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-   -   Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=139646)

HaMaDa4eVeR 02-16-2007 10:00 PM

Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days
What does this hack do ?
This is second version of Auto Delete/Move Hacks, this hack can delete the zero post threads that was created before X days in your specific forums or it can move the zero post threads to specific(Archive) through scheduled task, by defualt delete the zero post every ten days, sure you can change the period as you want,
this is where the Auto Delete After X Days comes in handy!

  • Turn On/Off system "All system".
  • Turn On/Off Move system.
  • Turn On/Off Delete system.
  • Specific forums "this hack will work on this forums only".
  • Specific forums " Archive Forums".
  • Protected Users.
  • Delete Type (soft/hard).
  • Created days.
  • NO Code Modifications needed!

Install instructions:

1- Upload the file to forum/includes/cron.
2- Import the Product XML file through your Admincp.
3- Enjoy.

Do not forget to review the hacks options in vBulletin options under "Auto Delete/Move After X Days " to set it as you want, the defualt setting are:-
- Soft delete for the threads that have zero replay and created before 30 days ago.
- protected user that have id 1 & 2.
- it will running every ten days.
- check the attachments.

that's all
Any questions, comments, suggestions, pleaes let me know


projectego 02-17-2007 11:50 AM

Awesome! I think I might just have a use for this... ;)

[high]* projectego clicks install[/high]

COBRAws 02-17-2007 04:19 PM

Is there a way so I can set the time I want for specific threads?

SCRIPT3R 02-17-2007 05:29 PM

Can you set this up without any delete options? i just want to have threads moved to a new section after however many days.

FunaGuy 02-18-2007 12:32 AM

Can u make it also for move closed thread after X days... ?

HaMaDa4eVeR 02-18-2007 06:18 AM


Is there a way so I can set the time I want for specific threads?
you can specific forum only,

Can you set this up without any delete options? i just want to have threads moved to a new section after however many days.

Can u make it also for move closed thread after X days... ?
sure you can
User the delete thread or move the read or the both

SCRIPT3R 02-18-2007 06:56 AM

suggestions... ;)

ok, so delete type will only correspond w/ Auto Delete Thread After X days; could you move the Delete Type menu selection to within the Auto Delete Thread After X days fieldset.

could you set this up for multiple forums/archives; ie: Effected Forums A = Archive Forum A & Effected Forums B = Archive Forum B and so forth?

Barteken 02-18-2007 10:42 AM

could you make it with inactive threads, because its kinda useless moving a thread that is still active. It should be handy that when a thread is inactive and X days old is moved to an archive forum...


FunaGuy 02-19-2007 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by HaMaDa4eVeR (Post 1185110)
you can specific forum only,

sure you can
User the delete thread or move the read or the both

Its moved all unreplied threads to Archive :mad:

I mean to say I want Its Move all closed threads to Archive not Unreplied :(

HaMaDa4eVeR 02-19-2007 09:19 AM



ok, so delete type will only correspond w/ Auto Delete Thread After X days; could you move the Delete Type menu selection to within the Auto Delete Thread After X days fieldset.
OK, I'll do it in next relase,
now you all (effected forums) >>> (archive)


could you make it with inactive threads, because its kinda useless moving a thread that is still active. It should be handy that when a thread is inactive and X days old is moved to an archive forum...
to do that you should change the /cron/cronautodelete.php file in line 31 :

AND `replycount` = '0'
just delete it and it will delete/move the threads that created before X days ago.

I mean to say I want Its Move all closed threads to Archive not Unreplied
It need small change in mysql query,
to do that you should change the /cron/cronautodelete.php file in line 31 :

AND `replycount` = '0'
replace it with:

AND `open` = '0'
Best Regards

powerbook 02-19-2007 03:49 PM

This can be very handy. I was looking for something that will move all threads that have been replied to in one forum to another... :up:

EDIT: I can't tell you how much this hack (with 2 changes to the cron query) solved a big headache I had for very long time... Thanks

telc 02-19-2007 06:34 PM

Great add-on, could you add the option to and have it configurable on a per-forum basis?

Ignore Stickies [yes no]
Ignore Closed Threads [yes no]
Move threads where the last reply is atleast X days ago
Configurable on a Per-forum Basis ( so each forum can be configured different)

Smiliar to the options in the Prune and Threads section of Admincp.

Forumi Shqiptar 04-05-2007 07:54 AM

can you add a feture to delete all the posts that has been Soft' deleted by the moderators???

