MortysTW |
02-25-2007 02:20 PM |
Originally Posted by cheekymonk3y
(Post 1190159)
oh, i was under the impression that in order to get a donations system going, i would need vbux, and the points and stuff was extra features, guess i was wrong. thx for that, anyway, i tried ushop on localhost and it refused to the only new thing that vbux & ushop bring to the table is points?
Correct. As I mentioned, vBulletin, the default installation, I know its in all the 3.6.xx's versions, has a subscription system. And basically its a subscription to a "member group". You set the time period as long or as short as you want it. I have a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP where you get unlimited game plays in my arcade. Where vbPlaza would of came in handy for me, is that I also have a merchandise page I had to build from scratch with PayPal's individually price/buy now buttons for all my Merch. With vbPlaza, I could of had a Merch page that people could make purchase's via points/money and it would of been easier to create the page in the first place.
vBux/vPlaza are just a kickass way of mixing money and/or points into a website to allow your users to "work for what they want". They get points for posting, downloading, replying, farting, etc. etc. Then you as the webmaster decide what the points go towards. With the vBux you can mix actual money into the mix where people can purchase points and cash out on points too. Or they can buy things from your merchandise page with their points and YOU can can cash in on those points and get your money. vBux is a sweet little way to make "points = money".
This was a crappy explanation and there are much better details that could have been given. But this is the general idea. The subscription system is sweet because there are various type online money companies like PayPal, etc. that your users can pay YOU with. Being that you have accounts with all those various money companies. Otherwise, if all you want is PayPal, forget all this crap and just go to when you are logged into PayPal and do a search for DONATION. They have pre-built Donation Buttons that you just copy/paste the html that's created specifically for YOUR ACCOUNT and then you have PayPal donation button on your site and no complications at all.