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-   -   [Release vB Links 1.0 | vB2bx (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=12815)

the_sisko 03-31-2001 10:00 PM

Release vB Links 1.0

So here it is, the final version of my link hack is available to download.
Here are some features for this version:
  • showing links with the following information: Name, URL, Email, Banner, Banner ALT Text, Description, Forumlink, Hitcounter (outgoing), Categories
  • main page shows all links, but you can: a:sort by category and b:search for a site
  • registrated user can add new links, but admin or mod must confirm the links in the CP
  • an email is sent to you when there is a new link to approve
  • Links can be ordered over pages. Limit for links per page can be set
  • outgoing links will be redirect over a redirect page with information that you're leaving the forum...and outgoing counter will be set plus 1
  • Category is show on each link
  • CP: you can easy add new site on your own or edit a site
  • CP:can add or edit categories
  • CP: Categories can be reordered
  • CP:confirm and edit new sites
  • CP:upload banners to let them load faster
There are about 13 new templates and 2 new tables on the database which will be created over an easy installscript.

How to install?
Just download the attached file and unzip it, then open install.txt and follow the instructions. Need any help or find any bugs, please report them here. And don't hate me for the code, I tried my best!

As I like my script and need it anyway, there will be a next version of it, with more features. Some of the following features I am working on:
  • New startpage with a overview of all categories and the ability to add subcategories as well
  • automatic post of a new post in a specific. thread when admin / mod approved a link
  • logging user who's add the link (its easy but don't had the time for this version
  • categories and subcategories in Navbar
  • get used of the vB rate feature and try to integrate it
  • code clean up
  • better translation
  • and more...
INstall and upgrade
  • For those of you who will install the script the first time, just download the attached file and read firsttime_install.txt.
  • For those of you who allready updated the templates, just reupload "links.php" and do step 1. and 2. in upgrade_install.txt, and also open CP and add the links_redirect_add & links_redirect_url template which is attached to this message. This will fix all your probs
  • For those fo you who do not change the templates yet, but installed the hack, just do whats in upgrade_install.txt

DOWNLOAD vB Links Hack 1.3

04-01-2001 07:54 PM

he dude thx awesome hack really usefull ;-)

04-01-2001 08:16 PM

i will try this tomorrow
one thing i will need asap is subcategories.....when you plan to do this?
if it's far i will do myself....lemme know :)

thanks for now!

04-01-2001 08:27 PM

Attached a new download file! Just some hardcoded german I forgot! If you allready installed it, just reupload the adminlinks.php

04-01-2001 08:42 PM

works great!
easy installation!!
Great job! thanks very much..

04-01-2001 09:15 PM

where can we see a online demo ?

04-01-2001 09:22 PM

shouldn't be more "clean" to change this

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr bgcolor="#3F3849"><td><font color="#BCB6CD">
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?action=add"> Add</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?action=modify"> Modify</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?action=offline"> Approve </a><br>
<font color="#BCB6CD"><b>Category</b></font><br>
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?action=addcat"> Add</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?action=modifycat"> Modify</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?action=ordercat"> Arrange</a><br><br>


<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr bgcolor="#3F3849"><td><font color="#BCB6CD">
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=add"> Add</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=modify"> Modify</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=offline"> Approve </a><br>
<font color="#BCB6CD"><b>Category</b></font><br>
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=addcat"> Add</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=modifycat"> Modify</a> |
<a href="../links/adminlinks.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=ordercat"> Arrange</a><br><br>


04-01-2001 09:35 PM

@ marl : RIGHT I forgot about that!!!

FOR ALL OF YOU WHO INSTALLED THE SCRIPT ALLREADY, please update your templates by downloading the attached templates and add them manually!!!

How do you know you need to change it!? Lets say if you installed the script before 30min after midnight on monday April 2. CET!

04-01-2001 09:40 PM

I apologize for all the mistakes I made and promise to make an update script for those you already installed it.
Also will make an upgrade script for all the other think that will come up! Its my first hack so please forgive me!

