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bairy 12-16-2006 10:00 PM

Link / URL Status Checker
What does this do?
For anyone who has seen or got my Image Status Checker hack, this is exactly the same, but works on links ([url=], [url]) instead.

Basically it scans all your posts, extracts all the url tags, and scans each of the images to see if they're still valid.

The rest of this is basically the description of that hack reworded

I had a look at all the links on my site and was alarmed at how many were now gone. Since the only way you can check the links on your board is to manually read every post and click them, I decided to come up with a better way... and this is it.

How does it work?
The first part: In the AdminCP, under Maintenance and Update Counters... right at the bottom is this hack. It works by looking up every url tag, then requesting the image, and reading the http status code. So code 200 means 'image ok', 404/410 means 'image gone' etc. That then gets stored in a database table. A server has 15 seconds to reply to the request or the status is labelled as "Unknown"
The second part: The browsing element, linkstatuscheck.php (original filename huh!). This allows you to browse all the images found in the last scan using some powerful filtering (statuses to display, search, order by).

Hack features
  • General
  • Fully phrased.
  • Templates are grouped. Who's online handled.
  • Part 1 - Admin
  • Reads the post table, scans all the [url=] and [url] tags on demand and records the actual http status code returned.
  • If it gets stuck during the scan, you can restart the section it's currently doing.
  • If an link appears in more than one post, it's only checked once.
  • Start from, per page and timeout options for scanning.
  • Part 2 - Browser
  • Status codes are put into one of three descriptions for simplicity: Working, Dead, Unknown. Unknown is if the server didn't respond or similar - on the basis that a temporary timeout doesn't necessarily mean the image has gone.
  • In the browser, link urls are force wrapped. Unless people post using all caps, you have a low screen resolution, or the font size is big, the table should never stretch.
  • Filtering allows you to show just the working/dead/unknown images, and there's a search facility for a variety of fields.
  • Convenient link to edit the post (if a dead link is found). This works by can_moderate - edit links only appear for people who own the post, or can moderate the forum it's in.
  • Works by canview - if someone can't view a particular forum (e.g. staff forum) normally, they can't view the images within it.
  • Uses css for common stuff to reduce the size of the outputted pages.

Bad Things
It's far from a perfect hack, there are many things to do. Please be aware that I won't be doing them, but if anyone else wants a crack, feel free!
  • Only supports http://, not https://
  • Can only handle replies like: HTTP 1.x 200 as the first line.
  • Only supports [url] and [url=] tags. If you have HTML turned on in any forums it won't see <a href=> links.
  • Biggie: There's no way to update a single post or link without a full re-scan. That means if someone edits their post to update or remove a dead link, it will not change on the browser until a full re-scan is done. I did play with various update methods but most are flawed in one way or another.
  • No cron job.
  • No session variables. (People without cookies will be logged out a lot).

The code to the Image Status Check hack is very similar, so I pretty much copy pasted and adapted it. It is a little bigger due to handling the [url=] "option", but you may find references to images. Let me know if you do.

It will work on 3.6 and 3.5, though you'll need to remove the "executionorder=" from the .xml file to get it working on 3.5

Upload linkstatuscheck.php to your vB directory. Install the product, set overwrite to yes.

  • By default it's set to only allow moderators, super-moderators and administrators to view the browser. This can be changed with the setting in AdminCP > vB Options.
  • The phrases all start with usc_ if you want to change them.
  • You can add a link to linkstatuschecker.php on the navbar (or anywhere) if you want your members to be able to view it.

Exactly the same as the Image Status Checker, only with URL links rather than image links.
What? I'm feeling lazy.

bashy 12-17-2006 06:30 PM


Great idea thanks, but in the Search for text area, what do i actually input there?

I cracked it now, Ya have to run the checker in the Maintenabce section in the update countser section :)
Then you use the browser part, is that correct?

Veer 12-17-2006 06:31 PM

Thanks, :)
Its Very Useful for Me, Because My Site Have Lots n Lots of Images, Shared by Members.

