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-   -   Zoints LOCAL: Social networking, enhanced profiles and MUCH more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130954)

Zoints 11-06-2006 10:00 PM

Zoints LOCAL: Social networking, enhanced profiles and MUCH more
What is Zoints Local?

Installed on your forum and under your control, Zoints Local is what you want it to be. If you want to provide your members with a homepage they can personalize, you can. If you want members to share more about themselves via greatly enhanced profiles, you can. Blogs? Networking? Resumes? Photos? Video sharing? No problem. Via Zoints' page and block management system, you can do what you want, how you want, with ease. Learn more about pages and blocks

Zoints Local takes your forum's basic profile and turns it into a portal where a whole new world opens up, all on your website. As you can see below, your members can have everything from a personal homepage to enhanced profile, blog, network, pages to show off their vehicle (pictured) and anything else that can be dreamed up. And don't worry, we even include a page that shows the entire default vBulletin profile if you want it.


Some sites using Zoints Local

Hundreds of forums are currently running Zoints Local. Here are just a few:

Forum: http://www.writersbeat.com
Zoints Local: http://www.writersbeat.com/z/DFischer/

Forum: http://tntu.net
Zoints Local: http://tntu.net/z/Dave/

Forum: http://sportbikesite.com/forums2
Zoints Local: http://sportbikesite.com/forums2/z/Adrian/

If you would like your forum featured above, please PM me!

What will Zoints local bring to my forum?

Zoints Local brings a new level of possibilities to your website. There are so many features and options that it?s impossible for us to list them all here. As a community based platform that allows forum owners to share blocks, the opportunities to expand your site with Zoints Local continue to grow every day ? there?s just no telling what feature, block or idea will come out next. At the Zoints Development Forum you can download blocks posted by other community owners and developers. This way, if you own a writing forum, a software forum, a nursing forum, or a forum dedicated to any other topic, you can contour pages and blocks to specifically fit the needs of your community. Learn more about sharing blocks

A few of the blocks and pages packaged with Zoints Local:

About Me, My Discussions, My Links, Instant Chat, My Photos My Interests, My Communities, My Network, Quick Comments, Ratings, My Blog, RSS Feeds, Social Actions and many more. Virtually any existing "widget" shared on the internet can quickly be converted into a block, many in just a few minutes.

What else does Zoints Local offer?

Zoints Local is a state of the art product with all sorts of amazing features that go beyond the normal website.

Drag and Drop technology - Do you want to move a block from one part of your profile to another? Do you want to change the order of your pages? No problem, just drag and drop!


Social Networking - Forget just friends, Zoints Local allows your members to create as many "Groups" as they want. We all have friends, family, colleagues, forum friends, and various other people in our lives.

Comprehensive privacy controls - Your members can create a variety of groups and show each group different content on a page by page basis. Zoints allows you to show what you want, when you want, to whom you want. Learn more about Zoints' Privacy Controls

Style Sharing - When your members create custom styles, they can easily share them with other members of your community via the Styles Database.

Global Search - Zoints Local includes a global search that bridges that crerates a virtual freeway between the forums of the internet. Searches conducted through Zoints return results from every community that uses Zoints Local. Think of it as Google, for people. Google sends you a lot of traffic, and so can Zoints People Search.


The best part about Zoints Local is that you pick what to let your members use and what not to let them use.

What sort of administration options exist?

The Zoints Local system gives you extensive control of how your Zoints profiles should behave. You can turn features on and off, determine if you want your members to be able to edit/create/manage styles of their own, define default styles, add your own customized header and logo to the pages and much more.

Here?s a couple screenshots from the admin control panel:



How do I get started?

Getting Zoints Local running on your site is a quick and painless process. Just follow the simple steps below and you can have your site running Zoints Local in a matter of minutes. Once you have the system setup, it?s completely up to you to decide how you want things to work. Customize, add on or leave the system exactly as it comes out of the box ? Zoints Local gives you the power to choose!

Step 1 ? Download both of the attached zip files and unzip them.

