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Farcaster 10-13-2006 10:00 PM

Farcaster's Event Attendance
A BETA version 2.0 is now available in the 3.7 modification area.

This hack will allow your users to RSVP "Yes," "No," or "Maybe," for events posted on your forum calendar. You can configure which calendars RSVP should be enabled or excluded from, and on each event you can also specify whether this is an RSVP event. Unlike the old Event Attendance script, this hack will work on all types of events whether they are single day, ranged or recurring.

For ranged and recurring events, members are able to RSVP for a single day of the event. So, if the recurring event occurs every Monday, your members can RSVP separately for each recurrence. For ranged events that span more than one day, members can sign up for individual days of the event. Thus, if the event had a duration of 5 days, a member could signup for only one or two of the days, if he chose.

This hack is known to work with 3.6.x, and may work with 3.5.x, but no support is offered for this version at this time.

vB Event Forums Users:
You will need to install an additional module: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=133970

Upgrade Instructions:
- 1 xml upload

1. Use the Product Manager to import the product file product-rah_calendar_rsvp_1_2_2.xml. Be sure to ALLOW OVERWRITE.

Installation Instructions
- 1 XML upload
- 1 template modification

1. Use the Product Manager to import the product file product-rah_calendar_rsvp_1_2_2.xml
2. Use the Style Manager to find and edit your calendar_showeventsbit:

Near the bottom of the calendar_showeventsbit, find:
HTML Code:

Below that add:
HTML Code:

That?s it. You should now configure any changes to the default options you like. If you previously used Event Attendance 2.0 by Arpy, you should disable it or uninstall it.

If you want to change any of the wording or need to enter translations, this hack uses the following phrases:

Calendar Phrases:
-- Added on 11/30/06:
-- Added on 2/20/07

Standard Phrases:
-- added on 2/20/07

Extra Instructions for 3.5.x Users:
This hack MAY work with 3.5.x, but you will need to add the standard global phrase "Comment"

Screenshots Attached.

If you use this hack, please be sure to click "Install" so that you can receive notifications of any updates.

Revision Log:
1.0.0 - 10/14/06 - Initial Release

1.0.1 - 10/19/06 - Maintenance Release.
  • Updated to handle getting a link without the "day" parameter.
  • Fixed timezone bug.
  • Updated calendar_rsvp_yoursvp phrase to include date.
  • Updated calendar_rsvp_attendquestion phrase to include date.
  • Updated calendar_rsvp_form for changed phrases.
1.1.0 - 11/30/06 - Minor Revision
  • Added ability for members to register guests in their RSVP. The guest system can be completely disabled, and is also configurable by event to limit the number of guests each member can bring.
  • RSVPs are now time stamped. The date and time of the RSVP can be displayed on the RSVP form if desired from a setting in the admincp.
    RSVPs can now be sorted by the date the user signed up or by member name.
  • The hack is now configured to work with the "Check Version" option for products in vBulletin.
1.1.1 - 12/15/06 - Maintenance Release.
  • Fixed uninstallation code. The hack can now be uninstalled without error and will correctly remove all fields and tables added by this hack.
1.1.2 - 12/21/06 - Maintenance Release.
  • Corrected install code to handle fields left behind by installations prior to version 1.1.1. You only need to install this update if you were recieving database errors when attempting to install the product.
1.2.0 - 02/20/07 - Minor Revision [Detailed Notes]
  • Feature: Moderators and owners can remove member RSVPs from events.
  • Feature: RSVP Expiration System added.
  • Bug Fix: Changing the date or recurring options of an event now removes all RSVPs.
1.2.1 - 05/09/07 - Maintenance Release
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with event description being truncated if it ended in the letter "n"
  • Bug Fix: Fixed summary when multiple events on the same day are shown so that it no longer cumulatively adds the guests and member counts to the next event.
1.2.2 - 05/03/08 - Maintenance Release
  • Added Security Token to be compatible with vBulletin 3.6.10 and 3.7.0.

This hack is provided completely free of charge. However, if you use this hack and are so moved, you may make a donation via PayPal:


nir 10-14-2006 06:32 PM

thank you

Farcaster 10-14-2006 06:36 PM

Oh, I forgot to mention, this hack also lets you allow avatars to be displayed next to the members name, but I wouldn't recommend using that option unless your forum limits avatar sizes to be around 60x60 or so.

rabidkevin 10-14-2006 08:37 PM

quicker the event forum integration, the cooler this mod will be

please collaborate!

Farcaster 10-14-2006 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by rabidkevin
quicker the event forum integration, the cooler this mod will be

please collaborate!

I've contacted Evercraft, but the problem is that his hack does not create a seperate thread for each recurring event, so it breaks one of the chief advantages of this hack. We'll see what we can do though. At the very least, the comment system my hack has should help a bit to fill the void.

KevNJ 10-14-2006 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Farcaster
Oh, I forgot to mention, this hack also lets you allow avatars to be displayed next to the members name, but I wouldn't recommend using that option unless your forum limits avatar sizes to be around 60x60 or so.