Question / Suggestion: (for future update)
Is there any chance to check image / link status automatically and if a image link is dead then system auto send a PM to user who has the post with dead link?

Thanks again.

projectego 12-17-2006 06:36 PM

Thanks, this sounds like a very helpful add-on! ;)

bashy 12-17-2006 06:40 PM

looks like all my links are of unknown any ideas?

bairy 12-17-2006 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by bashy (Post 1140483)
I cracked it now, Ya have to run the checker in the Maintenabce section in the update countser section :)
Then you use the browser part, is that correct?

Yes, maintainence first, then the browser.


Originally Posted by Pehchaan (Post 1140484)
Question / Suggestion: (for future update)
Is there any chance to check image / link status automatically and if a image link is dead then system auto send a PM to user who has the post with dead link?

There probably won't be a future update. It was really just a hack to fill a need, rather than something I plan to develop further.
Besides, auto PMing would add a lot of strain to the server, and people can just look at the linkstatuscheck.php if they want to see which of their posts are in trouble.


Originally Posted by bashy (Post 1140491)
looks like all my links are of unknown any ideas?

Well, assuming you know at least one of them actually works, I'd guess the server can't communicate with the remote sites. Perhaps fopen is disabled in php?

bashy 12-17-2006 07:08 PM

allow_url_fopen is on just checked


Originally Posted by bairy (Post 1140499)
Well, assuming you know at least one of them actually works, I'd guess the server can't communicate with the remote sites. Perhaps fopen is disabled in php?

bashy 12-17-2006 07:09 PM

out of 3000+ links 3 are dead about 5 or 6 are working and the rest unknown!!

bairy 12-17-2006 07:11 PM

I'm afraid I don't know then, I don't really know php's local/remote file commands all that well.
I can tell you it uses fsockopen to ping the server, then fwrite, fread to communicate.

bashy 12-17-2006 07:14 PM

Well, i just installed ya image one as well and get the same, 99% of unknown status!
What does duplicate / dealt with mean? i get a lot of them
Also in the update counters, the 1st page seems to work well, all the rest give the duplicate / dealt

bairy 12-17-2006 07:17 PM

If someone makes a post with a url in, and they make another post with the same url in, then there's no point pinging the site twice. So it'll ping it once, and any occurance after that will be labelled as already dealt with.
It also happens if you manually restart pages, or start scanning from an id other than -1

bashy 12-17-2006 07:18 PM

Thats strange... cause i dont get it on the 1st page but all the rest i do!


Originally Posted by bairy (Post 1140520)
If someone makes a post with a url in, and they make another post with the same url in, then there's no point pinging the site twice. So it'll ping it once, and any occurance after that will be labelled as already dealt with.
It also happens if you manually restart pages, or start scanning from an id other than -1

Bounce 12-17-2006 07:20 PM

Working fine here , thanks :)

Does the IMAGE checker work on 3.6 ?

bashy 12-17-2006 07:24 PM

Ah well, must be my site not wanting to play ball with both checkers, thanks anyway, but have removed now, the idea was there,, thanks again :)

bairy 12-17-2006 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 1140524)
Working fine here , thanks :)

Does the IMAGE checker work on 3.6 ?

Yes. At least, on 3.6.0. I should imagine it working in the whole 3.6 range.

UltimateOreo! 12-18-2006 01:32 AM

Why dont you check this into beta if there are so many issues?

bchertov 12-18-2006 06:10 AM

This looks good!

Is it possible to query to width of the image as well?


bairy 12-18-2006 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by UltimateOreo! (Post 1140716)
Why dont you check this into beta if there are so many issues?

Because putting it in Beta implies that I'll be updating it at some point, which is unlikely unless a bug is found and a workaround is easy, or it's a serious bug.
This is a "I use it, it works for me, others may as well use it if it works for them" hack.


Originally Posted by bchertov (Post 1140827)
Is it possible to query to width of the image as well?

