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akanevsky 08-08-2006 10:00 PM

vS-Hide Hack Resurrection
I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.

|| vS-Hide Hack Resurrection
|| Author : Anton Kanevsky
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x
|| Released : Oct 07, 2009
|| Time required to install: ~2 minutes
|| Difficulty: easy


Have you ever wanted your users to be able to define who exactly can view the information in any particular post? vS-Hide Hack Resurrection, a vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x expansion, features a set of handy tags that together give your users an opportunity to do just that:

[HIDE-POSTS]: defines the minimum number of posts required to read the content within.
[SHOWTOGROUPS]: defines the usergroups that may read the content within.
[HIDE-THANKS]*: defines that the content within may only be read after the person says thank you by pressing a special button. (Expanded Edition Only)
[HIDE-REPLY]*: defines that the content within may only be read after the person replies. (Expanded Edition Only)
[STU]: defines the users that may read the content within. (Expanded Edition Only)

*(1): The HIDE-THANKS tag comes with a full-featured Post Thank You System. See features for further details.
*(2): The HIDE-REPLY tag can be reversed to HIDE with just one easy switch of an admincp option.


File Uploads: 1
File Changes: 10
Products to Install: 1



  • Stylish, HTML-formatted output.
  • Compatible With Regular and WYWIWYG editors.
  • Compatible with all vBulletin Versions from 3.5.x through 3.8.x.
  • Unregistered, Unverified and Banned users are prevented from seeing any hidden content.
  • Post owners can always see hidden content in their own posts.
  • Users can always see hidden content in posts that they can edit.
  • It is impossible to quote hidden text even if it is revealed - it is stripped from the quotation.
  • Ability to specify usergroups that can always see hidden content.
  • Zero template edits.
  • Works fast on large boards.
  • Ability to enable / disable any of the tags:
    • on global basis - vBulletin Options
    • on per-forum basis - Forum Options (Expanded Edition Only)
    • on per-usergroup basis - Usergroup Options (Expanded Edition Only)

  • AJAX Features for HIDE-REPLY, HIDE-THANKS, and HIDE-REPLY-THANKS, with full non-ajax functionality for older browsers. (Expanded Edition Only)
  • Online vB Code Documentation.
  • Case-Insensitive Tags.
  • vB Code Shortcut (HIDE) that can be linked to any of the tags featured by this engine.
  • There is no way to go around the tags. They are parsed correctly everywhere, including:
    • Showthread / Showpost.
    • Search Area
    • Forum Display (First Post Preview)
    • New Reply (Thread Review)
    • Post Preview
    • Archive
    • Print Version
    • E-mail Subscriptions
    • RSS Feeds

Integrated "Thank You" System ? (Expanded Edition Only)

  • Works fast on large boards.
  • Automatic prevention of users from saying Thank You more than once for the same post.
  • Automatic prevention of users from saying Thank You to themselves.
  • Ability to define which usergroups can post thanks.
  • Ability to define which usergroups can remove own thanks.
  • Ability to define which usergroups can remove others' thanks.
  • Ability to define in which forums to enable the system (can also be enabled/disabled globally).
  • Ability to define in which forums to bump thanked threads (can also be enabled/disabled globally).
  • Ability to define whether to allow thanks on first post only.
  • Ability to define whether to allow thanks in closed threads.
  • "Remove All" button displayed to those who can remove both own and others' thanks.
  • List of users who clicked "Thank You" below each post, with an option to limit the maximum amount of such users displayed.
  • List of latest Thank You's received is displayed in each member's usercp.
  • Administrator can specify a certain amount of reputation to be given to users who upon the receipt of a 'Thank You'.
  • AJAX posting and removal of Thank You's, with a stylish progress indicator.
  • AJAX posting and removal of Thank You's degrades gracefully to non-javascript functionality when AJAX is disabled.


Why "Resurrection"?

The reason is simple: This hack has been written many times by various people, and nobody ever got their version working correctly.
This product presents a professional version written from scratch, and there are no backdoors through which hidden information can be illegally retrieved. Unlike other systems, this one works correctly with the vBulletin Post Cache.

Usage Syntax:

Shortcut code, can be mapped to any of the below ones. By default, it is mapped to HIDE-POSTS.

Information is not shown to people who have less than X posts. Has an alternative syntax: , where X is automatically set to the value defined in vBulletin options.

[HIDE-REPLY]information[/HIDE-REPLY] (Expanded Edition Only)
Information is not shown to people unless they reply.

[HIDE-THANKS]information[/HIDE-THANKS] (Expanded Edition Only)
Information is now shown to people unless they press "Thank You" button.

[HIDE-REPLY-THANKS]information[/HIDE-REPLY-THANKS] (Expanded Edition Only)
Information is not shown to people unless they either reply or press "Thank You" button.

Information is not shown to people unless they are a member of the X usergroups, where X is a comma-separated list of usergroupids.

Information is not shown to people unless they are a listed in X, where X is a comma-separated list of userids.

