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micheal332001 08-24-2006 10:00 PM

MMLotto System
Downloads for this modification have been removed according to Official Policy: When Security Vulnerabilities in Hacks are Found

MMlotto is a lotto system.

This lotto system will let your members choose 5 numbers for the lotto.
The cron job will randomly choose 5 numbers and find all the winners for matching 3, 4 and 5 numbers.
matching 5 numbers is the jackpot.

This lotto system uses ucash, vbplaza and any other points system.


Lotto Settings

Lotto On/Off?
Site URL
Cash System To Use
Cost Per Game
How Many Lotto Tickets

users tickets
Lotto Rules
Add New Rule
Lotto Menu
Add New Menu Link
Lotto Results


Buy Lotto Ticket
Lotto Ticket List
Lotto Jackpot Winners List
Lotto Match 4 Number Winners List
Lotto Match 3 Number Winners List
lotto Rules

When you have installed the product.xml file it will add the cron job this can be changed by going to your
Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Task Manager
and look for the MM Lotto Results
and change it to the time and date you want the job to run the lotto resultes.

Will add more here very soon.

There is no read me files at this time but will be added.

To install this mod just goto your Plugins & Products
Manage Products
And select the product-mmlotto1.xml file
Allow Overwrite set to no

Murty 08-25-2006 05:50 AM


Gizmo5h1t3 08-25-2006 12:21 PM

ok...installed, and it works fine...AT LAST YEY!!!..lmaO

BUT...theres one prob ive found...

i set it to buy 2 tickets, at 50 points each..(using vbbux)...

i bough a ticket, all is working.....with correct calculation of points deducted as it should....nice....


if you refresh the page after you buy the first ticket, it buys a SECOND ticket with the same numbers.....
i did this to see if the jackpot amount was working as it should..ie..increasing with the bought ticket...(as when u buy the first ticket, and it says the ticket is purchased, the "tickets sold" shows zero)......and i found this error...

prolly a simple edit or fix i know, but i just thought id give u a heads up.

also, it hasnt added the cron job....


When you have installed the product.xml file it will add the cron job this can be changed by going to your
Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Task Manager
and look for the MM Lotto Results
and change it to the time and date you want the job to run the lotto resultes.
nope, nothing there mate..................

and one more thing, can u guide me to where i can change the number of points initially for the 3 numbers, 4 numbers and the jackpot??

presently, 3 numbers pays out 10 points, which is pretty useless, as its costing em 50 to buy a ticket??

so how could i set the start off prizes for the lotto to have say......

3 numbers = 1000 points

4 numbers = 4500 points

Jackpot = 25000 points

apart from these teething probs, a cracking hack, seriously....nice work!!

micheal332001 08-25-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
ok...installed, and it works fine...AT LAST YEY!!!..lmaO

BUT...theres one prob ive found...

i set it to buy 2 tickets, at 50 points each..(using vbbux)...

i bough a ticket, all is working.....with correct calculation of points deducted as it should....nice....


if you refresh the page after you buy the first ticket, it buys a SECOND ticket with the same numbers.....
i did this to see if the jackpot amount was working as it should..ie..increasing with the bought ticket...(as when u buy the first ticket, and it says the ticket is purchased, the "tickets sold" shows zero)......and i found this error...

prolly a simple edit or fix i know, but i just thought id give u a heads up.

also, it hasnt added the cron job....

nope, nothing there mate..................

and one more thing, can u guide me to where i can change the number of points initially for the 3 numbers, 4 numbers and the jackpot??

presently, 3 numbers pays out 10 points, which is pretty useless, as its costing em 50 to buy a ticket??

so how could i set the start off prizes for the lotto to have say......

3 numbers = 1000 points

4 numbers = 4500 points

Jackpot = 25000 points

apart from these teething probs, a cracking hack, seriously....nice work!!

Yes if you refresh the page it will do it again but i will be changing this so it dose not happen.

In 3.5.x you would have to add the cron job yourself something like this.

Name mmlotto system results
file .includes/cron/mmlotto.php

Set the time as you want.

To set the points when the cron job runs edit the includes/cron/mmlotto.php file
and look for this line of code
PHP Code:

$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " TABLE_PREFIX "mmlotto_payouts SET fournums = 250"); 

change the 250 to what you want.

for the jackpot look for this line of code
PHP Code:

$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " TABLE_PREFIX "mmlotto_payouts SET fivenums = 2500"); 

and change the 2500 to what you want.

If you want to to have the match 3 changed find this.
PHP Code:

$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " TABLE_PREFIX "user SET $userscashtable = $userscashtable+$matchthreepayouts WHERE userid= '$match3[userid]' "); 

and after add this line of code
PHP Code:

$vbulletin->db->query("UPDATE " TABLE_PREFIX "mmlotto_payouts SET threenums = 250"); 

and change the 250 to what you want it to be.

