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ZomgStuff 02-14-2007 10:00 PM

Digg.com System Integration
Well I haven't seen this posted yet so I'll give it a crack.
Digg.com will bring your site huge traffic, trust me.
A friend and I made this where you can click "digg this" in a thread and then embed the "digg me" button in a thread.

Screenshots are below.

Admin CP -> Custom BB Code -> Add New BB Code


Title: Digg

Tag: digg

Replacement: <script>
digg_url = '{param}';
<script src="http://digg.com/api/diggthis.js"></script>

Example: [digg]http://digg.com/programming/Xfire_Game_Spoofing[/digg]

Description: [digg]URL TO ARTICLE[/digg]. Allows you to enter a counter for digg.

Button Image: You can borrow mine. http://www.zomgstuff.net/forum/images/techtwo/editor/digg.gif

Now for the template edit for your submit link to be on the thread.
Admin CP -> Styles and Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Template -> postbit_legacy.
Admin CP -> Styles and Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Template -> postbit

<A HREF="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.url.net/forum/showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]&title=$post[title]" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGEHERE" border=0></A>

You can get the images for the thread here:


AresGW 02-15-2007 02:39 AM

For the template code... which template do we put that in?


flamewalker 02-15-2007 02:57 AM

postbit_legacy... but i can't get this to work, always says "This doesn't look like a valid url!

Snake 02-15-2007 07:13 AM

Haha where is t he download link? :D

simalert 02-15-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by flamewalker (Post 1182958)
postbit_legacy... but i can't get this to work, always says "This doesn't look like a valid url!

It works perfectly for me. Did you remember to change the URL for your own and not use the example one?

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Snake (Post 1183041)
Haha where is t he download link? :D

There is no download, just this template change. I guess I placed this in the wrong seciton sorry! I just signed up here last night so I was't too familiar where everything went

projectego 02-15-2007 01:39 PM

Awesome idea for a mod! Nice work. ;)

CBrown 02-15-2007 02:58 PM

Where "exactly" am I putting that code in my postbit_legacy template? Before/after with a condition? I'm new at this.. sorry. Love the mod idea.

simalert 02-15-2007 03:04 PM

You can put it anywhere you want, it depends where on the screen you want it to appear.

I wanted mine appearing before the 'Thanks' button that's part of the thanks hack so I added it before that. If I didn't have the thanks hack I'd have looked for the edit button code and placed it before that. This would have then put the link at the bottom of the post window by the edit and quote buttons.

Don't forget to change the image part too so it's a valid image.

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 03:10 PM

Depends on where you want it. The simplest way is to copy the entire code for the template, paste it in Dreamweaver and place your mouse where you want it to be, then paste the code. Here is where I placed mine (in postbit), although I don't know if it will be the same for you because my template is heavily modded.


<div class="normal">
                        <a name="post$post[postid]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/post_$post[statusicon].gif" alt="$post[statustitle]" border="0" /></a><if condition="$show['inlinemod']"><input type="checkbox" name="plist[$postid]" id="plist_$postid" style="vertical-align:middle; padding:0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 5px" value="$post[checkbox_value]" /></if>
                        <!-- / status icon and date -->                               
                <td class="thead" style="font-weight:normal">
        <div class="normal" style="float:$stylevar[right]">

and before

<if condition="$show['postcount']">(#<a href="showpost.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]&amp;postcount=$post[postcount]" target="new" rel="nofollow" id="postcount$post[postid]" name="$post[postcount]">$post[postcount]</a>)</if>

pcoskat 02-15-2007 04:38 PM

Ok...I'm lost. In the screenshots, it looks like the digg button is in the sig, or actually in the post.

Does any have any live versions of this?

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 05:06 PM

Once you dugg the thread you can place the digg bb code anywhere such as [digg]digg.com/article[/digg] anywhere, IE in the post or in your sig. There I have it in my signature AND the tread.

Lizard King 02-15-2007 05:22 PM

You have tons of errors in the code you gave. Here is the corrected one

<a href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.url.net/forum/showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]&title=$post[title]" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGEHERE" border="0" /></a>

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard King (Post 1183364)
You have tons of errors in the code you gave. Here is the corrected one

<a href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.url.net/forum/showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]&title=$post[title]" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGEHERE" border="0" /></a>

border=0 doesn't need the "" because it's not a string, for numbers you don't need it. That might be wrong but it's worked for me before. How is this tons?

UgLy-NeRd 02-15-2007 07:32 PM

Nice. Thanks.

a1whs.com 02-15-2007 07:36 PM

Tried a lot but does not work for me at all.

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 07:41 PM

Please elaborate?

a1whs.com 02-15-2007 07:49 PM

According to your image : http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1613/sn1ow5.jpg

It does not work that way, it works only when replying to a post. Not like the one you show in the image on the top right, just like reporting users icons etc. i was expecting it to be there.

Totally Different thing.

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 07:52 PM

Then I think you placed the code in the wrong spot. You can click that link whether you are replying or not.

a1whs.com 02-15-2007 07:56 PM

Strange i followed your instructions, this is valid for 3.6.4 right?

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 07:59 PM

Correct sir. Post your template, I'll do my best to take a look at it.

a1whs.com 02-15-2007 08:02 PM

Fixed it, your instructions were wrong.