:: Copyrights ::
The Engine & Toolbar Images - Copyright ? Anton Kanevsky, 2006 - 2009
Locked and Unlocked Images - Copyright ? vBStyles.com, 2004 - 2006, huge thanks to Miko for providing the PSD files!


Please see the attached change log file for version history.

The installation manual is contained within the attached file.


Shazz 08-09-2006 06:56 PM

Honda J engine history

pauloo 08-09-2006 07:56 PM

Nice ! Thank you

Tyegurl 08-09-2006 07:57 PM

thanks so much!!

mktrilogy 08-09-2006 10:26 PM

Thanks, i thought this wont be release in this VB edition :)

asj 08-09-2006 11:17 PM

Thanks for your comments :)

Inaam 08-10-2006 07:54 AM

Does the current expanded version 2.6.1 work with vbulletin 3.6?

On the site 2.6.3 limited is available but the expanded version is 2.6.1.

imranbaig 08-10-2006 08:49 AM

This one is the best one thanks.

akanevsky 08-10-2006 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Inaam
Does the current expanded version 2.6.1 work with vbulletin 3.6?

On the site 2.6.3 limited is available but the expanded version is 2.6.1.

If 2.6.2 and below was compatible with 3.6, I wouldn't release 2.6.3. There are both the Limited and the Expanded 2.6.3 versions available from the site. Thank you for pointing out the mistake in the displayed version though.

O'NEAL 08-10-2006 08:50 PM

Nice HAck :)

Paul M 08-10-2006 09:23 PM

You might want to fix the text somewhat.


|| Author : Anthony Kanevsky- aka Psionic Vision
|| Rent-a-Coder ID : #1360893
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5
|| Released : Jun 25, 2006
|| Time required to install: ~2 minutes
|| Difficulty: easy
\*================================================ ======================*/


Have you ever wanted your users to be able to define who exactly can view the information in any particular post? vS-Hide Hack Resurrection, a vBulletin 3.5 expansion, features a set of handy tags that together give your users an opportunity to do just that:

Watched 08-11-2006 02:50 AM

like the hack.. hate the idea of paying for a hack to addon to an already very expensive forum software.

DPSR 08-12-2006 07:41 AM

Thanks Psionic Vision for the update :)


Terminatoronly 08-12-2006 07:57 AM

thanks alot but i bought the hack the expanded one :) i love it thanks

maidos 08-12-2006 12:01 PM


i cannot find the code

$pagetext_cache["$touser[languageid]"] = $plaintext_parser->parse($pagetext_cache["$touser[languageid]"], $foruminfo['forumid']);

akanevsky 08-12-2006 12:37 PM


You might want to fix the text somewhat.
Thanks, shall do.


There's a mistake. Search for:

$pagetext_cache["$touser[languageid]"] = $plaintext_parser->parse($pagetext_orig, $foruminfo['forumid']);

maidos 08-12-2006 06:16 PM

the hide hack is still not working and i have edited everything correctly

i have edited the usergroup but however i see no hide hack setting in forum settings...

also i did everything checked it aswell and follows all of your step except the first step

this title which i dont know what you mean


For each of the pairs below, copy the file on the left from the archive package you have downloaded to the path you can see on the right.
Example: If you need to copy ./admincp/thehack.php to ./somefolder/thehack.php, it would mean that you need to copy a file, called thehack.php from the admincp subfolder of the package you have downloaded to the somefolder subdirectory of your forum engine.

/upload/*.* => ./*.*

Aclikyano 08-12-2006 06:38 PM

how much does this cost then to use it fully?..

and whats the point of a free version?

topsoftware 08-12-2006 06:44 PM

i am owner for web site and bye this hack.
very very bad hack every time my site is down with this hack and very very problem with this hack and i pay nad unistal

maidos 08-13-2006 03:08 AM

yeah that hide hack slow down my server aswell.. this is a bad hack

oricon 08-13-2006 09:54 AM

if the hack is enable i become an error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: parsehide() in /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/board/htdocs/includes/class_postbit.php(296) : eval()'d code on line 6
if the hack is disable i become no error, but the hack isn?t running. :laugh:
so, thats the problem? in vb3.5.x all was fine and now in vb3.6.0 this error.

update: i become the following error if the hack is enable or disable:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: parsehide() in /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/board/htdocs/includes/functions_forumdisplay.php on line 162

maidos 08-13-2006 10:38 AM

ok i have done everything correctly, but HOWEVER there are alot of feature missing in hide hack on admin cp :S whats problem ?

akanevsky 08-13-2006 10:48 PM


very very bad hack every time my site is down with this hack and very very problem with this hack and i pay nad unistal
What makes you think that it is this hack that slows your site down?


if the hack is enable i become an error:
Please send me your admincp details so that I can take a look.


ok i have done everything correctly, but HOWEVER there are alot of feature missing in hide hack on admin cp :S whats problem ?
What exactly is missing?


whats the point of a free version?
The expanded edition lets you hide text by whether the user has replied or not, and by whether the user clicked thanks or not.
The free edition only lets you hide text by number of posts and by usergroup.

The expanded edition costs $24.99.

maidos 08-14-2006 04:24 AM

ok...somehow my hide hack is not enable,...... whats the matter really :S i done everything right

akanevsky 08-14-2006 11:39 AM

Enable it?

MajorFm.com 08-14-2006 11:21 PM

Can this not be modded so once a user give's reputation, then the content is shown?

MajorFm.com 08-14-2006 11:29 PM

...also what if i want to automatically hide all external links? and make them hide reply so any thread containing a link must be replied to by the user for them to be able to see the link, possible?

akanevsky 08-14-2006 11:50 PM


Can this not be modded so once a user give's reputation, then the content is shown?
There is a HIDE-THANKS feature, when thank you is pressed, the end user receives reputation. Only featured in expanded edition though.


also what if i want to automatically hide all external links?
That is not featured.


and make them hide reply so any thread containing a link must be replied to by the user for them to be able to see the link, possible?
You can use HIDE-REPLY to achieve that.

MajorFm.com 08-14-2006 11:52 PM

can you do both, so it requires a thanks and a reply to view?

MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 12:02 AM

...also please activate my licence, just bought this hack from your site!

MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 12:37 AM

I got this error on the admincp straight after importing the product:


Site error: the file /usr/local/apache/www/crazyapes/myforumurl.com/htdocs/includes/visionscripts/psionic_hide/global_start.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.3.so to be installed by the site administrator.
Please advise what this means?

My whole forum is now down and i cannot access admin cp or the forum, please URGENTLY advise!

akanevsky 08-15-2006 12:48 AM


can you do both, so it requires a thanks and a reply to view?


also please activate my licence, just bought this hack from your site!


Please advise what this means?

My whole forum is now down and i cannot access admin cp or the forum, please URGENTLY advise!

MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 12:58 AM

Found the fix, thanks!

MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 01:15 AM

...doesn't seem to work? i did everything correctly, enabled it all, did the usergroup permissions, i don't see the buttons and even on a test post using [HIDE-REPLY] text [/HIDE-REPLY]

It simply deleted text and didn't even post it...

Whats going on?

twblau 08-15-2006 02:42 AM


i install this hack it´s going. but when i write the text into the (java script] wrap text editor, then make it automatik this error [HIDE="hallo"][/HIDE], function manual [hide]hallo[/hide] and i have no error.
where is the error, can you help me?

SimplyBen 08-15-2006 02:50 AM

Please activate my license asap so I can get my board up. Thanks. My email is simplyben225@msn.com

MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by MajorFm.com
...doesn't seem to work? i did everything correctly, enabled it all, did the usergroup permissions, i don't see the buttons and even on a test post using [HIDE-REPLY] text [/HIDE-REPLY]

It simply deleted text and didn't even post it...

Whats going on?

can someone help?

Nothing seems to work, i set:


If you would like to give out a certain amount of reputation points to users who receive a "Thank You", specify that amount here.
to 1, but everytime someone gives a thank you, its not passing 1 rep to them... also all rep's on the forum have been reset for some reason, i did not request this, what the hell is going on...?

akanevsky 08-15-2006 01:08 PM


...doesn't seem to work? i did everything correctly, enabled it all, did the usergroup permissions, i don't see the buttons and even on a test post using [HIDE-REPLY] text [/HIDE-REPLY]

It simply deleted text and didn't even post it...

Whats going on?
Have you enabled it for the forum you are posting in?


where is the error, can you help me?
I do not understand what the problem is. Please clarify.


Please activate my license asap so I can get my board up. Thanks. My email is simplyben225@msn.com
Posting requests to activate license won't speed up the process. It takes as much time as it does, and I won't see your request faster than I'll see your order. Your license has been activated.


also all rep's on the forum have been reset for some reason
You have to have reputation enabled, that's one. Reputation reset could be something you did wrong when you upgraded from 3.5, that's two. Please have patience, you don't need to bump your post every two hours, that's three. Thanks.

MajorFm.com 08-15-2006 02:34 PM

ok i now have most of it working... i didn't realise you had to enable it per forum aswell as the options & aswell as the usergroups...

The only think not working now is the reputation per thanks bit...

I have set it to 1 rep for every thanks... it doesn't give one rep... any idea...?

As for bumping every few hours? looks at the times of my posts... i posted at 3.15am and you replied 12 hours later... as it was effecting the forum, i posted again today...

SimplyBen 08-15-2006 03:30 PM

License Expires on: Never Expires
Current License Status: Pending

=[ I can't download it off your website because it's still pending.

urgh, please tell me what I must do to activate it.

I have gottent the email and i placed the activation code(copy and paste method) in the box to activate it even though it was already there from before and it still says pending. It will not let me download any of the files either, it says my license is yet to be active. So yeah let me know when this is fixed.

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