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03-28-2007 10:00 PM

Nexia's POINTS system

Here it goes, a new kind of Points System that works in any kind of situations.

this product is now GOLD ... version 1.0.1 !


update: 04-04-07: fixed most of the bugs i think... retrieve points on thread/post deletion is ok now!
update: 04-06-07: upgrade to 1.0.2 'til bug fixed... this version add the AdminCP!, display the points in member profile.
update: 04-07-07: added nex_points_registration.zip... add features on members registration.
(give points on registration, give point when invited, give points to referrer!)

update 04-10-07: reformated the tasks in the Deals, so now they are safe on mega big sites... (tested on a 250 000 users forum today!)

this system is a lot more simplier than all the other points systems, provide less features, but at least, it work from the start, and can be upgraded without being hassled by a long HowTo... ;) it is so simple that ANY coder can support it... even if the creator(me) dies, everybody can make a follow up of these works.

- no API... no need to learn a lot of codes to be able to write a new addon for it.
- no strange calculations... you can add, delete, multiply points without having to filter everything.
- a lot of hooks possible. so if you want to apply a filter to the default points given, per usergroup or per forum, you can... without having to re-write everything.
- no need to edit millions of templates...actually, with the Core Only, you have no file or template to edit...it use the vBulletin hooks system at its best!
- no millions of features for no uses... if you don't want to use this or that feature, just don't install it! everything is run by products related to the CORE... so if you don't want all these gadgets, you don't have to install them.


default features in the core package: give points when posting threads or replies, give points on reputation... that's all...

Admin can now edit users points in the User Management...

A lot of features in the future... each time something is requested, we can see if it is possible with the default installation of vBulletin, and if not, we can surely provide a file edit to make it work.

MESSAGE TO CODERS:: if you want to play with it and bring addons and new features, PLEASE do so.. this is the goal of this freely plugable system.

MESSAGE for vBbux Owners:: The vBbux Import is now back as a package in this thread. If you already imported your vBbux points, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

READ THE HowTo.txt file to know what to do with this...


Blaine0002 now provide his iSHOP, stating it is working properly with this system. the only detail you need for this integration is this detail when you edit your iSHOP settings:

Money row: nex_points_hand
btw, thanks Blaine0002 for this SHOP!
for the generous minds: i've been asked some times if i was receiving donations... donations are gifts, so i can't refuse gifts... but i do not ask for any... and for infos (stop asking in a pm), the "Support Developper" on the top right panel of this release is the link to click!

nexialys 03-29-2007 05:52 PM

oh, and even if the thumbnails of the usercp indicate the word "Bank", there is none actually... this is a thing that is to be set with some friend's bank actually!

Feckie (Roger) 03-29-2007 05:52 PM

Will Try Sounds Good


Snatch 03-29-2007 06:23 PM

Is it possible to use the Point System also with forum persmissions?
A user only can read a thread if he has xx point.


Harley77 03-29-2007 06:36 PM

This is an excellent idea. A Base points system to create independent modules for. As long as the core system remains simple and secure, you would eliminate issues that plague other systems now (looking at you ebux/estore). If a module has an issue, you just remove the module, not the whole system. I'll be keeping a close eye on this one.

nexialys 03-29-2007 06:37 PM

yeah, per-forums permissions to read and post will be able to do in no long...

i'm coding a lot of addons for the system, one of them is a section where we set per-forum the points needed to read or reply to the threads...

the per-forum thingy is a bit bigger than the default because it requires to edit the forums too, not only the settings... btw it will be done in no long.. :)

ra7al 03-29-2007 06:47 PM

Good Work

I Love It

Can i Translate it to Arabic ?

nexialys 03-29-2007 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by ra7al (Post 1215502)
Good Work
I Love It
Can i Translate it to Atabic ?

ATABIC ?!... what a strange country... i suppose you are from a new planet then ?!


ok, i will not be able to translate it to arabic, so when the tool is out of the beta stage, i will give the permission to translate it in anyother language than english/french.... for the moment, it is useless, as in the next days we will add and edit a lot of things...

Evolution06 03-29-2007 07:04 PM

how do you see the points in postbit legacy etc?

