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[BOTM April 2007] Nominations Thread
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month April.
Please note the BOTM Rules here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/info.php?do=botm Further information regarding the last updates can be found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=138070 Nominations will be accepted until the 31st of March . Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM March will remain open as well until the 31st of March. When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly. Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format: Quote:
Any queries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Kerry-Anne. Best of luck to all nominees! |
Site Name: vBCoderz URL: www.vBCoderz.com Description: Designs/Mods, Information and support. Trying to do the next step in vB Reason for Nomination: Encourges people that don't have vBulletin to get vBulletin! And for the people that have vB its another vB community you can count on. ------------------------------------ |
Site Name:
JPiC (Poetry in Color) Forum URL: http://JPiCForum.info Description: JPiC Forum is an online Community where open-minded writers of all ethnicities and backgrounds can freely congregate and share in the joy of writing. Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & more. JPiC Forum For Writers: Celebrating Diversity With The Typed Word ----> THE online spot to share in creative writing and love for all of literature. Reason for Nomination: We've been online for some 8 or 9 months and have amassed a medium-sized audience (close to 400 Members) of talented writers from all over the world. Our Members are extremely loyal to JPiC as well --- a little over 70% active Members... JPiC has most recently completed the upgrade from vB 3.5.4 to 3.6.4 and has a nice new style from GFXstyles.com with customization by yours truly. We have some lovely modifications added to our Forum, including a nice layout in the "What's Going On?" box - AND hope to soon have a Member Blogs system online. So judge for yourself and hopefully we'll be added to the April voting ;) Jacquii. |
3rd and 1st http://JPiCForum.info
Site Name: Bilforumet.no
URL: http://www.bilforumet.no Description: Norways biggest car community Reason for Nomination: We have spent countless of hours researching and developing what our users want. We have released our new design today 5 years after we started. We have now added alot of funcitons to the board ad Vbadvanced, Photopost PRO, Photopost Classified and TheGeeks GARS. Not have we just implemented them but we have custimized them alot to make them look its best to our new design. |
Site Name: Redline Motorsports
URL: www.RedlineMotorsports.org Description: An online community for all types of automotive enthusiasts Reason for Nomination: We have added loads of additional functionality trying to make and change what the users want so it will be a great expierence for everyone. We're running vB Portal with the Streetrod design integrated into it, Photopost vBA Gallery with event coverage from car shows we've attended and new features being added or changed everyday. |
Site Name:
FightForum.com URL: www.FightForum.com Description: Mixed martial arts and boxing discussion community focusing on the UFC, PrideFC, K1 and other combat sports. Reason for Nomination: In less than 2 years, FightForum has become an extremely popular web destination for many Boxing and MMA fans. We have 3100 members and continue to grow at a rate of 10 new members each day. On the days before or after a big event, thoses numbers multiply greatly. FightForum pride's itsell on being one of the most intelligent communities of it's kind. We have a great team of moderators that uphold very high standards and make this site what it is. The design is very simple, with minimal styles changes to keep the site looking attractive yet fast loading and simple to upgrade. |
Site Name: The World of Nectotania
URL: http://www.necrotania.com Description: Fantasy and Science Fiction writing community Reason for Nomination: Necrotania has been active since 2002 in one form or another. Back then it was just a series of HTML files, a place to post my own stories. Since then it has evolved through 4 forum scripts (Ikonboard, IPB 1.3, SMF, and vBulletin) and 3 story archive scripts (Storyline, A custom software, eFiction). Probably the most notable item to consider is the custom link between the story archive script and the forum. This not only provides for a single sign-in, but allows the current forum skin to be shared with the story archive..providing a consistent look and navigation for the whole site. Both skins were developed by the great people over at http://www.gfxstyles,com Thanks :) |
Great community that is rapidly growing ;) |
Site Name: Digitally Wise
URL: www.digitallywise.com Description: Reviews & discussion for the truly wise. Movies, tv, music, games, & more. Reason for Nomination: This site has come a long way since I first started it in May of 2004. The design of the site is completely custom done, there is great custom content in the form of media reviews by our community, and the memberbase is active and continually growing. I feel that it deserves to be listed in vBorg's poll for BotM, so if you agree please second this. |
Site Name: BleedZao.com
