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-   -   Latest Paid Subscribers v1.0 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124740)

paul41598 08-22-2006 10:00 PM

Latest Paid Subscribers v1.0
Brought to you by myself with credits to Kaezul as well
From the guys who brought you
"Incomplete Profile Fields"

We Bring To You:
Latest Paid Subscribers v1.0 :)

This Hack Does Use The Usergroups Markup Color For A More Accurate Display Of Subscription Members!! This Hack Has It All!

This hack is fully functional and flexible allowing you to display the latest [x] subscribers on your forumhome! It also allows you to display a reminder/alert to your users who's subscriptions are expiring.

  • Activate The System (Latest Paid Subscribers)
  • Select The Number Of Subscribers To Show On ForumHome
  • Display A Reminder/Alert Window To Warn Subscribers When Their Subscription Is Up
  • Select The Number Of Days Before That Reminder Shows
  • Never Show This Again For Reminder Alert!
  • Allow The Subscriber Info In The Title HoverOver Or Turn It Off
  • Select A Date Format For That HoverOver

1.) 1 Template Edit
2.) 1 Product Upload
3.) Enjoy Release

- Adds 1 extra query
- Advanced Options (if you see fit to use)

If you find any bugs, have comments, questions feel free to post them. I'll do my best to accomidate anything.
Disclaimer: Any modification to this hack, must get prior consent/authorization by me first.

This is now a premium hack only, available through myself

sensimilla 08-23-2006 05:55 PM

Thanks , very usefull.
Any chance to make image border "0" when i have icons before usernames ?

see attached picture

edit: ok when i disable Allow Subscriber Info In HoverOver? it looks quite good :)


Snake 08-23-2006 08:44 PM

Excellent! I'm lovin' it!

Nachtfalke 08-24-2006 05:31 AM

Great addon! Did anybody check this with 3.6? Would be exactly what I need!

sensimilla 08-24-2006 10:10 AM

Where do i edit the announcement background color ? ITs all dark at my site.


paul41598 08-24-2006 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by sensimilla
Where do i edit the announcement background color ? ITs all dark at my site.


Template: expirydatebits

bada_bing 08-24-2006 02:00 PM

installed but found a couple bugs

When you turn the hack off it still displays the title but only the members disapear. The title and members need to disapear or this will be a bit discouraging.

Next if you disable Allow Subscriber Info In HoverOver? it still show up when you hover.

Please fix

bada_bing 08-24-2006 02:01 PM

Also how do you change the member alert message? Whould be nice to change that within the hack

paul41598 08-24-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
installed but found a couple bugs

When you turn the hack off it still displays the title but only the members disapear. The title and members need to disapear or this will be a bit discouraging.

thats because the phrase still remains in the template when the system is turned off.


Originally Posted by bada_bing
Next if you disable Allow Subscriber Info In HoverOver? it still show up when you hover.

Not on my system. When turned off, it will show their default markup title. Seems to be working as designed.


Originally Posted by bada_bing
Also how do you change the member alert message? Whould be nice to change that within the hack

Look above.

bada_bing 08-24-2006 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by paul41598
thats because the phrase still remains in the template when the system is turned off.

Not on my system. When turned off, it will show their default markup title. Seems to be working as designed.

Look above.

thats because the phrase still remains in the template when the system is turned off.
OK how do I make it so that when I turn the hack off the phrase is also disabled? this makes more sense to me.

Not on my system. When turned off, it will show their default markup title. Seems to be working as designed.
This is not happening on my system!

dennisuello 08-24-2006 03:04 PM

I received a DB error when I installed this. I promptly uninstalled it, as to not keep my forum down.


Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.status, subscriptionlog.regdate, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid,
groupa.opentag as opentaga, groupa.closetag as closetaga,
groupb.opentag as opentagb, groupb.closetag as closetagb
FROM vb3_subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog
LEFT JOIN vb3_user ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_usergroup as groupa ON(user.usergroupid = groupa.usergroupid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_usergroup as groupb ON(user.displaygroupid = groupb.usergroupid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' ORDER BY subscriptionlog.regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.userid' in 'field list'

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.subscriptionid, subscription.subscriptionid, subscription.title, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username
FROM vb3_subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog, vb3_subscription AS subscription
LEFT JOIN vb3_user AS user ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' AND subscriptionlog.subscriptionid = subscription.subscriptionid AND user.userid = 1 AND subscriptionlog.expirydate < 1159026430
GROUP BY subscription.title
ORDER BY subscriptionlog.expirydate ASC LIMIT 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'subscriptionlog.userid' in 'on clause'

