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Slyfox1 08-20-2006 01:02 AM

Not sure you wanna know!
I am, or was new to vBulletin having come from a Nuke environment.

Managing to complete upgrades etc I went looking for MODS.

The first place I'm directed to is this place. I'm not quite sure why vBulletin.com is directing people here because quite frankly this place sucks!

Not just reading my own posts, but those of others as well..What a waste of time...This place may as well just pack up and go home.

I have never come across such a collection of un-helpfull ego maniacs in all my life.

You should all take the time to see of others are doing it, maybe then you'll get the idea.

Shame on you!


TroyF2000 08-20-2006 01:33 AM

Yikeys! Well, duder. Maybe you present retarded queries, or just have bad luck? Who knows? I know I have gotten help from here sveeal times, and I think too, the reason Vbulletin.com directs it's members 2 here, is because this is the company's help forum. Later!

Kirk Y 08-20-2006 01:44 AM

Wow. You obviously didn't read ANY posts. I can honestly say that in the Modification Questions Forum alone, myself and others have helped dozens of people.

Oh and another thing: all the members on this site -- including those on Staff, are doing all this for nothing in return. We don't get paychecks or medals -- heck, most of the time we don't even get a 'thank you', we should all be thankful that there are people kind enough to offer any assistance whatsoever.

Adrian Schneider 08-20-2006 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
I am, or was new to vBulletin having come from a Nuke environment.

Managing to complete upgrades etc I went looking for MODS.

The first place I'm directed to is this place. I'm not quite sure why vBulletin.com is directing people here because quite frankly this place sucks!

Not just reading my own posts, but those of others as well..What a waste of time...This place may as well just pack up and go home.

I have never come across such a collection of un-helpfull ego maniacs in all my life.

You should all take the time to see of others are doing it, maybe then you'll get the idea.

Shame on you!


You just have to ask the right people... many of us here are glad to help out when we can. Drop me a PM if you still have any questions. I won't argue your points, because many of them are valid; however, it's very rude to say this place sucks, especially when so many people are trying to correct it.

Shazz 08-20-2006 01:59 AM

Sly, just because no one answers to your modification question dosen't mean you need to make one of these :rolleyes:

Its alot different here then VB.com also..
Mazda Kabura history

Guest190829 08-20-2006 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
I am, or was new to vBulletin having come from a Nuke environment.

Managing to complete upgrades etc I went looking for MODS.

The first place I'm directed to is this place. I'm not quite sure why vBulletin.com is directing people here because quite frankly this place sucks!

Not just reading my own posts, but those of others as well..What a waste of time...This place may as well just pack up and go home.

I have never come across such a collection of un-helpfull ego maniacs in all my life.

You should all take the time to see of others are doing it, maybe then you'll get the idea.

Shame on you!


Can you clarify a bit further? I only see one thread of yours in the Unpaid Modification Request forum, that wasn't answered.

And as acidburn0520 mentioned already, the members here are all volunteers. We aren't paid to create modifications requested in the Modification Request forum. If coders are interested and have the time, they will usually look at the Modification Request forum and create modifications that are request there. However, it is never garunteed that someone will answer your request.

If you really need a modification that is not already available, then I suggest trying the Service Request forum to find someone who create the modification for payment.

Slyfox1 08-20-2006 06:45 AM


I'll admit the comment with regards to "this places sucks" was harsh and probably wrong. I can clearly see that many have been helped, but not too many of late.

I totally unserstand the role those with the know-how work under. I know its un-paid and have learnt to be patient.

With regards to the idiot makign references to "retarded questions", grow up pal. Have you even taken the time to see the post or questions I have made? Thought so!

Its also funny how several posts asking questions have gone un-answered, but this one seems to have drawn a few out....

I'm a theme/style person, I apply MOD for PhP-Nuke sites unpaid so I know the story....

Rather than just take my workd for it, have a look in most of the forums...Many posts with large view rates and little or no replies...



lasto 08-20-2006 08:29 AM

He does have a valid point - most of us these days (inc myself) are having to pay for hacks these days simply cause no one is porting the old stuff.With every new Vbulletin comes more problems as hacks are not backwards compatible so that little feature we prided on our board no longer works so everytime we upgrade (which is needed for security flaws) we lose a part of the features we had and have to start afresh.Is ok haveing all the whistles and bells in the latest version but is no good if they do nothing for us.

