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Jd19 11-20-2006 10:00 PM

vB Weekly Stats
vB Weekly Stats - Display and email weekly forum stats

Version: 1.7

A plugin that will display and email weekly statistics for the vBulletin forum software. The project was spurred from a project that a fellow forum member was working on which got me thinking about a better way to monitor what was going on. This allows me to keep up with statistics very easily and monitor the progression my forum is making.

Language: PHP

Tested System: CodeCall.net

GNU although a link back to http://www.codecall.net would be nice for anyone using.

Todo List/Bugs
  • Make XHTML compliant

Change Log

Version 1.6 - 17
  • If the CRON script is executed after 12:00 you no longer get zero filled values.
  • You can now exclude forums from showing (Options)
  • Username has been clarified in options (bolded) so that no one is confused. The default username "Administrator" has been removed and set to blank.

Version 1.5 - 1.6 by skoenig - Thank you!
  • Fixed major bug in Email Plugin - All emails sent from forum now function correctly.
Version 1.4 - 1.5 by Bolas - Thank you!
  • Now Uses vB method to send email
  • Hooks change on-the-fly the Content-Type
Version 1.3 - 1.4
  • Corrected Link in newly registered members display
Version 1.2 - 1.3
  • Added Previous Week and 2 Weeks Ago to weekly display.
  • Removed User Requests, requests are removed after they are completed so the actual number is always 0 (unless you never complete them).
  • Modified cron job to run 15 minutes before 12:00 which will prevent the email being filled with 0 values.
  • Added post number to newly registered users this week (in brackets beside name).
  • Aligned newly registered users in a table to conserve space.
Version 1.1 - 1.2
-- Changes by TkTech
  • (None) tags instead of mis-drecting links when no threads found
Version 1.0 - 1.1
  • Added all registered users names for week using Javascript.
  • Changed Display, grouped common seciotns
  • Added Most Replied and viewed thread created this week.
  • Fixed Title - CodeCall isn't hard coded any longer
  • Changed wording of Activity Number

This software is in the version control system of CodeCall.net. If you would like to contribute, please join this forum and become a member. All suggests are greatly welcome!

Install (after you unzip)
1. Upload all files in the upload directory to the root of your forum directory (where index.php is).

2. Login to the admin control panel

3. Goto Plugins & Products and click on Manage Products

4. Click on Add/Import Product

5. Browse to the directory of Weekly Stats and Select Weekly-Stats.xml

6. Click Import

7. Setup the product in vBulletin Options

8. Thats it, your done! You can access the stats at http://www.youdomain.com/forum/weeklystats.php

The cron job is scheduled to run every Sunday at 11:59 which will deliever stats to your email

Support will be given at http://forum.codecall.net/community-...kly-stats.html only. New releases will appear there first before they are updated here. Create a post at this URL for installation problems, bugs or suggestions. I will not be checking this thread very often.


Jd19 11-20-2006 10:27 PM


FleaBag 11-20-2006 11:06 PM

Very nice! Nominated for MOTM. :) Thanks.

Jd19 11-20-2006 11:31 PM

Thank you!

bada_bing 11-20-2006 11:33 PM

Ok and the trivial question isssssssssssssss.. Will this work with 3.5.3 ?

ninjamaster 11-21-2006 12:34 AM

thanks for this 1:)

Floris 11-21-2006 02:44 AM

Nice little hack to bring the stats to the end user! :) Keep up the good work.

projectego 11-21-2006 03:25 AM

Awesome! Thanks. ;)

Hornstar 11-21-2006 03:48 AM

Very nice addition, however is there a way to set which usergroups can view this.


Zia 11-21-2006 08:28 AM

its really nice...

but can u add few more options here
its just showing a numerical summury page

like :
* Latest Poll n vote stats -
* Higtes Replied & hightes hited thread -
* Registerd user's name for the week -

Html coded..
Like a community news letter...
It would be very nice


TheBlackPoet 11-21-2006 11:06 AM

i have been hoping that someone would write this hack.... and here it is... not to sound unappreciative, but Zia's idea sound like a great enhancement to an already great hack that i am voting for MOTM...

Jd19 11-21-2006 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1121910)
Ok and the trivial question isssssssssssssss.. Will this work with 3.5.3 ?

