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akanevsky 11-20-2006 10:00 PM

"Smith" Warning System
I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.

/*================================================= =====================*\
|| "Smith" Warning System
|| Author : Anton Kanevsky
|| Co-Author(s) : Mr_Devlin (German Translation)
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5 / 3.6
|| Released : Nov 25, 2006
|| Time required to install: 1 minute
|| Difficulty: easy
\*================================================ ======================*/


Have you been running into troublesome users ever since you have began administering your bulletin board? Have you been forced into banning these users because there was no other way to prevent them from wreaking havoc in your community? Look no further. "Smith" Warning System is a professional solution that features a system of warning points as an alternative to an immediate ban. A must-have tool for a serious administrator.


File Uploads: 1
Template Changes: 5
Products to Install: 1

  • Configuration Options
    • Banning Threshold (defines the maximum number of points)
    • Banning Usergroup (defines where to move a user after the user has reached the threshold)
    • Automatically Create Warning Usernote for Warned User (yes / no)
    • Fake Warner (a fake person from whom warnings originate)
    • Forum for Information Threads (can be turned off completely)
    • Enable Conditional Display of "Issue New Warning" Link in Showthread and Showpost (Advanced Option; Takes Extra Queries)

  • Extensive Usergroup Permissions
    • Can Issue Warnings
    • Can Administer Warnings
    • Can Disable Notification
    • Can Be Warned
    • Can Override Warning Settings (Defines whether number of points, duration period, reputation effect and revokation cost may be customized per-warning)
    • Can View Own Warnings
    • Can View Others Warnings

  • Warning Type Manager
    • Title & Description
    • Default number of points (customizable per warning)
    • Default duration period (customizable per warning)
    • Default reputation effect (customizable per warning)
    • Default self-revokation cost (customizable per warning)
    • Each warning type can be deactivated or deleted if desired.

  • Warning History Manager
    • Extensive filter for a quick lookup of warnings that much certain criteria.
    • Ability to permanently revoke unexpired warnings as an alternative to complete deletion. That way they stay in the log, but have no further effect.

  • Smart, Full-Featured Front End
    • Amount of points and duration of a warning.
    • Real and "Verbal" (non-penalty) warnings, both of which are recorded into the warning log.
    • If certain setting (vBulletin Options -> Warning System) of the hack is misconfigured, an error message will be displayed when you attempt to issue a new warning, thus preventing your database from potential corruption.
    • Each post can only be warned once.
    • A person may not issue a self-warning.
    • Verbal warnings are displayed with a "verbal" sign in the log in place of the points.
    • Information about an issued warning is automatically recorded into user's usernotes page. If a warning is deleted, the usernote is deleted too. The feature can be turned off if desired.
    • Information about an issued warning is automatically posted in the form of a new thread in a designated forum. The feature can be turned off if desired.
    • If a post has an attached warning, the brief warning details are displayed at the bottom of the post.
    • If a person a positive warning level, it is displayed in the posts and in the profile of that person.
    • Warned posts are automatically locked from any further modifications by their owners.
    • Warning history, once a user has one or more warnings, is available from the user's profile and from posts.
    • Members who have a permission to issue warning are unable to issue warnings to higher-standing usergroups (such as moderator -> supermoderator or supermoderator -> admin).
    • A sophisticated "who's online" handler that shows exactly what a user is doing in the front-end warning system.
    • Only those links to which the viewer has access are displayed. For example, a moderator will not see an "issue new warning" link on a supermoderor's post, but an administrator will.
    • Reputation Effect: Amount of reputation points that will be subtracted from the user's account until the warning expires or is revoked/deleted.
    • Reputation-Based Self-Revokation Capability: Each warning can be set to allow the end user to buy the warning out in exchange for a certain amount of reputation points.

  • Bonus! The following importer has been included into the package:
    • Inferno Warning System v1.3


Corrected a postbit_legacy template bug.

The first free release that is officially cross-compatible with both vBulletin 3.5 and 3.6.

[F] Corrected a licensing issue.
[F] Corrected a cron bug, which caused an sql error.
[F] Changed behavior of "Can View ___ Warnings" permission to cover the warning level displayed in posts.