Step 2 ? Upload the /z/ folder to:

yourdomain.com/z/ or
subdomain.yourdomain.com/z/ or

Step 3 - Run the installation script found at /z/install/index.php and follow the directions

Step 4 - During the installation you will need to register your forum with Zoints to obtain a token and authentication key

Step 5 ? Once installation is complete, log in to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel and upload the plugin product file found in the second zip file.

Step 6 ? Configure Zoints as you see fit!

Promoting your forum through Zoints

Along with all of the features, tools and added functionality Zoints Local offers for your site, the Zoints is also interested in bringing you more traffic. Here?s how:

1. Add your forum to the Zoints directory at http://zoints.com/communities after you install. More information can be found in this thread.

2. The Zoints network will include your site in searches and other relevant results bringing you qualified traffic without any additional effort.

3. If you install Zoints Lite on a Big-Board, please email us at big-boards@zoints.com with your url so we can get you added to the Zoints Enabled directory on BigBoards.com


Due to the scope of this software, we ask that help requests be submitted at http://network.zoints.com in this specific forum so we can provide quick, efficient support.

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0.1"

That's it! :)


2006/11/29: 1.0.1
* Avatar maximum size restriction
* Avatar display issue fixed
* Pulling headinclude template for vBulletin
* Pending friends issue fixed
* Media block fixed
* Various streamlining of text / names
* Blocking users fix
* Various misc bugfixes
* Removed various references to "Zoints"

2006/11/28: 1.0
* Version Tracking - Keep up with what the latest version is
* Global searches (through zoints.com) now display members of searcher's own community first
* Ability to lock certain pages, so they show up on every profile, with the same content everywhere
* Ability to include the forum header and footer dynamically
* Ability to restrict image filesizes and space available per user
* Zoints Local now uses forum's avatar
* Users have the option of PM or Email notification for everything
* Users are taken to their own profile upon login from login page
* Removed ability to upload BMPs
* Usernames are now reflected in Zoints Local when that user uses Zoints Local again
* New tab: Old forum profile
* Various bugfixes

2006/11/10: 1.0 RC 3
* Custom footer in admin area
* Ability to disable network join request PMs in settings
* Added Simple Editor mode (Non drag and drop)
* Ability to login as users for moderation/editing purposes
* Tons of bugfixes (open_basedir, various whitepages, xml bug, etc)

2006/11/07: 1.0 RC 2
* ImageMagick settings pulled from forums
* Fixed bug with cURL redundancy not returning proper data
* Fixed bug in CFPLS handler
* Can now properly add custom blocks for other tabs
* Search age bug
* Quick Comments block fix
* Media block fix
* Misc additional bugs

2006/11/06: 1.0 RC 1
* Initial release

Zoints 11-07-2006 03:12 AM

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. This is all installed on MY forum?

A. Correct :)

Q. Is there a demo?

A. Demo Information

Forum: http://zointsdemo.com/vbulletin/
Admin Panel: http://zointsdemo.com/vbulletin/z/zadmin.php
Login info: admin/admin

You can also create your own account and play with the profile system :)

To see how well people are starting to integrate vbulletin and profiles, see here:

Forum: http://www.writersbeat.com
Profile: http://www.writersbeat.com/z/DFischer/

Q. I would prefer to utilize the centralized version of Zoints. Can I?

A. No, sorry. Not until we standardize the Zoints Local and Zoints.com code. We do not have an ETA for this.

Q. How do I create a default style for my members?

A. Creating a default style is easy. Using the Zoints Style Editor, create styles as you normally would. As an admin, your custom styles will be automatically listed in the zadmin.php control panel. You can specify the same or different styles for each page by going to zadmin > pages > edit name/style as shown in the image below.


The style dropdown menu will then be populated with all your custom styles.


You can also add a logo and header to the top of all /z/ pages on zadmin > settings.

Q. Why do I have to register my community with Zoints and get a forum token and authentication key?

A. Zoints Local provides (and will add many more) features that require secure authentication between Zoints and your forum.

