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SS9267547 11-26-2006 10:00 PM

Mindestic GlosPro 1.2.2
1 Attachment(s)
Development of this mod is on hold due to lack of time and development of Mindestic Gaming CMS Lite. No support will be given at this time.

Mindestic GlosPro Description
Mindestic GlosPro is an advanced yet simple to use system to create a glossary of terms for your website along side with vBulletin 3.6.X series. Loaded with features, Mindestic GlosPro is a great tool for any sized website!

Mindestic GlosPro Information
Current Version Number: 1.2.2
vBulletin Test Version(s): 3.6.4
Queries to run: 5
File Edits: 0
New Files: 12
New Phrases: 225
New Templates: 21
New Plugins: 10
Template Edits: 4
Last Edited: January 14, 2007
Edited By: Lucas Pawelczyk
Install Time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Current Planned Features For Version 1.2.3
  1. Add import/export system. (50% Complete)
  2. Fix additional problems with crosslinking feature. (0% Complete)
  3. Add custom administrator permissions. (0% Complete)
  4. Fix and add missing codes. (40% Complete)
Screenshots And Change Log
  1. Screenshot For Version 1.2.0
  2. Screenshot For Version 1.2.1
  3. Screenshot For Version 1.2.2
  4. Change Log
Known Bugs For Version 1.2.2:
  • PM messages will not send if pm quota for any admins is full and/or their PM system is off.
  • Line breaks go missing with the Basic Editor(?).
  • Crosslinking feature issues.
  • Crosslink popup goes outside of visible area.
  • Field required option for custom fields not yet intergated.
Previous Versions:
For those wanting the hack for the 3.5.X series please click visit:
For those wanting the hack for the 3.0.X series please click visit:

Additional Credits:
  • Orginal Navbar Plugin by Billspaintball. Thanks for the idea!
Remember if you use and like this hack make sure to click 'Install'. Thanks!

SS9267547 11-27-2006 05:41 PM

Configuration Options (Admincp)
  • Glossary Basics Active
  • Glossary Closed Message
  • Maximum Entries Per Page
  • Enable HTML Code, BB Code, IMG Code and Smilies
  • Moderate New Glossary Terms
  • Minimum Time Between Posts
  • Minimum Search Characters
  • Email When A New Glossary Term Requires Validation
  • Users To Send Validation Notice Email To
  • PM When A New Glossary Term Requires Validation
  • User To Send Validation Notice PM From
  • Users To Send Validation Notice PM To
  • Display Last Updated Information
  • Glossary Crosslinking
  • Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking
  • Crosslink Display Limiter
  • Display Navbar Link
  • Trim Description On Main List
  • Amount Before Trimming Description On Main List
  • Trim Description On Crosslink Popup
  • Amount Before Trimming Description Crosslink Popup
Extensive Usergroup Permissions (Admincp)
  • Can View Glossary
  • Can Add New Glossary Terms
  • Can Edit Glossary Terms
  • Can Delete Glossary Terms
  • Can Edit Own Glossary Terms
  • Can Delete Own Glossary Terms
  • Can View Disabled Glossary Terms
Glossary Term Manager (Admincp / Modcp)
  • Title and description.
  • Orginal author.
  • Keep track of ip submitted by orginal author.
  • Keep track of last user who edited term.
  • Keep track of ip from last user who edited term.
  • Publish date with editable month, day, year, hour and minutes.
  • Last updated information with editable month, day, year, hour and minutes.
  • Can post glossary term online or offline.
  • Place glossary terms under any selectable categories from the database.
  • Edit or delete any glossary terms.
  • Sort glossary terms from drop down menu options.
Glossary Category Manager (Admincp)
  • Title and description.
  • Display order.
  • Can post which category to have online or offline.
  • Sort glossary terms from drop down menu options.
  • Create unlimited basic categories.
Glossary Custom Field Manager (Admincp)
  • Title and description.
  • Display order.
  • Limit selection where you set number of options the user may select.
  • Items per line where you enter the number of options to display per line.
  • Enter the options that the user can choose from.
  • Make a field required.
  • Have custom field display in whatever category you wish.
Additional Features (Admincp / Modcp)
  • Search and sort glossary terms from drop down menu options to find what you need quickly.
  • Auto product version checking.
Front End (Userside)
  • Basic search options to quickly look up terms.
  • User submited glossary terms with add, edit and delete options as long as permission has been given.
  • Supports html code, smiles, bbcode and imgcode.
  • Sort glossary alphabetically.
  • Pagination support in glossary list.
  • Auto convert url to bbcode.
  • User submit flood control system.
  • Moderate new glossary terms which is varified via admincp and modcp.
  • Email and/or PM options for admins.
  • Crosslinking glossary term within the glossary as well forum posts.
  • Prevent users from creating duplicate terms.

