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-   -   Miscellaneous Hacks - Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=123002)

Valter 08-03-2006 10:00 PM

Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count


This product allows you to set permissions based on user?s post count for:
-viewing forum (threads listing),
-viewing threads content,
-creating new threads,
-replying to threads,
-viewing attachments,
-Viewing/Posting links/images and e-mail addresses,
-sending private messages,
-sending e-mails.

This will disallow members with no permissions to view forums/threads/posts/links through normal view, printthread, search, archive*, thread preview. Note that you can set Forum/Thread Permissions for each forum/sub-forum separately. Screenshot shows additional options in Forum Manager and error messages shown to user when trying to view restricted area.

*-When you set in some forum "Minimum Post Count To View Thread Listing In This Forum" option to different value than "0" guests will not be able to see thread listing in that forum through Archive. For logged-in users this function works normally regarding user's post count.
-When you set in some forum "Minimum Post Count To View Threads Content In This Forum" option to different value than "0" guests will not be able to read threads in that forum through Archive. For logged-in users this function works normally regarding user's post count.

How it works and why it's better than vB Promotions system...
First of all it's very easy to use.

Forum is shown on forumhome but if you have no needed post count you'll see lock icon and predefined error message when try to access. When you set this via vB Promotions system forum is hidden on forumhome and you must create additional usergroup to make all this working.

When user collect needed amount of posts he will be able to access protected forum immediately. When you set this via vB Promotions system then user must wait until Promotions task is executed ... then he will be able to access protected forum. How much time user must wait it depends on settings in AdminCP/Scheduled Tasks... and if you set this to run every minute it pushes your server. If you set it to 2 or more minutes then user must wait more and more... and nobody like it.

Thanks to:
grog6 - plugin was inspired by his original hack for vB 3.0.x.
macooper - for help with creating first version of plugin for vB 3.5.0.

Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb Advanced Permissions Based on User's Post Count - set options here

v1.0 - Sep 16.2005.
-First release
v1.1 - Sep 19.2005.
-Updated to disallow users to view forum or threads through printthread or archive
-Changed modification name to "Access Permissions Based on User's Post Count"
v1.2 ? Oct 10.2005.
-Added option to set permissions based on user's post count for creating threads
-Added option to set permissions based on user's post count for posting replies
-Added plugin for archive. No more need to edit any files (this was optional step in v1.1).
v2.0 - Nov 20.2005.
-Now user can not search posts in restricted areas.
-Now "Locked" icon is shown on forumhome for restricted forums (if "Show Lock Icons to Users" is choosen in vB Options).
-Fixed ALL known bugs.
v2.1 - Nov 21.2005.
-Bug fixed - search problems
v2.5 - Jan 29.2006.
-Added Attachment Permissions
-Added Private Messages Permissions
-Added ability to turn off whole system or some parts
v2.5.1 - Jan 30.2006.
-Fixed version info
-Fixed forum manager error
v2.5.2 - Feb 26.2006.
-Archive bug fixed.
*When you set in some forum "Minimum Post Count To View Thread Listing In This Forum" option to different value than "0" guests will not be able to see thread listing in that forum through Archive. For logged-in users this function works normally regarding user's post count.
*When you set in some forum "Minimum Post Count To View Threads Content In This Forum" option to different value than "0" guests will not be able to read threads in that forum through Archive. For logged-in users this function works normally regarding user's post count.
v2.6 - May 02.2006.
-In previous version it was possible to view part of thread when you move mouse over thread title (if configured that users can see thread listing but not thread content)... this is fixed now, please upgrade
-Added e-mail permissions
-Hack renamed from "Access Permissions Based on User's Post Count" to "Cyb Advanced Permissions Based on User's Post Count"
v2.7 - May 04.2006.
-Attachments permissions bug fixed
v2.8 - May 26.2006.
-Added - Now users with no permissions to send PMs can post PMs to usergroups you choose
-Added - Link Posting Permissions. Member must have x posts before can post links.
-Added - Now you can easily exclude usergroups from any restrictions (see screenshots)
v2.9 - May 27.2006.
-Added ability to hide last post info for choosen forums
-"To view attachments..." phrase is now more flexible. Now required post count number must NOT be at the end. Add {1} where you wish to show required post count number and add {2} where you wish to show user's post count in phrase.
v3.0 - May 31.2006.
-Bug fixed. Usergroups who are excluded from "Forum/Thread Permissions" will be able to see last post info in forums where you have choose to hide it.
v3.1 - June 03.2006.
-Added "Excluded groups" to PMs Permissions
-Users with no permissions to send PMs (except to allowed usergroups you choose) will see note on New PM page (see screenshots)
v3.2 - Aug 04. 2006.
- Release of this hack for vB v3.6
v3.3 - Aug 05. 2006.
- Attachment Permissions error message fixed
v3.4 - Aug 24. 2006.
- Fixed bug in "Links Posting Permissions" (user can post link when replying to thread)
- Added "Product Version Checking" - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124679
v3.5 - Aug 25. 2006.
- Another "Link Permissions" bug fixed
v3.6 - Sep 02. 2006.
- If user has no permissions to view forum/thread he will see standard no permission message instead of "post count needed" one
- Fixed error messages for archive
- Added: "Links Viewing Permissions" (regular post view, printthread view, thread preview, archive view)
- Added: Forums can be excluded from "Links Posting Permissions" restrictions
- Added: Forums can be excluded from "Attachment Permissions" restrictions
v3.7 - Sep 04. 2006.
- Added ability to easily set forum/thread-permissions to the same level for all existing forums (only SuperAdmin can do this)
v3.8 - Sep 20. 2006.
- Fixed bug (posting links permissions doesn't work)
v3.9 - Feb 23. 2007.
- Fixed bug (guests can't see attachments even there are no post count requirements)
- Fixed bug (links not hidden in showpost)
- In "Links Posting Permissions" added option to additionally disallow members to post e-mail addresses
- Several code improvements for better compatibility
v4.0 - Apr 04. 2007.
-Post count requirements to view attachments, view links/images, and post links/images, moved to Forum Manager (different settings for individual forums possible)
-Quote is now enabled when user has no permissions to view links/images but they are not shown inside quote tags.
-You must not rebuild forum info manually after setting up parameters for all forums ("Global-set" page). This is now done automatically.
-"Links/Images Viewing Permissions" much better hides links/images, now including ones in search results post titles and notification e-mails.
-Added option to hide links/images in signatures
-Fixed bug (vBulletin RSS Feed Robot stops working when post count is required to create threads)
-"Global-set" page improved with new options, list of forums with current settings, quick forum edit links,...
-General code cleanup, optimizations, improvements,...
v4.1 - Aug 18. 2007.
-Fixed bug with errors in Archive
-Group membership checking works now for supplementary usergroups too
-Some minor security and compatibility improvements...
v4.2 - Sep 01. 2007.
-Definitely fixed bug with blocking RSS Poster
-Improved "Attachments Viewing Permissions" (now user can not download attachment when attachment id is known)
-New in "Attachments Viewing Permissions": Option to allow users to view image thumbnails, but not full size images
-New in "Private Messages Sending Permissions": With no-permissions error affected user gets list of allowed recipients too
-Minor bug fixes...

