vb.org Archive

vb.org Archive (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/index.php)
-   vBulletin 3.6 Template Modifications (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=192)
-   -   [New Posts | New Thread | Search] on Index page (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=122197)

ForumDog 07-25-2006 10:00 PM

[New Posts | New Thread | Search] on Index page
This adds forum section-specific New Posts, New Thread and Search links to the index page.

New Posts will only appear when there are new posts in that section and will only list new posts from the section.
New Thread will start a new thread in that section.
Search will start a search for only that section.

A search did bring up something similar but it was neither as complete nor as aesthetically pleasing (to me). I apologise if this is duplicated.

Open your forumhome_forumbit_level1/2_post template.


<if condition="$show['forumdescription']">
<div class="smallfont">$forum[description]</div>


<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new' OR $forum[statusicon]=='old'">
    <div class="smallfont">
          <if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&amp;include=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> | </if>
          <a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">New Thread</a>
          <if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>

Optional extras:
- Subscription code for each feed type, all conditionals so they'll only appear if you've turned that type on.
- Unsubscribe moved to the linkfest since it seems to fit better there. Be sure to delete the very similar code which appears immediately below where this code is inserted, everything between <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']"> and </if>.


<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new' OR $forum[statusicon]=='old'">
    <div class="smallfont">
          <if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&amp;include=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> | </if>
          <a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">New Thread</a>
          <if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalrss']">| <a href="external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$forum[forumid]">RSS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalxml']">| <a href="external.php?type=xml&forumids=$forum[forumid]">XML Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externaljs']">| <a href="external.php?type=js&forumids=$forum[forumid]">JS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']">| <a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></if>

- The conditional should now be correct so the links will only appear for open forums. It's up to you if you want to change that.
- The search link is now wrapped in a conditional so it doesn't appear when it's not wanted, most likely for Guests, New Thread is also now controlled as far as is possible by the statusicon conditional. Permission to start a new thread is only checked after clicking the link as far as I can tell, so it can't be done perfectly.
- Not a big deal, but added rel="nofollow" in a couple of places where the links aren't any use to search engines.

Known Issues:
- If there is no permission to start a new thread or search and there are no new posts to view but the unsubscribe link or a feed link appears then the line will begin with a |. It could be solved with a loooooooot of conditionals but it's not worth it. Change the formatting (use of |) if it bothers you.

Shazz 07-26-2006 04:23 PM

Very Creative , I will be using this :)
volcano vaporizer reviews

A_N_K_A_R_A 07-30-2006 09:05 AM

very nice thanks

Snake 07-30-2006 12:13 PM

Lovely it could be much better if they were using images. ;)

h_kakashi 08-04-2006 12:29 AM

Installed :) Nice touch

tpzone 08-07-2006 05:59 AM

piece of cake.. thank you for the mod, very nice!

TygerTyger 08-09-2006 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Blade
Lovely it could be much better if they were using images. ;)

Personal taste. :p I like quick and clean myself.

netwiz 08-16-2006 03:30 PM

Seems to be nice. But in my installation i couldnot locate the forumhome_forumbit_level1/2_post template :-(
pls do update your steps keeping newbies also in mind:-(

ForumDog 08-16-2006 03:39 PM

AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Search in Templates > Search for forumbit

In the results, forumhome_forumbit_level1 and 2 will appear, you want the post versions of each and not the nopost versions.

Level 1 is the forum sections that show up on the index page, Level 2 is for subforums that show up on forum listing pages.


bada_bing 08-16-2006 07:43 PM

I have installed this but had to remove because its not displaying correctly when using subforums... If my subforum structure is setup like this

-Forum Name
--Forum (Locked)
---Child Forum1
---Child Forum2
---Child Forum3

Then locked forum show the New Thread- Search and when you click you get dont have access...

ForumDog 08-17-2006 08:22 AM

Try replacing it with this:


<if condition="!$forum[statusicon] == 'new_lock' OR !$forum[statusicon] == 'old_lock' OR !$forum[statusicon] == 'link'">
<div class="smallfont">
<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'">
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&include=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> |
<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">New Thread</a> |
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[search]</a>

That should (untested) mean that if the forum isn't locked or a link, display the links. Search is included in that, so if you want to allow people to search locked forums you'll have to move the </if> tag up so the Search link is outside it.

bada_bing 08-17-2006 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by ForumDog
Try replacing it with this:


<if condition="!$forum[statusicon] == 'new_lock' OR !$forum[statusicon] == 'old_lock' OR !$forum[statusicon] == 'link'">
<div class="smallfont">
<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'">
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&include=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> |
<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">New Thread</a> |
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[search]</a>

That should (untested) mean that if the forum isn't locked or a link, display the links. Search is included in that, so if you want to allow people to search locked forums you'll have to move the </if> tag up so the Search link is outside it.