SS9267547 11-27-2006 05:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Screenshots for Mindestic GlosPro 1.2.0.

SS9267547 11-27-2006 05:43 PM

Change Log For Version 1.0.0 to 1.1.4
  • Check manual for full list.
Change Log For Version 1.2.0
  • 7 new phrases.
  • 5 new plugins.
  • 1 new template edit.
  • Added 'Can View Disabled Glossary Terms' option.
  • Added 'Can Edit Own Glossary Terms' option.
  • Added 'Can Delete Own Glossary Terms' option.
  • Fixed CSS issue with crosslink trailing image.
  • Turn glossary crosslinking on/off on an individual basis.
  • Auto product version checking.
  • Added search text limiting option.
  • Updated manual for Mindestic GlosPro.
Change Log For Version 1.2.1
  • 46 new phrases.
  • 2 new templates.
  • 3 new files.
  • 1 new query.
  • Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc.
  • Fixed search box error showing '/(\$style\[css\])/'. Seemed to be conflicts with other mods installed.
  • Added hook system.
  • Fixed admin option missing phrases.
  • Fixed missing 'print_cp_footer()' from admincp and modcp pages.
  • Changed mouse cursor when over link with crosslinking.
  • Fixed W3C reported errors.
  • Added new options to trim title and description of glossary terms on main listing.
  • Added custom field manager for admin side with the ability to create checkbox options, single menu options, radio options, single line options and multi line options to all glossary terms. Also integrated onto user side to be able to use this new feature.
  • Prevent users from creating duplicate terms.
Change Log For Version 1.2.2
  • 4 new phrases.
  • 1 new templates.
  • 1 new files.
  • Fixed minor issues in code, pharses, etc on admin side.
  • Added new crosslink popup window.
  • Added term counter for each category on main listing.
  • Added new options to trim description of glossary terms on crosslink popup.

soletrader 11-27-2006 06:09 PM

Thank you! I noticed a small bug. In the search box, the default text shows this phrase all the time: /(\$style\[css\])/

Is there a fix for this?

Also how do other members submit a term?

bada_bing 11-27-2006 06:13 PM

To upgrage for the vb 3.5.x users do we user this version GlosPro 1.2.0 3.6E.zip or this version GlosPro 1.1.4 3.5E.zip ?

SS9267547 11-27-2006 06:16 PM

soletrader: Thank you for the error. I will look into this some more but I don't see the problem. Does anyone else here have the same problem? As for submiting terms users need to click on 'glossary tools' and there will be options there. But they require permission first before it will show.

bada_bing: Use GlosPro 1.2.0 3.6E.zip if you are upgrading from the other version for 3.6.X. The other version is for those still using the older forum version.

bada_bing 11-27-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1126572)
To upgrage for the vb 3.5.x users do we user this version GlosPro 1.2.0 3.6E.zip or this version GlosPro 1.1.4 3.5E.zip ?

Awe think I answered my own question 1.1.4 3.5E.zip is the correct version for 3.5.x boards.. Thanks for the quick release.

SS9267547 11-27-2006 06:23 PM

Yes thats correct bada_bing and your welcome. ;)

bada_bing 11-27-2006 06:46 PM

I have just upgraded to 1.1.4 for vb 3.5.x and I dont see some of the new features like Minimum Search Characters ?? Did I do something wrong?

SS9267547 11-27-2006 06:49 PM

Version 1.1.4 is a very small update. Basically it only has the fix for the missing delete template. All other new features are only on version 1.2.0. You can upgrade to the 1.2.0 version, it should work but not tested.

bada_bing 11-27-2006 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1126629)
Version 1.1.4 is a very small update. Basically it only has the fix for the missing delete template. All other new features are only on version 1.2.0. You can upgrade to the 1.2.0 version, it should work but not tested.

Awe man ):= really...... Im afread to upgrade to 1.2.0 on a 3.5 board without prior testing....

SS9267547 11-27-2006 07:13 PM

Well the code is almost the same as the other version. The only issue that I came across from 3.5.X to 3.6.X was that the headinclude template, when it was a fresh install, some of the code was changed and I had to change the manuel about doing a fresh install. Other then that it should work. Before trying tho I would backup the glossary database just in case.

bada_bing 11-27-2006 07:17 PM

OK so I upgraded to 1.1.20 on my 3.5 board and it doesnt seem to work, No errors but when I post a word that is in the glossary it is no longer highlighted or clickable :surprised: any thoughs

Allan 11-27-2006 07:17 PM

WoW, big job on this hack, congrat ;)

RVSmarter 11-27-2006 07:53 PM

Wonderful hack.