Q. My forum uses the Zoints centralized system. Can I switch?

A. Absolutely! The system does it automatically. Please note, you cannot run both.

Q. What browsers do you code for?

A. Firefox 1.x+, IE 6.x+, and Opera 8.x+. Other browsers may or may not work, however, we do not officially support them at this time.

Q. The images in the navigation bar don't fit well with the style I created, can I change them?

A. Yes, you may overwrite those images with your own as long as they are named the same and are easily readable.

Q. Are there any vBadvanced modules that work with this?

A. Of course. Currently there are Recent blog entries and random members.

Q. I have custom profile fields I don't want to lose. What about those?

A. No problem, we created a block that automatically pulls all the custom profile fields. See it here. Blocks can be made to do pretty much anything :)

Ntfu2 11-07-2006 04:42 AM

Any issues with vBSEO and the yourdomain.com/z/username type domains? An

I'm going to install it, but hopefully i can get a answer before i figure it out on my own.

Looks freaking awesome!

Bad Bunny 11-07-2006 06:43 AM

Wow, this sounds real exciting. You guys sure have been busy!

xfaethorx 11-07-2006 06:57 AM

wow...this looks PHAT, this isn't relying on existing plugins is it i.e vbjournal and so forth unlike other alterations, it seems to be an all in one beast :).

My users currently use the myspace hack from here with the old and now pulled comment system. This integrates into vbphotopost gallery and vbjournal.

My questions are 1. will this be able to work with vbphotopost and 2. is there anyway of converting vbjournal posts to the blog entries and keeping the private entries private?

I'm hoping that I can migrate to a new solution!

Zoints 11-07-2006 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Any issues with vBSEO and the yourdomain.com/z/username type domains? An

I'm going to install it, but hopefully i can get a answer before i figure it out on my own.

Looks freaking awesome!

Nope. We tested it on a forum with vBSEO installed with any problems :)

Zoints 11-07-2006 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
wow...this looks PHAT, this isn't relying on existing plugins is it i.e vbjournal and so forth unlike other alterations, it seems to be an all in one beast :).

Correct. This is all clean and new. No mashups of old hacks.


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
My users currently use the myspace hack from here with the old and now pulled comment system. This integrates into vbphotopost gallery and vbjournal.

My questions are 1. will this be able to work with vbphotopost and 2. is there anyway of converting vbjournal posts to the blog entries and keeping the private entries private?

I'm hoping that I can migrate to a new solution!

We're looking into making it work with Photopost.

Unfortunately the vbjournal stuff isn't something we can do for you. However, I wouldn't be surprised if our blog can be turned off and vbjournal can be used instead somehow.

My guess is you're stuck on 3.5.x because of all this? This solution is infinitely more powerful than what you're currently running.

mrmike 11-07-2006 07:49 AM

...man this looks really great...

I'm running 3.5.4 with aprox. 90 hacks. My question is... might this work flawless ? ...and if not can I uninstall and have my forum intact again?

Best regards


Zoints 11-07-2006 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by mrmike
...man this looks really great...

I'm running 3.5.4 with aprox. 90 hacks. My question is... might this work flawless ? ...and if not can I uninstall and have my forum intact again?

Best regards


It will almost definitely work flawlessly. We designed it to integrate very well, yes be separate enough so that it doesn't cause any issues. Uninstalling will leave your forum as it was. :)

ronoxQ 11-07-2006 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
wow...this looks PHAT, this isn't relying on existing plugins is it i.e vbjournal and so forth unlike other alterations, it seems to be an all in one beast :).

My users currently use the myspace hack from here with the old and now pulled comment system. This integrates into vbphotopost gallery and vbjournal.

My questions are 1. will this be able to work with vbphotopost and 2. is there anyway of converting vbjournal posts to the blog entries and keeping the private entries private?

I'm hoping that I can migrate to a new solution!

Quick mash-up to your blog idea: disable Zoints blogs, and add an RSS feed that gets info from vB Journal. I'm pretty sure the Local has RSS feeds blocks by default... >_> If not, they'll no doubt be available soon.