I will try this... Do you know how many queries this gernerates on every page load?

ForumDog 08-17-2006 12:04 PM

None. Not even a fairly large amount of conditionals will slow things down.

Brandon Sheley 08-22-2006 04:14 AM



I got this code from Keith Cohen months ago ;)
with his permission

[New Thread] - [Search] - [Subscribe] - [RSS]

if you like what we've added at vBulletin Setup and want it on your site here is your code..

Here's the code I use in forumbit level 1 and 2:


<if condition="$forum[link] == ''">
<span class="tinyfont">
 - [<a href="/forums/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=$forum[forumid]" title="Post a new thread in $forum[title]">New Thread</a>] - [<a href="/forums/search.php?forumid=$forum[forumid]" title="Search $forum[title]">Search</a>] - [<a href="/forums/subscription.php?do=addsubscription&f=$forum[forumid]" title="Subscribe to $forum[title]">Subscribe</a>] - [<a href="/forums/external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$forum[forumid]" target="_blank" title="RSS feed for $forum[title]">RSS</a>]

this assumes your vb is in a forums/ folder..

and like on our site, the forum home view don't allow new threads, so it was all useless and we just needed it on the forumdisplay page.. this is how to achieve that..


<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'index'">
main forums page code

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay'">
forumsdisplay page code

and add this to your Additional CSS Definitions to make them small like on here


.tinyfont { font-size: 9px;}
btw, i just changed style, so i haven't added this code back.. but i did post this last month on the link above, and had it on an old site b4 that ;)

Avalon111 08-22-2006 05:11 AM

This is great!!!

i have just changed it a bit (hope you dont mind :) )


<!--  [View New Posts | Start New Thread | Search] on Index page by ForumDog -->

<div class="smallfont">
<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'">
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&include=$forum[forumid]">View New Posts</a> |
<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">Start New Thread</a> |
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]">Search Forum</a>

<!--  [View New Posts | Start New Thread | Search] on Index page by ForumDog -->

Avalon111 08-22-2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by ForumDog
Try replacing it with this:


<if condition="!$forum[statusicon] == 'new_lock' OR !$forum[statusicon] == 'old_lock' OR !$forum[statusicon] == 'link'">
<div class="smallfont">
<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'">
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&include=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> |
<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">New Thread</a> |
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[search]</a>

That should (untested) mean that if the forum isn't locked or a link, display the links. Search is included in that, so if you want to allow people to search locked forums you'll have to move the </if> tag up so the Search link is outside it.

tried this code, nothing showed up. no "New Posts, Thread or search"

Brandon Sheley 08-22-2006 04:13 PM

you can use the code i posted ;)
it works just fine..
if you still can't get it, give me a PM and I'll help ya out :)

Avalon111 08-23-2006 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Loco.M
you can use the code i posted ;)
it works just fine..
if you still can't get it, give me a PM and I'll help ya out :)

thanks for the offer :)

the code from the first post works like a charm it was just this 2nd posted code that has been posted that seems not to work.
the one that should not display [New Posts | New Thread | Search] for link forums ect.

ForumDog 08-23-2006 11:50 AM

Okee dokee, that'll teach me to post untested code! New version which is thoroughly tested and seems to work, if someone else gives it a whirl and it turns out to be the correct can they let me know so I can properly update.

- The conditional should now be correct so the links will only appear for open forums. It's up to you if you want to change that.
- The search link is now wrapped in a conditional so it doesn't appear when it's not wanted, most likely for Guests, New Thread is also now controlled as far as is possible by the statusicon conditional. Permission to start a new thread is only checked after clicking the link as far as I can tell, so it can't be done perfectly.
- Not a big deal, but added rel="nofollow" in a couple of places where the links aren't any use to search engines.


<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new' OR $forum[statusicon]=='old'">
    <div class="smallfont">
          <if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&amp;include=f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> | </if>
          <a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">New Thread</a>
          <if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>

Update: Optional extras:
- Subscription code for each feed type, all conditionals so they'll only appear if you've turned that type on.
- Unsubscribe moved to the linkfest since it seems to fit better there. Be sure to delete the very similar code which appears immediately below where this code is inserted, everything between <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']"> and </if>.