Here is the new set of instructions:

Admin CP -> Styles and Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Template -> postbit_legacy.


Admin CP -> Styles and Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Template -> postbit


<a href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.url.net/forum/showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]&title=$post[title]" target="_blank" title="Digg it"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/digg.gif" border="0"></a>

RichieBoy67 02-15-2007 08:04 PM

Some people use Postbit and some use postbit legacy. I think he meant to just place the code in which ever one you use...

Thanks, Nice mod... simple and it does what it is meant to do :)

a1whs.com 02-15-2007 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by RichieBoy67 (Post 1183487)
Some people use Postbit and some use postbit legacy. I think he meant to just place the code in which ever one you use...

Thanks, Nice mod... simple and it does what it is meant to do :)

Well for a noob like myself i think it will help if users posted full complete instructions.

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by a1whs.com (Post 1183489)
Well for a noob like myself i think it will help if users posted full complete instructions.

Sorry about the confusion, I changed the main instructions now.

HDT 02-16-2007 01:21 PM

73 seconds install this mod,and no problem founded.Thanks

v12kid 02-20-2007 02:03 AM

I am a nub so please excuse me :)

my friend installed it for me so I am unsure if it was done right but I only see the Digg post button in the postbit wysiwyg menu next to the php tags icon. I would like the feature to work where users would be able to click an icon or some text to digg the article/thread automatically

currently I have to encode a url in my thread with the digg bb code.

any input is appreciated

edge23 02-23-2007 12:05 AM

works great m8 TY...
easy install and very customizable:up:

Check it out on my site Here BiTTDaily.com


ZomgStuff 02-23-2007 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by edge23 (Post 1188732)
works great m8 TY...
easy install and very customizable:up:

Check it out on my site Here b1tt.com

BiTT News

Hah, bad timing I presume?


Warning: Unknown(/home/kungfuho/public_html/B1TT/includes/synergy.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/init.php(319) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required '/home/kungfuho/public_html/B1TT/includes/synergy.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kungfuho/public_html/B1TT/includes/init.php(319) : eval()'d code on line 3

mikehawk 02-23-2007 01:53 AM

So do you type a message in a thread, and if you want to digg it, you add a black [digg][/digg] at the end of it?

My "Digg" it icon shows when making a new thread...

ZomgStuff 02-23-2007 07:49 PM

To create a new digg article you click the digg link

<A HREF="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=http://www.url.net/forum/showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]&title=$post[title]" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGEHERE" border=0></A>

Then if you wanan embed the the already dugg story so it can be dugg, you put the url int he digg tags.

edge23 02-24-2007 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by ZomgStuff (Post 1188755)
Hah, bad timing I presume?


Warning: Unknown(/home/kungfuho/public_html/B1TT/includes/synergy.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/init.php(319) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required '/home/kungfuho/public_html/B1TT/includes/synergy.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kungfuho/public_html/B1TT/includes/init.php(319) : eval()'d code on line 3

Yea lol was moving the site to a different server. forgot to put up the down for maintenance html page... usually can pull it off with no downtime but I started it when I was tired and messed up on the sql import... "tried to do it from a uncompressed sql backup file = Very large= server choked" had to bzip it...
Then I realized I transfered the wrong directory from the backups, was a long nite...

Anyway its up again BiTT Daily
Heres a link to this mod in action TY again :) Post Link The Digg button is in the upper right...

Great Mod...

ZomgStuff 03-01-2007 03:15 AM

Hah, nice to know!

zenkaizen 03-01-2007 10:30 PM

Would it be possible to set this up so that only an Admin or Moderator could initially "Digg" the thread and then once done, and rest of the forum members could "Digg" the thread?

I think this would be useful as i've heard that a few forums have already been banned from digg.com for spamming (30+ digg articles per day) and this would allow the forum Admin and Moderators to choose which threads are worthy for submission so as to not get banned.

ZomgStuff 03-02-2007 12:04 AM

Use this


<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 5,6)"><b><u><a href="URL">Name</a></u></b></if>

fishhub 03-08-2007 03:19 PM

since there is no import of downloads. Can it be applied for 3.5.x users?

bacanze 03-08-2007 05:13 PM

Were should the code be placed in posbit & postbit legacy?

ZomgStuff 03-10-2007 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by bacanze (Post 1198933)
Were should the code be placed in posbit & postbit legacy?

Where ever you want. What I found best was to copy the template, paste it in Dreamweaver and place my cursor where I wanted it, and then place the code. You can PM me your template code and a picture of where you want it.


Originally Posted by fishhub (Post 1198843)
since there is no import of downloads. Can it be applied for 3.5.x users?

Yes it can.

fishhub 03-10-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by ZomgStuff (Post 1199923)
Where ever you want. What I found best was to copy the template, paste it in Dreamweaver and place my cursor where I wanted it, and then place the code. You can PM me your template code and a picture of where you want it.

Yes it can.

thanks. wonderful. Ill be trying it out soon.

ATVMX 03-11-2007 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by ZomgStuff (Post 1193780)
Use this


<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 5,6)"><b><u><a href="URL">Name</a></u></b></if>

How to i add this code and make it work? i cant seem to figure it out

Can someone post the entire code with this added in?

Thanks a lot

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