Zoints 11-07-2006 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by ronoxQ
I'm pretty sure the Local has RSS feeds blocks by default... >_> If not, they'll no doubt be available soon.

Yes, they're available by default :)

Zoints 11-07-2006 09:51 PM

Demo Information

Forum: http://zointsdemo.com/vbulletin/
Admin Panel: http://zointsdemo.com/vbulletin/z/zadmin.php
Login info: admin/admin

You can also create your own account and play with the profile system :)

To see how well people are starting to integrate vbulletin and profiles, see here:

Forum: http://www.writersbeat.com
Profile: http://www.writersbeat.com/z/DFischer/

djr 11-07-2006 11:26 PM

I'd like to see this being phrased. At the moment all strings seem to be hardcoded in the templates, unless I'm not looking in the right direction. Is this being considered for the very near future (and if so, could you please comment on a timescale).
I'm very interested in this and have some great ideas already, but it needs to be translated first. Since it's all hardcoded, I'm a little hesitant to start already.

I also read that the standard vBulletin profile will be completely replaced by Zoints Local. Is that correct? There's alot of functionality for mods and admins tied to the default vB profile, so that sounds like a really bad idea to me (e.g. infractions, user notes, search for all posts, etc). If this is true I sadly have to refrain from using this.

Thanks! This looks very promising and I really want to use this.

kg4mxz 11-08-2006 12:39 AM

:banana: Another great Zoints product! Thanks!

Zoints 11-08-2006 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by djr
I'd like to see this being phrased. At the moment all strings seem to be hardcoded in the templates, unless I'm not looking in the right direction. Is this being considered for the very near future (and if so, could you please comment on a timescale).

Next major feature release will have multi-language support :) It is a very high prority for us.


Originally Posted by djr
I'm very interested in this and have some great ideas already, but it needs to be translated first. Since it's all hardcoded, I'm a little hesitant to start already.

I understand completely. Expect it in 3-5 days.


Originally Posted by djr
I also read that the standard vBulletin profile will be completely replaced by Zoints Local. Is that correct? There's alot of functionality for mods and admins tied to the default vB profile, so that sounds like a really bad idea to me (e.g. infractions, user notes, search for all posts, etc). If this is true I sadly have to refrain from using this.

Correct. However, the next vBulletin product upgrade we release will fix this problem :cool:

Thanks for the feedback!

Zoints 11-08-2006 06:22 AM

As a few admin were concerned about losing custom profile fields, we created a block that automatically pulls all that data. See it here. Blocks can be made to do pretty much anything :)

Zoints 11-08-2006 07:52 AM

Zoints Local 1.0 RC2 has been released. We're hopeful that the next release will be 1.0 Gold.

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"

That's it! :)


2006/11/07: 1.0 RC 2
* ImageMagick settings pulled from forums
* Fixed bug with cURL redundancy not returning proper data
* Fixed bug in CFPLS handler
* Can now properly add custom blocks for other tabs
* Search age bug
* Quick Comments block fix
* Media block fix
* Misc additional bugs

2.0.7 of the vBulletin product has also been uploaded. This version allows forum owners to specify if they want their mods/supermods/admin to be able to access the default vBulletin profiles for the administrative tools there. See the bottom feature in the screenshot:


To upgrade, download and unzip then upload the .xml file via the vBulletin admincp product manager. Please select "yes" to overwrite.

juanchi 11-08-2006 09:13 AM

The only thing that stops me from fully going the zoints way is the language issue, I hope you offer soon a multi-language version, I think I will give a try to the english version and explain to my users that we will have soon a version in our own language. I hope that soon will not become years :D

BTW, will this work in 3.6.2?

djr 11-08-2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by DChapman
2.0.7 of the vBulletin product has also been uploaded. This version allows forum owners to specify if they want their mods/supermods/admin to be able to access the default vBulletin profiles for the administrative tools there.

*VERY* nice! Thanks for adressing this. Now all we need is the multi-language version. Take your time and don't rush things, but have it ready tomorrow please ;) :laugh:

Zoints 11-08-2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by juanchi
The only thing that stops me from fully going the zoints way is the language issue, I hope you offer soon a multi-language version, I think I will give a try to the english version and explain to my users that we will have soon a version in our own language. I hope that soon will not become years :D

BTW, will this work in 3.6.2?