FROGGYJ 08-25-2006 07:32 PM

do you realize it says to enter a new number for each of the 6 inputs...but yet I only see 5 in the screenshots.

Rickie3 08-25-2006 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
it hasnt added the cron job....

sorry forgot to add that it is reguired to add the cron manually via adminCP.

MUDERCOOL 08-25-2006 11:01 PM

süper! thank you very much..

but some other things like adjusting jackpot adn other rewards from admincp can be added. also, one other thing is "deductions",
I want my members (and I, players, everybody) to put 100 (for example, to buy ticket, spending 100 for each ticket) but 10% of that 100, should not be added to anywhere.
so in this way it could be a way to make people "spend" some money (points)

Gizmo5h1t3 08-25-2006 11:04 PM

many thanks for your help in gettin it sorted mate....

did the file edits to the cron file...added the cron job manually...ran the cron manually to see if it all works....cron ran ok..

but after editing ther values with the points in your edits, the reset doesnt set it back to the points i added...(in my original request)

ie....3 numbers is still 10 points.......4 numbers hasnt changed,or the jackpot.....

any ideas why that should be??

Mysticales 08-26-2006 01:42 AM

Ok installed on a large community forum, gonna see if this runs better then the vbplaza lottery.

Mysticales 08-26-2006 02:00 AM

Fyi, If you wanna start "higher" for your lottery. Do this, Uninstall your mmlotto product.
Then edit the xml file.
Find in the code

$db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."mmlotto_payouts VALUES
and change to


$db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."mmlotto_payouts VALUES (X, Y, Z)");
X = 5 Match
Y = 4 Match
Z = 3 Match.
Then in your cron job php file, you need to edit those values to match the ones in the xl you set. Using the info from this post https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....40&postcount=4

Then install the product, when you get to the main mmlotto page now, your fields for payout will be setup correctly for the 1st time use, and if someone wins, it will reset to the values again.

I would like to add, that making a option in the AdminCP to "reset lottery" to reset the values should be added, shouldnt be too hard, same time make a field for "3 matches, 4 matches, 5 matches" to have in admincp a way to define the payouts, then when you did reset, it would change the SQL Table to match. Then all one had to do is figure out how to avoid the cron job dependancy to reset the values.

Gizmo5h1t3 08-26-2006 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mysticales
Fyi, If you wanna start "higher" for your lottery. Do this, Uninstall your mmlotto product.
Then edit the xml file.
Find in the code

$db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."mmlotto_payouts VALUES
and change to


$db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."mmlotto_payouts VALUES (X, Y, Z)");
X = 5 Match
Y = 4 Match
Z = 3 Match.
Then in your cron job php file, you need to edit those values to match the ones in the xl you set. Using the info from this post https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....40&postcount=4

Then install the product, when you get to the main mmlotto page now, your fields for payout will be setup correctly for the 1st time use, and if someone wins, it will reset to the values again.

I would like to add, that making a option in the AdminCP to "reset lottery" to reset the values should be added, shouldnt be too hard, same time make a field for "3 matches, 4 matches, 5 matches" to have in admincp a way to define the payouts, then when you did reset, it would change the SQL Table to match. Then all one had to do is figure out how to avoid the cron job dependancy to reset the values.

thanks for the info, did as you stated, and it worked fine....


michael, this hack is a cracker mate...much better than the vbplaza standard lottery

Gizmo5h1t3 08-26-2006 01:07 PM

can the author give us any ideas as to what further additions he`s got in the pipeline for this?

id have this as hack of the month if we could vote for it!!

Mysticales 08-26-2006 08:21 PM

Btw it doesnt confirm with vbbux to ensure the user HAS enough points. It makes them go into the negative.

Gizmo5h1t3 08-26-2006 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticales
Btw it doesnt confirm with vbbux to ensure the user HAS enough points. It makes them go into the negative.

noticed that while testing it this morning, i ended up with -32k points....lol

micheal332001 08-27-2006 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
noticed that while testing it this morning, i ended up with -32k points....lol

I will have alook into this and sort out a fix for it.

micheal332001 08-27-2006 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
can the author give us any ideas as to what further additions he`s got in the pipeline for this?

id have this as hack of the month if we could vote for it!!

Im not sure what i will be adding into this as yet but if you have any ideas please post them here.