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.status, subscriptionlog.regdate, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid,
groupa.opentag as opentaga, groupa.closetag as closetaga,
groupb.opentag as opentagb, groupb.closetag as closetagb
FROM vb3_subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog
LEFT JOIN vb3_user ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_usergroup as groupa ON(user.usergroupid = groupa.usergroupid)
LEFT JOIN vb3_usergroup as groupb ON(user.displaygroupid = groupb.usergroupid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' ORDER BY subscriptionlog.regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'user.userid' in 'field list'

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.subscriptionid, subscription.subscriptionid, subscription.title, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username
FROM vb3_subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog, vb3_subscription AS subscription
LEFT JOIN vb3_user AS user ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' AND subscriptionlog.subscriptionid = subscription.subscriptionid AND user.userid = 1 AND subscriptionlog.expirydate < 1159026435
GROUP BY subscription.title
ORDER BY subscriptionlog.expirydate ASC LIMIT 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'subscriptionlog.userid' in 'on clause'

Bad Bunny 08-24-2006 03:19 PM

This is pretty cool. If I start using subscriptions I would love to see this for 3.6! This really would be a great default feature.

rmxs 08-24-2006 05:45 PM

Cool Installed :)

bada_bing 08-24-2006 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
thats because the phrase still remains in the template when the system is turned off.
OK how do I make it so that when I turn the hack off the phrase is also disabled? this makes more sense to me.

Not on my system. When turned off, it will show their default markup title. Seems to be working as designed.
This is not happening on my system!

Any help please before I uninstall

paul41598 08-24-2006 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by bada_bing
Any help please before I uninstall

Noone else seems to be having the same issues as you, so I'd either reinstall the product, or let me investigate personally on your site. Also what version of VB do you run?

bada_bing 08-25-2006 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by paul41598
Noone else seems to be having the same issues as you, so I'd either reinstall the product, or let me investigate personally on your site. Also what version of VB do you run?

Ive reinstalled twice I am running vb 3.5.3

MUDERCOOL 08-25-2006 03:03 PM

I have the same problems with bada_bing and I have 3.5.3, too

paul41598 08-25-2006 03:27 PM

one of you two will have to PM me, so I can get on ur forums and investigate. Might be incompatible with 3.5.3, not sure.

rmxs 08-25-2006 07:22 PM

Plzzz help me i get this on the Reminder

I change it to m-d-Y Byt i get

subscription expires on F jS,

EDIT: this apeard only with greek lang with all other langs its Ok


How can i corect this??

paul41598 08-25-2006 07:53 PM

Not entirely sure. Try %d-%m-%y

rmxs 08-25-2006 08:03 PM

:) it works

I change to this also the plugin


$expirydate = vbdate('%d-%m-%y', $getexpirer['expirydate']);
ANd its Ok now


Byt how can i get The month insted of numbers?

paul41598 08-25-2006 08:13 PM

Um... heres a wild guess. %F %js, %Y

ChurchMedia 08-26-2006 01:23 AM

I'm getting the same message -- running 3.5.2


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.subscriptionid, subscription.subscriptionid, subscription.title, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username
FROM subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog, subscription AS subscription
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' AND subscriptionlog.subscriptionid = subscription.subscriptionid AND user.userid = 1 AND subscriptionlog.expirydate < 1159150769
GROUP BY subscription.title
ORDER BY subscriptionlog.expirydate ASC LIMIT 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'subscriptionlog.userid' in 'on clause'
Error Number : 1054

paul41598 08-26-2006 12:22 PM

sounds like a pre 3.5.4 issue. I'd suggest upgrading

upsetter 08-26-2006 01:54 PM

cool, awsome hack, thank you... installed :)

VTXCafe.com 08-31-2006 06:29 AM

I installed and it seems to be working but it's throwing the forums off center. The names keep going to the left off the screen, is there a way to make it on the next line?