Many thanks in advance (very nice mod anyway i clicked install)

taxick 04-11-2007 10:44 PM

I cant get it to work..

It dont create any on "Scheduled Tasks"...

And it dont move any Thread....

Can you help me?

And plz post the Scheduled Task info... So i can add it manuel.


HaMaDa4eVeR 04-20-2007 03:34 PM


I cant get it to work..

It dont create any on "Scheduled Tasks"...

And it dont move any Thread....

Can you help me?

And plz post the Scheduled Task info... So i can add it manuel.

run this query in your forum database :

INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel,active,varname, volatile,product)) VALUES (-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')
make sure that you've uploaded the file cronautodelete.php in ./includes/cron/cronautodelete.php

and It should be working now...

thanks all for your suggestions,and It will be done soon

littlematts 04-23-2007 08:11 AM

Dear HaMaDa4eVeR,

Thank a bunch for this beautiful mod i was always looking for. I will be lot greatful if you can help me on how to make this mod delete threads "after x days of inactivity". ie; the thread will be deleted after x days of no reply.

To be specific, our forum moderators send "junk" or "spam" to a forum named "thrash" and we need to make the "thrash bin forum" work with your script so as it will delete the threads in that "thrash forum" after X days a thread stays in thrash.

is it possible with a mod in this mod??

hopefully waiting for your reply


HaMaDa4eVeR 05-14-2007 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by littlematts (Post 1233878)
Dear HaMaDa4eVeR,

Thank a bunch for this beautiful mod i was always looking for. I will be lot greatful if you can help me on how to make this mod delete threads "after x days of inactivity". ie; the thread will be deleted after x days of no reply.

To be specific, our forum moderators send "junk" or "spam" to a forum named "thrash" and we need to make the "thrash bin forum" work with your script so as it will delete the threads in that "thrash forum" after X days a thread stays in thrash.

is it possible with a mod in this mod??

hopefully waiting for your reply


I'm ready to help you..
but the support for installed members only :)

littlematts 05-16-2007 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by HaMaDa4eVeR (Post 1247537)
I'm ready to help you..
but the support for installed members only :)

Let me say sorry for the long break. I was in a hurry to change my work profile that made me lag to reply for your prompt help u offered.

I will be only happy to install the mod if it can be made compatible with the thread deletion rule mentioned.. only very happy to..

Pls do reply if you are keeping track mate.. I will be prompt for now on..

Thank you once agn and sorry for incon caused


cmwg 05-29-2007 04:35 AM

I can?t seem to get the SQL Query to work...

This is the dump of the "cron" table:

  `cronid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `nextrun` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `weekday` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `day` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `hour` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `minute` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `filename` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  `loglevel` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `active` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '1',
  `varname` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `volatile` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `product` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`cronid`),
  UNIQUE KEY `varname` (`varname`),
  KEY `nextrun` (`nextrun`)

-- Dumping data for table `cron`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cron` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `cron` VALUES (1,1179093660,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:1;}','./includes/cron/birthday.php',1,1,'birthday',1,'vbulletin'),(2,1179014160,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:56;}','./includes/cron/threadviews.php',0,1,'threadviews',1,'vbulletin'),(3,1179012300,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:25;}','./includes/cron/promotion.php',1,1,'promotion',1,'vbulletin'),(4,1179093720,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:2;}','./includes/cron/digestdaily.php',1,1,'digestdaily',1,'vbulletin'),(5,1179095400,1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:30;}','./includes/cron/digestweekly.php',1,1,'digestweekly',1,'vbulletin'),(6,1179093720,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:2;}','./includes/cron/subscriptions.php',1,1,'subscriptions',1,'vbulletin'),(7,1179014700,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:5;}','./includes/cron/cleanup.php',0,1,'cleanup',1,'vbulletin'),(8,1179011400,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:10;}','./includes/cron/attachmentviews.php',0,1,'attachmentviews',1,'vbulletin'),(9,1179093780,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:3;}','./includes/cron/activate.php',1,1,'activate',1,'vbulletin'),(10,1179011700,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:15;}','./includes/cron/removebans.php',1,1,'removebans',1,'vbulletin'),(11,1179012000,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:20;}','./includes/cron/cleanup2.php',0,1,'cleanup2',1,'vbulletin'),(12,1179093600,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}','./includes/cron/stats.php',0,1,'stats',1,'vbulletin'),(13,1179012300,-1,-1,-1,'a:2:{i:0;i:25;i:1;i:55;}','./includes/cron/reminder.php',0,1,'reminder',1,'vbulletin'),(14,1179094200,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:10;}','./includes/cron/dailycleanup.php',0,1,'dailycleanup',1,'vbulletin'),(15,1179012000,-1,-1,-1,'a:2:{i:0;i:20;i:1;i:50;}','./includes/cron/infractions.php',1,1,'infractions',1,'vbulletin'),(16,1179011400,-1,-1,-1,'a:1:{i:0;i:10;}','./includes/cron/ccbill.php',1,1,'ccbill',1,'vbulletin'),(17,1179011400,-1,-1,-1,'a:6:{i:0;i:0;i:1;i:10;i:2;i:20;i:3;i:30;i:4;i:40;i:5;i:50;}','./includes/cron/rssposter.php',1,1,'rssposter',1,'vbulletin'),(18,1179093900,-1,-1,0,'a:1:{i:0;i:5;}','./includes/cron/birthdaythread.php',1,1,'Automatic Birthday Thread',1,'vbulletin');

