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lebanon 09-29-2006 10:00 PM

VBKeepLink GoogleVideo, Metacafe, Youtube ... Get Video Download Link
This is a simple Get Download Link for some popular Video Websites , as requested in

Anyhow, am trying to add more everyday , but i actually used sites i know of or use so far.
Supported Sites So Far :
// video.google.com, result = avi
// youtube.com, result = flv
// metacafe.com, result = flv
// grouper.com, result = flv
// dailymotion.com, result = flv
// vsocial.com, result = flv
// thatvideosite.com, result = wmv
added 03 October
//myvideo.de , result =flv

demo of keeplink

To use : Upload files, import XML ,
Change the two instances of URL.com/ForumDir in the two files allvideos.php and watchallvideos.php
Link to the page,
Your done.

The dvid.php file enables you for more advanced options such as :
Taged Lines with //header , if you remove the // , it will enable auto download of link
posted upon submission for end user.

More extended usages can be done with the files source codes ,a sample is included
and the rest is up to your imagination.!
Sample of extended usages :
Using the internal Rss Poster in Vbulletin
Go to add new rss feed :
Example :
Feed is Enabled :
Title : Metacafe
URL : http://www.metacafe.com/rss/new_videos.rss

Choose minutes / posts / Forum to post to / poster username

Keep Convert Html to BBCODE
title :
Body template :

[URL="http://www.YOURLINK/forum/watchallvideos.php?url={rss:link}"]Watch or Download This Video Free on our website[/URL << close this with a ]


Thats pretty much it , you can test the feeds and how they look like .
Ofcourse this is just a sample , you can adjust to your needs.
Sample Post :
Note: For RSS images to show in VB OPTIONS : Message posting and editing options : Allow Dynamic URL for [IMG] Tags : YES

If u use this kindly click INSTALL


DementedMindz 09-30-2006 01:36 AM

on your sample link you see ![CDATA[ in front of the image

lebanon 09-30-2006 01:38 AM

havent paid attention for that, yet its the vb rss parser code , i only set it to demonstrate how it can be used to post the links and a user can keep his visitors on his site by fetching the download and watch videos.

Endurer 09-30-2006 02:12 AM

Thank you for the hack mate.

Mr Chad 09-30-2006 03:10 AM

hmm, this is intresting.

I coded one but it doesnt use VB www.VidJacked.com

Its all php and all it does is parses.

I still dont understand how you got this to work :D

Zia 09-30-2006 03:13 AM

Ahem Lebanon..

This things Roks man


/me klicks install

Cant u make it playing the video inline (in a post) also get the download link
tho few bb code here in vb.U got more video...can u plaese make them playing in a post?

Mr Chad 09-30-2006 03:24 AM

ok heres a tricky one, how will u get past the adult videos ?

search that url.

I was able to do it with www.VidJacked.com because i made it look like my server was a logged in user that was over the age of 18. But i dont think its possible to do it via RSS here (i may be wrong). Just givin u sumthin to work on :D

COBRAws 09-30-2006 03:44 AM

Lebanon, for some reason your hack (in the url you provided) doesnt seem to work for youtube links :S

VaaKo 09-30-2006 08:27 AM

I'm getting this error on watchallvideos.php

[quote]Warning: main(http://www.earthopia.com/Forum/dvid....compilation/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /watchallvideos.php on line 31

Warning: main(http://www.earthopia.com/Forum/dvid....compilation/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /watchallvideos.php on line 31

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'http://www.earthopia.com/Forum/dvid.php?url=http://www.metacafe.com/watch/201763/weapons_of_war_compilation/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /watchallvideos.php on line 31
>Download Link[/quote[

VaaKo 09-30-2006 08:32 AM

Where can I get the dvid.php file? it's not included in the download zip file!

RealRnB 09-30-2006 08:45 AM

[QUOTE=VaaKo]I'm getting this error on watchallvideos.php


Warning: main(http://www.earthopia.com/Forum/dvid....compilation/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /watchallvideos.php on line 31

Warning: main(http://www.earthopia.com/Forum/dvid....compilation/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /watchallvideos.php on line 31

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'http://www.earthopia.com/Forum/dvid.php?url=http://www.metacafe.com/watch/201763/weapons_of_war_compilation/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /watchallvideos.php on line 31
>Download Link[/quote[

got the same thing

how did you solve it?

VaaKo 09-30-2006 08:51 AM

Never mind, I disabled the dvid.php by putting // infront of it
But that's weird, if you take a look at this
you'll see that a thumbnail is showing
and if u take a look at this, same video
You'll see that a thumbnail isn't there, even though I have enabled the dynamic images from vboptions and convert html to bbcode, can you help me in that?