I just wish it could be done in plugin form so we don't have to keep reinstalling every month when VB comes out with a new version.

SS9267547 11-27-2006 07:54 PM

bada_bing: Okay check headinclude teamplete and look for the following:

PHP Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/glossary_crosslinking.js"></script

If its there also recheck the settings. Also note that crosslinking will not work is your are not logged in as well if the option is not selected in the usercp options.

Allan: Thanks!

RVSmarter: Thanks! Well most of the hack has plugins but I can't have plugins for all of it to work right. :/

StarBuG 11-27-2006 07:55 PM


This hack looks great.
I have installed it, however the crosslinking inside posts and threads does not seem to work.
I have made all necessary template changes you described in your install.html and uploaded all files.

Do I understand crosslinking correctly, that as soon as in a post a word is used that is listed in the glossary, it gets linked to the entry in the glossary?

Any help is appreciated and thank you for this nice peace of work


SS9267547 11-27-2006 08:01 PM

StarBug: Thanks! Crosslinking, which is still buggie, should work inside posts and threads. Please do note that you do need to turn it on before it will work in the settings. As well with the new features added to this version, only logged in users will be able to see the crosslinking and there is a new usercp option for people to turn on/off for the crosslinking. Let me know if there are still issues and I will look into it.

projectego 11-27-2006 08:03 PM

Incredible work! Thanks! ;)

StarBuG 11-27-2006 08:06 PM


Crosslinking is activated in the glossary options, it is activated in my usercp options, I am admin and logged in.
And in the post I wrote to describe the new feature to my staff I made an example to show how crosslinking looks like.

Unfortunalty it still does not work

I think you should make it an option if guests can see crosslinking as well.

I have a german forum, what about umlaute, could they create a problem for crosslinking (I tested words without umlauts too)?

hotwheels 11-27-2006 09:28 PM

Thanks for such an awesome mod...........

bada_bing 11-27-2006 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1126676)
bada_bing: Okay check headinclude teamplete and look for the following:

PHP Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/glossary_crosslinking.js"></script

If its there also recheck the settings. Also note that crosslinking will not work is your are not logged in as well if the option is not selected in the usercp options.

Allan: Thanks!

RVSmarter: Thanks! Well most of the hack has plugins but I can't have plugins for all of it to work right. :/

I have checked my headerinclude and the code is there, settings are correct.. What might I check now?

StarBuG 11-27-2006 09:58 PM

One more Bug

The crosslinking option in the userCP can't be switched off, maybe this has something to do with the crosslinking not working properly?

Tested both on Firefox 2.0 and IE 7

SS9267547 11-27-2006 10:20 PM

projectego: Thanks!

StarBuG: In the next release I'll be doing some more work on the crosslinking feature to fix other issues however with it not working at all I'm not sure why. Now there hasn't been any errors showing up correct? You have uploaded all files? Made edits the 'headinclude' template and added the main CSS codes? If so try the following:
  1. Go to glossary settings, on 'Glossary Crosslinking' select 'Yes'
  2. Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking select 'Yes'
  3. Display Crosslink Trailing Image select 'Yes'
  4. Crosslink Display Limiter leave as '-1'
  5. Select the Glossary Options in the usercp to a checkmark if its not already.
Let me know if that changes anything. If not, best thing for now would be to disable the feature until next release. As for the other bug, it looks like something might be missing, a plugin maybe. I will test this out and see.

hotwheels: Your welcome!

bada_bing: You can try the solution for StarBuG. If that dosn't work, you'll need to disable the feature until I figure out a solution for it. Don't understand why its not working for the both of you. I will need to see if anyone else is also having issues.

KTBleeding 11-27-2006 10:28 PM

Great work. No use to me, but I wanted to point out that I personally wish that everyone who released a modification would lay it out like this. Features, Screenshots, and Change log all being in a separate post is much nicer, imo.

SS9267547 11-27-2006 11:01 PM

Thanks KTBleeding. Just try out new ways to display my info, think I'll stick with this layout, like you said much easier to find all the infomation I think. :D

StarBuG 11-27-2006 11:07 PM

That is exactly my setting but it does not work.

Any eta for the next version?

Renada 11-27-2006 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1126578)
soletrader: Thank you for the error. I will look into this some more but I don't see the problem. Does anyone else here have the same problem? As for submiting terms users need to click on 'glossary tools' and there will be options there. But they require permission first before it will show.

Hi SS9267547,

Yes, I get this error too - you can see it here: http://www.thinkstop.com/community/boards/glossary.php

Also the crosslinking appears to work on one entry but not on any others. Do you need to do anything while adding a term or is it automatic? Is it retroactive or will it only affect new messages/entries?

