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Paul M 07-10-2006 10:00 PM

Flashchat Integration for vB 3.6
This modification is no longer available or supported.

Flashchat integration with vBulletin 3.6

Standard Flashchat includes a version of my vBulletin integration as part of the Tufat supplied files - including a working vBulletin 3.6 CMS file. However, the standard files do not include Direct Usergroup Integration or other extra's like the WOL Display & Flashchat on a vBulletin page. This Integration Mod adds those features

Standard vB 3.6 integration features

* Authorised members are automatically logged in.
* Automatic login works even if a member has not ticked "remember me".
* All non authorised members are locked out (this and the above are based on usergroup membership).
* If enabled, Flashchat updates the users session location (displayed in various vBulletin online location displays such as WOL).
* Real ip detection when a proxy server is used (only if the proxy server passes on the details).
* Permanant, Private Rooms are loaded by Admins and Moderators (allows for Staff Rooms).

Extra's added by this modification

* Direct login to a room.
* The WOL will correctly display Flashchat as the location (not 'Unknown Location')
* Flashchat can be displayed embedded inside a 'standard' vBulletin Page (i.e. not full screen).
* Direct Usergroup Integration - a section is added to each usergroup in the ACP Usergroup Manager to set the Flashchat permissions for that group.
* The plugin will try to automatically add a link to Flashchat in your Quick Links or Navbar - this feature can be disabled if you wish.
* The automatic link can have a prefix path defined - useful if you use something like CMPS.

More notes:

* This integration is for Flashchat versions 4.7.x and above.
* The automatic link feature may fail if you have customised templates.
* For Flashchat inside a vBulletin page you need to link to .../misc.php?do=flashchat
* This modification does not add any links to Flashchat Administration in the ACP.
* You can set all members to login direct to particular room via the ACP.
* You can also add a room parameter to the url - i.e. .../misc.php?do=flashchat&room=3
* 3.56 onwards has extra code to cope with VBs CSRF protection, which interferes with profile linking (vb 3.6.10+).

The CMS file assumes that you are installing Flashchat in your forum root folder - this is the same folder as your usercp.php file and includes folder. Installation will fail if you do not do this.

Support: Please check the instructions, and make sure you have uploaded any files to the correct location - the vast majority of problems reported are due to an error made in editing or uploading files. If you are still stuck and want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, an admin user, and ftp access details, without these I cannot help you. I will look when I have time.

Finally, I am not Tufat.com or Flashchat Support - if you have questions about Flashchat, their forums are here.

To use the this upgraded integration simply download and unzip the file, then follow the instructions in the text file. Once installed, the Flashchat userlevel options for each usergroup will appear in the ACP usergroup edit screens - editing of the CMS file will no longer be required.


v3.01 : First version for vb 3.6 (not released).
v3.02 : Various code changes, first public release.
v3.02A : Minor bug fixes to WOL Display.
v3.02B : Dependancies updated for 3.6.0 Gold.
v3.03 : Minor fix to Get User for membergroupids, some SQL changes.
v3.03A : Updated for Version Checking.
v3.04 : Security (anti-hacking) code added (as supplied by Darren).
v3.05 : Usergroup settings moved to top of CMS file.
v3.06 : Fixed error message when accessing chat admin area.
v3.07 : Default role changed.
v3.08 : Minor bug fix to Avatar detection, login code changes, tidy up.

v3.50 : Beta release with direct usergroup integration.
v3.51 : First full release with direct usergroup integration.
v3.52 : No Access and Banned split into separate permissions.
v3.53 : Minor changes - includes disabling the utf8 functions if the F/C config option is false.
v3.53A : Internal updates, not released.
v3.53B : Internal updates, not released.
v3.53C : Add ability for member to do direct to a room (other than the Flashchat default).
v3.53D : Defaults on first install updated.
v3.54 : Option for link path prefix added.
v3.55 : Minor changes to install code only.
v3.56 : Code added to allow profile views when CSRF protection is active.
v3.57 : CSRF Code changed.

RMS-Chef 07-11-2006 09:57 PM

One of the few I will need before considering a v3.6 upgrade.

PixelFx 07-12-2006 06:08 AM

thank you :D

Snake 07-12-2006 01:19 PM

Excellent! :D

loonytune15 07-12-2006 02:22 PM

just what i was looking for.

Snake 07-12-2006 04:59 PM

Yay you are just awesome! :D

mackers8923 07-12-2006 10:06 PM

Installed and working fine on RC1.

yesfans 07-12-2006 11:41 PM

is there a WHO IS IN CHAT for this and 3.6??

Paul M 07-12-2006 11:52 PM

The 3.5 version of who is in the chat will work until a 3.6 version is released.

yesfans 07-12-2006 11:54 PM

k, thanks!

reteep 07-13-2006 07:49 AM


Neal-UK 07-13-2006 11:11 AM

Any chance of adding the mod for the "What's going on area"?

