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tubedogg 03-29-2001 10:00 PM

LAST UPDATED 6.30.01 1:05 AM Eastern
v0.2.0 Released - compatible with vBulletin 2.0.1
This hack adds the astrological sign of any user who has provided at least the month and date of their birth. It can be updated retroactively for all your current board members, and it works automatically for any new users. It displays the sign next to the user's birthday in their public profile, and between the Online Status icon and the Profile button in every post they make.

This was requested and beta-tested by synx. It was in beta for approximately 5 minutes, which is what I think we should shoot for around here. (Before I get flamed, I'm JOKING! :D). He also created the icons that are used in it. I can, however, assure you that I wrote all of the code, which is somewhat more than I can say for my star hack. Then I saw Marl's star hack, where he basically released Freddie's star hack as his, and I felt better, because I changed the code more than that. (Sorry, Marl, but I call em like I see em! ;))

If you installed my star hack, there are certain instructions in this that are different. Watch out for them, as it may mean the difference between it working and you posting here. :)

Without further ado, here it is. The instructions are, again, too long for posting, so they're in the zip file (sign.txt).

For version: 2.0.1

Files needed: mysql.php

Files to edit: member.php, register.php, showthread.php, admin/misc.php

Templates to create/edit: postbit_sign, postbit

Instructions are in the zip file.

Once again, PLEASE back everything up before installing this, as it does edit the user table.

PLEASE follow the directions exactly. There are some steps that, if they aren't followed in the right order, may screw up your board.

FEEDBACK WANTED! :D Likes/dislikes/modification requests all gladly accepted.

PLEASE DO NOT PM me or contact me via AIM or email me for help with this hack. I WILL see your post here and try to help you. Thanks!


03-30-2001 05:42 PM

hey i like this one :D thanks

isnt it better to create a chunk of code thatll calculate the sign on the fly, instead of adding a field to the user table? i mean, its not a big deal to process the code anyway. dunno about php substrings functions though.

03-30-2001 05:58 PM

I hate it! ITS HORRIBLE!
HA HA HA HA! j/k j/k

The hack is great when ya read the instrusction and install correctly, ooops my bad! HA HA HA! I hate my icons, Im gunna change them and I will add there here.

I added a small pop-up window when you click the sign, and the name of the sign in the user profile if anyone would like it just ask.

My forums are here www.form-kaos.com/forum with all sorts of hacks on it.


03-30-2001 10:11 PM


Originally posted by Dream
isnt it better to create a chunk of code thatll calculate the sign on the fly, instead of adding a field to the user table?
I was going back and forth about that. I think, since it won't change (unless the user changes his/her birthday, and I've made an allowance for that), it makes more sense to have it stored, that way it only needs to determine it once, and from there it doesn't add anything - user.* is already in the query that gets pulled for showthread.php, so there's no additional queries, and the only thing added is the little bit of code to find out if the user's sign is blank in the DB.

Could go either way. :)

03-30-2001 10:44 PM

but how I can change it to run on my board, it is still vb115, and I dont want to convert it to vb2 until the final release of it.

03-30-2001 10:46 PM

v1.1.5 didn't do birthdays, did it? I don't think it did, and this relies on birthdays.

Also, you should upgrade to 1.1.6 - there is a huge security hole in 1.1.5!

03-30-2001 10:50 PM

I installed birthday hack on my board. so can I do it????

03-31-2001 12:23 AM

IMPORTANT NOTE! For those that installed this hack during the day today, you MUST upgrade as stated in the first post in this thread. I fixed a major bug and now everything should be working correctly.

Thanks for using my hack! :)

03-31-2001 12:26 AM

I have never worked with v1.1.5 or 1.1.6, nor have i seen the birthday hack. Therefore I cannot tell you if it would work, nor can I tell you how to modify the code to make it work. If you would like to point me towards the code for the birthday hack, I can get a copy and of 1.1.5 and look at it.

03-31-2001 12:48 AM

this is the birthday hack which iam using.

03-31-2001 01:26 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg
IMPORTANT NOTE! For those that installed this hack during the day today, you MUST upgrade as stated in the first post in this thread. I fixed a major bug and now everything should be working correctly.

Oh man.......thanks!

i was thinking that i did some mistakes installing it


03-31-2001 01:37 AM


} else { $zay = "yaz"; }

in fact,this part didn't make any sense to me.. :?

03-31-2001 01:40 AM

Yeah I know. :) Coding at that hour of the morning (when you haven't been to bed yet) shouldn't be allowed! ;)

03-31-2001 01:57 AM


i have another prob.
i'm virgo, and it properly detects my sign.....

any clues?

03-31-2001 01:58 AM

Huh? If it's right, what's the problem?

03-31-2001 02:03 AM

i don't sleep at all :P

dunno what's wrong, it ignores virgo signs, doesn't add anything in the sign field.....

im trying to debug that..

03-31-2001 02:14 AM

I have updated the zip file to reflect this change, so if you have not installed the hack yet, just download the zip file and follow the instructions in it.