Thank you for this wonderful add-on :)


SS9267547 11-28-2006 12:21 AM

StarBuG: Okay I'll have to review this issuse. I'll target the next release for next Monday but can be sooner if I can figure this out. ;)

Renada: Thanks for the link. Will sign up to see the issue first hand. See right off the bat there is that search feild problem that soletrader reported, looks like a template issue, will have to fix that. Also a java erorr with the crosslinking. Will take a look.

bada_bing 11-28-2006 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1126782)
projectego: Thanks!

StarBuG: In the next release I'll be doing some more work on the crosslinking feature to fix other issues however with it not working at all I'm not sure why. Now there hasn't been any errors showing up correct? You have uploaded all files? Made edits the 'headinclude' template and added the main CSS codes? If so try the following:
  1. Go to glossary settings, on 'Glossary Crosslinking' select 'Yes'
  2. Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking select 'Yes'
  3. Display Crosslink Trailing Image select 'Yes'
  4. Crosslink Display Limiter leave as '-1'
  5. Select the Glossary Options in the usercp to a checkmark if its not already.
Let me know if that changes anything. If not, best thing for now would be to disable the feature until next release. As for the other bug, it looks like something might be missing, a plugin maybe. I will test this out and see.

hotwheels: Your welcome!

bada_bing: You can try the solution for StarBuG. If that dosn't work, you'll need to disable the feature until I figure out a solution for it. Don't understand why its not working for the both of you. I will need to see if anyone else is also having issues.


Tried the setting you suggested to StarBug and same think "does not work" I also noticed that I do not have any options about the glossary in the usercp ?

I think since your older version was at least working I will downgrade to that version until these bugs can be worked out...

bada_bing 11-28-2006 01:02 AM

Crap not to say the worst.. Just downgraded to the current release of 1.1.4 for vb 3.5 and now it still does not work which tells me there are issues with the uninstaller...ERRRRRRRRRRR I just want to go back to a working version of this product...and now im totally broken

bada_bing 11-28-2006 01:29 AM

Ok so I attempted to uninstall the plugin totally and start from scratch loading all the files from the vb 3.6 version of this hack and reinstalled the plugin First I loose all my glossary terms which im willing to now deal with after +++++ing a storm but I still get the same results, im just tired now.

dilbert 11-28-2006 01:33 AM

Great mod, thanks!
If I click a letter to limit the display how do I get back to the full list?

SS9267547 11-28-2006 01:37 AM

bada_bing: Couldn't you have waited a bit till I figured out what this issue is? Mind you so far I can't figure why some people are having the problems they are since I installed the script over a few times on my serever and nothings wrong, so I'm tired as well. Anyway please wait for the next update, also remember to backup the database before doing anything next time. ;)

dilbert: I'm not sure what you mean? If you want to get back to the main list you can follow the navbar links at the top?

dilbert 11-28-2006 01:41 AM

Let's say I have two glossaries, Glossary A and Glossary B.
I selected Glossary B, then clicked the letter D. After I am done viewing those entries, there does not seem to be an "All" letters link. I need to go back to the glossary list, then select Glossary B again.

Is that correct? If so, maybe a future enhancement to include All?

Again, thanks for the great mod.

bada_bing 11-28-2006 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1126911)
bada_bing: Couldn't you have waited a bit till I figured out what this issue is? Mind you so far I can't figure why some people are having the problems they are since I installed the script over a few times on my serever and nothings wrong, so I'm tired as well. Anyway please wait for the next update, also remember to backup the database before doing anything next time. ;)

dilbert: I'm not sure what you mean? If you want to get back to the main list you can follow the navbar links at the top?

Yes I understand and my mistake for upgrading prior to testing, it's just that I have hosed my users now totally from this great feature. I went from a great working feature to totally dead. Not your fault and I appreciate your efforts, I guess im just a bit frustrated, as im sure you are also.

SS9267547 11-28-2006 01:51 AM

dilbert: Good point. Something that has been missed lol. I'll have to look into that. Thanks.

bada_bing: PM me, I want to send something to test on your server.

bada_bing 11-28-2006 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by SS9267547 (Post 1126917)
dilbert: Good point. Something that has been missed lol. I'll have to look into that. Thanks.

bada_bing: PM me, I want to send something to test on your server.

Replied to your PM

abramelin 11-28-2006 03:22 AM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=56788&d=1164656703" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attac...8&d=1164656703</a>

this is very good but can you make this highlight feature to show the specific chars of content except the "this is a term click this"

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Template Usage:
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Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
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Included Files:
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