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-   -   Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Yet Another Mass Private Message System 1.0.1 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=141622)

mtha 03-09-2007 10:00 PM

Yet Another Mass Private Message System 1.0.1
1 Attachment(s)
Yet Another Mass Private Message System

This mod has been nominated for mod of the month April 2007. Please go to the poll and vote. Thanks

Hack Version:
Compatible vB version: 3.6.x
Support: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=141622

This hack is not related to, nor using Zero Tolerance's "Admin Mass PM Members" hack.
Although this is a new hack, I still would say thanks to insanctus, Oblivion Knight and Zero Tolerance for their idea and hacks on sending mass PM from admincp. I also want to thank the members who need this hack badly, and support it.


This system allows admins to send mass private message to members from AdminCP
Some options:
- Detail user search condition, so you can send PM to diffent usergroups, that satisfy different condition
- Send "Test" Private Message,
- Allow/disable smilies
- Override "Receive Private Messages = NO" option?
- set number of PMs to send at once
- Use different user as Sender (by userid)


- Query: 0
- Files to add: 2
- Product to import: 1


1. Upload all files in UPLOAD folder to your server
2. Import XML product (product-hn_masspm.xml) using vBulletin product import tool.
ACP -> Plugin System -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
3. Refresh menu panel to display "Send PM to Users" link in "Users" section.

1. Upload all files in UPLOAD folder to your server
2. Import XML product (product-hn_masspm.xml) using vBulletin product import tool with Override option checked.



v. 1.0.0 (3.10.2007) Initial release
v. 1.0.1 (3.10.2007) Fix some bugs, add more options when sending PMs

mtha 03-10-2007 06:35 AM


Surviver 03-10-2007 06:46 AM

Where is the File ?

anywares 03-10-2007 07:00 AM

good question =\

Raydar 03-10-2007 07:26 AM

Hi Mtha,

I haven't installed this yet, but thanks for releasing it. :up:

Can we use $username in the messaging system so that people's names appear in the message?

And does it hide all the recipients in the from field?



projectego 03-10-2007 07:44 AM

I've installed this for now too. Looking forward to trying it out. ;)

Subah 03-10-2007 08:07 AM

Thanks Mtha but where is the files ?

delinetci 03-10-2007 08:14 AM

Thank you very very good.

stinger2 03-10-2007 08:49 AM

waiting for file....thx

TeddyKGB 03-10-2007 11:09 AM

mtha - is this any different than the one you released earlier in the week? if we have that one installed I guess would should remove it and installed this one?

puertoblack2003 03-10-2007 11:51 AM

OOOOOOOOOK WHEREEEEEEEEE'S the file is like offering someone to eat but don't hand them the plate:eek:

Doctor Death 03-10-2007 12:03 PM

Blink blink blink :|

FleaBag 03-10-2007 12:55 PM

The file is there...

mtha 03-10-2007 12:56 PM

It was late night lastnight, after a coming back from a party :p ... little tired to forget things. Sorry guys
the file is up now

mtha 03-10-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Reg Car (Post 1200024)
Hi Mtha,
Can we use $username in the messaging system so that people's names appear in the message?

No you cant. I've thought about it, but this system is sending mass (say 500) PMs at once (going into one PM), I would rather not sending it individually. (creating about 10000 different PMs in database is a huge waste of database and system resources)


And does it hide all the recipients in the from field?
Yes. it does


Originally Posted by TeddyKGB (Post 1200125)
mtha - is this any different than the one you released earlier in the week? if we have that one installed I guess would should remove it and installed this one?

Yes it is different. it's up to you, it wont be conflict, but I rather use just one system.

rmxs 03-10-2007 01:28 PM


Princeton 03-10-2007 01:40 PM

nearly identical to the one I wrote for a client ... great job

you should add print_cp_redirect()

dknelson 03-10-2007 01:49 PM

I removed the other one and installed this one. Great job.

There is one small thing that I don't care for. If I go to the usergroup to send a Mass PM....all the usergroups are selected by default. I have a LOT of usergroups because I am using this to send PMs to members in certain states/provinces. So...I have to de-select 60 or so groups and then select only the one or two that I want.

I wish that they were either not selected by default or a button to de-select all.

Otherwise...thank you VERY much.

pollon 03-10-2007 01:59 PM

it's better than the other one. thanks:D

Snake 03-10-2007 02:26 PM

Awesome. Thanks for the release. :)

redlabour 03-10-2007 03:21 PM

Great one ! :)

Tralala 03-10-2007 03:21 PM

Sweet! I uninstalled the previous one I am using... and installed this instead!

banuchi2 03-10-2007 04:23 PM

Messages were not sent and it didn't allow me to go past the 500 original. Any ideas? The TEST worked and had the NEXT button, but not when it was actually sent.

zappsan 03-10-2007 04:26 PM

When I use BBCode, the URLs are mssed up.
I get URLs like http://\"http//piforums.info/showthread.php?t=3593\%22 for example...

Well, you need to make sure not to use any " for the URLs or it will show up like I stated above.

banuchi2 03-10-2007 04:35 PM

I figured this out.... I can send to 395 members and the NEXT button will be there. If I send to 396+, then the NEXT button will NOT be there.

The only other issue is that the message isn't actually sent even though it says it is. I logged in as some users that supposedly were sent a PM and they did not receive anything.

gsm4arab1 03-10-2007 04:42 PM

Thank you 0........

johnny713 03-10-2007 09:52 PM

thank you so much for this, I been waiting for this hack for a long time. Must INSTALL

mtha 03-11-2007 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Princeton (Post 1200202)
nearly identical to the one I wrote for a client ... great job
you should add print_cp_redirect()

:) thanks, I didnt know that you wrote one before. you wouldnt mind when I release it, do you?