AzzidReign 03-29-2007 07:05 PM

Hmm...sounds interesting. I hope this works out in the end b/c I've been WAITING for someone to come out with a good points/cash system. Good luck!

ra7al 03-29-2007 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1215506)
ATABIC ?!... what a strange country... i suppose you are from a new planet then ?!


ok, i will not be able to translate it to arabic, so when the tool is out of the beta stage, i will give the permission to translate it in anyother language than english/french.... for the moment, it is useless, as in the next days we will add and edit a lot of things...


i Write it arabic not atabic :mad:

soo i'll wait You :up:

rasun 03-29-2007 07:09 PM

I like the idea. I hope there will be a lot of addons for it soon!

nexialys 03-29-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1215509)
how do you see the points in postbit legacy etc?

this is not done yet... i'll be adding that kind of details as soon as possible... i was waiting for requests too.. :)

as this is a script in BETA stage, there is a lot of missing things... the more you request, the more you will have features.

Evolution06 03-29-2007 07:13 PM

All I can see right now is the postbit legacy edit with a donate option. thats about it I mean a shop later on would rock.

giovannicosta 03-29-2007 07:15 PM

Looks great when this has more stuff I will install.

nexialys 03-29-2007 07:15 PM

Postbit "addition" will not be a template edition if i'm the one to do it... actually i can add the link quickly, but i will require a day or two to test the donation thingy...

Regs 03-29-2007 07:29 PM


Just a word of encouragement and in general - thanks!

I have the following feature requests:

1). vbookie integration - not sure which add-on this would fall under but it is a must for myself and I would imagine, others;

2). ibproarcade integration - again not sure which side this would fall under;

3). a points 'importer' function for vbux and the vbux bank system (this may be as simple as giving us a query to run?)

Now that I think about it, if (3) was available first, I could use this immediately.

Thanks again,


AzzidReign 03-29-2007 07:49 PM

Things that I would like to see in this:
1) Allow people to buy the points/cash via paypal.
2) Allow people to cash out on their points/cash via paypal.
3) Allow people to donate/transfer points to other members on the site
4) Integrate this with the Thanks System (e.g. receive a Thanks, get a Point)
5) When a member has received so many points, they are "promoted" to another usergroup.

Hmm...I'll see what I can think up later and we what I may need for my new site.

Again, I just want to thank you for your effort in trying to get a good points system going! And if I can get some of those features I've mentioned, I'm definitely willing to donate since all these new cash systems people are making right now are not going to be free.

aceofspades 03-29-2007 08:23 PM

A point system is so important in vb and untill now ive been shocked there hasnt been a good option out. The things we really need ontop of this base is:

1) Show points in postbit
2) Allow people to donate/transfer points to other members on the site
3) Integrate this with the Thanks System (e.g. receive a Thanks, get a Point)
4) When a member has received so many points, they are "promoted" to another usergroup

projectego 03-29-2007 08:33 PM

Awesome! Nice work. :)

nexialys 03-29-2007 08:44 PM

ok, for the requests:

# * Post Thank You Hack hooks: (same for the Post Groan Hack!) by Abe1 u=49809
# nex_points_hook_give_thanks = give X points on thank given
# nex_points_hook_give_thanked = give X points on thank received

i'm testing the logic and will release later!


vBux import will be quick... a simple product import will do the trick... because that hack is efficient.. lol i'll check for it in a minute!

EDIT: the Thank You Hack will require 3 of more plugin editions, i will see with Abe1 if hooks can be added to his script...

EDIT: For the Postbit/Postbit_legacy display of points ("BASIC"), see the screenshot and wait for the update later this evening! that display is basic, and is without template edit... for a larger addon, like "give points to user", we will have to re-evaluate!

Evolution06 03-29-2007 09:53 PM

awesome once the postbit is done I will be set and I will use the ishop addon I am sure thanks for this system!

nexialys 03-29-2007 10:05 PM

about the vBux/vbPlaza IMPORT script, i have one challenge here... someone can provide me with the script ?!... i do not have it in store, and the guys forgot they had hundreds of clients, they dropped the file...

thanks... i can't do an import script 'til i have the original!

EDIT: THANKS FOR THE DONATION... someone provided me with the script, and i was able to write a code for the import... will have to test it for mega-big websites, but the script is actually working properly, and will do two things:

1- import your cash from vBbux in your in-hand for my product...
2- import your bank cash from vBbux in your in-bank for my product...

i can't do more.. :)

Evolution06 03-29-2007 11:44 PM

Hmmm your points works off the

PHP Code:

$vbphrase[posts]: $post[posts]

How could I keep it working without that code? Cause it looks kinda funny have 2 post on my postbit the activity mod and the default post.

nexialys 03-29-2007 11:59 PM

hum, yeah, with multiple addons it may cause problems... the fix: i'll provide a template edition.. lol

UPDATE: you can re-import the product, i've updated with a new setting for the postbit...

go to the : Nexia's Points System - Main Posting Features, in the bottom, there is a HowTo when you don't want the automatic edition...

nexialys 03-30-2007 12:27 AM

list of planned connections with existing products:

vBbux Import Cash and Bank... (90% done as a product import..)
Geek Mart - Points to Buy, Buy Points via Paypal ... (both done!)