I think this will work fine in 3.5.3 although I have not tested. I will create a test system tonight and see if it does. If I remember correctly, the database changed from 3.5.3 to 3.6.x (changing the users table to user).


Originally Posted by hornstar1337 (Post 1122043)
Very nice addition, however is there a way to set which usergroups can view this.


Yes, if you go to your admin-cp and general settings and then select Weekly Stats Alert System you can change which groups view it. Separate these by comma delimited ids (EX: 1,6,10).


Originally Posted by Zia (Post 1122131)
its really nice...

but can u add few more options here
its just showing a numerical summury page

like :
* Latest Poll n vote stats -
* Higtes Replied & hightes hited thread -
* Registerd user's name for the week -

Html coded..
Like a community news letter...
It would be very nice


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add these in the next release which will probably be this week. I'm also going to change the display which I am not very happy with, its a bit hard to read.

I've added these to my todo list at

Please keep any more suggestions coming! I'll be more than happy to add them.

Canis Firebrand 11-21-2006 12:16 PM

Very nice and great suggestions so far.

I'm not sure what this one stat is tracking though as the wording isn't anything I can find at first glance.

Number of Activity This Week

Also, you have the webpage title hard coded. You might want to make it use the vb phrasing so that the individual forum title will be in there instead of CodeCall Programming Forum - Weekly Stats.

Make it be vb[title] - Weekly Stats.

Or whatever vb phrasing gets you the title of the forum.

Jd19 11-21-2006 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Canis Firebrand (Post 1122227)
Very nice and great suggestions so far.

I'm not sure what this one stat is tracking though as the wording isn't anything I can find at first glance.

Number of Activity This Week

Also, you have the webpage title hard coded. You might want to make it use the vb phrasing so that the individual forum title will be in there instead of CodeCall Programming Forum - Weekly Stats.

Make it be vb[title] - Weekly Stats.

Or whatever vb phrasing gets you the title of the forum.

The number of activity so far is the amount of users that have visited this week total. I should reword that. Thanks for the tip.

Ahh, the title slipped my mind! I completely forgot about it. I've added these items to my todo list. Thank you!

Canis Firebrand 11-21-2006 12:24 PM

Thanks.. Looking forward to the updates. This is exactly what some of the users at my site have been wanting.

Zia 11-21-2006 01:06 PM

helo Jd19..
pretty impressive ur prompt action..

I just thinking it as a new modified version of Commbull (Community Bulletin)

that thing isnt working working for vb3.6.3..

I trust all of the vb3.6.3 user will be gratefull to u..if it comes with all the new feature :)

sure i will vote it for MOTM :)

Thnx Man.

rasun 11-21-2006 05:42 PM

Nice one, *klick install* ;)

Thank You

Jd19 11-21-2006 05:51 PM

Thanks guys! I just released an Update which you all might want to download. The Display and Email looks a lot better now and has some of the features you guys requested.

ninjamaster 11-21-2006 06:32 PM

thanks for the update :)

Hornstar 11-22-2006 05:26 AM

Request: Number of Registrations This Week:

when you click view, if it could also have the amount of posts they have next to their name.

However I'm thinking there could be a problem with showing over a thousand peoples names down the page.

What would be the best solution for this? maybe showing them down in columns? or showing a max of 300 per table or something.


Jd19 11-22-2006 12:34 PM

Hmm, that is a good suggestion. I didn't link about large amounts of registrations (as mine only gets about 10 a day) but those who get 100s a day added up for a week would make quite a long list.

I'll probably have to limit the amount shown and then make it a configuration field.

UncoderMom 11-23-2006 06:16 AM

lol 3.6.4?

God I love this place!

Great addition! Thanks!

Kadi 11-24-2006 10:56 AM

Great!!! I've been waiting for something like this. :)

A few questions:

Will it work on 3.6.4?
Can I change which day and time it is sent?


Jd19 11-24-2006 01:32 PM

Not sure, is 3.6.4 out? If it is, I'll test it and see.

You can change the Cron job to change which day the email is sent. It is called CCWeeklyStats.

There is a bug, the installer doesn't put the title in the Scheduled task, so, when you edit it make sure you put a title in or it will not let you save.