<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new' OR $forum[statusicon]=='old'">
    <div class="smallfont">
          <if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&amp;include=f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> | </if>
          <a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">New Thread</a>
          <if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalrss']">| <a href="external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$forum[forumid]">RSS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalxml']">| <a href="external.php?type=xml&forumids=$forum[forumid]">XML Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externaljs']">| <a href="external.php?type=js&forumids=$forum[forumid]">JS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']">| <a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></if>

Known Issues:
- If there is no permission to start a new thread or search and there are no new posts to view but the unsubscribe link or a feed link appears then the line will begin with a |. It could be solved with a loooooooot of conditionals but it's not worth it. Change the formatting (use of |) if it bothers you.


Originally Posted by Loco.M



<if condition="$forum[link] == ''">
<span class="tinyfont">
 - [<a href="/forums/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=$forum[forumid]" title="Post a new thread in $forum[title]">New Thread</a>] - [<a href="/forums/search.php?forumid=$forum[forumid]" title="Search $forum[title]">Search</a>] - [<a href="/forums/subscription.php?do=addsubscription&f=$forum[forumid]" title="Subscribe to $forum[title]">Subscribe</a>] - [<a href="/forums/external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$forum[forumid]" target="_blank" title="RSS feed for $forum[title]">RSS</a>]



<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'index'">
main forums page code

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay'">
forumsdisplay page code

- My code uses session URLs as you are supposed to do, that code doesn't.
- Mine uses conditionals so is automatically adaptable.
- Mine is phrased (admittedly that's barely possible, but I did what I could :p)
- I know what the THIS_SCRIPT code does, I don't know what it's there for or even where it goes. But I don't think it should be used, it will prevent the links from showing up anywhere else, in the Subscribed Threads forumbit for instance. Come to that I'm not sure that $forum[link] is the correct conditional to use either...
- Mine will display as intended using the existing CSS.

So, as I guessed it had been done before but enough reason to use this one instead. :D

Avalon111 08-23-2006 01:48 PM


i will give it a shot tomorrow :)

Avalon111 08-23-2006 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by ForumDog


<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new' OR $forum[statusicon]=='old'">
    <div class="smallfont">
          <if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&amp;include=f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> | </if>
          <a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[newthread]</a>
          <if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalrss']">| <a href="external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$forum[forumid]">RSS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalxml']">| <a href="external.php?type=xml&forumids=$forum[forumid]">XML Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externaljs']">| <a href="external.php?type=js&forumids=$forum[forumid]">JS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']">| <a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></if>

Known Issues:
- If there is no permission to start a new thread or search and there are no new posts to view but the unsubscribe link or a feed link appears then the line will begin with a |.

i have just replaced the original code with the new one you posted.

the original code showed the "New Thread", the new one doesnt.

if i change this line in the new code from

<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[newthread]</a>

<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">Start New Thread</a>
it works again.

$vbphrase[newthread] wrong??

ForumDog 08-23-2006 07:15 PM

I can't reproduce that issue. Works fine either way for me.

Avalon111 08-23-2006 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by ForumDog
I can't reproduce that issue. Works fine either way for me.

weird. trying it agin tomorrow. then i post a screenshot here.

thanks for your efforts.

Brandon Sheley 08-24-2006 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by ForumDog
- My code uses session URLs as you are supposed to do, that code doesn't.
- Mine uses conditionals so is automatically adaptable.
- Mine is phrased (admittedly that's barely possible, but I did what I could :p)
- I know what the THIS_SCRIPT code does, I don't know what it's there for or even where it goes. But I don't think it should be used, it will prevent the links from showing up anywhere else, in the Subscribed Threads forumbit for instance. Come to that I'm not sure that $forum[link] is the correct conditional to use either...
- Mine will display as intended using the existing CSS.

So, as I guessed it had been done before but enough reason to use this one instead. :D

OK, I just thought it was coincidence that it looks just like what Keith had sent me :P

I hadn't looked through the code, I just know it works..

BTW, what do u think about the RSS link thats in the code I posted ;) I know a lot of ppl like that part of it, you may consider adding it to yours :)


ForumDog 08-24-2006 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Avalon111
i have just replaced the original code with the new one you posted.

the original code showed the "New Thread", the new one doesnt.

if i change this line in the new code from

<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[newthread]</a>

<a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">Start New Thread</a>
it works again.

$vbphrase[newthread] wrong??

