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-   -   Best profile enhancement (myspace type software) & Blog (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=140614)

Alfa1 02-27-2007 04:12 PM

Best profile enhancement (myspace type software) & Blog
Different boards will have different requirements for profile enhancements. Therefore I think it would be handy if we have one thread which lists all the possibilities. Paid and free. I have searched vb.com vb.org and several other places to find one list but could not find this.

So far I have found the following possibilities:

SocialEngine (Paid)
At first glance this seems the most advanced solution. SocialEngine promises a forum integration tutorial for vb coming in early 2008. Since SocialEngine is so complex, I wonder how well a do it yourself integration will be, but the news is certainly exciting.

Zoints Local (free)
About Me, My Discussions, My Links, Instant Chat, My Photos My Interests, My Communities, My Network, Quick Comments, Ratings, My Blog, RSS Feeds, Social Actions and many more. drag and drop, style sharing, friends, connects profiles to other websites trough the Zoints network and lets your members search these.

Myspace profile (free)
although I couldn't get it to work properly it has css options, video, buddies, photopost/vba gallery intergration is possible, zodiac sign, vbjournal intergration, additional profile fields.

vS-Interactive Profiles (free)
Myspace-Style "Friend Requests", user ratings and comments, zodiacs, friendster-style profile field highlights, custom xss-proof css, support for avatars, Zodiac Sign
This is currently unsupported.

phpfox (paid)
Guestbook, Friends & Favorites, Personal Details block, Recent Visitors, Blogs, Gallery, Groups list, Contact Panel, Report User, Member Details

E friends (paid)
photo albums, member voting system, upload multimedia content, Write a testimonial, blog, articles, member rating system and much more.

vBlog (paid)
Still to be released. A alpha version of the blog part has been released and is running on vbulletin.com. The profile enhancement & social networking part has to be coded. It's hard to say if it's going to be good or not. Upside is that it is not a third party add on. Downside is that it seems the blog seems pretty basic so far.

NuSpace (paid)
Also unreleased. Not much can be said on this. For features see here

phpRaven (paid)
Unreleased. For features see here.

Unreleased. For features see here.

I am not certain if vbspace is still available. I understand that the vbspace thread has gone down due to flaming. Please keep this thread clean.

Blog programs:

vbdiary & vbblog (free)
This is not Jelsofts vblog, but a free add-on. Interesting hack, but has a major error in it that needs to be fixed.

vBlogetin (paid)
A very nice and extensive blog written for vbulletin. Definitely worth looking into.

Wordpress/Vbulletin Bridge
A bridge for Wordpress that shares vbulletin members with wordpress members.

vbulletin Blog (Paid)
A fully supported blog for vbulletin. So far it's pretty basic, but this will likely evolve.

If you have others to add to this list, please post here. If you have experience with any of these programs please list the pro's and con's

ArchieMB 03-08-2007 10:10 PM

is it possible to use the joovili profiles in vb?

da420 03-08-2007 10:15 PM

My favorite of the ones listed is vS-Interactive Profiles. It's nice, simple, clean looking, and well supported.

Alfa1 03-08-2007 10:58 PM

vs-profiles seems well intergrated, but very basic in features.

I have added Joovili, because it was listed as having vbulletin intergration, in another thread here. I have contacted Joovili, requested more information on their vbulletin intergration and alerted them to this thread.
Edit: there is no supported intergration. I have asked Joovili to consider creating one.

I have also contacted phpfox about their intergration and they replied that they do have a working intergration hack, although they know of members that have problems with this. So it seems like a possibility for those with good knowledge of php/vbulletin, but not for noobs. The hack seems like a bridge and makes these modifications to vbulletin: http://www.phpfox.com/guide/plugins/...letin/install/
If anyone has experience with this intergration, please post your experience.

Many people find Zoints local not suited because it makes your site automaticly to other sites. This is also one of the reasons, why I am searching for other options.

The myspace profile rewrite is the one I am currently using, but am very unhappy about as it once bundled many other hacks which are no longer active. Without them much is lost. And besides that I'd like more functionality and had a hard time to get it running right. Which it still doesn't.

Nordinho 03-09-2007 01:25 AM

I'm using vs-interactive profiles and modified quite some things, but the result is pretty much what you see on myspace etc. For example member1 member2 member3

So I think you can do almost everything with vbulletin and an affordable (and well supported) hack. But I think the convenience Zoints gives to users is unmatched (drag and drop blocks). But Zoints has other disadvantages so I won't use that.