Why wouldnt you recommend it ? Server load ?

You should add that post to the orginal mod post for not everyone reads all the posts until they have a problem with install etc.

Also how many extra queries ?

Looks good though. Might have to add this.

Farcaster 10-14-2006 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by KevNJ
Why wouldnt you recommend it ? Server load ?

You should add that post to the orginal mod post for not everyone reads all the posts until they have a problem with install etc.

Also how many extra queries ?

Looks good though. Might have to add this.

Nah, its not a server load problem. It is a problem with layout. Larger avatars just clutter it up.

Server load wise, there are no problems. It adds one query.

Lionel 10-14-2006 11:46 PM

Instead of making it a whole calendar, can't it be event specific like the event attendance?

bada_bing 10-15-2006 01:07 AM

I would love to see this work or replace Evercraft hack as that is what I use but I like the feature of this hack also and together it would be one bad hack


Farcaster 10-15-2006 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel
Instead of making it a whole calendar, can't it be event specific like the event attendance?

You can choose to include or exclude specific calendars AND you can specify whether a particular event should allow RSVPs. Currently, it defaults to be checked, but you can change that by looking for the plugin "Prompt for RSVP on Event Creation" and replacing that plugin's code with:

PHP Code:

$disablesmiliesoption.='<div><label for="cb_rsvp"><input type="checkbox" name="rsvp" value="1" id="cb_rsvp" tabindex="3" '.$rsvp.' />'.$vbphrase['calendar_rsvp_allow'].'</label></div>'

Darat 10-15-2006 09:06 AM

A really nice mod - thanks for sharing it.

If you are looking for suggestions for any future features I would say a good feature would be if the person who adds the event gets a PM when someone else adds or edits a RSVP. That would really help an event organiser.

Farcaster 10-15-2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Darat
a good feature would be if the person who adds the event gets a PM when someone else adds or edits a RSVP.

Not a bad idea. Thanks. I'm also thinking about building in a configurable notifaction system so that if someone RSVP'd they receive a reminder email, and perhaps if they haven't RSVP'd they receive a different one asking them to update their status. Something like that.

tako 10-15-2006 04:16 PM

$rsvp_form wont show event attendance info .... any cause you can think of?

tako 10-15-2006 05:02 PM

oops, i found what it is. it is event forum hack..... I just read your note this wont work with event forums... Can someone make both hacks work together...

ChurchMedia 10-15-2006 08:54 PM

Very nice! Thanks!! :up:

ShawnV 10-16-2006 02:31 AM

Found one small problem perhaps.

The event email link it sends out seems to be missing some info, if you click on the email link to go to the site you get a different version of the calendar then the one you get by clicking the event directly.

Ergo from the site the url: /forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=121&day=2006-10-16&c=1

From the Email link:

>Its missing the: &day=2006-10-16&c=1

Also users get this error message if clicking on the email link to the event:

1.. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this
page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative
features or some other privileged system?
2.. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your
account, or it may be awaiting activation.

IF from the site, no problems.

Great mod though, thanks.


Lionel 10-16-2006 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Farcaster
I've contacted Evercraft, but the problem is that his hack does not create a seperate thread for each recurring event, so it breaks one of the chief advantages of this hack. We'll see what we can do though. At the very least, the comment system my hack has should help a bit to fill the void.

At least to make both hacks compatible, can you make it so we select the type of event?

I am currently using the event forum (which includes a fix for event attendance) but would love to use yours for recurring options.

To the least, if I create a different calendar and specify your hack to work only with that calendar, and not set it up for events forums hack (I can disable event attendance, but events forums is important to me), can the 2 hacks forums and yours coexist together?

Farcaster 10-16-2006 02:11 PM

ShawnV, I was able to reproduce the problem where a notification email does not have the "&day=xx" parameter, thus causing a problem where the RSVPs are not shown. I don't get a permissions error though. I'll check into this further.

Farcaster 10-16-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
To the least, if I create a different calendar and specify your hack to work only with that calendar, and not set it up for events forums hack (I can disable event attendance, but events forums is important to me), can the 2 hacks forums and yours coexist together?

That solutution should work. The Event Forums and my RSVP hack can coexist, they just will not cooperate. So, if you have event forums setup on one calendar and exclude that calendar from the RSVP hack, it should work fine.

ShawnV 10-16-2006 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Farcaster
ShawnV, I was able to reproduce the problem where a notification email does not have the "&day=xx" parameter, thus causing a problem where the RSVPs are not shown. I don't get a permissions error though. I'll check into this further.

Have someone else create an event, once you get the email click the link and then try to submit a yes or no, you should get the error. I have had 20 people from my board test this now.



Farcaster 10-16-2006 03:01 PM

ShawnV. Ah, I got ya. That would make sense. I'll look into this ASAP and let you know.