We'll have the multi-language support available in the first new feature release. :)


Originally Posted by djr
*VERY* nice! Thanks for adressing this. Now all we need is the multi-language version. Take your time and don't rush things, but have it ready tomorrow please ;) :laugh:

You're welcome! Thank YOU for the feedback. We're committed to improving every facet of this product so constructive criticism like that is greatly appreciated. And thanks for the chuckle. It won't be available tomorrow, but it's not going to be far off :)

Zoints 11-11-2006 03:11 AM


2006/11/10: 1.0 RC 3
* Custom footer in admin area
* Ability to disable network join request PMs in settings
* Added Simple Editor mode (Non drag and drop)
* Ability to login as users for moderation/editing purposes
* Tons of bugfixes (open_basedir, various whitepages, xml bug, etc)

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"

That's it! :)

Zoints 11-13-2006 11:02 PM

I just changed the first post to better reflect this system. Thanks for the continued feedback.

simalert 11-14-2006 12:20 PM


This looks great and possibley something I'd implement on my forum, but I am just curious to know if this is totally self contained or if it merges our database with the Zoints one?

The test sites that I've seen all have a Join Zoints button on the top of the profiles and when looking at user's profiles it takes me to a Zoints.com page.

Are these profiles /pages created and kept on our own server and database or do they just link to the Zoints.com site and database?

And can the global search be turned off on a site so that users of that site can only search for users of that site and not all other sites using Zoints Local?

simalert 11-19-2006 11:33 PM


Sorry to pester, but any chance on some info on my above post please?


Zoints 11-20-2006 12:08 AM

Ack, please accept my apologies for the delay in replying!


Originally Posted by simalert
This looks great and possibley something I'd implement on my forum, but I am just curious to know if this is totally self contained or if it merges our database with the Zoints one?

This is self contained. It is installed on your forum and under your control and you do not in any way merge your database with Zoints.


Originally Posted by simalert
The test sites that I've seen all have a Join Zoints button on the top of the profiles and when looking at user's profiles it takes me to a Zoints.com page.

Hmm, can you link me to that please? There should not be such a button on Zoints Local. You may have seen people using Zoints Central which is a totally different system.


Originally Posted by simalert
Are these profiles /pages created and kept on our own server and database or do they just link to the Zoints.com site and database?

They are created and kept on your server and in your database.


Originally Posted by simalert
And can the global search be turned off on a site so that users of that site can only search for users of that site and not all other sites using Zoints Local?

Only with an "autonomy license". However, we're improving the global search system in a manner where your site and your partners will always be listed first. I realize that having a global search may be bothersome to some, but it works both ways. The more forums that utilize this system, the more traffic everyone gets, which, in the end, benefits all forums involved. Think of it as Google Search in its infancy. When Google first started, you might have been weary of adding this new company's search to your website since it leads your members elsewhere. But in the end, it benefits you and Google sends you additional traffic.

We wanted to put our more than a cool modification. We wanted to put out a modification that can help solve the three salient problems most forum owners face:

1. Member acquisition
2. Member retention
3. Profitability

As time moves forward and we continually improve this system, I have little doubt that we will accomplish just that. :)

simalert 11-20-2006 12:51 AM

How do I go about getting a

Only with an "autonomy license".

Thanks :)

Zoints 11-20-2006 06:55 AM

Hi simalert,

As vb.org is for free modifications, let's be respectful to the powers that be and take that discussion to http://network.zoints.com - please register and PM me there. Same username. Thank you.

yoyoyoyo 11-22-2006 09:54 PM

I did the edits and it came up with 2 zoints links on my navbar. I checked the edits and it still shows 2 - any ideas?

Zoints 11-22-2006 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo (Post 1123273)
I did the edits and it came up with 2 zoints links on my navbar. I checked the edits and it still shows 2 - any ideas?