URL: www.bleedzao.com/forums Description: Largest fansite for the band Zao. Reason for Nomination: Very customized layout. Most of the major pages used in vBulletin have been re-done in tableless css (forumhome, postbits, user profiles, and more) and should be functioning across all browsers too. Along with unique features, the style is unique as well -- It really doesn't look like a standard/typical forum by any means. Plus, it would make a cool birthday present to win one of these contests for once. :) |
I also want to second Site Name: nexialys.net URL: nexialys.net |
Since Azh nom'd us above, Seconded:
Site Name: STOnet URL: www.startrek-online.net/messageboard Description: Fan site for upcoming MMORPG, 'Star Trek: Online' Reason for Nomination: I think STOnet is at a stage now that we're not going to be making any massive alterations for some time, so I thought I'd throw it in. We use quite a customised style and board now, though many of the vB.org plugins I use are backend/administrative. Some nice touches we've done include the random sidebar, which displays different info on every refresh, full IRC integration through a vBa page and a custom mod for searching posts by usergroup (DevTracker, which then got released here!) |
Site Name: Crackmuzik-GFX-Elite
URL: http://crackmuzik-gfx-elite.de Description: GFX-Site and normal Community about Sigs, Wallpapers, Banners, Designing and many other Sections. Reason for Nomination: I want to grow my Forum, and maybe this is a good way to see if somebody like it or not... |
This is a next gen VB site and a great community. Great job!:) |
I will vouch for vbcoderz.com
I second this forum right here www.redlinemotorsports.org Redline Motorsports Reason: It's a great site and i can see it taking off when the webmaster is finished adding at his new features. The Streetrod design is very nice. |
Site Name: Reef Builders
URL: www.reefbuilders.com Description: Online Reef Site Reason for Nomination: Great skin, blog, photo gallery. Excellent resource for anyone wanting to get started in owning a saltwater aquarium. |
Name: Knights of Maple
URL: http://www.knightsofmaple.com/forum/index.php Description: Maplestory Guild Fansite Reason: There have been a lot of forums nominated and deserving of the BOTM Prize- but what about small homey forums? The Knights of Maple is home to friendly, close members who have grown to call the forum as if it was a 'internet home' and 'family'. We have an arcade, review system, market, customized RPG System & much MUCH more. |
Site Name: FunEnclave
URL: www.funenclave.com Description: Heavily customized fun site with lots of unique features and scripts like portal, fantasy formula-1 league, joke database and ajax customization to vbgallery among others. Its a new site but growing fast. |
Site Name: The Orange Room
URL: www.lfpm.org Description: One of the biggest Forums in Middle East - Number one Lebanese Forum Reason for Nomination: Recently we added loads of hacks and plug-ins, more than 50 Modifications from vbulletin.org installed |
Site Name: Comandos Sure?os de Argentina
URL: www.clandelsur.com Description: America's Army Argentinian Clan Reason for Nomination: No easy to find complete doble lang clan sites! |
Site Name: Gnuf
URL: gnuf.com/community Description: A new online casino and poker site. Reason for Nomination: This vB-community is totally redesigned comparing with the original forum sofware. |
Originally Posted by Jasonimacpt
Site Name: stuntchat.com URL: http://www.stuntchat.com Description: Discussion and gallery for stunters and wannabe's Reason for Nomination: As a stunter I have seen pretty much every site out there and none have either the dual role (discussion and gallery) of stuntchat.com nore the functionality. Most are very simple both aesthetically and functionally. I have numerous hacks/mods that allow members to do everything from learn new tricks to a participating in a community similiar to myspace. They have their own "garage" to showcase their bike or their stunts allowing them to create an online "resume". Thank you. |
Site Name: Pokerimestari.com
URL: www.pokerimestari.com Description: Pokerimestari.com is a finnish online poker community. The site has articles, guides, a lot of discussion etc. What makes it special is that we have a lot of cool features integrated to the page. For example some iframe solutions to show the latest news. Our layout is also extraordinary! I wouldn't have thought of nominating this myself but the author of vb Ad Management said it looked really cool so I though showing it off! |
Site Name: ZuneBoards
URL: www.zuneboards.com/forums/ Description: The hottest Zune Discussion forum, also the home of the first Zune Hack. Been active and alive since July 2006. PR4 and about 2,000 unique hits per day. Reason for Nomination: We have moved from SMF to vBulletin successfully and had the forum JUST redesigned. ZuneBoards has a great staff team, and is active. The members are all friendly, and the forums are well organized. Take a look! |
Site Name: SportCompact.org
URL: http://www.sportcompact.org Description: Web site for discussion of sport compacts Reason for Nomination: I've put a lot of hard work into skinning this site and making it look different than anything else out there. So far I think I've got a good thing going. |
I 2nd these
http://JPiCForum.info www.funenclave.com I really like the styles on both of these sites, it's nothing like other sites around.. good luck to both owners. |
