 months. The owner, Brandon (me), is currently 15 and was 13 when he launched the forum. The forum currently has almost 5,000 members, and 32.6 thousand posts. Between school work, practicing the piano :P, and other online projects, I made time for DN Lodge and it has always been one of my main projects.

Currently we are holding a contest, with $6,100 in sponsored prizes, and $250 in cash. We have had a few contests months back, but none this big. I spent a lot of time finding sponsors and setting up the contest threads, etc.

I think DN Lodge is different from other forums because everyone knows each other, and many long time friendships have been formed through this forum. We are also different because we understand that everyone makes mistakes, and we don't ban people for small things such as double posting, etc. And even those who make major mistakes, we give them one chance before their banned. Our moderating style tends to be more laid back, although obvious spam is not tolerated and is instantly deleted. I know a lot of forums who have uptight admins and mods, and I don't think it's healthy for the overall community development.

We currently have 4 moderators, and 2 admins. Between the 6 of us, we keep all signs of spam out. The relationships within our staff is excellent as well, which I feel is a crucial to having a successful forum. Simply put, if there are conflicts within forum staff, things just won't work out. We

DN Lodge's skin is custom, which we got done at Sitepoint a while back. When DN Lodge first launched, we were on the phpbb platform. My first investment other than the domain and hosting for the forum I knew had to be vBulletin. As soon as I had the money, I purchased vB as a leased license (DN Lodge is now on an owned license). The next major investment we made was in vBseo, which we think was also a good investment as well.

We currently have plans that we are working on, involving expanding the forum, and what content we offer.

Reason for Nomination: Well, I figured why not :). I've spent hours on end working on this forum for the benefit of its' members, and so far all has went well and paid off. I would be thrilled to be named vBulletin Board of the Month. For months vbulletin.com has been my main source (more like only source) for vBulletin mods, although I may not post much here, I do visit often. I think you have a great site, and BOTM is a really cool thing that you guys do.

I hope you consider my entry.

DN Lodge Admin

jackstraw01 04-06-2007 12:59 AM

I recommend DNLodge.com, I am a mod there and think it has greatly improved over the past few months and think it would make a great BOTM.


Lee M 04-06-2007 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by dn lodge (Post 1220741)
Site Name: DN Lodge Webmaster Forums

URL: http://www.dnlodge.com

Description: A community of webmasters who are all interconnected through domains, which is what DN stands for in our title. DN Lodge was launched August 8th, 2005, and has been live ever since: for 20 months. The owner, Brandon (me), is currently 15 and was 13 when he launched the forum. The forum currently has almost 5,000 members, and 32.6 thousand posts. Between school work, practicing the piano :P, and other online projects, I made time for DN Lodge and it has always been one of my main projects.

Currently we are holding a contest, with $6,100 in sponsored prizes, and $250 in cash. We have had a few contests months back, but none this big. I spent a lot of time finding sponsors and setting up the contest threads, etc.

I think DN Lodge is different from other forums because everyone knows each other, and many long time friendships have been formed through this forum. We are also different because we understand that everyone makes mistakes, and we don't ban people for small things such as double posting, etc. And even those who make major mistakes, we give them one chance before their banned. Our moderating style tends to be more laid back, although obvious spam is not tolerated and is instantly deleted. I know a lot of forums who have uptight admins and mods, and I don't think it's healthy for the overall community development.

We currently have 4 moderators, and 2 admins. Between the 6 of us, we keep all signs of spam out. The relationships within our staff is excellent as well, which I feel is a crucial to having a successful forum. Simply put, if there are conflicts within forum staff, things just won't work out. We

DN Lodge's skin is custom, which we got done at Sitepoint a while back. When DN Lodge first launched, we were on the phpbb platform. My first investment other than the domain and hosting for the forum I knew had to be vBulletin. As soon as I had the money, I purchased vB as a leased license (DN Lodge is now on an owned license). The next major investment we made was in vBseo, which we think was also a good investment as well.

We currently have plans that we are working on, involving expanding the forum, and what content we offer.