Oops, that's the one. The phrase isn't wrong, but it's not a Global phrase so it only works on one of the forumbit types, if it's the top-level forumbit that shows on the index page it doesn't work. Just my luck to test it on the working one!

Well spotted, fixed thank you. Changed it back to ordinary text so it works on either forumbit.


Originally Posted by Loco.M
OK, I just thought it was coincidence that it looks just like what Keith had sent me :P

I hadn't looked through the code, I just know it works..

BTW, what do u think about the RSS link thats in the code I posted ;) I know a lot of ppl like that part of it, you may consider adding it to yours :)


Yep, added it as an optional extra.


Originally Posted by ForumDog
Update: Optional extras:
- Subscription code for each feed type, all conditionals so they'll only appear if you've turned that type on.


<if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new' OR $forum[statusicon]=='old'">
    <div class="smallfont">
          <if condition="$forum[statusicon]=='new'"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew&amp;include=f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a> | </if>
          <a href="newthread.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newthread&amp;f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">New Thread</a>
          <if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalrss']">| <a href="external.php?type=rss2&forumids=$forum[forumid]">RSS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externalxml']">| <a href="external.php?type=xml&forumids=$forum[forumid]">XML Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$vbulletin->options['externaljs']">| <a href="external.php?type=js&forumids=$forum[forumid]">JS Feed</a></if>
          <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']">| <a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></if>

tekstylez 08-30-2006 06:15 PM

i just tried to do the update, but now new posts is not working

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Which code do I replace the old code with? You may want to think of re-writting this update, it is very confusing

ForumDog 08-30-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by tekstylez
i just tried to do the update, but now new posts is not working

Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Which code do I replace the old code with? You may want to think of re-writting this update, it is very confusing

Oops, there was a typo. Corrected the first post and the text file, and re-ordered both to try to make things a bit clearer.

Use the first set of code (labelled AFTER, ADD:) if you want to reproduce the same function as the original code did, with the bugfix. Use the second, longer bit of code (labelled Optional Extras) if you would also like the above, plus links to be added for RSS/XML/JS feeds and Unsubscribe from this forum in the Subscribe part of the UserCP.


tekstylez 08-31-2006 02:14 AM

OK... it works now. But, is there any way to fix the issue of the search not working for subforums on the forumhome? In another words, if a forum is not active, and you click search... of course no results will show... but is there anyway to either disable it for non active forums or have it search all subforums also?

TheBlackPoet 09-15-2006 06:32 AM

i never ever say anything negative about a hack.. as i am not smart enough to write one... but this hack.... scared the hell ouf of me... i loaded it.. and it looked good.. but something about it was right.... i went to delete the code.. and it duplicated on me....

i had to revert back to the original code. thankfully i didnt have any other scripts enbedded on that template....

ForumDog 09-30-2006 04:37 PM

Hm. Don't know what happened to my subscription notification. :confused:


Originally Posted by tekstylez
OK... it works now. But, is there any way to fix the issue of the search not working for subforums on the forumhome? In another words, if a forum is not active, and you click search... of course no results will show... but is there anyway to either disable it for non active forums or have it search all subforums also?

To make it search all subforums, add "&childforums=1" to the search URL.

Change this:

<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>
to this:


<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">| <a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]&childforums=1" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a></if>

ymy 10-02-2006 01:43 AM

please ForumDog,

I want add some codes in this hack!
only for use in our site
any objection?


ForumDog 10-02-2006 08:30 AM

That's fine. :)

ymy 10-02-2006 01:40 PM


See the small pictures


ForumDog 10-02-2006 01:41 PM

Very attractive! :cool:

gregsbaby64 10-04-2006 11:53 AM

Thank you for this, just what I was looking for! :)

giza 10-07-2006 02:49 AM

nice mod, but can i make the font of New Thread | Search smaller?? as the forum gets confused with so many "New Thread | Search" repeating everywhere

if someone can help me plz.

GruntHalo 12-21-2006 03:52 PM

Awesome, thank you alot for this hack. :)

admolot 08-11-2007 05:28 AM

Nice, clicked installed.

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Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.12 by vBS
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X vBulletin 3.8.12 by vBS Debug Information
  • Page Generation 0.01549 seconds
  • Memory Usage 1,894KB
  • Queries Executed 10 (?)
More Information
Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
  • (1)printthread
  • (38)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
  • style_fetch
  • cache_templates
  • global_start
  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • printthread_start
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • printthread_post
  • printthread_complete