VaaKo 09-30-2006 09:03 AM

Now that I disabled the dvid.php since the file doesn't exist, the download link won't show.

can you please provide us with dvid.php

VaaKo 09-30-2006 09:14 AM

Oh and the videos don't play as well!

lebanon 09-30-2006 12:18 PM

Ok first of all
Am very sorry, i have uploaded the hack without the main file dvid.php and surely without nothing works as expected !!!!!
Now that should solve half the answers here ..
for the rest of questions :

Mr Chad , i suppose ur right, i do not think it will be done just by using the internal vbulletin parser , i mean if i was to modify it , then i will simply use my own parser.
But i believe the fact is that the rss videos themselves do not contain the adult links.
Now as for keep link for adult videos pasted manually, i think i can fix that tonight and fake a logon for youtube, shouldnt be much of a hassle:)

Vakoo, ofcourse all your problems were a result of the lack of dvid.php , try again now upload the file and let me know if there is any more problems:-)

Zia, thanks , and as for playing inline , well as i said the limit is the sky, anything can be done but please do not expect me to do it all as my time is limited , but i promise to do the most requested suggestion !

letsjoy 10-02-2006 01:57 AM

cooooool....i am waiting for this..

redlabour 10-02-2006 09:14 AM

Request for myvideo.de!

iran.gs 10-02-2006 05:01 PM

Installed , how ever how do l post a link to show like ur site, i did all just like u explained upload all the php and installed product so what is next i am sorry if i sound a bit odd but l still dont see how to post a link infact i came to ur site and did post a link but same thing like my site it only posted like any other link or url but say godfather one of ur member how did he post his post to come out like it should be ??

|oR|Greg 10-02-2006 06:23 PM

GodFather on his site is using the RSS option. I assume GodFather is his RSS Bot.

lebanon 10-02-2006 06:38 PM

iran.gs , well as i explained in the tutorial , godfather is the rss bot .
I just went to the rss feed poster in vbulletin admin cp, and i did add an rss feed as i explained in my hack post. ( try to follow those instructions ) post into html based forum section , and u should gain same results ...

myvideo.de request noted :) i should add it soon ..

iran.gs 10-02-2006 06:46 PM

ok i got it to work but here it is how can we have set so ppl can also leave thier finding links ? and post them..

lebanon 10-02-2006 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour
Request for myvideo.de!

re download the attachment, and only re-upload the file dvid.php
Or simply edit your dvid.php and add this tag
PHP Code:

// myvideo.de, result = flv
if(preg_match("/http:\/\/(www\.)?myvideo\.de\/watch\/([0-9]*)/iU"$url$sub)) {
$c curl_init();
$result curl_exec($c);

preg_match("/swf\?V=\.\.\/moviex(.*\.flv)/Ui"$result$d_link)) {

above // grouper.com, result = flv

Whatever u find easier, and myvideo.de support is added.

iran.gs 10-02-2006 08:34 PM

ok thanks now i posted like 30 real nice ones they all work but just few mins ago this happened page was loading real late and i get this error


Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to www.metacafe.com:80 in /includes/class_rss_poster.php on line 78

Warning: Unable to fetch RSS Feed in /includes/class_rss_poster.php on line 205

Metacafe Unable to open URL or no data returned
wierd it was working fine any idea ?

lebanon 10-02-2006 10:12 PM

iran.gs , well as a start my hack is using curl so it has nothing to do with fsockopen, this is a problem with the built in rss poster of vbulletin.
However, do check yourforum/admincp/index.php?do=phpinfo
scroll to allow_url_fopen and check its value ...
This is set by your Host php.ini or custom php.ini if they allow u one.

iran.gs 10-02-2006 10:23 PM

thanks how ever it came back online again maybe there was an error on the my server for few minutes cuz now its all back to normal .. but there is one thing which l like to have the feed are coming very nicely but is there one thing how did u have ur setup to show the photo also :>

|oR|Greg 10-03-2006 12:12 PM

I don't know what the problem is but when I download lets say an AVI from google, it can't be played on anything I have. And for the FLV files, none of them play inside of the website wimpy player... none.

nymyth 10-03-2006 08:28 PM

How would we make this so that only registered users or certain usergroups can access it?


|oR|Greg 10-03-2006 08:35 PM

You could always mask the link to the pages with a conditional.

smoknz28 10-03-2006 11:26 PM

K, it's no secret....I'm a knot-head when it comes to these hacks. :cool: Hey, it's okay, I accept the fact.

I'm running vB 3.6.1 and would like to enable a user to link his video stored on another server, to a post that he makes. This link would be a image still from his video. So, the next user clicks on his post and sees that he's linked a still image from his video that is linkable.

This hack looks like it does just that....but I just need confirmation on that.

I do run a video portal at: http://video.f-bodyhideout.com

Please let me know as I have been looking for a hack to do this for a few days.