Reason for Nomination: Well, I figured why not :). I've spent hours on end working on this forum for the benefit of its' members, and so far all has went well and paid off. I would be thrilled to be named vBulletin Board of the Month. For months vbulletin.com has been my main source (more like only source) for vBulletin mods, although I may not post much here, I do visit often. I think you have a great site, and BOTM is a really cool thing that you guys do.

I hope you consider my entry.

DN Lodge Admin


CompuForums.org 04-07-2007 09:23 AM

Site Name: CompuForums - Computer Forums

URL: http://www.compuforums.org/

Description: CompuForums is a free computer help and discussion community. Get FREE help and advice, or just chat about technology with over 900 members. Open to everyone, no matter what your skill level!

Reason for Nomination: After nearly 2 years of working hard on the site, I just want a little bit of recognition. The skin is unique and unlike other computer forums we don't shoo away and insult new members and people who are not so experienced with computers. We've saved a lot of people loads of time and money which they would have spent on "professional" services - but with CompuForums they have been able to do it themselves and gain more confidence in computing. I'm very proud of my forum and it's success, and winning the award would be the icing on the cake for me :)

milsirhc 04-07-2007 05:32 PM

Site Name: Iamboredr - Where Bored Rendezvous

URL: http://iamboredr.com

Description: Iamboredr is a community that allows bored people to "de-bored" themselves with a huge range of interesting findings and topics in the internet. Everyone is bored everyday.. so that's what this community is all about!

Reason for Nomination: I'm not going to hard sell my forum but the real reason why I started this community is because I see so many people on the street.. begging for money and all.. i hate it, why don't they just work.. rather than spend the whole day on the street.. earning mere bucks. This forum is a paid community where people can earn by participation.. with this I hope those people begging on the street can work for it and get a decent living

Lilaena 04-08-2007 02:09 AM

Site Name: SW-Fans - Not Your Average Star Wars Forums
URL: http://sw-fans.net
Description: Sw-Fans has been around since 1999, as a multi-purpose discussion and roleplaying forum. Our Star Wars based roleplay was one of the first of its kind, and has been joined by several other genres, including a World of Darkness and X-Men based roleplay. Sw-Fans is a place for discussing movies and media of all types, as well as just hanging out with friends. Not your average Star Wars forum... not just for roleplaying.
Reason for Nomination: Sw-Fans uses a lot of modifications to present our members with features they might not be able to get elsewhere. We have several custom skins available (we lost about twenty with our upgrade to 3.6.0 but have been working on recoding them to work with the 'new' vB) and quality graphic designers in our membership who love to help out. We have a real community that's been around for over seven years, and new faces are always welcome. Our staff works hard and is very dedicated to giving our members a quality experience.

I'd love to increase our member base by getting Sw-Fans some more recognition.

misuse 04-08-2007 06:56 AM

Site Name: TribeNwater
URL: TribeNwater
Forums URL: TribeNwater Forums
Description: Marine Lifestyle Resource. Discussion for fishermen, boaters, kayakers, cooking fish, travel, sea plane adventures, and every day lifestyle for those that live near or on the ocean.
Reason for Nomination: Simple, clean, custom button set. SEO friendly. Some code hacks, some plugins. Very little traffic as I have not advertised it yet. Site is around 1 month old since I opened it to public. I learned EVERYTHING about vbulletin from vbulletin.org :D

adscorp 04-09-2007 09:22 AM

Site Name: Lodist
URL: http://lodist.com
Description: General technology, music and entertainment forums.
Reason for Nomination: We recently updated the board from phpBB to vB about a week ago from a humble SanDisk Sansa mp3 player forum to a fully fledged General forum.
Since We updated the site, we have gotton a great new domain, we have loaded the site up with mods and plugins and have made use of every vB feature there is. We have also custom designed our own skin. So far we are slowly but surely growing.
Some mods we have installed are:
Automatic Welcome PM
Display reputation comments in user post
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Members who have visited the forum
Miserable Users (My Favorite)
Welcome Headers
Yet Another Award System

Cheers :D

Enclave 04-09-2007 11:05 AM

Site Name: PINmyPlace
URL: http://www.pinmyplace.com
Description: Take your virtual pin and choose a place on the world map. Your pin is your profile and website with: Gallery, Guestbook, Information about you and a much more. Invite your friends or contact new people. Find and Add new spots about: Bars and Discos, Holiday's', Restaurants, Wireless Spots, Guesthouses and a lot more! Talk with other people in the forums or post comments to other gallery photos.
Reason for Nomination: Unique idea and everything I programmed self, so a lot of work and hopefully you liked!?