If someone ever release a Zoint a like hack for ones forum only, with no backlinks etc. I would definately use that. But till then I'll settle with what I have now ;)

Alfa1 03-12-2007 01:46 AM

Thanks for posting that. It seems vs-interactive profiles can do more than I thought, although I am missing some features I'd like to see. Is there an intergration with blog, photopost, etc, etc?

I have emailed vs-profiles to see what hacks/add ons there are for this. Please fill me in if you know. I have no access to their forum.

I have updated the 1st post of this topic to contain the functions of the various software.

Alfa1 03-17-2007 03:15 PM

Also, do not forget to vote on this poll about wether or not vbulletin should add profile enhancement.

Chicago_VLNU_4s 03-18-2007 01:32 AM

I think the myspace one is the best option to go. It's power is limitless.. just look at my profile for instance. I've coded everything myself (aside the defaults and comments and friends bit) so IMHO, I think the myspace one is the best...and it's free!!

http://www.offthaave.com/forums/4 CORNER HUSTLA

Shazz 03-18-2007 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Chicago_VLNU_4s (Post 1205984)
I think the myspace one is the best option to go. It's power is limitless.. just look at my profile for instance. I've coded everything myself (aside the defaults and comments and friends bit) so IMHO, I think the myspace one is the best...and it's free!!

http://www.offthaave.com/forums/4 CORNER HUSTLA

Looks nice :)

Alfa1 03-18-2007 02:56 PM

I use the myspace hack myself and do think that it's a big step forward from vb's profiles.

The downsides of the Myspace profile hack:
  1. It's nice for those members with good html/CSS knowledge, but for boards that have few such members it's not very handy IMHO.
  2. One needs to install a lot of additional hacks.
  3. Not all these hacks are updated. Some are still in beta phase. Many are meant for vb 3.5.
  4. vBjournal is not compatible with recent mySQL or PHP versions.
  5. Many interesting hacks have been dropped from the myspace profile hack.

Chicago_VLNU_4s must have older versions of php and mySQL to have this working.

Alfa1 03-25-2007 06:40 PM

Jelsoft itself will be releasing a solution, together with vbulletin version 3.66. I hope it will be good. It will include blog.

Shazz 03-25-2007 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1212033)
Jelsoft itself will be releasing a solution, together with vbulletin version 3.66. I hope it will be good. It will include blog.

Where did they say that? maybe a quote from vB.com you can link us too :D

Its almost like user note but more advanced :|

Alfa1 03-25-2007 07:10 PM

There are several threads about this. Jelsoft will be releasing a bundle of official vbulletin add ons.

vBulletin Blog adds social networking functionality to your vBulletin installation, which will allow your users to quickly and safely make connections and form relationships. Member profile pages are extended to include an enhanced buddy system, visitor tracking, blog integration and a comment system, all housed within a new and improved profile page template together with improved delivery of existing profile information.

Pure Dope 04-01-2007 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1206003)
Looks nice :)


Cloud Nine 04-09-2007 03:30 AM

i sure hope that vbulletin blog thing will be great!

InfoNirvana 04-09-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1212053)
There are several threads about this. Jelsoft will be releasing a bundle of official vbulletin add ons.


Alfa, add the vB product to your list (on the first thread).

Blog and Social Networking
Release Date: unknown.

Alfa1 04-09-2007 10:45 PM

I will do so when it's released and it's name and features are defined.
There are several other vb profile enhancements coming out as well.

Yours Truly 04-11-2007 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1223653)
I will do so when it's released and it's name and features are defined.
There are several other vb profile enhancements coming out as well.

Like? ;D

s0b 04-11-2007 01:46 PM

Im using vs-interactive profile and is great: demo

Alfa1 04-11-2007 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Yours Truly (Post 1224935)
Like? ;D

Nuhit will be releasing NuSpace after Jelsoft comes with vbulletin's Blog and Profile system.

Here is some of the functionality:

Originally Posted by Elfmage
We have all the basics:
- customizable profile user fields. Default installation, comes with a MySpace profile set of fields. (About Me, Interests, etc).
- friends
- friend requests / approvals
- profile comments
- per user photo gallery, including albums
- per-photo user comments
- per-user blogs
- blog categories (each blog can be in multiple categories, just like in WordPress)
- global vs. per-user blog categories.
- privacy options (public/friends only/just me) for profiles, photo albums, blogs, blog entries.
- Everything is template/phrase based for easy customization.