04-01-2001 10:09 PM

Great Hack!
They should add this to the next beta!

04-01-2001 10:14 PM

is it in english man?

04-01-2001 10:49 PM

When I installed/upgraded the new templates the category: all sites just brings up top site only.

Also the url that people put in like www.smith.com won't work instead the http:// prefix has to be added. Just another step in the link addition to worry about.

I like the hack though....good job.

04-01-2001 11:32 PM


Originally posted by snyx
is it in english man?
yes it's in english.. ;)

04-01-2001 11:41 PM

This is really cool, The_Sisko! Congrats- what a great first hack. Thanks for sharing it with us! This is a really neat idea- I'm wondering if it's possible to do other kinds of databases like this besides just links, such as a recipe database. I've got a very active group of moms who like to cook, and they would go nuts over a database where they could add their recipes!

04-01-2001 11:45 PM


Originally posted by mkilty

Also the url that people put in like www.smith.com won't work instead the http:// prefix has to be added. Just another step in the link addition to worry about.

add this:
PHP Code:

if (!eregi("http://",$url)) $url "http://".$url

PHP Code:

$time time(); 

04-02-2001 12:30 AM


Originally posted by marl

add this:
PHP Code:

if (!eregi("http://",$url)) $url "http://".$url

PHP Code:

$time time(); 

Thanks that work. Now it is just the category pull down list. If I click on top sites none of my top sites come up. Also the "All sites" category brings up the top sites instead.

Is this happening to anyone else with the updated templates?



04-02-2001 12:40 AM

i didn't use the updated template: did the necessary changes manually.

i found only a <body> tag overlapped with htmldocumenttype wrong, tough.

can you posto your html output and template here?

04-02-2001 12:44 AM

Hey I got an error after the install. I tested the install to see what it looked like and I like it. but I am getting the following error.

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/httpd/gmforums.com/forum1/links.php on line 31

any insight I would appreciate it.


BTW no hacks on the forum except this one.


04-02-2001 12:45 AM


Originally posted by marl
i didn't use the updated template: did the necessary changes manually.

i found only a <body> tag overlapped with htmldocumenttype wrong, tough.

can you posto your html output and template here?

04-02-2001 12:53 AM

the template looks fine, check links.php

also give asnap of the output sent to browser...

04-02-2001 01:15 AM

Thanks for the help. By the way if you do that voicechat hack I will definately use it. Will it take a while to do the hack?

Here is the output from the browser:

04-02-2001 01:23 AM

how about adding links hits-in counter?? just like for most topsites feature..

rank &nbsp; &nbsp; link title &nbsp; &nbsp; hits out (today) &nbsp; &nbsp; hits in (today)
1. &nbsp; &nbsp; ur sitename &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 101 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 57
2. &nbsp; &nbsp; sitename2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 99 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 34

something like this..

04-02-2001 01:40 AM

I guess mine was overlook. :(

I guess I will post it again.

Hey I got an error after the install. I tested the install to see what it looked like and I like it. but I am getting the following error.

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/httpd/gmforums.com/forum1/links.php on line 31

any insight I would appreciate it.


BTW no hacks on the forum except this one.

04-02-2001 02:24 AM

Why were the templates added into the original templates instead of the custom template area. will they get removed on the next upgrade of vbulletin.

The install went great but when I click on a link it just redirects me back to my own site. Any Ideas?

04-02-2001 06:48 AM

mkilty: all seem fine.....at this point, check mysql table structure.

also try adding more links and removign old ones

04-02-2001 06:53 AM

@marl: Will add your changes tonight when I am at home and upload a new set of php files!

- Yes it is english, but need help with it!
- Yes it was the missing < body > TAG in the first place but links_forumlink and links_redirect_add where the other way round as well!
- topsiteproblem found, I changed some code before release, as well as the category ids for all sites and topsites, need to change this in top of link.php! Tonight!
-In Counter will come, but first I'll have to think about a good loggin of user, so there where no big manipulating in and out hits
- @tigerlily: just send me a PM with more Infos!