PLEASE click INSTALL if you use this plugin ;)

Mudvayne 08-04-2006 08:30 AM

w00t 1st post!.. Installing right now :D

MentaL 08-04-2006 09:33 AM

fantastic mate, breathless.

BoYagoob 08-04-2006 09:54 AM

installed .. thanks :)

Allan 08-04-2006 10:48 AM

Great hack Cyb

Click Install now ;)

NeRilkA 08-04-2006 09:47 PM

Hello :)

i've just installed your product on my test forum (before translation), and i have a problem with attachments.

Instead of the phrase i see :

Could not find phrase 'error_postcount_too_low_attachment'.
can you please help me ? thanks

Valter 08-05-2006 10:34 AM

v3.3 - Aug 05. 2006.
- Attachment Permissions error message fixed

NeRilkA 08-05-2006 01:26 PM

Thanks a lot :)

Allan 08-05-2006 04:00 PM

File attach: French language ;)
Translator: Nerilka

Snake 08-05-2006 04:42 PM

Excellent! :)

Hornstar 08-06-2006 04:38 AM

Cool thanks for the update.

DPSR 08-16-2006 04:37 PM

Thanks for the wonderful hack Cyb
I was still using you v2.x on my vb3.6.0 board!
now i think its time to upgrade ;)

EnIgMa1234 08-16-2006 05:18 PM

thanks, i love this hack

webgroup 08-18-2006 02:05 AM

I get this error after filling all the info to register a new username, when I click 'register' :

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home2/user/public_html/forum/includes/class_dm_user.php(2390) : eval()'d code on line 7

In class_dm_user.php, the following hook is called on line 2390 (to which the error refers):

The only plugin I have at the hook is:
Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on User's Post Count - PMs

I went ahead and disabled the hook call, the problem is gone.

Please help.

Thanks for this great hack!

Shazz 08-18-2006 02:27 AM

On some of the options, How would they do it without gaining post counts*
Honda CB250F

ZOban 08-18-2006 07:37 AM

I have trouble on Private Messages Permissions

when use this i see this err :


Database error
The Board4All database has encountered a problem.

Please try the following:
Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
Open the www.board4all.cz home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back button to try another link.
The www.board4all.cz forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

zeu5 08-18-2006 07:51 AM

good, thanks :)

soulface 08-19-2006 12:50 PM

Im only using it to prevent users to be able to post links or PM if they dont have 25 posts. PM funtion working but users getting no permission msg but not the post link option. i testing with a test nick & which can post links thought the post count is only 2...

