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-   -   Add-On Releases - vBRecycle v3.0.9 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=138106)

Computer_Angel 01-31-2007 10:00 PM

vBRecycle v3.0.9
This upgrade is base on the vBRecycle v3.0.7 by LNTT at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=91961. I've try to contact him many times for the upgrade but no successed. So I've decided to upgrade it my own. Made some modification for Vbb 3.6.4. And try to fixed some small error which i've got when using this mod.

-= vBRecycle
-= Version : 3.0.9
-= Main Author: LNTT
-= Upgrade by : Computer_Angel
-= For vBulletin: 3.6.x

  • Easily install & uninstall with Product Installer. *NEW
  • Main Settings
    • Quick active or disable recycle.*NEW
    • Select default recycle.
    • Auto convert normal forum => recycle forum.*NEW
    • Set type move(Copy thread to destination forum, Move and leave redirect in previous forum and Move to destination forum)
  • Recycle Manager
    • Easily edit settings.
    • Delete forum recycle.
    • Unlimited recycle.
    • Set default recycle.
    • Select recycle for special forum.
  • Empty Recycle Bin.
  • Link After Moved.
    • Options in showtheard, inline mod.
  • Quick Create Recycle*NEW
  • Scheduled Tasks Recycle*NEW
    • Auto empty recycle*NEW
  • Set permissions for each usergroup.
  • Add "vBRecycle Options" in "Add New Forum" & "Edit Forum" *NEW


[Step 1][Upload Files]

Copy all files to their respective location:
  • admincp/vbrecycle_admin.php
  • images/misc/vbrecycle_lock.gif
  • images/misc/vbrecycle_default.gif
  • images/misc/vbrecycle_scheduledtask.gif
  • images/misc/vbrecycle_edit.gif
  • images/misc/vbrecycle_empty.gif
  • includes/adminfunctions_vbrecycle.php
  • includes/cron/vbrecycle_clean.php
  • includes/xml/bitfield_vbrecycle.xml
  • includes/xml/cpnav_vbrecycle.xml

[Step 2][Run the Product Installer]

URL: http://www.yoursite.com/admincp/plug...?do=productadd
Select product-vbrecycle***.xml.

[Installation Completed]


  • Version 3.0.8
    • Modification code for VBB 3.6.0
    • Fixed bug don't cron.
    • Fixed vbflush() error.
  • Version 3.0.8a
    • Fixed missing forumid in forum display part (Thanks Redlinemotorsports)
  • Version 3.0.9
    • Improve installation/upgrade product code. Now you can upgrade plugin without losing old configuration.
    • Fixed: Call to undefined function unsubscribe_users() bugs.

Mr_Snob 02-01-2007 05:34 AM

first install thank you very much

HMBeaty 02-01-2007 05:38 AM

Ok, first small bug.....if you click "Edit Settings" or "Set Default" in the forumdisplay part of VBRecycle, they come up as "Invalid Forum Specified"

EDIT: Other than that, things seem to be working A LOT better than the version LNTT released, thank you

TheBlackPoet 02-01-2007 06:30 AM

yeah... what Redline said.... other than that.... this is better than the other recycle..... or easier to use.....


Snake 02-01-2007 08:01 AM

Thanks for this but I'm afraid you'll need to have the author's full permission first to release this.

bashy 02-01-2007 09:26 AM

I totally agree, I feel you will have this removed soon (i downloaded quick thanks ;))

Computer_Angel 02-01-2007 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1171824)
Ok, first small bug.....if you click "Edit Settings" or "Set Default" in the forumdisplay part of VBRecycle, they come up as "Invalid Forum Specified"

Thank you, I forgot that.

Originally Posted by Snake (Post 1171887)
Thanks for this but I'm afraid you'll need to have the author's full permission first to release this.


Originally Posted by bashy (Post 1171936)
I totally agree, I feel you will have this removed soon (i downloaded quick thanks ;))

I see, and still try to contacting him. But till now, got no response. And if the moderator here don't allow that so in that case - I will recode it again.