04-02-2001 09:50 AM

Hey there!

My webspace does not support file upload via users onto my space so is there any way I can remove the any trace of the banner upload stuff?

Fantastic hack btw!

04-02-2001 11:07 AM

Just delete it in the template!

04-02-2001 11:20 AM

Found everything and will put it together when I'm at home....before my boss is watching over my shoulder and see what I am doing right noe *G* :D

04-02-2001 08:42 PM

So look at the top, I've added a new zip file and some instruction to it!

More to come, hope it worked now for all

04-03-2001 02:10 AM

Downloaded the latest version and still getting the same error message anyone interested in giving me any insight?

Please I really would like to impliment this on the site but keep getting the error message.


04-03-2001 02:21 AM

Sorry no idea. I didn?t get that error.


This hack is really great. :D:D


04-03-2001 07:24 AM


Originally posted by GMTalk
Hey I got an error after the install. I tested the install to see what it looked like and I like it. but I am getting the following error.

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/httpd/gmforums.com/forum1/links.php on line 31

any insight I would appreciate it.


BTW no hacks on the forum except this one.


Sorry for the late answer but here it comes:
Looks like there are some troubles with the new tables! Can you take a look at your database structure and can confirm if the two new tables were created? They called: vb_links and vb_links_category!

If not tell and contect me over PM ,ICQ , MNS!!!

04-03-2001 07:51 AM

Forgot to post a demo link :D:


04-03-2001 10:52 AM

Howbout you allow users the ability to edit their links, or the admin may also?

Just an idea. :)

04-03-2001 01:17 PM

I've made a quick install of this since it's exactly what I was looking for. And so far it looks great. (Not going for final install untill vB final is out...)

But I do have a question about the security...
Does the adminlinks.php file have to be out in the open? I mean, can anyone who stumbles on the url open it and start editing the entries (or delete them)?
Or asked differently: can adminlinks be moved to the admin directory :)

04-03-2001 02:05 PM


Originally posted by Sean
Howbout you allow users the ability to edit their links, or the admin may also?

Just an idea. :)

At the mom only the admin can edit the Links, but the script is written so you can add the links admin links in the mod CP as well, because it uses the mod global.php file.
But when I have integrated to log the users, there will be a possibility for the users to edit the links.

Originally posted by Pingu
I've made a quick install of this since it's exactly what I was looking for. And so far it looks great. (Not going for final install untill vB final is out...)

But I do have a question about the security...
Does the adminlinks.php file have to be out in the open? I mean, can anyone who stumbles on the url open it and start editing the entries (or delete them)?
Or asked differently: can adminlinks be moved to the admin directory :)

The file is secure as the other admin files as well, the mod global.php is included and only if you are an mod or admin you access the file. Just log out and test it on your own!

Pingu 04-03-2001 10:06 PM

Ok :)

Now this:
I saw something about a max file size, can that be set by admins?

And how many banners can one person upload? Will he overwrite the same banner over and over again, or will he be able to swamp the place with more and more uploads?

Yeah, I'm whining :D

the_sisko 04-04-2001 07:10 AM

Nearly got me :D

The max file size is hardcoded set to about 100 KB, because I think thats a good size. In the next version I could easy make thsi an variable or make it an option (btw: I am think about puting all of the other option like, email, max links per site .....to be change in CP)

Banners could be uploaded by user one time only, when thex submit a banner. You as admin can upload an dupload them again. So I think user can do x uploads but with what effect?
Anyway, will think about a bannerlist in CP to choose to delete them if thats an need option? Also we can make use of php to include banners an htaccess the directory they located in? but not sure if it works without any modules???

So if anyone can help me with the option to have a URL and save the image in that url I can strip out the banner upload and the script will download the selected banner it self and a user cannot upload anything to our place?!

Steggy 04-04-2001 03:09 PM

You know what would be great: a link to translate the link. You can make a link to Babelfish on Altavista.. That shouldn't be too hard to add..

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