If you have installed the hack, then you need to follow the instructions in the first post in this thread to upgrade.

03-31-2001 02:18 AM

of course, i've already made the necessary changes, as you state. :)

also run mysqlnew.php

but i still have this little prob..

04-01-2001 05:50 AM

No way....

i can't find why the script doesn't update user sign if a user is virgo.. it resets the field in the "sign" column.

No error, it simply ignores it.

This applies to all users..

Any clue, tube?

04-01-2001 05:59 AM

I have no idea, marl. At least it reads all the other signs right...I went through a period during testing where it would pick signs at random! So who knows. I'm still not quite sure exactly how it works...j/k. I'm sorry, I have no idea.

04-01-2001 06:09 AM

Ok, i'll keep debugging...

i hope it doesn't interfere with any other hack i have installed.

Thanks for your precious help, anyway.


04-01-2001 03:55 PM

Good hack,but it's a crazy idea ;)

SilverBoy 04-04-2001 01:36 AM

I wish u can do it to me.
I need it to run with 11x. plz

SilverBoy 04-20-2001 04:40 PM

I make some solution it is now show it if the user did update to his/her profile.
this modification on vb115, I did it tubedogg with my self ;)

almighty one 04-25-2001 04:45 PM

i dont know if it happened to anyone else but i added everything and a little icon box shows up but no icon :( if i do propetrties on the icon it shows the path to it but it doesnt show an icon name an anyone help me the path is as follows

tubedogg 04-25-2001 06:54 PM

Did you run the Update Users function? (Admin CP > Update Counters > Update Users)

almighty one 04-25-2001 07:08 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
Did you run the Update Users function? (Admin CP > Update Counters > Update Users)
no i didnt but now i do and here i get an error never got this beforeUser ids:

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.
i just recieved the email here it is can you help me fix thisDatabase error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: SELECT
userid,usertitle,usergroupid,customtitle,posts,bir thday,sign FROM user WHERE
userid>=0 AND userid<315 ORDER BY userid DESC
mysql error: Unknown column 'sign' in 'field list'
mysql error number: 1054
Date: Wednesday 25th of April 2001 04:17:48 PM
Script: /vbb/upload/admin/misc.php

tubedogg 04-25-2001 07:48 PM

Did you upload and run mysql.php that was in the zip file? You are missing the sign field in the user table according to that error and that would be an indicator that you did not run mysql.php.

Upload it to your admin directory, go to it in a web browser ( http://www.yoursite.com/forums/admin/mysql.php ) and then follow the link to your CP then run the Update Users function again.

almighty one 04-25-2001 09:16 PM

i will refer here at a later time for now i removed the hack but will look into it soon thanx for your help
ps by saying run mysql.php you mean call on it in the browser?

Amasov 06-29-2001 12:46 PM

A great hack... but I'm still trying to integrate that one on my forum. Always gettin' an error in members.php (ParseError) and register.php (also ParseError).

I think the problem is, that your hack is searchin' for that:


        if (($year>1880) and ($year<2000)) {
          $birthday = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
        } else {
          $birthday = "2020" . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
*****replace it with
        if (($year>1880) and ($year<2000)) {
          $birthday = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
            ..... etc.

but my register.php says that:


// Birthday Stuff...


        if (($year>1901) and ($year<date("Y")))
          $birthday = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
          $birthday = "0000" . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
        if ($showbirthdays) {
          $todayneggmt = date("n-j",time()+(-12-$timeoffset)*3600);
          $todayposgmt = date("n-j",time()+(12-$timeoffset)*3600);
          if ($todayneggmt == "$month-$day" or $todayposgmt == "$month-$day")


I think that won't match at all, therefore it does'nt work!

Could you help me out of this situation??



tubedogg 06-30-2001 04:14 AM

Just download the updated file, now rewritten for v2.0.1. It should work fine.

Balbanes 06-30-2001 12:03 PM

Ya know, this could be taken to the next level with monthly horoscopes.

Maybe you could assign someone axcess to a mini-horoscope-CP and let them assign predictions to every zodiac. They could be the forum astrologist! :)

webhost 06-30-2001 08:13 PM

Loaded the hack today. Went to admin/mysql.php and ran file.
It came back and requested my username and password. I put it in hit login and got this error.

There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Looked in mysql database and sign was not added.

Any idea's I had to remove from board because it stopped board from loading. I followed your directions to the T. Changes to member.php,register.php, and showthread.php in the root, and misc.php in the admin directory. I also added a folder under images called sign. Then made changes to templates modified postbit and added postbit_sign, I then uploaded files and then ran mysql,php when the above error came up.

I like the hack would like some way to get it to run, any help would be appreciated.

I also got this error via my email

Database error in vBulletin Control Panel: Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE user DROP sign
mysql error: Can't DROP 'sign'. Check that column/key exists
mysql error number: 1091
Date: Saturday 30th of June 2001 03:01:51 PM
Script: /admin/mysql.php?


tubedogg 07-01-2001 12:50 AM

Try downloading the zip file and running mysql.php again. I've changed it slightly.

webhost 07-01-2001 01:14 AM

ok downloaded zip file again and uploaded my files again the only I did this time was to upload new mysql.php file in zip and run it this is the error I get now.