COBRAws 02-01-2007 10:04 AM

This is geat! i've been asking for an upgrade for this hack, in the services forum. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=131680

But I got Scammed by Kyle Korleski who is now filling out papers with Canada government because I never paid him the rest of 50% agreed with him. The thing is that he never delivered me the product. Before some moderator deletes this message, first read PMID = 333277

Mevo 02-01-2007 11:38 AM

Installed ..:) Thanks

Distance 02-01-2007 11:59 AM

Thanks downloaded before removed :)

I hope this doesnt get removed

Renada 02-01-2007 01:57 PM

Thank you for upgrading this. ::installed:: :)

Mastar 02-01-2007 03:19 PM

Nice! I will surely try this version out.

farooqaaa 02-01-2007 04:45 PM

Good HAck....

Any demo please :( ?

Distance 02-01-2007 04:56 PM

You need to change the installation file.. it says its for 3.5 on there

Distance 02-01-2007 05:07 PM

Also.. This is a nice mod but how about the option to restore recycled threads

Also how about if we want to recycle just a single post?

Also how about adding move to recycle bin in the dropdown moderator options?

Maybe a link in postbit to bin the topic/post also?

COBRAws 02-01-2007 06:39 PM

Im getting the same error as with the original hack. When archieving one or more threads with the inline moderation dropdown, i get the following error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function unsubscribe_users() in /xxxxxxxxx/inlinemod.php(228) : eval()'d code on line 292

Staxed 02-01-2007 06:47 PM

what changes were made in the update?...do we just need to reimport the product? reupload files?....you didn't but this update in the updating instructions in the readme file

Computer_Angel 02-01-2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by COBRAws (Post 1172396)
Im getting the same error as with the original hack. When archieving one or more threads with the inline moderation dropdown, i get the following error:


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1172280)
Also.. This is a nice mod but how about the option to restore recycled threads

Also how about if we want to recycle just a single post?

Also how about adding move to recycle bin in the dropdown moderator options?

Maybe a link in postbit to bin the topic/post also?

Thanks, I'll take a look at it.

HMBeaty 02-02-2007 01:57 AM

Ok, upgrade to 3.0.9 didn't go so well, when importing the product and allow overwrite is set to yes, I got the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE vb_vbr_config (oid int(11) NOT NULL default 1, active int(11) NOT NULL default 1, forumid int(11) NOT NULL default 0, linkamfd int(11) NOT NULL default 2, linkamst int(11) NOT NULL default 1, typem int(11) NOT NULL default 1) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='vBRecycle Config';;

MySQL Error : Table 'vb_vbr_config' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Thursday, February 1st 2007 @ 08:54:51 PM
Script : /admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : /admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : Redline
Classname : vb_database

Computer_Angel 02-02-2007 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1172669)
Ok, upgrade to 3.0.9 didn't go so well, when importing the product and allow overwrite is set to yes, I got the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE vb_vbr_config (oid int(11) NOT NULL default 1, active int(11) NOT NULL default 1, forumid int(11) NOT NULL default 0, linkamfd int(11) NOT NULL default 2, linkamst int(11) NOT NULL default 1, typem int(11) NOT NULL default 1) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='vBRecycle Config';;

MySQL Error : Table 'vb_vbr_config' already exists
Error Number : 1050
Date : Thursday, February 1st 2007 @ 08:54:51 PM
Script : /admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : /admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : Redline
Classname : vb_database

Oops, missing prefix for table. It's done now. Could you check it again ?

v5etboyphc 02-02-2007 06:08 AM

umm help? i have error it with my vbplaza
if you can see the link well click on it

soulface 02-02-2007 10:42 AM

2 uncached templates on recycle forum.

Page generated in 0.36101 seconds with 34 queries (2 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 0.32 0.37 : 0.32]
Uncached templates: vbrecycle_fdt (1)
Uncached templates: vbrecycle_tools (1)
1 uncached templates on forums, where threads moved to recycle forum.