I just get the following error:

An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '" . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel,active, varna' at line 1
after editing the query to:

INSERT INTO cron VALUES (-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')
i then get the error:


An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1136
error desc: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
what is wrong?

louis_chypher 05-30-2007 02:14 PM


table prefix?

The table prefix I use is "vb_"

thus I use

CREATE TABLE `vb_cron` (


(-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')

see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/insert.html for the proper syntax for the INSERT statement.

Eagle Creek 06-05-2007 10:51 PM

Very cool!
Any chance it will be supported (I ask because of the new vb-versions)?

1. Does it only work with 0 posts?
2. Do I have to make the cron myself?

HaMaDa4eVeR 06-12-2007 12:58 PM


1. Does it only work with 0 posts?
you can custom it :)
as you wish, just edit the attached file forum/includes/cron

tandy 07-08-2007 01:07 PM

INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel,active, varname, volatile,product)) VALUES (-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')

Give me

#1064 - Erreur de syntaxe pr賠de '" . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,logle' ࠬa ligne 1

patrickstar 07-10-2007 07:47 PM

very nice, will it work with 3.6.7?

does the timer start when the thread was created or when the last post was made?

adc-arab 07-13-2007 05:43 PM

thx alot ^^ but i don'est add any cron job in v 3.6.7 pl1 >.>

how can i add it manually without running sql Query

TigerWare 07-15-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by HaMaDa4eVeR (Post 1232046)
run this query in your forum database :

INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel,active,varname, volatile,product)) VALUES (-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')
make sure that you've uploaded the file cronautodelete.php in ./includes/cron/cronautodelete.php

and It should be working now...

If I may, I'd like to point out that this SQL does not look right though I'm no expert.

(weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel,active, varname, volatile,product)) VALUES (-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')
There is an additional bracket after the column list.
The number of quoted columns (Ten) does not mach the number of values (Seven).
To me it looks like there are missing values for column active, varname and volatile.

I have no scheduled task in either 3.6.4 (mine) or on a 3.6.7PL1 (which I am co-admin).

Sorry if I'm being thick, but the SQL on the install code just doesn't look correct.


voclain 07-17-2007 02:43 AM

Quick questions...I'm just about to install this...I will have it up in a few minutes.

But....what I want to know is once it's installed...and I have applied it to my specific forum that I want to apply it to.

WILL it then do the action to everything that is CURRENTLY in that FORUM??? or will it only do it to NEW THREADS/POST that come in AFTER the Hack is installed???



HaMaDa4eVeR 07-17-2007 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by adc-arab (Post 1290146)
thx alot ^^ but i don'est add any cron job in v 3.6.7 pl1 >.>

how can i add it manually without running sql Query

PHP Code:

INSERT INTO cron VALUES (-1100'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}''./includes/cron/cronautodelete.php'1'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days'); 


Originally Posted by tandy (Post 1285784)
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,loglevel,active, varname, volatile,product)) VALUES (-1, 10, 0, 'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}', './includes/cron/cronautodelete.php', 1, 'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days')

Give me

#1064 - Erreur de syntaxe pr賠de '" . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron (weekday,day,hour,minute,filename,logle' ࠬa ligne 1

try this:
PHP Code:

INSERT INTO cron VALUES (-1100'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}''./includes/cron/cronautodelete.php'1'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days'); 


Originally Posted by patrickstar (Post 1287852)
very nice, will it work with 3.6.7?

does the timer start when the thread was created or when the last post was made?

revire the mod. options, it will do it

Originally Posted by voclain (Post 1293327)
Quick questions...I'm just about to install this...I will have it up in a few minutes.