And the not so basic features:
- support for multiple layouts. Out of the box NuSpace has a MySpace-like look and feel. You could have a layout similar to facebook, bebo, or what have you.
- options to enable BBCode or HTML/CSS in profile fields or in blog posts (on a per usergroup basis)
- If HTML/CSS is enabled, we provide custom filtering to prevent XSS, javascript, etc.
- Option to enable/disable flash objects, on a per usergroup basis. Flash Objects get translated to XSS safe tags, just like MySpace.
- If Flash is enabled, members can embed flash widgets from any widget provider like slide.com, rockyou.com, etc.
- blog posts support images, polls, sticky, and everything else that you could normally do when using vBulletin.
- support for (customizable) SEF links for profiles, galleries, and blogs. For instance my profile could be at http://www.mydomain.com/nuspace/elfmage, and my blog could be at http://www.mydomain.com/nuspace/elfmage/blog. Or, you could configure all blogs to be together: http://www.mydomain.com/blogs/elfmage, etc, etc.
- if guest comments are allowed, vBulletin's CAPTCHA is used to prevent spamming.
- we also implemented a custom module and block system, which let's you add/enable/disable fields, and they appear on the Profile page, without having to edit a template. (You can if you want, but you don't have to).
- subscriptions. users can subscribe to be a profile, or a blog post, or a photo. When subscribed, they get notified when comments are posted, etc.
- new profile field types, like dropdown and radio groups.

More information about NuSpace will be posted in time.

Yours Truly 04-11-2007 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1225120)
Nuhit will be releasing NuSpace after Jelsoft comes with vbulletin's Blog and Profile system.

Here is some of the functionality:

More information about NuSpace will be posted in time.

Payed i presume?

Alfa1 04-11-2007 05:28 PM

Indeed. Although Nuhit really needs to come up with something good to get customers to choose their 3rd party product above Jelsofts vbulletin product, I have high hopes for the NuSpace blog & profile system.

Yours Truly 04-11-2007 05:30 PM

Does he havea planned release date do you know?

Alfa1 04-11-2007 05:33 PM

NuHit is going to await Jelsofts release, but testing is starting very soon.

Yours Truly 04-11-2007 06:26 PM

Sweet ;D

DannyITR 04-23-2007 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Yours Truly (Post 1225197)
Sweet ;D

Yes thats very sweet indeed. I need facebook like photogallery capabilities and I have a feeling Jelsoft might not go all the way on their first release.

Yours Truly 04-25-2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1225120)
Nuhit will be releasing NuSpace after Jelsoft comes with vbulletin's Blog and Profile system.

Here is some of the functionality:

More information about NuSpace will be posted in time.

Any news?

Alfa1 04-26-2007 07:30 PM

NuSpace will probably be released after Jelsoft's profile enhancement has been released, so it may be a while.

Alfa1 07-11-2007 03:56 PM

Update: the alpha version of vBlog has gone live on vb.com No enhanced profiles are added yet. It's still pretty basic and therefor hard to evaluate.

vs-profiles is now available for free here on vb.org.

Although www.vblogetin.com is currently offline, it will be back.

I've updated the overview in the opening post.

cheat-master30 07-11-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1192004)
Different boards will have different requirements for profile enhancements. Therefore I think it would be handy if we have one thread which lists all the possibilities. Paid and free. I have searched vb.com vb.org and several other places to find one list but could not find this.

So far I have found the following possibilities:

Zoints Local (free)
About Me, My Discussions, My Links, Instant Chat, My Photos My Interests, My Communities, My Network, Quick Comments, Ratings, My Blog, RSS Feeds, Social Actions and many more. drag and drop, style sharing, friends, connects profiles to other websites trough the Zoints network and lets your members search these.

Myspace profile (free)
although I couldn't get it to work properly it has css options, video, buddies, photopost/vba gallery intergration is possible, zodiac sign, vbjournal intergration, additional profile fields.

vS-Interactive Profiles (free)
Myspace-Style "Friend Requests", user ratings and comments, zodiacs, friendster-style profile field highlights, custom xss-proof css, support for avatars, Zodiac Sign
This is currently unsupported.

phpfox (paid)
Guestbook, Friends & Favorites, Personal Details block, Recent Visitors, Blogs, Gallery, Groups list, Contact Panel, Report User, Member Details

E friends (paid)
photo albums, member voting system, upload multimedia content, Write a testimonial, blog, articles, member rating system and much more.

vBlog (paid)
Still to be released. A alpha version of the blog part has been released. The profile enhancement & social networking part has to be coded. It's hard to say if it's going to be good or not. Upside is that it is not a third party add on. Downside is that it seems the blog seems pretty basic so far.

NuSpace (paid)
Also unreleased. Not much can be said on this. For features see here

I am not certain if vbspace is still available. I understand that the vbspace thread has gone down due to flaming. Please keep this thread clean.

There are several blog programs, but AFAIK none of them affect vbulletin's profile, so I have excluded them.