Valter 08-24-2006 12:00 AM

v3.4 - Aug 24. 2006.
- Fixed bug in "Links Posting Permissions" (user can post link when replying to thread)
- Added "Product Version Checking" - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124679

soulface 08-24-2006 08:06 AM

thx, now its working fine

Mudvayne 08-24-2006 08:13 AM


The following errors occurred when this message was submitted
To be able to post links your post count must be 0 or greater. Your post count is 3143 momentarily.

Please remove links from your message, then you will be able to submit your post.
After upgrade :confused:

Edit: I've tried it with a fresh install in my localhost.. Still same results!!

ronak_143 08-24-2006 08:35 AM

superb hack :D

Snatch 08-24-2006 08:53 AM

Is it possible to make the same but on ThreadCount ?


curriertech 08-24-2006 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec
v3.4 - Aug 24. 2006.
- Fixed bug in "Links Posting Permissions" (user can post link when replying to thread)
- Added "Product Version Checking" - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124679

I just installed this update and it broke link and img posting when replying to a thread. :cross-eyed: My limits are set to 0 and people with lots of posts are getting errors saying they must have at least 0 but they have 357 (for example) and can't post a link.

Valter 08-24-2006 12:10 PM

v3.5 - Aug 25. 2006.
- Another "Link Permissions" bug fixed

Upgrade: Import XML as product, allow overwrite.

curriertech 08-24-2006 12:14 PM

That did the trick, thanks! :D

Mudvayne 08-24-2006 01:57 PM

Now it works w00t :D..

outlaw621 08-24-2006 02:12 PM

Installed and liking it but I have a small problem. I require all members to introduce themselves as a first post. I set up all the options to require at least 1 post and applied the same options to the individual forums EXCEPT the introduce yourself forum. It is working as it should except now Unregistered users are getting the not enough post message instead of the you are required to register message.

mktrilogy 08-26-2006 02:06 AM

When User edit their post and add more links we get this error

To be able to post links your post count must be 1 or greater. Your post count is 30 momentarily.

Please remove links from your message, then you will be able to submit your post.

I tried it with 0 to not use that feature and i get the same error only hte post count is 0.

Sidewindr 08-26-2006 05:59 AM

Is it possible to enforce the link posting restriction but allow [IMG] tage ???

Ranger187 08-28-2006 02:14 AM

Word... This rocks!

oricon 08-30-2006 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by mktrilogy
When User edit their post and add more links we get this error

To be able to post links your post count must be 1 or greater. Your post count is 30 momentarily.

Please remove links from your message, then you will be able to submit your post.

I tried it with 0 to not use that feature and i get the same error only hte post count is 0.

for me the same error. today i update the hack a second time and the error is the same.

Kihon Kata 08-30-2006 02:16 PM

Updated mine!@

marlita 09-02-2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by outlaw621
It is working as it should except now Unregistered users are getting the not enough post message instead of the you are required to register message.

Same issue here. Any suggestions?

WiseOne38221 09-02-2006 05:24 PM

<font face="Trebuchet MS">I love this hack! Thanks. One thing I am missing is where do I go to PM a new user, etc.? It says they will be able to receive normally, but I am the admin and cannot see where to send tehm one... also, I would like to send them a welcome PM... </font>

WiseOne38221 09-02-2006 05:31 PM

Here is message I get if I try to send a user without enough posts:

newton has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

BUT, the hack says they will receive normally... ???

Valter 09-02-2006 06:02 PM

Check user/usergroup settings.
This issue has nothing with this mod.

I'm using this hack on my forums together with " Automatic Welcome PM" and it works perfect.

outlaw621 09-02-2006 07:10 PM

Do you have any idea about the error I asked about several days ago?

Installed and liking it but I have a small problem. I require all members to introduce themselves as a first post. I set up all the options to require at least 1 post and applied the same options to the individual forums EXCEPT the introduce yourself forum. It is working as it should except now Unregistered users are getting the not enough post message instead of the you are required to register message.

Valter 09-02-2006 08:33 PM

I will fix that when I have some time.

Valter 09-03-2006 05:56 PM

v3.6 - Sep 02. 2006.
- If user has no permissions to view forum/thread or send e-mail he will see standard no permission message instead of "post count needed" one
- Fixed error messages for archive
- Added: "Links Viewing Permissions" (regular post view, printthread view, thread preview, archive view)
- Added: Forums can be excluded from "Links Posting Permissions" restrictions
- Added: Forums can be excluded from "Attachment Permissions" restrictions

To upgrade: Import XML, allow overwrite.
After you upgrade please update Links Viewing/Posting Permissions settings.

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