Parse error: parse error in /home/realweb/public_html/forums/admin/mysql.php on line 5


I didn't change any files I just ran your new version of mysql,php


tubedogg 07-01-2001 01:25 AM

Hmm...try again. I changed it.

webhost 07-01-2001 01:51 AM

ok getting closer, I was able to get through the setup this time and updated users. When I click on a uername in the forum to look at there profile I get this error in member.php

Parse error: parse error in /home/realweb/public_html/forums/member.php on line 423

elseif (($day > 18 and $month == 02) xor ($day < 20 and $month == 03)) { $sign = "pisces"; }
else { $sign == ""; }
**line 423** else
$birthday = "0000" . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
elseif (($day > 19 and $month == 04) xor ($day < 21 and $month == 05)) { $sign = "taurus"; }

webhost 07-01-2001 02:11 PM

Tubedogg, got it work by changing this part of the script in the member.php file if you look this does differ from yours. All works now. I am using vb 2.0.1

// Birthday Stuff...
if ($calbirthday == 1) {
if ( ($day == -1 and $month != -1) or ($day !=-1 and $month == -1) ) {
eval("standarderror(\"".gettemplate("error_birthda yfield")."\");");
elseif (($day == -1) and ($month==-1)) {$birthday = 0;}
else {
if (($year>1901) and ($year<date("Y"))) {
$birthday = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
if (($day > 20 and $month == 03) xor ($day < 20 and $month == 04)) { $sign = "aries"; }
elseif (($day > 19 and $month == 04) xor ($day < 21 and $month == 05)) { $sign = "taurus"; }
elseif (($day > 20 and $month == 05) xor ($day < 22 and $month == 06)) { $sign = "gemini"; }
elseif (($day > 21 and $month == 06) xor ($day < 23 and $month == 07)) { $sign = "cancer"; }
elseif (($day > 22 and $month == 07) xor ($day < 23 and $month == 08)) { $sign = "leo"; }
elseif (($day > 22 and $month == 08) xor ($day < 23 and $month == 09)) { $sign = "virgo"; }
elseif (($day > 22 and $month == 09) xor ($day < 24 and $month == 10)) { $sign = "libra"; }
elseif (($day > 23 and $month == 10) xor ($day < 22 and $month == 11)) { $sign = "scorpio"; }
elseif (($day > 21 and $month == 11) xor ($day < 22 and $month == 12)) { $sign = "saggittarius"; }
elseif (($day > 21 and $month == 12) xor ($day < 20 and $month == 01)) { $sign = "capricorn"; }
elseif (($day > 19 and $month == 01) xor ($day < 19 and $month == 02)) { $sign = "aquarius"; }
elseif (($day > 18 and $month == 02) xor ($day < 20 and $month == 03)) { $sign = "pisces"; }
else { $sign == ""; }
else {
$birthday = "0000" . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
if (($day > 19 and $month == 04) xor ($day < 21 and $month == 05)) { $sign = "taurus"; }
elseif (($day > 20 and $month == 05) xor ($day < 22 and $month == 06)) { $sign = "gemini"; }
elseif (($day > 21 and $month == 06) xor ($day < 23 and $month == 07)) { $sign = "cancer"; }
elseif (($day > 22 and $month == 07) xor ($day < 23 and $month == 08)) { $sign = "leo"; }
elseif (($day > 22 and $month == 08) xor ($day < 23 and $month == 09)) { $sign = "virgo"; }
elseif (($day > 22 and $month == 09) xor ($day < 24 and $month == 10)) { $sign = "libra"; }
elseif (($day > 23 and $month == 10) xor ($day < 22 and $month == 11)) { $sign = "scorpio"; }
elseif (($day > 21 and $month == 11) xor ($day < 22 and $month == 12)) { $sign = "saggittarius"; }
elseif (($day > 21 and $month == 12) xor ($day < 20 and $month == 01)) { $sign = "capricorn"; }
elseif (($day > 19 and $month == 01) xor ($day < 19 and $month == 02)) { $sign = "aquarius"; }
elseif (($day > 18 and $month == 02) xor ($day < 20 and $month == 03)) { $sign = "pisces"; }
else { $sign == ""; }
else {$birthday = 0;}


webhost 07-01-2001 03:29 PM

Found one bug tubedogg, Virgo,gif will not show up anywhere, I just get the box, all others work fine, When I look at the member,php file when I have a members profile up and viewing it I select view source code. All others except virgo show the proper path to the gif say like images/sign/leo.gif but virgo shows this images/sign/.gif.
Please Tubedogg help me finish this thing out so close, just need the one bug fixed.

Any Idea's Joey


webhost 07-01-2001 08:36 PM

Maybe the gods are trying to tell us all something by not letting the virgo sign show up???????????

Sure am happy I am a horny goat and not a virgo.


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