Thank you so much,

Floris 10-04-2006 09:59 AM

There appears to be a high request for this stuff and now there's a vidhack for this :D Super cool, thanks for your hard work and for sharing it :)

bonjurkes 10-04-2006 10:12 AM

i tried to get download link for one of the youtube videos from your demo site.

It give me an url for downloading, but it gives error while trying to download and when i try to visit that link, it says page cannot be found.

i guess there are some bugs at hack.

Breathex 10-04-2006 03:19 PM

in my forum at /watchallvideos.php page i can only watch youtube videos, other sites links are not working. any solution or advice to solve this problem?

|oR|Greg 10-04-2006 04:40 PM

I'm having similar issues, for now this hack is being uninstalled until it's out of (in my opinion) beta.

iran.gs 10-06-2006 10:54 PM

this works perfect, i just need some more rss beside metacafe anyone ?

smoknz28 10-07-2006 03:40 PM

Can this play videos from my video portal:




lebanon 10-07-2006 07:45 PM

hi all ,
sorry for not being able to respond earlier ..
First thanks for everyone who installed and enjoyed the hack, second for the beta mark , it will never be removed for two reasons .
This hack is more of a source code, that can be modified and actually it will occasionaly need to. Why ?
Simple answer, sites like metacafe, google, youtube or others keep changing their video formats, and links because of people linking to videos directl like us ! yes we love free stuff and we love leeching but thats not what they love us to do , thus updates cannot run off, and in the same time, even if am not here to update, since the code is clear and open, it allows any coder with my permission to update the links of the hack or source code of curl functions to suit changes and re-distribute the code freely and ofcourse share back with updates.
Again, because there is not only one single use of the source code, i only gave two examples of how i used it in mypages ... which mean, the dvid.php is actually the base file for all your actions...
My hack is exactly what i use, plus providing you the ability to use more and more, even better, if you suggest an idea and in my free time i would be able to do it for you , or maybe you are a better coder and can share us back with more of this !.
As for RSS feeds requested there simply listed on respective sites , now note that for the example i provided , does play youtube , metacafe and few others not because it cannot play others in concept, its because its an FLV player , so for google you need to add avi player , for wmv you need to add wmv code, its all simple to add and integrate , and probably later ill provide you with files and conditions for each single site.
Last note for smoknz, no its not made except for specific sites but again, it can be arranged to do any site ! if you wish it to be added for public, you can request that and if you wish it to be used for you ONLY you can use the same concept to integrate yours. Regards all

smoknz28 11-04-2006 06:22 PM

Thank you for sharing this code with the rest of us. ;)

However, this isn't working with YouTube.

Here's a link I'm trying to get: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_9DuNXkMAc

Maybe they've changed their code since you wrote this.

Immortal_Shades 03-09-2007 12:57 PM

My question is how does this work and what good is this release with the Dvid.php file?
That's like giving us ice cream without the spoon to eat it. :)

I instaled it but maybe I am doing something wrong because I put in a url and get nothing and no response at all, whereas I know its on the video server.

serkan 08-25-2007 09:44 PM


Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /watchallvideos.php on line 31

Warning: include(http://*****/dvid.php?url=http://you...?v=JsD6uEZsIsU) [function.include]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /watchallvideos.php on line 31

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'http://*****/dvid.php?url=http://youtube.com/?v=JsD6uEZsIsU' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /watchallvideos.php on line 31
i got this error how can i fix it ?
thanks for plugin

Sitting 09-07-2007 10:27 AM

This is a simple update for download Youtube videos with new links and regions....

Modify dvid.php


// youtube.com, result = flv
if(preg_match("/http:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/i", $url, $sub)) {
        $c = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $result = curl_exec($c);

        if(preg_match("/watch_fullscreen\?video_id=([0-9a-zA-Z]*)&l=[0-9]*&t=([0-9a-zA-Z\-]*)/i", $result, $d_link)) {
                //header(sprintf("Location: http://cache.googlevideo.com/get_video?video_id=%s&t=%s", $d_link[1], $d_link[2], $d_link[3]));
                printf("http://cache.googlevideo.com/get_video?video_id=%s&t=%s", $d_link[1], $d_link[2], $d_link[3]);

Replace with:

// youtube.com, result = flv
if(preg_match("/http:\/\/([a-z]*.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_%-]*)/i", $url, $sub)) {
        $c = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $result = curl_exec($c);

        if(preg_match("/watch_fullscreen\?video_id=([a-zA-Z0-9_%-]*)&l=[0-9]*&t=([a-zA-Z0-9_%-\-]*)/i", $result, $d_link)) {
                //header(sprintf("Location: http://cache.googlevideo.com/get_video?video_id=%s&t=%s", $d_link[1], $d_link[2], $d_link[3]));
                printf("http://cache.googlevideo.com/get_video?video_id=%s&t=%s", $d_link[1], $d_link[2], $d_link[3]);


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