Lilaena 04-09-2007 12:09 PM

I second PINmyPlace and TribeNwater.

Craigex 04-09-2007 05:15 PM

I'll second My Football Forum

Site Name: My Football Forum
URL: http://www.myfootballforum.com
Description: My Football Forum - World Wide Soccer Discussion
Reason for Nomination: It has some great skins on it, a lot of friendly members. It also has an arcade which gets updated every so often, and it's also a great place to discuss football / soccer.

DannyMilner 04-09-2007 06:03 PM

Ill third My Football Forum

Site Name: My Football Forum
URL: http://www.myfootballforum.com
Description: My Football Forum - World Wide Soccer Discussion
Reason for Nomination: Awesome community, very interesting topics, nice designs and has a great feel to it.

Zowners 04-10-2007 06:32 AM

Site Name: For Teens By Teens
URL: www.forteensbyteens.com
Description: A community dedicated to teenagers, we provide a place for you to talk and get help off people your own age.
Reason for Nomination: I am nominating my forum because it has just recently been our first anniversary and we are now starting to get a good memberbase, we have a great theme and excellent combination of modifications and members that creates a ton of funny and unique content.

sonichero 04-11-2007 02:17 AM

Site Name: Lambda Core Module
URL: Lambda Core Module (Not recommended you visit here. Very Broken!)
Forums URL: Lambda Core Forums
Description: Support the Online Mod Movement. We are about letting the great gaming minds of the world take a part in coming together and creating games based off the engines of games, which are called "mods". We are mainly Source Engine Based. (Note: These forums are old, but were recently cleaned out. Which is why most of the threads are nonsense.
Reason for Nomination: Custom button, smiley, and status set. It is a Clean Forum that is easy to navigate. Plus, isn't the background just awesome?

R1lover 04-11-2007 02:57 AM

Site Name: 1098-forum.com
URL www.1098-forum.com
Description: A site I created for the Ducati 1098 Sport Bike, this forum is dedicated to Ducati lovers all over the world. I started this site in late November of last year, in approx six months we have 1500+ members and on a normal day we see about 450 members each day. The site has exploded beyond what I thought it would and is turning a small profit which is very nice.
Reason for nomination: I have learned most of what I know and use on all my forums here from vbulletin.org, I thank all of you for sharing your expertise and allowing me to learn something new.

This site is not the most advanced but it's simple, clean and I have received many jobs creating other forums based off of this one. It's also hosted on one of my servers as well.

reece296 04-11-2007 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by CompuForums.org (Post 1221758)
Site Name: CompuForums - Computer Forums

URL: http://www.compuforums.org/

Description: CompuForums is a free computer help and discussion community. Get FREE help and advice, or just chat about technology with over 900 members. Open to everyone, no matter what your skill level!

Reason for Nomination: After nearly 2 years of working hard on the site, I just want a little bit of recognition. The skin is unique and unlike other computer forums we don't shoo away and insult new members and people who are not so experienced with computers. We've saved a lot of people loads of time and money which they would have spent on "professional" services - but with CompuForums they have been able to do it themselves and gain more confidence in computing. I'm very proud of my forum and it's success, and winning the award would be the icing on the cake for me :)

Seconded, Fantastic forum. I am an active member, alot better than the others i have been to.

NeutralizeR 04-12-2007 09:15 AM

Site Name: MsXLabs
URL: www.msxlabs.org/forum/
Description: Mainly Windows Live Messenger releated Turkish community
Reason for Nomination: For fun

Note: Firefox optimized - IE users may hate

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