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imranbaig 12-02-2006 10:00 PM

VBulletin-Wordpress Bridge for 3.64
I wanted to start a site with WP the best blogging software and VB the Best forum software.
After searching at vb.org, I found a bridge which was for vb 3.0. and WP 2.0, I just edited carefully the newer version files, with permission from author Here, I'm releasing this bridge:

  • This hack will only work if your WordPress and vBulletin tables are in a single database.
  • This hack has only been tested on adding entries directly from the admin panel. It has not been tested on xmlrpc clients.
  • Use at your own risk. I will not be held liable for any loss of data nor problems that you might encounter on your site during the whole process of the mod.Backup your files and database(s) before proceeding.

WP Settings:
If you want to do file edits your self then go here

Download the attached files, and you need to edit only the following files, not all.
PHP Code:

<wfw:commentRSS><?php echo comments_rss(); ?></wfw:commentRSS>

PHP Code:

<wfw:commentRSS>http://www.yoursite.com/forum/showthread.php?t=<?php echo $post->vb_threadid?></wfw:commentRSS>

Save file.

EDIT file:vb3-settings.php
PHP Code:

// This just holds the vb variables
$vb_bridge 1// 1=on 0=off
$vb_forumid '2'// forum id to post copy of article
$vb_userid '1'// user id to use for posting the article
$vb_username 'admin'// name of the user id
$vb_path 'http://www.yoursite.com/forum'//complete url of forums
$vb_dbprefix 'vb3_'//vBulletin database prefix
$vb_readmessage 'Read the full blog entry.'//message to be used in the forum to link back to the blog entry

Save file.
Now upload all files.
Note: I have edited, files for default wp-theme, if you want you can just upload comments.php to any other template it does not matter much if you are bridging it., but do the following changes to single.php only if you are using a different template then default one.

EDIT: file single.php:
Look for:
PHP Code:

       You can <a href="#respond">leave a response</a>, or <a href="<?php trackback_url(true); ?>" rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site.

Replace it with:
PHP Code:

You can <a href="/forum/showthread.php?t=<?php echo( $post->vb_threadid ); ?>&goto=newpost">leave a response</a>, or <a href="<?php trackback_url(true); ?>" rel="trackback">trackback</a> from your own site.

Make sure you have your forum path correct there.
Now Upload all files to your wp root

vBulletin Settings:

The RSS feed will not work if you haven't activated RSS External synidcation on your forum. To do this, on your forums admincp, go to vBulletin Options->External Data Provider and check 'Yes' on Enable RSS Syncidcation.

DB Settings:
Run this query:
PHP Code:

ALTER TABLE `wp_postsADD `vb_threadidINT(10); 

Upload postfeed.php to your forum root included in the attachment.
Demo here:
Please forgive me if there are any errors or anything left out in package :)
I'll try and support as much as I can. But cannot guarantee it :)

EDIT: Upload the new Attached postfeed.php, this was the culprit which was giving errors. This should fix everything.

projectego 12-03-2006 12:24 PM

Sounds awesome! I'll definitely check this out. ;)

MrBig 12-03-2006 04:15 PM

looks nice:) but

This hack will only work if your WordPress and vBulletin tables are in a single database
this is the only thing stopping me from using it ...

imranbaig 12-03-2006 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by MrBig (Post 1130941)
looks nice:) but

this is the only thing stopping me from using it ...

WP db can co-exists with vb db, without any problem.

Mecho 12-03-2006 06:22 PM

does it mean that every new post that sends to forum , sends to WP too ?!

if i'm right i really need this . would u plz just explain a little bit more .


imranbaig 12-03-2006 07:28 PM

What ever you post at WP (under <!--more-->) goes to a specific forum id that you have to specify under vb3-settings.php. And for that particular forum/post comments are linked, and if any posts are done there, it will show as comments in wp. I hope that explains?

category 12-03-2006 07:35 PM

hey can you explain how to use it after you installed it i dont udnerstand becuase i have comments off now?

when i publish in wordpress it gives me a blank page

imranbaig 12-03-2006 07:48 PM

Did you upload all and read above instructions properly??
blank page does come yeh but it posts and publishes everything nicely.
I'm working on this fix, since it was way too much time taken for this I decided to release it, also I'm a professional designer and coder, work for other ppl hence very little time to spend but I'll find some time to fix that blank page error :)

category 12-03-2006 07:52 PM

yep here is my site
i get no comments i dont understand what am i doing wrong i post on forum than it publish on wordpress?

kinda confused

imranbaig 12-03-2006 07:59 PM

You have missed, some edits or just did not upload all files properly.
Looks like an error with file uploads pls upload them all properly. before you upload, just edit the files or pass me on ur ftp details i will be more than willing to check it out my self.

imranbaig 12-03-2006 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by category (Post 1131106)
yep here is my site http://www.drillerdeals.com/

i get no comments i dont understand what am i doing wrong i post on forum than it publish on wordpress?

kinda confused

If you want not to dsiplay comments on front page or if your comments are off then. Do the following:
find this in ur feed_functions.php:
PHP Code:

function comments_rss_link($link_text 'Comments RSS'$commentsrssfilename '') {
    include_once (
ABSPATH WPINC '/vb3-settings.php');

    if (
$vb_bridge) {
$url $vb_path '/postfeed.php?t=' $post->vb_threadid '&type=rss2';
    } else {
$url comments_rss($commentsrssfilename);

"<a href='$url'>$link_text</a>";

Replace it with:
PHP Code:

 function comments_rss_link($link_text 'Comments RSS'$commentsrssfilename '') {
$url comments_rss($commentsrssfilename);
"<a href='$url'>$link_text</a>"

Or alternatively use this attached file and replace the existing one.
I think this should fix your problem, Also I have updated your files.
Let me know your result.