[+] Reputation Points Option was removed from vBulletin Options. Instead, Reputation Effect can now be defined per Warning Type and even per Warning.
[+] Reputation-Based Self-Revokation Capability: Each warning can be set to allow the end user to buy the warning out in exchange for a certain amount of reputation points.
[+] Feature to enable creation of warning information threads in a specific forum.
[+] More detailed and better formatted usernotes and notifications.

[+] Ability to Issue Verbal Warnings
[+] Ability to Define a Fake Warner
[+] Automatic Usernotes Creation
[+] Warned Posts May Not Be Modified by the Author
[+] More sophisticated who's online handler
[+] Warning sign on warned posts

Introductory Release


This hack includes a cron, which you do not need to manually add to your cron manager. The cron is added automatically for you once you install the product XML.
If you wish to import your warning data from another warning system, upload warn_import.php from ./do_not_upload/ to ./admincp/ and run it from your browser.

The installation manual is contained within the attached file.


akanevsky 11-21-2006 07:05 PM



Q: Why did this become a free product?
A: Seeing how there are plenty of alternative solutions that seem to satisfy users despite the fact they are full of bugs as well as the fact that vBulletin 3.6.0 has a warning system of its own, we decided that there is no point in having this hack as a commercial product anymore.

Q: How is this different from vBulletin's Infraction System?
A: This has much more features that are more reasonable and more interesting than those of vBulletin's. Read through the list of features and look at screenshots to see for yourself.

Q: How is this different from an alternative warning system called BLAH_BLAH_BLAH?
A: This has more features, less bugs (if any), and this is just a whole different project. See screenshots for yourself.

Nick H 11-21-2006 07:13 PM

How is this any different from Advanced Warning System (AWS)?

akanevsky 11-21-2006 07:17 PM

This has more features, less bugs (if any), and this is just a whole different project. See screenshots for yourself.

eilrahC 11-21-2006 07:26 PM

looks nice

ChavMagnet 11-21-2006 08:26 PM

Will this work for 3.6.3 ?

akanevsky 11-21-2006 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by ChavMagnet (Post 1122475)
Will this work for 3.6.3 ?

Yes, it will work with all vBulletin versions starting 3.5.0 and up to and including 3.6.3.

ChavMagnet 11-21-2006 08:36 PM


Mattimus1984 11-21-2006 08:40 PM

Great we dont have to pay now that rocks

taxick 11-21-2006 09:02 PM

WOW nice :)

And now it free :)



projectego 11-21-2006 09:23 PM

Thanks! ;)

Billspaintball 11-21-2006 09:50 PM

This is what the built in infringment system should have been....
Look and learn vB

dragonhart 11-21-2006 10:50 PM

thanks you so much whoot.......Dragonhart

evenmonkeys 11-21-2006 11:23 PM

I like this. I think a neat idea ontop of this would be to make it similar to the warning system on AOL Instant Messenger. As you get more and more of a warning percentage, your IMs per minute is decreased. As an example, let's say a site allows one most per 60 seconds. For every warning point you have, you could tack on another second.

I'm just thinking outloud. In any case, I like this modification. It's simple, yet I'm sure it'd prove to be effective.

Shazz 11-21-2006 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Billspaintball (Post 1122529)
This is what the built in infringment system should have been....
Look and learn vB

I don't get how the vB 3.6 right now has bugs?
I understand though that this does have more options..

Josh1 11-21-2006 11:56 PM


NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 12:09 AM

Does the vB warning system need to be deactivated or does this one install on top of the vB one?

akanevsky 11-22-2006 12:10 AM


I don't get how the vB 3.6 right now has bugs?
Where does it say that 3.6 has bugs?


Originally Posted by Josh1 (Post 1122624)

LOL. Apparently, you have forgotten to click the button (like most others), cause it says "Status: Not Installed"...


Does the vB warning system need to be deactivated or does this one install on top of the vB one?
They are two different warning systems, and in fact this warning system came before vB's. So yeah, you need to deactivate vB's system since this one is self-sufficient. Or, you could use them both... Which would be pointless. :)

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 12:15 AM

How would I deactivate the vB warning system?

akanevsky 11-22-2006 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1122631)
How would I deactivate the vB warning system?

Simply turn off "User Infraction Permissions" for all usergroups.

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 12:36 AM

Just the infraction permissions and not the reputation permissions?

akanevsky 11-22-2006 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1122641)
Just the infraction permissions and not the reputation permissions?

Yeah. Reputation has nothing to do with infractions.