If you have others to add to this list, please post here. If you have experience with any of these programs please list the pro's and con's

VS Interactive profiles is an excellent choice, and the one I am using on my own forum at this moment, and have designed styles for. It has a decent array of features, and the possibilities to use CSS are pretty much endless depending on settings.

Zoints Local is a good alternative from what others have said, and seems a well put together piece of software.

The vBulletin official blogging and social networking add on looks to be amazing, but is quite a few weeks away from release, so you may want to try one of the others until it's release date regardless of it you want it or not.

phpfox is separate software from what I can tell, and expensive. Haven't heard too many complaints about it though.

People say AlstraSoftis awful, as seen by this Sitepoint topic:


I advise to stay away at all costs from their products and spend your money on other things (such as one of the other paid options here if you choose to do so).

Cannot comment on Nuspace, it's not been released.

Myspace profile is probably not a good idea, and the features are in either VS Interactive Profiles or Zoints.

Oh, and if you don't have the ability to have videos in profiles, you may want to use this Template Modification to allow so:


I'm using that or something similar, to allow users to have 2 videos in their profile. A nice enough feature in my opinion.

RvG2 07-12-2007 07:12 PM

hmmm what's the difference of releasing it and waiting for Jelsoft to release theirs?

anyhow, i have zoints installed but should you release this nuspace then probably will gonna think of replacing my current social networking.

Alfa1 07-13-2007 05:54 PM

NuSpace is not mine. I only chart the various options here.

I assume that waiting for Jelsofts vblog product to come out, means that they intent to try make NuSpace better than the Jelsoft product. But that's just my thoughts.

There has been one mention of another new software package, but since I didn't hear back on that for the last 2 months, I assume the project has stranded.

Alfa1 08-06-2007 11:48 AM

There are two new solutions coming up:


Originally Posted by EJRaven
Hello everyone,

I'm glad to announce that my team has been developing a high quality Web 2.0 MySpace and hi5 script that will be sold to webmasters much like phpFox, but out difference will be the quality of our software, think of a Facebook script for webmasters.

Its name is phpRaven.

It includes all the features of Facebook, myspace, hi5, and other social networks.

Some of the main features include:
  • Fully customizable (CSS)
  • MySpace Layout Function (Where members can use their own layouts)
  • Fully Integrated Video Uploading Function
  • Full Integration with vBulleting, IPB, SMF, among others
  • phpFox, Handshakes database transfer tool.
  • High Quality Layouts
  • and much more!

It will be finished in 3 months, a beta version should be available soon.


Originally Posted by MicroHellas
vbClubs is based on the following phylosophy:
  • Use of your forum's registration
  • Use of your forum's style
  • Use of your forum's usergroups
The heart of the module is a Club

Every Club (a user can have multiple clubs according to his usergroup's permissions), can be public (without registration) or private (with registration). Club owner can setup his own registration questions (text, radio, checkbox, drop lists, multiselect, textarea).

Every Club will have:
  • Blogs
  • Galleries
  • Videos
  • eShop (with PayPal payments feature)
  • Dating
  • Events (with registration/payment feature)
  • eCard
According to Club's owner decision any of his posts in his club (eg an eCard) can be available to Club Members only or to all Members.

That's the most important points.


Alfa1 08-15-2007 11:49 AM

On a related note:
Please see this new add on: My best threads displayed on member profile
It is not clear with which profile software this add-on is compatible.

Ba$im 08-23-2007 05:13 PM

<a href="http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showpost.php?p=1472031&postcount=19" target="_blank">http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showp...1&postcount=19</a>
I found this post very usefull
I would know if some one have way to integrate phpizabi withe vbulletin?

Alfa1 08-30-2007 06:33 PM

Did you note that the author writes this about it:

these in my opinion are much lower quality but with a A LOT of time and effort could make great social network websites.

Ba$im 08-31-2007 12:36 AM

yeah I note that
but at least I see it better than any hacke on vB.org
any way I try yesterday dzoic product
and he have problem on cookiz with vbulletin
from what I c it’s the best
just need better than vbulletin integreat
and it will be gr8

boiboi 09-14-2007 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1311098)
There are two new solutions coming up:



i smell a couple abandonwares
why do these people make announcements before writing a single line of code?

Alfa1 09-14-2007 10:09 PM

Yes, that is possible. Though it is also the case that several coders are holding their breath until Jelsoft has released vb 3.7 with social networking in it. It is not sensible to release addon software that may be included in vbulletin soon. A profile enhancement add-on should outweigh vbulletin's standard features.

ShawneyJ 09-15-2007 12:09 AM

im running vS-Interactive Profiles and Zoints Local, you click on a members profile and you have 2 choices of profiles togo to, its sweet lol.

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