How can I pass the "_POST" value for "message" into print_cp_redirect()? in my "donext" function, it is a form with informations to send.


Originally Posted by dknelson (Post 1200208)
There is one small thing that I don't care for. If I go to the usergroup to send a Mass PM....all the usergroups are selected by default. I have a LOT of usergroups because I am using this to send PMs to members in certain states/provinces. So...I have to de-select 60 or so groups and then select only the one or two that I want.

I wish that they were either not selected by default or a button to de-select all.

click on All Usergroups once to select ALL groups, and click again to de-select them


Originally Posted by zappsan (Post 1200292)
When I use BBCode, the URLs are mssed up.
I get URLs like http://\"http//piforums.info/showthread.php?t=3593\%22 for example...

Well, you need to make sure not to use any " for the URLs or it will show up like I stated above.

this is fixed in version 1.0.1


Originally Posted by banuchi2 (Post 1200290)
Messages were not sent and it didn't allow me to go past the 500 original. Any ideas? The TEST worked and had the NEXT button, but not when it was actually sent.


Originally Posted by banuchi2 (Post 1200298)
I figured this out.... I can send to 395 members and the NEXT button will be there. If I send to 396+, then the NEXT button will NOT be there.

The only other issue is that the message isn't actually sent even though it says it is. I logged in as some users that supposedly were sent a PM and they did not receive anything.

are you sure you install THIS hack, not the old one that I released yesterday, based on ZT's hack? This one is DIFFERENT, and the link is in Users section in your admincp, with the name "Send PM to Users"
In this one, there is ALWAYS a "Next page" button underneath the userlist, until when you finish sending PMs
I tried with 20000 members, 500 or 1000 members each page, and it works fine (with the "TEST" mode. the actual SEND supposed to do the same. I did not test sending to my 20000 members, but I dont believe there's any problem there. It works fine with my test board (with few registered accounts)

Mudvayne 03-11-2007 06:49 AM

Installed :)

dbirosel 03-11-2007 08:41 AM


projectego 03-11-2007 09:19 AM

Thanks for the 1.0.1 update, mtha! ;)

basketmen 03-11-2007 12:51 PM

wow this is really realeased??

this is the most waiting hack until now, none this hack for 3.6.x until now

i will try this

banuchi2 03-11-2007 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by mtha (Post 1200606)
are you sure you install THIS hack, not the old one that I released yesterday, based on ZT's hack?

Yes, this is definitely your hack installed. The old one was uninstalled. Not sure why this happened. I see that everyone is mentioning that they will try it....just haven't heard if it's actually working for them. I'd love to hear from everyone on whether they have any problems or not.

mtha 03-11-2007 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by banuchi2 (Post 1200793)
Yes, this is definitely your hack installed. The old one was uninstalled. Not sure why this happened. I see that everyone is mentioning that they will try it....just haven't heard if it's actually working for them. I'd love to hear from everyone on whether they have any problems or not.

did you remove the file /include/xml/cpnav_masspm.xml and admincp/admin_pmall.php

did you try the version 1.0.1?

Parkw?chter 03-11-2007 06:00 PM

mtha, you are my very best:D

many thx:up:

*klick install & motm*

banuchi2 03-11-2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by mtha (Post 1200977)
did you remove the file /include/xml/cpnav_masspm.xml and admincp/admin_pmall.php

did you try the version 1.0.1?

Actually, I did, but I'm going to start over again and I'll keep you updated. THanks alot for all your work on this and your support. :)

Update: I completely unistalled, and replaced the two files....still does not provide NEXT after the 500 emails. Oh well, if I'm the only one with this problem, then don't worry about it. What gets me is that nobody has said that it works yet....just alot of thank yous. Can anyone verify that it's working for them?

pollon 03-11-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by banuchi2 (Post 1200997)
Actually, I did, but I'm going to start over again and I'll keep you updated. THanks alot for all your work on this and your support. :)

Update: I completely unistalled, and replaced the two files....still does not provide NEXT after the 500 emails. Oh well, if I'm the only one with this problem, then don't worry about it. What gets me is that nobody has said that it works yet....just alot of thank yous. Can anyone verify that it's working for them?

I'm on 3.6.5 and it's wonderfully working. :)

PS: I have completely unistalled the previous version and then installed the updated one

dmorales 03-12-2007 01:00 AM

I'm getting the error below and it wont send the PM.

The following errors occurred when the system tried to send PM to the above users. No PM sent.:

[0] => The following users were not found:
1. oprah&#39
2. s minge

mtha 03-12-2007 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by banuchi2 (Post 1200997)
Actually, I did, but I'm going to start over again and I'll keep you updated. THanks alot for all your work on this and your support. :)

Update: I completely unistalled, and replaced the two files....still does not provide NEXT after the 500 emails. Oh well, if I'm the only one with this problem, then don't worry about it. What gets me is that nobody has said that it works yet....just alot of thank yous. Can anyone verify that it's working for them?

if you want, provide me link to your website, and an admin account, I can take a look for you


Originally Posted by dmorales (Post 1201260)
I'm getting the error below and it wont send the PM.

The following errors occurred when the system tried to send PM to the above users. No PM sent.:

[0] => The following users were not found:
1. oprah&#39
2. s minge

Please check and see if that user name is oprah's minge, and what's your website/language encoding?

dmorales 03-12-2007 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by mtha (Post 1201280)
if you want, provide me link to your website, and an admin account, I can take a look for you

Please check and see if that user name is oprah's minge, and what's your website/language encoding?

I deleted that user and it works now. I guess that account was causing other issues as well.


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