Josh1 11-22-2006 12:41 AM

Woops, clicked installed now. This is an awesome addon :).

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 01:04 AM

CLicked Installed. Is there a way to remove the "add infraction" icon from the 'showthread' area of a users threads/posts?

kall 11-22-2006 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1122629)
Where does it say that 3.6 has bugs?

Probably here: :)

Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1122430)
# Q: How is this different from BLAH_BLAH_BLAH?
A: This has more features, less bugs (if any), and this is just a whole different project. See screenshots for yourself.

Shazz 11-22-2006 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by kall (Post 1122713)
Probably here: :)

^Yea thats what I mean
So your saying, this has less bugs then the vBulletin warning system itself?

Hornstar 11-22-2006 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1122754)
^Yea thats what I mean
So your saying, this has less bugs then the vBulletin warning system itself?

he would have meant it has less bugs then other warning systems around vb.org eg. AWS

and yeah, VB really should have these features by now, I bet they are just waiting until another big update eg. version 4.

But it is good to see a great product like this for free ^^

I may need some custom coding work done, So i may be in contact with you shortly.


Mattimus1984 11-22-2006 07:01 AM

I cant find where warning type administration is or warning administration

projectego 11-22-2006 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision (Post 1122629)
LOL. Apparently, you have forgotten to click the button (like most others), cause it says "Status: Not Installed"...

[high]* projectego clicks install ;)[/high]

Stingray27 11-22-2006 10:46 AM

How is this different from the builtin infractions system ??

akanevsky 11-22-2006 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1122754)
^Yea thats what I mean
So your saying, this has less bugs then the vBulletin warning system itself?

Why do you always have to interpret things in a perverted way... I was referring to other warning system. Not vB's.


I cant find where warning type administration is or warning administration
Warning System in the vBulletin AdminCP Menu.


How is this different from the builtin infractions system ??
Much more features. And I mean - much.

P.S. Yay! One-star voter, I see you've already been here. Having fun, aye?

Spikeman 11-22-2006 02:22 PM

[high]* Spikeman Installs

Thanks Anthony, must be my lucky week, i was contemplating buying this ;) now looks like i can get your bug tracker instead what a double result.

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 04:20 PM

After issuing a warning to a user, the part of the thread display screen for the 'warned post', where the users profile information is, widens. Is this normal behavior (see image)?

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 04:22 PM

This looks funny. Can it be fixed?

akanevsky 11-22-2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1123065)
After issuing a warning to a user, the part of the thread display screen for the 'warned post', where the users profile information is, widens. Is this normal behavior (see image)?

No, it is not. I'll take a look at it.


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1123067)
This looks funny. Can it be fixed?

What the ....? How did you get those lines?

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 04:26 PM

The lines show in the private message that is sent after a warning has been issued.

akanevsky 11-22-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Junkie (Post 1123073)
The lines show in the private message that is sent after a warning has been issued.

Impossible. Tested with 3.5.4 and 3.6.3, everything works fine. There isn't a way that these lines could appear (nothing even close to that was even coded). I recommend you check your computer for viruses or something... Also, make sure that the Page Zoom of your browser is 100%. From your screenshots, it appears to be about 70%...

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 04:45 PM

When a private message is sent for the warning, '2' messages show in the inbox for the warned user and only one warning message is in the inbox.

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 04:46 PM

Everything is okay on my browser end and still getting the lines in the PM. Anyone else test this MOD and getting the same results?

NFLfbJunkie 11-22-2006 04:57 PM

When I go to forward the private message, this is what shows up in the forwarding box. Notice all of the <hr> tags.

You have been warned by FBJunkie for the following post:

You have been given 2 warning points, which makes your warning level to be 2.
Be advised that warning threshold is 20.

Warning duration has been set to 30 days, with reputation effect of 20.

To avoid receiving future warnings, please make sure you get familiar with and obey the community rules.

FBJunkie has given the following reason for the warning:
<hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><h r><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr>
Please do not talk about something different other than the posted topic. Thank you.
<hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><h r><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr>

This is an automatically generated message and no reply is required.
However, if you think that you do not deserve this warning, feel free to initiate a dispute by replying.

Alternatively, if you have 100 or more reputation points, you may buy revokation of the warning for these points.
To do so, visit your warning history by clicking on the link in your profile, and then click "Revoke Warning".

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