Reckon soon the most active forum on here will be Paid Services.

Freesteyelz 08-20-2006 09:27 AM

While there are unanswered posts I have noticed an increase of activity lately from, not only the staff, but from community members; all doing their bit to help one another. That is a positive and we should applaud the efforts of those who contribute. :) As much as we want to have every question answered and every problem solved the reality is that will never happen.

For the posts with high views but few or no replies we could do the following :rolleyes: :

1. If we view a thread but do not know the answer we can reply "I've read but do not know the answer" or "I don't know". This could lead to threads with high but unhelpful post counts.

2. If we view a thread and know the answer we can either: a) Reply with an answer or b) Reply indicating while we know the answer we don't feel up to posting the answer, simply do not have the time or will do but for a fee. Err...

Slyfox1 08-20-2006 11:27 AM

I was trying to refrain from going down this path as I see no good coming from it.

I was initially directed here from vb.com...

Now, I fully understand and appreciate that sites such as this work on free time, which for most will come and go, and it also requires EVERYONE to particpate in order for a "community" to function.

I've had VB for over a month now and have used some of the MOD's from this site, which I again appreciate!

My comments above were made as a result of being directed to another VB MOD site, and having had the same replies answered, not all, but most. And in one case I have paid (which I am happy to do) for a hack.

All that being said, its still a shame for a site such as this to fall by the wayside, which from the lack of input in the area's it was designed for clearly show the lack of enthusiasm and overall functionality.

No one is expecting people to post in topics they either dont, won't or can't comment on, that would simply be a wate of time...It was used as an example to highlight the "impression" a new users receives.

The comments in this forum were made to perhaps "gee-up" the powers that be.


Kirk Y 08-20-2006 05:00 PM

As you said, I do try to reply to all help threads when I can, but only if I know an answer to the question being asked or can even understand what the person is saying.

vBulletin.com doesn't officially support any code modifications to their software because it has the potential to disrupt their coding and leave the board open to attack, etc etc. Basically they're just playing it safe by not commenting on modding your board, rather they just send you here. Funny thing is though, you'll have one person direct you here and then two or three posts down from that you'll see another person actually answer your question... hmm.

Dean C 08-20-2006 06:00 PM

With an attitude like yours, it's not surprising coders are hostile these days ;)

Ntfu2 08-20-2006 09:29 PM

What annoys the hell outta me with all these people who want all this free help, is you take time out of your day away from doing other things to help them and only 1 person out of 20 will bother to reply with a thanks that worked.

My favorite one so far has been when someone asked a question, then i gave an answer that was the soloution to their question, then i was wrong cause they cant explain what they are trying to do better... :mad:

ubblite 08-20-2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
He does have a valid point - most of us these days (inc myself) are having to pay for hacks these days simply cause no one is porting the old stuff.

I agree with you. The disturbing trend seems to be certain people have taken their "better" hacks and now charge money for them. Certain coders release "lite" versions of their hacks and have the option to buy a pro version, which at least is a better idea than releasing a pro version only. I'm also seeing more and more coders using vb.org as a place to advertise hacks in their signature while not even bothering to release updates for their previous hack on here or releasing new code. To an extent, vb.org is free advertising for these people. I also think some coders look at paid hacks on here and think to themselves they can easily charge for their code as well. Even though I haven't been a member here that long, I have noticed the lack of high-end hacks available at no cost and now that 3.6 is out, the problem becomes more apparent. While some people have mentioned coders come and go on here, I'm seeing more people ignoring or not paying attention/caring as much or abandoning their hacks altogether. Yes, I know you'll get less support for a free hack, but it's getting to a very low point.

Anyway, I think we are now seeing why vb.org was so against paid hacks in the past, and it all makes sense now. Unfortunately, some of us are starting to experience the end results of this. IMO the rules should go back to being very strict about paid hacks on here. If vb.org wasn't quite as strict about paid hacks in the past as I'm thinking, perhaps it should for the benefit of the community and this website.