If you ended up with two after doing the edits, that means you didn't need to do the edits. The automated installer attempts to place those links automatically. Go ahead and reverse the manual edits you did and all will be well :)

yoyoyoyo 11-22-2006 11:03 PM


Zoints 11-28-2006 09:26 AM

Zoints Local 1.0 has gone gold!


2006/11/28: 1.0
* Version Tracking - Keep up with what the latest version is
* Global searches (through zoints.com) now display members of searcher's own community first
* Ability to lock certain pages, so they show up on every profile, with the same content everywhere
* Ability to include the forum header and footer dynamically
* Ability to restrict image filesizes and space available per user
* Zoints Local now uses forum's avatar
* Users have the option of PM or Email notification for everything
* Users are taken to their own profile upon login from login page
* Removed ability to upload BMPs
* Usernames are now reflected in Zoints Local when that user uses Zoints Local again
* New tab: Old forum profile
* Various bugfixes

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0"

That's it! :)

2.1.1 of the vBulletin product is ALSO available. You will need to import that via the vBulletin product manager and select overwrite to yes.

klaush 11-28-2006 12:28 PM

Great stuff and well done, DChapman!

One issue, may be i didn´t notice that chapter.

We have several usergroups in our community, so i need to specify the permissions for each usergroups. Let´s say "vip"-members have access, registered not.

Any solution for this?


Zoints 11-28-2006 07:24 PM

Hi Klaus,

At present, we don't have permission settings for accessing the profiles. Sorry.

Adrian Schneider 11-28-2006 07:56 PM

Congrats on the gold release. :)

Parker Clack 11-29-2006 10:09 PM


Is there anyway to set this so that it is off by default to everyone except those that choose to use it? I would like it so that when someone goes to the default profile instead of automatically being taken to the Zoints profile they get the old profile and a link like Admins get. This would be set by the member options page.

Zoints 11-30-2006 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Parker Clack (Post 1128339)
Is there anyway to set this so that it is off by default to everyone except those that choose to use it? I would like it so that when someone goes to the default profile instead of automatically being taken to the Zoints profile they get the old profile and a link like Admins get. This would be set by the member options page.

No there isn't, sorry :(

We plan to add a feature in the future where you can choose to start people at their default profile, however.

Zoints 11-30-2006 08:01 AM

By forum owner request, we are releasing a new vBulletin product (2.1.2) with some great options. And since we're doing that, we decided to release Zoints Local 1.0.1 to deal with a few bugs too. Let's talk about the vBulletin product first:

We were using "Zoints" all over the place, and you folks didn't like it. No problem, with the new vBulletin product, you can change the name of your profile system MUCH easier. In addition, you can change the postbit links and link to member blogs in the navbar as you can see with the below screenshot.


Upgrade Instructions

1. Unzip the file.
2. Access your vbulletin admincp
3. Import the .xml product via the product manager (set overwrite to yes)


2006/11/29 - 2.1.2
* Ability to change various link names in the options
* Blog link in navbar (off by default)

Zoints 11-30-2006 08:01 AM

As stated above, we decided to release Zoints Local 1.0.1. There aren't any critical bugs, just a few annoyances, the biggest being the media block decided to die on us. In addition, we removed some references to Zoints from the profile side of things so you can continue to brand everything as yours :)

Upgrade Instructions

1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files

2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser

3. Select "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0.1"

That's it!


2006/11/29: 1.0.1
* Avatar maximum size restriction
* Avatar display issue fixed
* Pulling headinclude template for vBulletin
* Pending friends issue fixed
* Media block fixed
* Various streamlining of text / names
* Blocking users fix
* Various misc bugfixes
* Removed various references to "Zoints"

ChrisSy 12-01-2006 02:00 PM

Is it possible once installed to configure the options to have absolutely no contact with the zoints.com site and have it a purely standalone forum plugin?

Zoints 12-01-2006 02:52 PM

Not the free version, no. There is a paid version that allows for that. This modification is designed to help interconnect forums which we feel will be important to the future success of many communities on the net.

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  • (1)printthread
  • (40)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete