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-   -   Coppermine Random Photos on vBulletin FORUMHOME (easy) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124398)

AcidX 08-18-2006 10:00 PM

Coppermine Random Photos on vBulletin FORUMHOME (easy)
This is basicaly the easiest way to have random photos from your Coppermine Gallery displayed on your vBulletin home page.
Tested and working perfectly. Here's the installation process containing only 3 steps.

Requirements : Coppermine Photo Gallery Installed.

Installation steps :

1. Download coppermine.php and edit the database info. After you're done, upload it in your forum root.

2. Open your vBulletin index.php file and under require_once('./global.php'); add the following line:

(save the changes > upload the file in the forum root)

3. Open your Style Manager ("Styles & Templates" in the AdminCP menu) and edit the FORUMHOME template.
Depending on where you want your random pictures to appear, you should paste this code eather under $navbar or <!-- end what's going on box -->.
The code you need to paste is:

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
                                <td class='tcat' colspan='0' align=left>
                                <span class='smallfont'>
                                <strong>&raquo; <a href='$coppath'>Gallery</a>

                                <td class='alt1' width='100%' align-middle valign=middle>


(Save the template.)

All done.
I know you like it - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ ;)

Here's the live demo and some screenshots:

hgb 08-19-2006 06:29 PM

my logo is just like here....top and to the left.... how would i put the pics to the right of the logo and and will it work with 3.6 ?


Selene 08-19-2006 09:14 PM


great hack. Installed!

and yes it works fully with 3.6.0 as im running it there.

Just a question, what if i want to display those random pics code under forumnav, but on ALL FORUMS not just FORUMHOME, then which template should i modify

Selene 08-19-2006 09:33 PM

another question:

what if i want to open the thumbnail pics in a "new" window ? which lines do i modify in coppermine.php for that

Barakat 08-20-2006 03:53 AM

works great ............. thanks a lot for that love it ...

DjTaz 08-20-2006 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Selene

great hack. Installed!

and yes it works fully with 3.6.0 as im running it there.

Just a question, what if i want to display those random pics code under forumnav, but on ALL FORUMS not just FORUMHOME, then which template should i modify

If you want this hack to work on all the areas , just put the code into NAVBAR instead of FORUMHOME at the very bottom - that should do the trick for you.


AcidX 08-20-2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Selene
another question:

what if i want to open the thumbnail pics in a "new" window ? which lines do i modify in coppermine.php for that

Thanks for installing.
If you want to open the pics in a new window, just open the coppermine.php file, find the line:
$copphotos.='<td><a target = "_parent"

and replace it with:
$copphotos.='<td><a target = "_blank"

That should do the trick ;)

DjTaz 08-20-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Selene
another question:

what if i want to open the thumbnail pics in a "new" window ? which lines do i modify in coppermine.php for that

Im not sure why you would want to do this , and i checked the codes on it - the amount of recoding would be huge if you wanted to make the thumbnail display instead of the image since coppermine isnt even set up to show a single thumbnail on its own.

That being said ... if you change some of the code in coppermine.php from this :

$copphotos.='<td><a target = "_parent" href="' . $coppath . '/displayimage.php?album=' . $albumid .
'&pos=-' . $pos . '"><IMG SRC="' . $coppath . '/albums/' . $MZrow['filepath'].thumb_.$MZrow['filename'] .'" alt=' . $MZrow['filename'] . ' '. 'border=0
height=60>' . '</a><b><br><font size=1>Uploader:</b><br><a href="member.php?u=' . $MZrow['owner_id'] . '">  ' . $MZrow['owner_name'] . '</a><br><font size=1> ' .$ctime. ' </td>';

and change to


$copphotos.='<td><a target = "_parent" href="' . $coppath . '/thumbnails.php?album=' . $albumid .'"><IMG SRC="' . $coppath . '/albums/' . $MZrow['filepath'].thumb_.$MZrow['filename'] .'" alt=' . $MZrow['filename'] . ' '. 'border=0
height=60>' . '</a><b><br><font size=1>Uploader:</b><br><a href="member.php?u=' . $MZrow['owner_id'] . '">  ' . $MZrow['owner_name'] . '</a><br><font size=1> ' .$ctime. ' </td>';

it should bring you to that users thumbnail page instead of to the photo itself

AcidX 08-21-2006 02:18 PM

You got two resonable answers and modifications - I hope you got what you were asking for ;)

Konstantinos 09-27-2006 03:50 PM

why the thumbnails in forum home are much smaller than the thumbs in coppermine home and how to fix this ?

Konstantinos 10-01-2006 06:28 PM

i found a bug. it displays thumbs for uploaded pics that ARENT approved yet by the admin. any fix ?

AcidX 11-14-2006 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1087772)
i found a bug. it displays thumbs for uploaded pics that ARENT approved yet by the admin. any fix ?

Are you sure about this?

DjTaz 11-14-2006 11:21 PM

Yes they are sure - the coppermine.php script isnt set to check for approvals , it just randomly checks all the files. Luckily i have a fix for that if you wish

change the code in coppermine.php line 27 from

$MZresult = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_pictures ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,$amount");


$MZresult = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_pictures WHERE approved='YES' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,$amount");
and your in business again with only approved photos showing.

Anyone with VBadvanced , you can get the module for it here : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=119432

AcidX 11-15-2006 10:04 AM

Bug fixed. Thanks Tazie! ;)

I replaced the coppermine.php file. Everyone that installed this mod can download the new version now.

Martin-TMGRS 11-17-2006 12:17 PM

Does anyone know how to port this for VB3.6.3 ?? I've tried to put this on my forum and get this error.


Table 'db149830456.thread' doesn't exist
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /index.php(64) : eval()'d code on line 746

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /homepages/46/d101530151/htdocs/mkportal/include/VB/vb_out.php on line 42

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /homepages/46/d101530151/htdocs/mkportal/include/mk_mySQL.php on line 57

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /homepages/46/d101530151/htdocs/mkportal/include/mk_mySQL.php on line 57

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /homepages/46/d101530151/htdocs/mkportal/include/mk_mySQL.php on line 57
Any ideas please and thanks in advance

DjTaz 01-20-2007 11:00 PM

Martin - only spotted this now - where exactly did you put this , and where does that error appear ? Is coppermine running ok on its own ?

A little more info is required to get this going please...

Xbizcafe 01-30-2007 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Konstantinos (Post 1084665)
why the thumbnails in forum home are much smaller than the thumbs in coppermine home and how to fix this ?

I have same question. Who can help us ?

DjTaz 01-30-2007 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Xbizcafe (Post 1170607)
I have same question. Who can help us ?

in the line that says

$copphotos.='<td><a target = "_parent" href="' . $coppath . '/displayimage.php?album=' . $albumid .
'&pos=-' . $pos . '"><IMG SRC="' . $coppath . '/albums/' . $MZrow['filepath'].thumb_.$MZrow['filename'] .'" alt=' . $MZrow['filename'] . ' '. 'border=0
height=60>' . '</a><b><br><font size=1>Uploader:</b><br><a href="member.php?u=' . $MZrow['owner_id'] . '">  ' . $MZrow['owner_name'] . '</a><br><font size=1> ' .$ctime. ' </td>';

of coppermine.php change the height=60 to the height you want- you get bigger or smaller

Soliloquy 02-02-2007 05:30 AM

I've installed this (thanks!) and it runs fine, but I'd love to get it to display in the left hand column. Any chance of that?

DjTaz 02-02-2007 03:33 PM

just paste the code into the right hand column tempate instead of forumhome and do the rest the same.

You want a <br> in somewhere to drop it down a line each time , but i dont have that hack so im not sure

Soliloquy 02-02-2007 04:21 PM

I tried that DjTaz, it just won't load. Worked fine in forumhome though.

tandy 03-20-2007 12:55 PM

Is it possible to display the user pictures instead of random pictures

DjTaz 03-20-2007 04:03 PM

Yes , its possible to display just the users gallery if you want that - i have that done in the members profiles when you go to a members profile page near the bottom.

http://www.theotherzone.com/member.php?u=1 is something like what you want ??

Or do you want a that persons gallery to display on the page when they enter ? The problem i see with that is no one gets to see anyone elses gallery, which defeats the purpose of it

tandy 03-20-2007 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by DjTaz (Post 1208138)
Yes , its possible to display just the users gallery if you want that - i have that done in the members profiles when you go to a members profile page near the bottom.

http://www.theotherzone.com/member.php?u=1 is something like what you want ??

That's exactly what i need.


Or do you want a that persons gallery to display on the page when they enter ? The problem i see with that is no one gets to see anyone elses gallery, which defeats the purpose of it
This one i do it and we can see the others gallery too.

Hengest 07-06-2007 02:02 PM

Hi, thanks for this mod, but I am having a problem.

I have edited the coppermine.php file with the following and uploaded to forum root. My coppermine folder is called photoalbum and is in the ame location as my forum folder.


$coppath =        "/photoalbum/";                // Path to the gallery from the coppermine.php file
$hostname =        "localhost";                        // The Coppermine hostname - usually localhost
$username =        "dbo1*******";                // Coopermine Database Username
$copperpass=        "B*******";                // Password to the Coppermine Database
$copperdb=        "db1*******";                // Coppermine Database
$prefix=        "cpg148";                        // Coppermine Prefix (sometimes cpg133 , or cpg11d)
$amount=        "6";                                // Amount of photos to select

I have edited and uploaded the index.php file as follows:


// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_bigthree.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_forumlist.php');

And finally I copied and pasted the code provided into the forumhome template just below $navbar.

When I try to return to my forum I get a blank page with the message "Unable to connect to the database server at this time."

I am assuming that this is because there is an error with either the hostname, db login or db password. I copied and pasted the login and password directly from the MySQL admin panel provided by my host so I am assuming the problem is with hostname.

Any suggestions would be appreciated please.

DjTaz 07-08-2007 09:08 PM

is the prefix correct ?

Hengest 07-09-2007 07:27 PM

Hmm, well I changed it and now at least I can get into the forum with no error message and I see the table below the navbar with "Gallery" in the top left corner but no images appear.


DjTaz 03-17-2008 08:59 PM

You still looking to port this to 3.6.3 or have you moved up a level since ? Im only going back over the old threads now :S

andres28 11-02-2008 03:51 AM


im not really good at coding.. but I want all my random pictures to display on a Ajax page
can you please help me modify this code.



echo('<a target = "_new" href="' . $copperminepath . '/displayimage.php?album=' . $albumid .
'&pos=-' . $pos . '">');

and I need to integrate this code into the one on top.


<a href="#" onClick="ajaxwin=dhtmlwindow.open('ajaxbox', 'ajax', 'picture-path.htm', 'Ajax Win Title', 'width=650px,height=400px,left=300px,top=100px,resize=0,scrolling=1'); return false">

Thank you.
Andres Carvajal

BAJR 01-26-2010 03:15 PM

Has anyone updated this for 4.0 at all :)

BAJR 01-28-2010 05:01 PM

I am taking it this is a no.. :)
I don't get the changes... and not being at all php literate... I am out of my comfort zone

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