category 12-03-2006 08:19 PM


imranbaig 12-03-2006 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by category (Post 1131143)

Please check the above post.

category 12-03-2006 08:27 PM

i updated it with your attachment still same problem comments are off

imranbaig 12-03-2006 08:33 PM

oh that one :P, I have fixed it check your site.
EDIT:Please Delete all your junk comments, test comments and start from beginning. since its getting late almost 4:30 in the morning I will hit bed soon :)

category 12-03-2006 08:37 PM

yeah you fix the no comments now but how does the link works to the forum?

imranbaig 12-03-2006 08:44 PM

Link works if your comments are on :).
Since you disabled comments, in your template comments.php, the link does not work.
If you can tweak this your self you might able to get this work.
Look in my site in demo comments are on and all comments are from forum. Effectively comments are posted in forum, just turn them on and revert the code.

category 12-03-2006 08:52 PM

awesome the comments are on now but how do i specify the tread becuase if you press comment now it goes to

also i used your comments template

imranbaig 12-03-2006 09:10 PM

It just too complicated, why dont you turn on ur comments from wp??

category 12-03-2006 09:26 PM

the comments are on

imranbaig 12-03-2006 09:45 PM

you need to go back to original code, to see the comments link.
If you don't want to display comments on WP. :Here
I'm going to hit bed now :)

category 12-03-2006 09:49 PM

did that the original still doesnt work :(

Mudvayne 12-04-2006 04:55 AM

This is just awesome bro.. I 'm definitly lokking for this..

imranbaig 12-04-2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by category (Post 1131218)
did that the original still doesnt work :(

Please Check your vb2-settings.php, specify a valid forum id, user id, user name to post in the forum.

SaN-DeeP 12-04-2006 08:39 AM

wow, you finally released the stuff, great work looking forward to test this now.

wolfyman 12-04-2006 01:32 PM

how would I do multiple authors, then?

category 12-04-2006 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by imranbaig (Post 1131426)
Please Check your vb2-settings.php, specify a valid forum id, user id, user name to post in the forum.

you mean the vb3-settings ? I did set it correctly

Acido 12-04-2006 03:47 PM

It support Multi Blogs? I mean if it is able to give one editable WP to each user?

imranbaig 12-04-2006 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Acido (Post 1131669)
It support Multi Blogs? I mean if it is able to give one editable WP to each user?

No this does not do that try Zoints local.

EDIT:I found one small bug, in the last earlier package, hence re-attached a new one. Please download new attached files.

category 12-04-2006 04:54 PM

should i try your new attachment because the last one didn't work?

imranbaig 12-04-2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by category (Post 1131717)
should i try your new attachment because the last one didn't work?

It is working, probably needs some work on ur template files. I'll look into your site later when I find some time if u haven't changed psw?

category 12-04-2006 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by imranbaig (Post 1131841)
It is working, probably needs some work on ur template files. I'll look into your site later when I find some time if u haven't changed psw?

same password i not gonna update with the new update dont want to mess up what you fixed.

Ntfu2 12-04-2006 11:06 PM

This doesnt work at all on WP 2.0.5 and 3.6.4

imranbaig 12-05-2006 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ntfu2 (Post 1132052)
This doesnt work at all on WP 2.0.5 and 3.6.4

lol, what do you mean?? Look at the demo, and try to use your brain while installing.

Ntfu2 12-05-2006 11:17 PM

i used my brain. vBulletin are in the same database

I changed all the instances of vb_threadid to vB3_threadid to match my forums prefix

Edited the SQL query to match my prefix

edited all paths that needed edited to point to my forums instead of the other one

Edited the settings file to desired settings

uploaded all files to desired locations.

and when Posting from Wordpress after hitting save, or save and continue editing it only goes to a blank page. The post is created for wordpress, but not for vBulletin and users can not leave comments.

Hopefully that constitutes as using my brain. But while we are talking about brain activity, maybe you can tell us what version of wordpress the included files are from

imranbaig 12-06-2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ntfu2 (Post 1132863)
i used my brain. vBulletin are in the same database

I changed all the instances of vb_threadid to vB3_threadid to match my forums prefix

Edited the SQL query to match my prefix

edited all paths that needed edited to point to my forums instead of the other one

Edited the settings file to desired settings

uploaded all files to desired locations.

and when Posting from Wordpress after hitting save, or save and continue editing it only goes to a blank page. The post is created for wordpress, but not for vBulletin and users can not leave comments.

Hopefully that constitutes as using my brain. But while we are talking about brain activity, maybe you can tell us what version of wordpress the included files are from

You used your brain:P, files that are included are of wp 2.05 as I mentioned in the thread starter it is for wp 2.05 and vb 3.64.
Please pm me your ftp, I'll have a check? If you can or what is the error and site url would really help.

category 12-06-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by imranbaig (Post 1133452)
You used your brain:P, files that are included are of wp 2.05 as I mentioned in the thread starter it is for wp 2.05 and vb 3.64.
Please pm me your ftp, I'll have a check? If you can or what is the error and site url would really help.

hey you didnt fix my problem?

imranbaig 12-07-2006 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by category (Post 1133456)
hey you didnt fix my problem?

Past couple of days been very hectic, hangon I will try to get some time out for you. :). Working on a big video site template :) hope to finish it by today.

imranbaig 12-09-2006 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by abcdefgary (Post 1134954)
Is there any way to overcome this problem? I really would like to use this mod, but my tables are in separate databases. Is there any way to combine the two?

You can easily combine, these two db's, right now I'm working on one huge SE marketing project plus 5 big templates, making me really short on time, I will try and help you all when I get some breather :)

BobbyBig 12-09-2006 08:33 PM

How about telling the visitor for what this hack is...

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