Site Name: TalkandMore -Fun forums and More
URL- http://www.talkandmore.net Description - TalkandMore has many entertaining forums featuring videos, freebies, jokes a,d internet forum games. There are also useful forums on a wide range of topics from medical news to environmental issues. You can find it all in one of our forums! There is also an outstanding arcade with about 6oo games, a link directory and much more. Come to The Talk Network and stay for hours! Reason - The site has hundreds if not thousands of man hours into it and many, many, many people visit daily and find it useful and entertaining. It has a great pr and I just think that now is the time for it to finally receive a bit of recognition. It would really make all the time worth it even if the site just got seconded... One major thing this site has over many is that I believe the content is truly unique even though many have copied it... Thanks for the opportunity.... :) |
Site Name: Mika Fan Club URL: http://www.MikaFanClub.com Description: Fan site for the number 1 recording artists Mika. Reason for Nomination: I started the site and set it up within a few hours after hearing the first song from Mika on the radio. Since the start of Feb 2007 it has grown to thousands of users and many thousands of posts. Many users contribute write ups which I can push to the front page, Mika (the artist) knows of me personally, the forum got me meetings with universal in london etc. Essentially I love the site, it has an amazing community that is on 24/7 and it is the most successful site I have run to date. :) ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Site Name: Karting Extra URL: http://www.kartingextra.com Description: Site dedicated to the sport of Karting. Gallery, forums, news etc Reason for Nomination: I started the site last year originally as a phpfox forum. Now I have switch to vbulletin, cleaned out the members and started the forums from scratch again. I have done some user profile edits to arrange the data in a different way. I also have an image gallery arcade etc included in the site too. ------------------------------------ |
Site Name: iP Tourneys
URL: http://www.iptourneys.com Description: iP Tourneys Is A Tourney Website For Console Gaming Systems And Is Also A Game Discussion Website. After 6 months It Is Becoming Very Well Known through Out The Gaming Community With 1300+ Members and over 16,000 Posts. Reason for Nomination: We really want to make a impact for the gaming community and let more people in on this fast growing sport. By being nominated it will give us a chance to get our name out to more people and expand our forums. It will also reward all the great staff who made my site possible and all the people who helped designed my site as well. We have worked very hard to make our mark in the gaming community and I hope you see that in our site when you view it. Thanks |
Site Name: Computer Forumz
URL: http://www.computerforumz.org Description: Computer Forumz offers 24/7/365 computer support and chat to all members. Reason for Nomination:We had been up since August 2006 but then our forums had massive errors with phpbb, so I used SMF another great set of errors came, so i decided to start the forum from scratch with mybb and then purchased vbulletin (best thing I ever did), members kept coming back and registering, the boards have been up for a month now and we have over 2000 posts and 22 members. If we win if would eb a great acheivement for both the community, me as administrator and the staff to show off all the hard work we have put into the community to continue to provide 24 hours support through out the year. This would also be a nice way of gaining some exposure to more people. |
Site Name: Who you Reppin?
URL: www.whoyoureppin.com Description:A fresh new idea that brings the millions of rap forums into one, to represent your forum and find the best net emcees. Reason for Nomination: Only been up a month and already in full flow, the ideas alone on this forum should win this, check the amazing tournement ideas etc. |
Site Name: Laugh Quicky - Knowledge is Power
URL: http://laughquicky.com Description: Discussion about latest news, search engines, sports, games, and some other categories. Reason for Nomination: The reason we are running this board is to teach members how to develop basic Internet skills. |
+1 I like it :D |
Originally Posted by Shazz https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2011/11/11.gif ------------------------------------ Site Name: vBCoderz URL: www.vBCoderz.com Description: Designs/Mods, Information and support. Trying to do the next step in vB Reason for Nomination: Encourges people that don't have vBulletin to get vBulletin! And for the people that have vB its another vB community you can count on. ------------------------------------ Quote:
Site Name: Halo Boards
URL: www.HaloBoards.com Description: Halo, Halo 2 and Halo 3 Videos, Lessons and Forum Reason for Nomination: HaloBoards.com is a community of friendly gamers of various skill levels that can come together to discuss everything the Halo universe has to offer. We regulary post videos, hold weekly contests for best kills etc., offer lessons and I believe the site looks really good too :D Thanks, Kip (Chris) = thehalogod [the site owner / admin] |
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