Adrian Schneider 08-20-2006 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by ubblite
I agree with you. The disturbing trend seems to be certain people have taken their "better" hacks and now charge money for them. Certain coders release "lite" versions of their hacks and have the option to buy a pro version, which at least is a better idea than releasing a pro version only. I'm also seeing more and more coders using vb.org as a place to advertise hacks in their signature while not even bothering to releasing updates to their previous hack on here or releasing new code. To an extent, vb.org is free advertising for these people. I also think some coders look at paid hacks on here and think to themselves they can easily charge for their code as well. Even though I haven't been a member here that long, I have noticed the lack of high-end hacks available at no cost and now that 3.6 is out, the problem becomes more apparent. While some people have mentioned that coders come and go on here, I'm seeing more people ignoring or not paying attention/caring as much or abandoning their hacks altogether. Yes, I know you'll get less support for a free hack, but it's getting to a very low point.

Anyway, I think we are now seeing why vb.org was so against paid hacks in the past, and it all makes sense now. Unfortunately, some of us are starting to experience the end results of this. I think the rules should go back to being very strict about paid hacks on here. If vb.org wasn't quite as strict about paid hacks in the past as I'm thinking, perhaps it should for the benefit of the community and this website.

Feel free to create some large modifications and release them here. What is stopping you?

ubblite 08-20-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian
Feel free to create some large modifications and release them here. What is stopping you?

What is your point? Did I say coders didn't have the right to charge for hacks? No. I simply mentioned how it is affecting vb.org.

Slyfox1 08-20-2006 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dean C
With an attitude like yours, it's not surprising coders are hostile these days ;)

An attitude like mine?

Get back under ya rock!

Adrian Schneider 08-20-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by ubblite
What is your point? Did I say coders didn't have the right to charge for hacks? No. I simply mentioned how it is affecting vb.org.

My point is that you have the power to fix it, yet you don't. I would almost call that hypocritical. It can take an extraordinary amount of work to create, maintain, and support hacks. Not everyone has the time to do it, and if they do, there is nothing wrong with charging money for their efforts. People need to pay bills.

Anyway, I'm not picking on you (nothing personal, just dislike your comment, or at least the leecher attitude behind it).

Same goes for you Slyfox.

ubblite 08-20-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by SirAdrian
My point is that you have the power to fix it, yet you don't. I would almost call that hypocritical. It can take an extraordinary amount of work to create, maintain, and support hacks. Not everyone has the time to do it, and if they do, there is nothing wrong with charging money for their efforts. People need to pay bills.

I agree there is nothing wrong charging for hacks, but I'm not sure if that is what vb.org is/was all about. And to use vb.org primarily as a medium to advertise for paid hacks is questionable. As an example, that would be similar to me expecting free adverting on a competitor?s site. I also mentioned in my initial post about the negative impact paid hacks can have on here.

Dean C 08-20-2006 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
An attitude like mine?

Get back under ya rock!

Quite honestly, it's people like you who, are ungrateful, inconsiderate and rude who make me not want to release anything here anymore. Show a little respect and courtesy to the coders here as we don't owe you jack sh*t.

Code Monkey 08-20-2006 10:14 PM

Feelings of entitlement seem to be an epidemic.

Kirk Y 08-20-2006 10:15 PM

<span class="highlight">* Hears the stomping feet of a Moderator running to Close this Thread</span>

ubblite 08-20-2006 10:19 PM

Funny, I was going to start a thread telling mods to stop closing threads on here unless it gets totally out of hand, which IMO this thread isn't even close to being one of those. I've visited other threads in the Site Feedback forum that have been closed for silly reasons, and it becomes frustrating when you want to reply but can't.

Kirk Y 08-20-2006 10:48 PM

Fact of the matter is that there are dozens of threads like this one; people complaining that their threads didn't get answered and this place has horrible support, yadayada -- the usual rants.

ubblite 08-20-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by acidburn0520
Fact of the matter is that there are dozens of threads like this one; people complaining that their threads didn't get answered and this place has horrible support, yadayada -- the usual rants.

Perhaps if some mods stopped closing or combined threads, you wouldn't have so many new topics about the same issues.

Kirk Y 08-20-2006 10:54 PM

I'm not a Moderator nor any other form of Staff Member for this Site -- so I have no power in that area.