Zia 11-25-2006 02:23 AM

Hello JD19,
congrats to be a coder at vb.org :)

Man- Got lots of request to u around this stats mod..
:) thanks allready u have implimetd some..

Do u planning to release a Full Featured News Letter System...?
or u will modify it as that..

Some Request
- Show Last (X) Announcement(s) from particulr forum ID or name.
- Showing Top (X) no. of clickable thread
- SHowing Latest (X) no. poll - klikable
- Top (X) new thread.
- Adding Ibpro arcade intigration- Show Newly installed Game Name/Qty.
- Total Thread & Total Post count & Total Registerd Users count.

And competeable with vb3.6.4 ?


krazycivik 11-26-2006 10:35 PM

ive installed this hack but when i type in the domain forums etc all i get is a white page. have i dont somthing wrong? ive set everything up the way you said. 3.6.2 or it dosent work with this version? thanx

Jd19 11-26-2006 11:21 PM

Zia, still haven't tested with 3.6.4. Thanks for your suggestions, I will consider them.

Krazycivik, I haven't tried it on that version so I don't know but it should work fine as it doesn't change anything and only reads the database. The screen that goes white is the weeklystats.php page? Have you tried running the cron job and seeing if the email gets sent?

krazycivik 11-27-2006 03:16 AM

nop.. ok im on cron but i dont know what else to do im new with this thanx would appreciate if you could explain..


Greek Wizard 11-27-2006 06:50 AM

Seems to be working frin on 3.6.4.

manual cron worked, will have to wait a week for auto cron, but it should be fine.


Jd19 11-27-2006 11:44 AM

Auto Cron jobs reports 0 for everything. I'll be updating today with a fix and some other changes.

Greek, thanks for testing!

Krazy, once inside of scheduled tasks find CCWeeklyStats and click run now.

You may have to go into vBulletin Settings and selected Weekly Stats then change the users that are being emailed.

krazycivik 11-27-2006 12:51 PM

this is what i get

CCWeeklyStats Email

Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in \includes\cron\weeklystats.php on line 327
Message has been sent to ....
Message has been sent to zep@torontonissan.ca....


ok so i messed with some things and i got this now

CCWeeklyStats Email
Email alerts not enabled


im lost

Jd19 11-27-2006 09:26 PM

Verified: This works fine on 3.6.4

krazycivik, you have a space before the username or the username is spelled wrong.

Second Error: You turned off the email alert system. It is the first option in the Weekly Stats Setting.

krazycivik 11-28-2006 12:22 AM

awsome got it working amazing hack man. great stuff..

klaush 11-28-2006 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by bada_bing (Post 1121910)
Ok and the trivial question isssssssssssssss.. Will this work with 3.5.3 ?

Nope! Just tested it...

It would be nice to have a working version for 3.5.x.


Jd19 11-28-2006 03:14 PM

I could get it to work for 3.5.3 very easily but the problem is I don't have access to that version right now. I know that the table names changed from version 3.5.x to 3.6.x

users CHANGED TO user

Anyone got a test system, version 3.5.x that I could work with?

ogameclub 11-28-2006 05:29 PM

It runs in 3.6.4 very well. :D

:D Turkish weeklystats.php is uploaded. :rolleyes:

Demo: http://www.ogameclub.com/v1/weeklystats.php

Jd19 11-28-2006 05:38 PM

<font color="Red">UPDATE RELEASED</font>

I've just released an Update! Please download the new update for enhanced features!

krazycivik 11-29-2006 04:24 AM

awsome got it working awsome hack thanx

klaush 11-29-2006 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Jd19 (Post 1127300)
I could get it to work for 3.5.3 very easily but the problem is I don't have access to that version right now. I know that the table names changed from version 3.5.x to 3.6.x

users CHANGED TO user

Anyone got a test system, version 3.5.x that I could work with?

Sorry, no test system...

But here we go:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM vb3_cron WHERE varname LIKE '%CCWeeklyStats%';

MySQL-Fehler : Unknown column 'varname' in 'where clause'
Fehler-Nr. : 1054

Jd19 12-03-2006 01:41 PM

If anyone using this would be so kind as to post your URL in this thread HERE it would be greatly appreciated.

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