I'm guessing you meant to reply to the image status checker, however I shall answer here.
I'm afraid I probably won't be including that. I'm not sure if vbulletin holds that info in any case. May I ask why you'd want it to, there might be another way to do it...

ymy 12-18-2006 03:33 PM

Thanks ,

Install click

Hornstar 12-19-2006 11:48 PM

This actually looks very handy. nice work.

yingzhou 12-20-2006 09:29 AM

Can it work with the link for host free like rapidshare or megaupload? How can I know the file is deleted or not yet?

bairy 12-20-2006 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by yingzhou (Post 1142108)
Can it work with the link for host free like rapidshare or megaupload? How can I know the file is deleted or not yet?

Probably not, since when you go to file hosting sites, you're given a html page where you click to download the file. I would imagine the script could be made to "read" the page and follow the link, but it's not something I'll be doing.

yingzhou 12-20-2006 11:56 AM

Thank, :D I think the you should make the mod can check both url and img link. The Mod will have 2 option to check URL or IMG link. That will be usefull.

bairy 12-27-2006 09:08 AM

Updated to 1.01

- Browser: Corrected bug that said "you haven't scanned" even if you have. This only affects people with table prefixes.

To upgrade, reupload the /linksstatuscheck.php file. The product xml hasn't changed so there's no need for a re-import.

Terminatoronly 12-29-2006 08:10 PM

nice hack but as u said that it search for url tag ok but in my site i dont use code tag does this hack check for it??????????

grazianno 01-03-2007 03:23 PM

same questions,
can i search for [code] or something for another bbcode ?

bairy 01-03-2007 04:00 PM

No. [url] only

grazianno 01-12-2007 03:11 PM

i got this error:

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'

bairy 01-12-2007 10:56 PM

3.5 instructions:

Originally Posted by the first post
It will work on 3.6 and 3.5, though you'll need to remove the "executionorder=" from the .xml file to get it working on 3.5

Eagle Creek 02-16-2007 03:27 AM

I like the idea, but what r u going to do about it? I mean; u can't delete thousands of posts do u?

bairy 02-16-2007 10:22 AM

Whatever you like. The mod is designed to find the dead links for you as information. It's up to you what you do with it.
My suggestion would be to show the users the output screen and let them either update the link or delete the post.

alessai2 12-22-2007 12:57 PM

um..can you make it check everything that start with http:// ?
cuz in my forum , all links are under [code ] tags , so they dont have [url ] tags.

F0xy 03-13-2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by alessai2 (Post 1406813)
um..can you make it check everything that start with http:// ?
cuz in my forum , all links are under [code ] tags , so they dont have [url ] tags.

same here, if it could do this then its exactly what i need

jedrus 03-24-2008 09:41 PM

hmm.... when i run maintenance -> Link status checker I've got something like that:


Link 0: http://: checking...
Warning: parse_url(http://) [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /admincp/misc.php(1535) : eval()'d code on line 123
status: destination server is down / request timed out
Link 1: http://%5BURL: checking...

iBlazee 05-27-2008 09:54 PM

Please release one for 3.7

Cagonni 08-01-2008 04:02 PM

is it possible to make this only for rapidshare?

RobbieZ 08-13-2008 10:52 PM

Installed.. Ok . I ran the query from my admin panel..

Where exactly in my forum do i now check these links ?? My mods are supposed to be able to do this too.. but cant find and menu of any sort..


RobbieZ 08-14-2008 04:24 PM

Does this work for 3.7.2 ??

Terbiyes 09-03-2008 02:43 PM

<i>thank you...</i>

compuminus 02-12-2009 11:03 PM

As other users have posted, I am also getting the 'duplicate / dealt with" message for all images except those on the first page (when updating the counters in the admincp). This ought to be extremely easy to fix if the creator of this mod can upload a new version. In the meantime, this basically makes the script worthless without the fix. I am running vB 3.8.0 FYI.

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