Ntfu2 08-20-2006 10:54 PM

Why, that wont fix the problem, new threads will still be created just like this, merged with a older one, and the cycle will continue.

ubblite 08-20-2006 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Why, that wont fix the problem, new threads will still be created just like this, merged with a older one, and the cycle will continue.

Yeah, I wasn't referring to you, lol. I fixed the post. ;)


Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Why, that wont fix the problem, new threads will still be created just like this, merged with a older one, and the cycle will continue.

If you merge threads together which discuss the same topic instead of closing each one, you will have less of the same thread topics appearing in this forum, especially considering once threads get closed they no longer can be bumped. No, it doesn't solve the problem of reading the same content in similar threads, but it does help.

Guest190829 08-21-2006 12:30 AM

Threads are closed when they get out of hand or become completely off topic.. It is normal moderation. We don't mind users creating Site Feedback threads, they are very valuable in improving this community.

If you have constructive criticism and suggestions, please note that the Townhall thread is still open and located here:


The townhall thread is open to allow you to voice your suggestion without the thread getting off-topic. Those type of posts are extremely valuable to the staff in regards to improving the site.

The staff realizes that vBulletin.org needs improvement. We are trying hard to please alot of different type of members, which takes time.

The Chief 08-21-2006 02:27 AM

Mainly everything on here is free, why you complaining??

totenmaske 08-21-2006 03:16 AM

I've used many free Mods from here (thanks coders!) as well as incorporating some paid Mods into my boards. I'm just grateful to have a resource as plentiful as this...some BBoard systems you can't even hardly pay for custom Mods or even request free or paid help as there just aren't enough resources available. At least with vB you generally have a shot at finding what you are looking for...

Slyfox1 08-21-2006 03:26 AM

As per usual those whom have the most to loose start with personal, flaming and generally rude replies.

Rather than read the post and take out the parts that you feel are wrong, take a look around. It seems I'm not the only one with this thought...

Is it any wonder other sites are blooming whilst this wallows in the bottomless pit?

Kirk Y 08-21-2006 03:31 AM

Aside from vBHackers -- which I would hardly say is "blooming", I've yet to come across any websites that perform as vB.org does.

ubblite 08-21-2006 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
As per usual those whom have the most to loose start with personal, flaming and generally rude replies.

I noticed that right away, too.


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
Rather than read the post and take out the parts that you feel are wrong, take a look around. It seems I'm not the only one with this thought...

I agree with this part as well - it seems that a few posters in this thread haven't taken the time to actually read it and then proceed to make inaccurate comments.


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
Is it any wonder other sites are blooming whilst this wallows in the bottomless pit?

Well, I don't exactly agree with this. I believe this site is still a very valuable resource, but could be better & I think some of are discussing how that can happen in this thread.

Shelley_c 08-21-2006 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
As per usual those whom have the most to loose start with personal, flaming and generally rude replies.

Rather than read the post and take out the parts that you feel are wrong, take a look around. It seems I'm not the only one with this thought...

Is it any wonder other sites are blooming whilst this wallows in the bottomless pit?

You grin and bare it. There are many people who have their pet grievances on certain areas of the site whether it's getting support or otherwise.

I'll be the scapegoat to enduce this thread getting closed. Get up off your arse and figure the problem out, I have done and many other people have done. Branding everyone with the same iron is being disrespectful, judging by your low postcount you haven't contributed here and judging by your attitude your never likely to either.

Your time to shine is over, and like dean c stated, noone owes you jack sh*t.

ubblite 08-21-2006 03:49 AM


If a moderator closes this thread it will get lost in the archives & another one will pop up shortly, in part because it will basically be lost as many people aren't going to scan the database for a related topic when normally it would be on the first 3 pages or so. To close this thread would be a mistake, at least combine it with this thread if for some bizarre reason a mod feels it should be closed.

Shelley_c 08-21-2006 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by ubblite

If a moderator closes this thread it will get lost in the archives & another one will pop up shortly, in part because it will basically be lost as many people aren't going to scan the database for a related topic when normally it would be on the first 3 pages or so. To close this thread would be a mistake, at least combine it with this thread if for some bizarre reason a mod feels it should be closed.

Of course your right. :)

mainly the people who replied (contributors) are giving sly good advice and at the same time justifying themselves when they don't need to. If there's something wrong with the people (community of this site) they help to much and go out of their way to help people, even people like sly1.