Superb, always used this and your others.

ndahiya 07-15-2006 07:08 PM

Looks like a small bug...

in the WOL section, the chat path is shown as http://site/forums/chat/flashchat.php and the url actually links to http://site/forumschat/flashchat.php

the other prob is that the chat is actually installed in forums/FlashChat, not forums/chat

Also, in the vbulletin options, saw an options for "Flashchat height" but no other flashchat option ? wonder what this is about.

Paul M 07-16-2006 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by ndahiya
in the WOL section, the chat path is shown as http://site/forums/chat/flashchat.php and the url actually links to http://site/forumschat/flashchat.php

Thanks - that was a bug (missing '/') - but in fact the whole path was wrong as it should now link to /misc.php?do=flashchat. Fixed in 3.02A.


Originally Posted by ndahiya
the other prob is that the chat is actually installed in forums/FlashChat, not forums/chat

Then you have a very old installation, 'chat' has been the default for a year or more. You will probably find that you now get a 404 not found error - edit the phrase "flashchat_path" or rename your chat folder (note: if you have the 'who is chatting mod' it will use the path defined it that mods settings).


Originally Posted by ndahiya
Also, in the vbulletin options, saw an options for "Flashchat height" but no other flashchat option ? wonder what this is about.

The height of the frame.

ndahiya 07-16-2006 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Then you have a very old installation, 'chat' has been the default for a year or more. You will probably find that you now get a 404 not found error - edit the phrase "flashchat_path" or rename your chat folder (note: if you have the 'who is chatting mod' it will use the path defined it that mods settings).

i have just continued to use the /FlashChat path. did not know where the variable was stored for WOL though. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Paul M
The height of the frame.

oh now i see... i still use flashchat in a separate window (using the direct path)...

noticed one prob using the inline version... when i close flashchat, it is opening a nested page (vbulletin wrapper around the whole forum page)...

Paul M 07-16-2006 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by ndahiya
noticed one prob using the inline version... when i close flashchat, it is opening a nested page (vbulletin wrapper around the whole forum page)...

You have set flashchat to redirect back to your forum on close (in it's config.php).

hawgjaw 07-16-2006 10:08 PM

With flashchat installed on 3.5.4 to be upgraded to RC1 will there be any difficulty incorporating Flashchat on vB Page or will this be stand alone, for the time being.
Also with my current version of flash chat 4.5.7 to integrated just make the adjustments as stated in your how to Paul M or is a fresh install required.
FYI flashchat 4.6.1beta has incorporated your vbulletin36CMS file although have not attempted the upgrade there.

Molhem 07-19-2006 11:33 PM

i want ex plz

amnesia623 07-20-2006 07:09 AM

sure - you can have my ex - you want the payments too? ;)

Paul M 07-20-2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by hawgjaw
With flashchat installed on 3.5.4 to be upgraded to RC1 will there be any difficulty incorporating Flashchat on vB Page or will this be stand alone, for the time being.
Also with my current version of flash chat 4.5.7 to integrated just make the adjustments as stated in your how to Paul M or is a fresh install required.
FYI flashchat 4.6.1beta has incorporated your vbulletin36CMS file although have not attempted the upgrade there.

You don't need to re-install flashchat if it's already installed - Also it looks like both 4.5.7 and 4.6.1 now include the 3.6 option on install, so I will update the instructions later. I don't understand your first question.

utw-Mephisto 07-23-2006 11:50 PM

version 4.5.7 has now build in support for vb 3.6 .. Just installed myself ...

utw-Mephisto 07-23-2006 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
(..) it looks like both 4.5.7 and 4.6.1 now include the 3.6 option on install (..)

It has indeed .. just downloaded 4.5.7 and installed on vb 3.6 RC2 ... g8z is fast ... well ... sometimes .. sometimes it seems he is vanished ..

Wildthinks 07-24-2006 11:59 AM


last friday was my board hacked and database and alle files (includes all files under htdocs) are deleted.

First look at the hacking:

Removed by staff

I think it's a good idea to remove sharefile.php or the chat.
I removed the chat!


Christine 07-25-2006 12:49 AM


You need to PM that to Paul and then either remove the code or change it to 'code' or 'php' tags so that it isn't visible.

Digital2 07-27-2006 06:49 PM

To prevent new members from using the chat I created a new primary usergroup based off of the Registered Users group. I called this group "Senior Members". Senior members is group id#15. To be promoted to group 15 you must have 100 posts. On the vBulletin side the promotion works fine. I then set the CMS file as follows:

'users' => array( 15 ) , // vBulletin usergroups allowed standard access to chat.
'mods' => array( 5,7 ) , // vBulletin usergroups allowed access as chat moderators.
'admin' => array( 6 ) , // vBulletin usergroups allowed access as chat administrators.
'banned' => array( 1,8,3,14,2 ) , // vBulletin usergroups banned from accessing the chat.
'customer' => array( 0 ) , // vBulletin usergroups allowed access as customers (Live support mode only).