Thanks/Groan Post, from Abe1

fly 03-30-2007 12:31 AM

Whoa, promising. And free!

Evolution06 03-30-2007 12:37 AM

Alright that worked I had to use

$those_points: $post[nex_points_hand]

But it did work.. Awesome! thanks! Now to configure it.. I notice it says 0 points in bank is that created or a work in progress?

nexialys 03-30-2007 12:47 AM

it is a work in progress actually, we're checking if Blaine0002 will provide a link to his iBank... it is supposed to work, i did not test it... but it is one of these things i will not create... coders are requested to provide their own works to bring this tool to be great, and Blaine0002 is the first.. :)

Hornstar 03-30-2007 01:03 AM

There is so much you could do with this, that I look forward to watching the progress and updates.

However, for me to ever install this, I would really love an import option so i could import the points from current members (ebux points system) over to this one.

If that was possible, then this would be the points system, I would like to get up and running, to show members they have not lost there points, and that the shop will be available shortly.


Evolution06 03-30-2007 01:15 AM

well I got a db error with the icash system so I disabled it.. Also with the rep part of your points system it causes a error when giving rep

PHP Code:

parse errorsyntax errorunexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/huntcha/public_html/forums/reputation.php(185) : eval()'d code on line 8 

Rep still works but when it redirects you see that error on the top of the page.

nexialys 03-30-2007 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Evolution06 (Post 1215772)
well I got a db error with the icash system so I disabled it.. Also with the rep part of your points system it causes a error when giving rep
PHP Code:

parse errorsyntax errorunexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/huntcha/public_html/forums/reputation.php(185) : eval()'d code on line 8 

Rep still works but when it redirects you see that error on the top of the page.

Error in the Reputation thing is now corrected.. there was a missing ";" ;) so you can import the product again!

for the iCash, Blaine0002 told me it was not functional... actually... he will fix it!

LisaD1 03-30-2007 01:41 AM

I have no idea if this is a stupid question or not, but I will ask anyways.
Should I uninstall vbplaza? Or is this going to tie into that at some point? Either way is fine with me, I just don't want to remove it if I will have to add it later!

Regs 03-30-2007 01:48 AM

Don't uninstall vbplaza yet!

Nexialys is almost done an 'importer' to bring the vbux points you have into this new system.

Once that is run, you could probably safely uninstall vbplaza :D



LisaD1 03-30-2007 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Regs (Post 1215795)
Don't uninstall vbplaza yet!

Nexialys is almost done an 'importer' to bring the vbux points you have into this new system.

Once that is run, you could probably safely uninstall vbplaza :D



Thank You! That is what I was wondering about. So I figured that asking would be the best thing to do.
Thank You Nexialys, my members are going to LOVE you!!

nexialys 03-30-2007 03:11 AM

@LisaD1, i hope your members will love me, that's why i created that new engine, for the gals to love me.. lol i have like 5 or 6 parenting websites that requires this tool... a lot of mothers ;)

and yes, WAIT for the vBBux destruction, the import script will not delete your old vbbux stuff, just import it, so if my tool work, you'll be happy!

LisaD1 03-30-2007 03:34 AM

OK I will wait!! :)

Moms seem to really love the plaza, or well anything where we can "shop" LOL.
Keep up the great work and THANKS!!

Evolution06 03-30-2007 04:21 AM

its still give this error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/huntcha/public_html/forums/reputation.php(185) : eval()'d code on line 8

after giving rep

Zia 03-30-2007 04:38 AM


Very promising Mods Man.
Thanks to start something that can be replaced with vBux.

-Hope this mods will have huge..huge feature.

Requesting for an Integration:

Intigrate with DownloadsII

so that user will earn points by posting or what ever & will pay for each download.

As there were many request for the download integration for download.

Thanx Man.

Pls keep it upo..dont let it do down like others.

*klikx install.

nexialys 03-30-2007 08:53 AM

@Zia... even if i let it down, ANY coder here can support it... anybody who can read vBulletin code can handle it, it is so simple... and i hope they will... :)

@Evolution6... ARGH... frustration of the morning... ok, i'll check it out again.. lol

EDIT: ok, checked out.. .lol... my fault, i corrected one of the error, but not both of them... now it's supposed to be ok...

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