Like I said, low postcount and going back to what brad said (to many people having their hands in the cookie jar).

Slyfox1 08-21-2006 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c
You grin and bare it. There are many people who have their pet grievances on certain areas of the site whether it's getting support or otherwise.

I'll be the scapegoat to enduce this thread getting closed. Get up off your arse and figure the problem out, I have done and many other people have done. Branding everyone with the same iron is being disrespectful, judging by your low postcount you haven't contributed here and judging by your attitude your never likely to either.

Your time to shine is over, and like dean c stated, noone owes you jack sh*t.


Your comments read similar to others that have posted, and I'm not in the habit of flaming people so I'll show a level of restraint, expecially when you take your parting comments into consideration.

To addres what appears to be your only negative towards me, my low post count, is it any wonder?

I don't know or understand coding, but have the mental intelect to be able to manipulate certains parts. But there are things, a good deal of things that are out of my control.

I also recall making reference to "at one point" the level of help/support shown by this site. But can you say within the last month this is the case?

Again, rather than read 2 or 3 of the posts within this topic, read them all, at least then the comments you make won't mimic that of others and may mean your contribution to this topics will help rather than hinder.

The "goal" of this post was to see if there was in fact activity here, and express the views (be it right or wrong) of a new vB member. As I stated before, read the words and understand where there coming from, rather than making assumptions...


sabret00the 08-21-2006 11:23 AM

This is an interesting thread, i especially found it interesting where it was noted some people would like to be paid for their hard work. you know at vb.org you can easily pay the coder in kind via for example helping out with minor issues in a release thread or if a hack is actually bringing in traffic or helping you in a major way it wouldn't hurt to pm them for their paypal address. ultimately i'm finally about to upgrade my site and as a result i have a couple hacks that are ready to be released such as the groups commune (blatant plug), however i know that with it's release will come feature requests, bug reports and all types of other time consuming stuff, not to mention i'd personally like to recode it anyhoo. coding is very time consuming, supporting hacks/modifications is even more so and ultimately it does not pay at all. you get people +++++ing because an unrequired phrase is missing and talking about professionalism, it's a joke sometimes.

all in all, i try and help as much as possible. i try and help more in the coding forums but the system isn't very accessible to me and the type of help i'm able to give in short amounts of time, i've pleaded on several occasions to improve that and my requests fall in death ears. i do not want to help someone asking about css because it's not my forte and i'll probably give bad advice, i do not want to do vBulletin option/plugin help because i'm not running the latest version. I can however give advice on PHP related problems all day long.

As for in a hack thread, if i have the time to sort out problems i will, if not i can't, i guess there should be a global switch to turn the support tick off. all in all everyone has to remember that with the maturity of this community the needs of the coders have changed, most of the core group of coders have grown up, some have moved on and some are still here, however i think 90% have more responsibilities than 2/3 years ago and while it was nice to be able to sponge and spend copious amounts of freetime in dedication to mods and stuff then, it's just not like that now, we have bills, the efforts we make are great ones no matter how minor they seem on the outside.

Kirk Y 08-21-2006 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Slyfox1
I also recall making reference to "at one point" the level of help/support shown by this site. But can you say within the last month this is the case?

Here is a list of nearly all the thread in which I've helped someone in the past 2 weeks:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124424 - How to Show Thread Preview on Mousover of Thread Title, instead of Threadbit Cell
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124502 - User Couldn't Get Forum Images to Show
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124359 - Helped with a Malformed Conditional
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124022 - Phrase Help
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123652 - Member wanted to show Thread Date instead of Thread Preview
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123961 - Getting rid of the Latest Version Available
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123097 - Conditional Help
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123642 - Changing the Calendar "Present Day" Color
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123691 - Fixing Forum Title
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123630 - Helped Member Fix a Broken Upgrade to 3.6.0
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123598 - More Conditional Help
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123580 - This guy wanted a New Thread button next to New Reply
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123544 - Hiding Information from Certain Usergroups
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123397 - Helped this guy sort out his Posbit

These aren't even half of all the Threads that I've offered help to members; and on top of all these, I've also released a few Mods. And I'm not alone in this -- I've only been a member here for a little over a year, there are people here who've been doing this since 2003.

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