Gizmo5h1t3 08-27-2006 08:11 PM

id be happy just to have the 3.5 version follow the development of the 3.6 version.....

noticed an update in the 3.6 for admin cp options, percentages etc??

nice work man, this is a seriously good hack

Foxsake 09-02-2006 08:23 AM

im a bit new to all of this, and need a little guidance if you can please.
I have installed this, and

i cant get it to show in the nav bar? - i can only see it if i type www.mysite/forum/mmlotto.php
secondly i want it to work using vbookie cash - i have set the setting to use vcash but say i have none?

this may be a really simple fix and seem simple but to me its bang head really hard at the brick wall time.:confused:

if anyone can help, thank you very much in advance


Foxsake ;)

Rickie3 09-02-2006 11:30 AM

Hi in navbar template

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
add this code either above or below

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a

where the your site is highlighted replace with the link to your board.

As for vCash it doesnt seem to work so you will have to install another cash system eg: qccash,vbbux,or ucash

Foxsake 09-02-2006 04:47 PM

Thanks for trying to help Rickie, i have sussed it though and its all working with vbookie - the cash system is vbookie_cash not vcash

Thanks for all your help ;)

Gizmo5h1t3 09-03-2006 04:10 PM

michael, any hopes of this version being updated in line with the 3.6 version?

Foxsake 09-07-2006 03:27 PM

i agree that would be cool, if possible ;)

micheal332001 09-07-2006 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
michael, any hopes of this version being updated in line with the 3.6 version?

Yes it will be but not just yet as i have a big script to do at the moment and this is a private job.
Got to earn some money for all the work i do with these scripts.

OrangeFlea 10-01-2006 02:08 AM

Is there a way to make this work without using any of the other mods like VBplaza? Our members would love to have a lottery system configured onto the board, and I want every member to enter regardless of points, so the plaza stuff isn't necessary.

micheal332001 10-01-2006 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Is there a way to make this work without using any of the other mods like VBplaza? Our members would love to have a lottery system configured onto the board, and I want every member to enter regardless of points, so the plaza stuff isn't necessary.

I can make the lotto system run with out and cash system but whats the point on having a lotto if your members cannot win any thing.

If this is what you want then i will find the code you need to take out so your members dont need to use any cash systems.

OrangeFlea 10-01-2006 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
I can make the lotto system run with out and cash system but whats the point on having a lotto if your members cannot win any thing.

If this is what you want then i will find the code you need to take out so your members dont need to use any cash systems.

Oh, they'll win something. I'd like to deal with the prizes. If a member wins the lottery, I want to manually reward them (using my own prizes). If the code is removed, will it still be able to decide on the winner and announce the winner?

micheal332001 10-02-2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Oh, they'll win something. I'd like to deal with the prizes. If a member wins the lottery, I want to manually reward them (using my own prizes). If the code is removed, will it still be able to decide on the winner and announce the winner?

Yes it would still tell you who the winners are.
There is a few places you need to edit to remove the csh system from the lotto.
Please remove the code as you want for your own needs but remember you need to edit the main php file and the cron php file to remove the cash system.

OrangeFlea 10-03-2006 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
Yes it would still tell you who the winners are.
There is a few places you need to edit to remove the csh system from the lotto.
Please remove the code as you want for your own needs but remember you need to edit the main php file and the cron php file to remove the cash system.

What are those places, if you don't mind me asking? What are all the lines that I have to remove?

OrangeFlea 10-06-2006 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by micheal332001
If this is what you want then i will find the code you need to take out so your members dont need to use any cash systems.

Michael, can you give me an update on whether you can do this or not? Our forum would really take advantage of your mod if it didn't need to be dependent on any cash systems.

networktemple 10-06-2006 02:08 AM

can this use repuation point?

micheal332001 10-06-2006 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Michael, can you give me an update on whether you can do this or not? Our forum would really take advantage of your mod if it didn't need to be dependent on any cash systems.

Hi m8

yes i can do this without any problems.
I have been buzy at work so have not had much time on PC but when i have made the changes i will post it here for you.

OrangeFlea 10-06-2006 10:20 AM

Thanks, looking forward to it, Michael!

Harley D 10-07-2006 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Thanks, looking forward to it, Michael!

Me as well, I don't really care for the Cash systems. Awarding my own prize would be great! maybe having it redirect the winner to a hidden page and PMing the admin/mods as to the winner would be trick.

micheal332001 10-08-2006 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Harley D
Me as well, I don't really care for the Cash systems. Awarding my own prize would be great! maybe having it redirect the winner to a hidden page and PMing the admin/mods as to the winner would be trick.

I will look into this and see why its not working.
The problem is when you make some thing like this you are testing it with just my self.
So you cannot see if its going to work the way its ment to do till more people use it.

Ill sort it and have a fix soon.

OrangeFlea 10-23-2006 06:30 PM

Any word on this? Been waiting 2 weeks now...

micheal332001 10-23-2006 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Any word on this? Been waiting 2 weeks now...

Sorry i have not sorted this out as i have had to change servers.
i will sort it out and post it here

peterska2 02-09-2007 08:59 AM

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