Page generated in 0.41072 seconds with 32 queries (1 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 0.19 0.21 : 0.23]
Uncached templates: vbrecycle_blank (1)

HMBeaty 02-02-2007 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Computer_Angel (Post 1172683)
Oops, missing prefix for table. It's done now. Could you check it again ?

Works good now, thanks :)

sait.dogan 02-06-2007 10:12 PM

Thank you for upgrading this mod.

lovelypk 02-09-2007 11:32 PM

thanks for this cool mod.

itsblack 02-10-2007 07:50 PM

thank you Computer_Angel, installed.

I have a question: Is it possible, let the vBRecycle totally replace the vb Delete funktion?
I mean when someone delete a thread or post, the deleted thread or post will be forced moved into the Recycle bin.

yingzhou 02-13-2007 12:58 PM

I think you could add the Confirmation Dialog before Move to Recycle. :D

djbaxter 02-13-2007 01:57 PM

Why are there two separate downloads for this? What is the difference?

AzzidReign 02-13-2007 05:42 PM

Quick question...can you set it so that when someone deletes a message, its sent to this recycle bin? And then from there we can clear it out periodically...

yingzhou 02-14-2007 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by AzzidReign (Post 1181684)
Quick question...can you set it so that when someone deletes a message, its sent to this recycle bin? And then from there we can clear it out periodically...

You can use the shedule in the ACP for this action.

I think we must be confirmation before throw it into the recycle bin. :D

yingzhou 02-15-2007 02:28 AM

I have this message: You do not have permission to manage deleted threads and posts in the destination forum. Why is it?

djbaxter 02-15-2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by yingzhou (Post 1182944)
I have this message: You do not have permission to manage deleted threads and posts in the destination forum. Why is it?

  1. you are not signed in as an administrator; or
  2. you have not correctly set up the administrators' permissions; or
  3. you need to modify your config.php file in /includes/

ZomgStuff 02-15-2007 12:22 PM

I get this error.


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vbr_config (oid int(11) NOT NULL default 1, active int(11) NOT NULL default 1, forumid int(11) NOT NULL default 0, linkamfd int(11) NOT NULL default 2, linkamst int(11) NOT NULL default 1, typem int(11) NOT NULL default 1) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='vBRecycle Config';;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='vBRecycle Config'' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Thursday, February 15th 2007 @ 06:19:58 AM
Script : http://www.zomgstuff.net/forum/admin...=productimport
Referrer : http://www.zomgstuff.net/forum/admin...?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : David Hasselhoff
Classname : vb_database
Can anyone help me?

yingzhou 02-15-2007 03:48 PM

I think when you chose some Forum tobe Recycle Bin. The other members cant see anything on it. But they can move the Thread or post into the Recycle Bin. Only the administrator can view the Recycle Bin.

AMG021 02-22-2007 01:06 AM


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vbr_config (oid int(11) NOT NULL default 1, active int(11) NOT NULL default 1, forumid int(11) NOT NULL default 0, linkamfd int(11) NOT NULL default 2, linkamst int(11) NOT NULL default 1, typem int(11) NOT NULL default 1) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='vBRecycle Config';;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='vBRecycle Config'' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, February 21st 2007 @ 06:58:49 PM
please help

Gsmdenis 03-05-2007 08:26 AM

i just install ,did not got SQL error, but in showthread or forumdisplay did not see" move threads to recycle " in thread tools or option, i will check that later



mat.knott 03-16-2007 08:21 PM

its installed find with out any problems but i cant get it to come up in the menu to recycle a post... what did i miss?

bonjurkes 03-17-2007 10:35 AM

when i empty recycle forum it still shows the last post info at forumhome page.When i click the last topic it says thread cant be found (its normal because its deleted). I guess i need to rebuild forum info, but rebuild tools use much resource so it can be a problem for big boards ;)

it would be great if you can find a solution for it...

princeedward 03-30-2007 01:27 PM

installed...thanks for this...work fine with vB 3.6.5 ;)

djbaxter 04-20-2007 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Distance (Post 1172280)
Also how about if we want to recycle just a single post?

This would be nice.

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