But....what I want to know is once it's installed...and I have applied it to my specific forum that I want to apply it to.

WILL it then do the action to everything that is CURRENTLY in that FORUM??? or will it only do it to NEW THREADS/POST that come in AFTER the Hack is installed???



he will work on the both :)
old/new topics

luckid 07-18-2007 03:11 PM

Tnx Good PlugIn:cool:

voclain 07-19-2007 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by HaMaDa4eVeR (Post 1293580)
PHP Code:

INSERT INTO cron VALUES (-1100'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}''./includes/cron/cronautodelete.php'1'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days'); 

try this:
PHP Code:

INSERT INTO cron VALUES (-1100'a:1:{i:0;i:0;}''./includes/cron/cronautodelete.php'1'Auto Delete/Move Thread After X days'); 

revire the mod. options, it will do it

he will work on the both :)
old/new topics

I did what you said here...and this is the message I got after running it:


An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1136
error desc: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Any suggestions????


voclain 07-19-2007 03:26 PM

I got the SCHEDULED TASK situation fixed.....I read in post number: 10 the following:


could you make it with inactive threads, because its kinda useless moving a thread that is still active. It should be handy that when a thread is inactive and X days old is moved to an archive forum...
to do that you should change the /cron/cronautodelete.php file in line 31 :


AND `replycount` = '0'
just delete it and it will delete/move the threads that created before X days ago.


I did this and it only deleted threads that had ZERO posts in them.

What I want this to do is this.....

I have a forum where my members SELL stuff....and usually after 30 days...the stuff they are selling is OLD, SOLD, or they are not going to sell it.

So...I want all threads...and all posts....that are more than 30 days old to just be deleted...every night.....is that want this will do for me?

I have done what you suggested above...but it again....only deleted threads that had ZERO posts.



AzzidReign 07-20-2007 03:12 PM

How did you get the cron to work? I'm still having problems with it.

voclain 07-20-2007 03:35 PM

All I did was make a NEW SCHEDULED TASK and had it point to .php file that I uploaded into the "CRON" folder.

Just like that...it works.

But....I seriously, seriously, SERIOUSLY need to get this working so that it DELETES ALL threads....older than 35 days....even the ones that have posts to them....JUST like you do in the "PRUNE" section manually.


AzzidReign 07-20-2007 04:19 PM

I think you put back what you deleted.

AND `replycount` = '0'
That seemed to work for me. I was testing it with moving the threads and it moved the threads with replies in it...but I didn't check to see if the reply date was x days old.

voclain 07-20-2007 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1296695)
I think you put back what you deleted.

AND `replycount` = '0'
That seemed to work for me. I was testing it with moving the threads and it moved the threads with replies in it...but I didn't check to see if the reply date was x days old.


I did not TEST to see if it work on MOVING THEM??? HUM??? That could be the answer??? All I did was test to see if it would work on me DELETING them...

I'm off to test that.


voclain 07-20-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1296695)
I think you put back what you deleted.

AND `replycount` = '0'
That seemed to work for me. I was testing it with moving the threads and it moved the threads with replies in it...but I didn't check to see if the reply date was x days old.


Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!

That did it...I had the "AUTO MOVE" feature OFF....and when I removed the "AND 'replycount' = '0' command....it did not apply to "DELETING"...only MOVING.

Which I can make work. I just set up a dummy forum....made it so nobody can see in it...and I'll just DELETE from it every now and then....EASY!!!!

Thank you, thank you thank you!!!!!

I vote that this be the best HaCK ever!


AzzidReign 07-20-2007 10:14 PM

Your welcome! :)

That's what I've done...I've set up a "recycle bin" that I'll manually prune. I just got done pruning over 10k THREADS! It's almost like giving lipo to someone who weighed 300 lbs and now weighs 100 lol j/p But the site is loading much quicker now :)

paulo_b 09-22-2007 03:30 AM

After install I ran the Task manager and get this error message...
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM `vbthread` Where forumid IN(11,40,25,29,12,17,27,15,22,18,30,26,19,44,24,23 ,28,20,) AND `replycount` = '0' AND `postuserid` NOT IN (1,2) AND `dateline` <= '1190175911';

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND `replycount` = '0' AND `postuserid` NOT IN (1,2) AND `da
Error Number : 1064

I have no idea what this means, please help

paulo_b 09-27-2007 03:54 AM

Anyone home??

paulo_b 10-01-2007 01:51 PM

I removed te trailing comma, 20,), that was the problem, seems to work now.

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