Edit: I changed the way it was layed out, kept the forum inline:

<div style="white-space: nowrap"><phrase 1="$recordusers" 2="$recorddate" 3="$recordtime">$vbphrase[most_users_ever_online_was_x_y_at_z]</phrase>

rmxs 09-07-2006 07:14 PM

i updgade to 3.6.0 and doesnt work :(

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.subscriptionid, subscription.subscriptionid, subscription.title, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username
FROM subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog, subscription AS subscription
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' AND subscriptionlog.subscriptionid = subscription.subscriptionid AND user.userid = 3 AND subscriptionlog.expirydate < 1160252246
GROUP BY subscription.title
ORDER BY subscriptionlog.expirydate ASC LIMIT 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'subscription.title' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

rmxs 09-10-2006 05:39 AM

No support HERE???

paul41598 09-10-2006 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by rmxs
No support HERE???

This hack is for 3.5.4, so I don't presume it works on 3.6. I would suggest putting back on 3.5 if you want to continue using this hack

rmxs 09-23-2006 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by paul41598
This hack is for 3.5.4, so I don't presume it works on 3.6. I would suggest putting back on 3.5 if you want to continue using this hack

:) good idea.. lol

its not possible to update the mod to 3.6.x??

i try to make it to work byt nothing..happent

us44ever 09-24-2006 09:16 PM

guys my forums gone !!!
there is no forum anymore
please any help ?
this is the msg
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
PHP Code:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.useridsubscriptionlog.subscriptionidsubscription.subscriptionidsubscription.titlesubscriptionlog.expirydate,
FROM subscriptionlog 
AS subscriptionlogsubscription AS subscription
AS user ON (subscriptionlog.userid user.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' AND subscriptionlog.subscriptionid subscription.subscriptionid AND user.userid AND subscriptionlog.expirydate 1161727988
GROUP BY subscription
ORDER BY subscriptionlog
.expirydate ASC LIMIT 5;

MySQL Error  Unknown column 'subscriptionlog.userid' in 'on clause'
Error Number 1054
MondaySeptember 25th 2006 01:13:08 AM
: ........
Referrer     : ..........
IP Address   : ..............
Username     : ............
Classname    vB_Database_MySQLi 

us44ever 09-24-2006 09:27 PM

now the forum working fine , i restart the machine .

us44ever 09-24-2006 09:31 PM

found bugs ..
when i cheak on yes on this option
Display Reminder Window for Subscribers (ForumHome)?
Select yes to show a reminder message to your subscribers with their subscription info on forumhome Yes No
the forum said when anyone login
PHP Code:

There seems to have been a problem with the ....... database.
Please try again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staffwhom you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience

us44ever 09-25-2006 10:24 AM

any help ?

Konstantinos 10-07-2006 10:26 AM

Invalid SQL:

SELECT subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.status, subscriptionlog.regdate, subscriptionlog.expirydate,
user.userid, user.username, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid,
groupa.opentag as opentaga, groupa.closetag as closetaga,
groupb.opentag as opentagb, groupb.closetag as closetagb
FROM vbsubscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog
LEFT JOIN vbuser ON (subscriptionlog.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN vbusergroup as groupa ON(user.usergroupid = groupa.usergroupid)
LEFT JOIN vbusergroup as groupb ON(user.displaygroupid = groupb.usergroupid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.status != '0' ORDER BY subscriptionlog.regdate DESC LIMIT 0, 5;

MySQL Error : Unknown table 'user' in field list
Error Number : 1109
Date : Saturday, October 7th 2006 @ 11:21:16 AM

MUDERCOOL 10-07-2006 09:50 PM

is it possible to show the length of subscription and ending time? on forumhome?
that would be great for the members

ImportPassion 10-08-2006 08:36 PM

i had a little chuckle over this

Select yes or no if you want to enable or disable the system
yes i want to disable? yes I want to enable?

anyway, thanks for the plugin!

ImportPassion 10-08-2006 08:50 PM

I am having issues with the sql too...but i know the problem. He is aliasing the tables with their full name but not using the table prefix on them

SELECT [prefix here]subscriptionlog.userid, [prefix here]subscriptionlog.status, [prefix here]subscriptionlog.regdate, [prefix here]subscriptionlog.expirydate,
[prefix here]user.userid, [prefix here]user.username, [prefix here]user.usergroupid,

I am going to fix this and do a new XML file for everyone.

ImportPassion 10-08-2006 09:07 PM

sorry, thought it was that easy, but it isn't. Looks like the subscription titles are now stored as phrases in 3.6. kinda weird, but i guess they have their reasons. not sure if i will fix it. maybe there is a 3.6 version?

paul41598 10-19-2006 11:09 PM

us4ever please pm me with a link to your forums. I'll have to investiage myself

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