Okay since group ID#2 is registered users, they should no longer have access to the chat until they are promoted to Group 15...But they do. Any idea why all of this isn't working right together?

Digital2 07-27-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Wildthinks

last friday was my board hacked and database and alle files (includes all files under htdocs) are deleted.

First look at the hacking:

Removed by staff

I think it's a good idea to remove sharefile.php or the chat.
I removed the chat!


Was it determined whether a hole in flashchat integration was responsible this exploit or not? Until I hear otherwise, I will have to disable this product.

Paul M 07-28-2006 02:11 PM

There is no hole in flashchat integration, that exploit was a hole in older versions of flashchat itself.

Digital2 07-28-2006 11:38 PM

aah ok thanks for letting me know. I'll reinstall the application then. I still have issues with the usergroups though.

P.Jackson 07-29-2006 09:14 AM

is flashchat a full addon irc? or can it connect to normal irc chans like quakenet?

Paul M 07-29-2006 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by P.Jackson
is flashchat a full addon irc? or can it connect to normal irc chans like quakenet?

No, it is not an IRC client.

Digital2 07-29-2006 12:39 PM

Paul, any idea why my banned usergroups were able to just go right into my chatroom? I installed the 3.6.0 update from 3.5.4 and that was when that started. I admit that I didn't do much else though. I might be better to install the latest versions of the flashchat software too.

Paul M 07-29-2006 01:10 PM

Did you edit the CMS file for your usergroups ?

Digital2 07-29-2006 09:24 PM

Yes I did. I am doing a clean install now of the beta version of flashchat. I will then install the 3.6.0 product and edit the CMS usergroups and see where I stand. I had a mixture of 3.5.4 and 3.6.0 things on there before so I decided to start over from scratch.

utw-Mephisto 07-30-2006 10:23 PM

Looks great also with vba


Digital2 07-31-2006 12:40 AM

Here we go, Paul. I reinstalled everything, set the permissions for users with 100 posts to be promoted to group id#15 and gave that group access to the chat. It worked like a charm. But then members of group id#2 began grumbling because they couldn't chat anymore so I re-added group id@2 to the allowed list alongside 15. Now, group 2 *still* can't access the chat. This makes no sense at all. All I did was restored the default configuration... I even deleted group 15 altogether and just have id#2 there now. Now no one but admins and mods can get in. :(

Digital2 07-31-2006 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Did you edit the CMS file for your usergroups ?

The answer to this one is yes.

Right now it is set as such and no member of group ID#2 (registered users) can chat. It makes no sense at all...


        'users' => array( 2 ) , // Usergroups allowed standard access to chat.
        'mods' => array( 5,7 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat moderators.
        'admin' => array( 6 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat administrators.
        'banned' => array( 2,1,8 ) , // Usergroups banned from accessing the chat.
        'customer' => array( 0 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as customers (Live support mode only).

Ok I'm an idiot..2 was also in the banned group. It's fixed now...

Digital2 07-31-2006 01:02 AM

Now I am total beside myself... It *still* isn't allowing usergroup #2...


'users' => array( 2 ) , // Usergroups allowed standard access to chat.
'mods' => array( 5,7 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat moderators.
'admin' => array( 6 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as chat administrators.
'banned' => array( 1,8 ) , // Usergroups banned from accessing the chat.
'customer' => array( 0 ) , // Usergroups allowed access as customers (Live support mode only).

This time it has no excuse. The macromedia settings manager won't load for me so I have no idea if this is an issue with the old flash cookies. I need to find an application that I can install to delete these cookies myself. Depending on the Adobe site is annoying.

Update: Deleted flash cookies and regular cookies. No luck still. Am I going to have to reinstall the entire thing to fix this?

Paul M 07-31-2006 09:50 AM

From the first post :)


If you are still stuck and want me to take a look then feel free to PM me your site address, an admin user, and ftp access details, without these I cannot help you.

Digital2 07-31-2006 12:47 PM

I'm not sure what you can do Paul. This is not the fault of your mod. I re-uploaded all of the original flashchat files in a clean directory and ran the installer again and the problem vanished. I did not uninstall your mod during all of this. Just reinstalled the original files.

If I try undoing any custom permisssions a total wipe and reinstall is required to correct the issue. If this happens again I will PM you my login and ftp info and let you have a peek. In fact, I will anyhow if you want to try to find the issue. I am confident that it can be duplicated.

butty 08-07-2006 04:14 AM

hi there. im running flashchat 2.60 for vbulletin 3.5

im going to upgrade to 3.6.0 soon but wonderd what i do to upgrade this plugin. is it jus a case of upping the plugin and overwriting the other one? had a look round for upgrade instructions but cant find none


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