Lionel 10-16-2006 04:24 PM

I just installed. However I have 2 problems

1-If someone changes from yes to no, it does not change
2-I excluded some calendars, and it displays Allow users to RSVP and worst that checkbox which I disabled as per above, shows up in those caledars edit as checked.

Farcaster 10-16-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
1-If someone changes from yes to no, it does not change
2-I excluded some calendars, and it displays Allow users to RSVP and worst that checkbox which I disabled as per above, shows up in those caledars edit as checked.

Lionel, I cannot reproduce the first problem you mentioned. I can take a closer look if you setup a test account and let me take a look at a sample event where the problem happens. Send me a PM.

As to the second problem, even though the checkbox may still show, it will not show the RSVP signup box on events in an excluded calendar. But, it would definitely be a good idea for me to remove the RSVP checkbox on excluded forums.

Lionel 10-16-2006 08:36 PM

sent you a PM

ShawnV 10-17-2006 01:20 PM

Any ETA on a Patch?

All of my members RSVP from the email link, I might have to go back to Arpy's if its going to be awhile.

Farcaster 10-17-2006 01:50 PM

I got a fix working last night. I just need to do a little more testing, so, it should be tonight or tomorrow morning when it is released.

Farcaster 10-17-2006 01:51 PM

In fact, after this next maintenance release, I think I have a method to integrate with the event forums as well. :smoke:

ShawnV 10-17-2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Farcaster
I got a fix working last night. I just need to do a little more testing, so, it should be tonight or tomorrow morning when it is released.

Awesome..thank you. :cool:

ShawnV 10-19-2006 03:12 PM

Any chance you can post a temp fix for the email link problem?

Farcaster 10-20-2006 02:46 AM

The script has been updated to handle links without the "day" parameter. The new behavior is as such:

- For single day and ranged events, if the day parameter is not passed, then the RSVP form will use the event start date.

- For recurring events, if the day parameter is not passed, the RSVP form will determine the next valid occurrence starting on the current day and searching out up to 365 days. The next occurrence date will then be used.

Farcaster 10-20-2006 02:59 AM

One more note - I will be working on getting this hack integrated with the Event Forums next. The ground work is laid with the last revision, so I think I can make it play nice with the Event Forums hack. :ninja:

Lionel 10-20-2006 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Farcaster
In fact, after this next maintenance release, I think I have a method to integrate with the event forums as well. :smoke:

wouldn't that be an overkill to put double comment system????

Farcaster 10-20-2006 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel
wouldn't that be an overkill to put double comment system????

Well, it might be. Some folks do want it though. And, the RSVP additional comments can be turned off if desired, which would allow users to RSVP and add full posts if they wanted.

Farcaster 10-20-2006 06:01 AM

I have confirmed that this is working with 3.6.2.

GrandAmGuru 10-20-2006 01:38 PM


I have the Event Attendance 2.0 installed and if I disable it with Farcaster's Event enabled, the RSVPs disappear. So its like i have to have both enabled to keep existing RSVP information.

Also, and I'm not sure if this is due to having 2.0 enabled still, but if I create an event with the Farcasters Event and go into edit the event. Once I save it, people cannot RSVP (the options are no longer shown).

any thoughts?

Farcaster 10-20-2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by GrandAmGuru

I have the Event Attendance 2.0 installed and if I disable it with Farcaster's Event enabled, the RSVPs disappear. So its like i have to have both enabled to keep existing RSVP information.

Also, and I'm not sure if this is due to having 2.0 enabled still, but if I create an event with the Farcasters Event and go into edit the event. Once I save it, people cannot RSVP (the options are no longer shown).

any thoughts?

Event Attendance 2.0 does not need to be installed (and indeed it may interfere if enabled). As far as as it disappearing after being saved, check and make sure that the "Allow Users to RSVP" box is visible and checked when you are editing the event. If you're still having problems, feel free to PM me with test account information and a sample and I will see if I can puzzle out what is happening.

GrandAmGuru 10-20-2006 03:07 PM

thank you, thank you, thank you for looking into this so quickly. We got it fixed and Farcaster will be posting updated code so hopefully no one else has the same issue.

Farcaster 10-20-2006 03:11 PM

Yep. We got it fixed. Here's what we discovered:

- If you have Event Attendance 2.0 enabled, then when you edit an event, the RSVP box will not show up and so when you save the event, "Allow RSVPs" gets turned off for the event. Solution: Disable or uninstall Event Attendance 2.0 AFTER you get this hack installed and the old attendance migrated.

- Old events created before the hack was installed were being defaulted to not show the RSVP. I've updated this so old events will default to Yes.

I've done a quick update of the zip file with this change. The current revision number will stay at 1.0.1.

GrandAmGuru 10-20-2006 04:18 PM

Anyway to have it post a "***" or something next to an event that you RSVP'd for? Event Attendance 2.0 has this feature.

Farcaster 10-20-2006 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by GrandAmGuru
Anyway to have it post a "***" or something next to an event that you RSVP'd for? Event Attendance 2.0 has this feature.

I'll put that in the next release.

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