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The Chief 07-07-2006 01:29 PM

Nominations for BotM - July 2006
Here is the second contest for BotM here on vb.org.

Here are some changes we have made to the Official BotM Rules and voting. I will put the guidelines here for everybody to see them.

Originally Posted by BOTM Rules
Global Rules
1.1) No rallying whatsoever is allowed either internally at vBulletin.org or externally. Any evidence proving this will result in disqualification.
1.2) Any complaints/questions should be forwarded via Private Message to the BOTM Leaders: The Chief and Ntfu2. They will be evaluated and escalated to vBulletin.org Staff if necessary.
1.3) If a candidate wins, the candidate is not eligible to enter the Board of the Month contest for another 6 months.
1.4) All nominated boards must use vBulletin, open to all guest, and can not contain or promote any adult and/or illegal material. Any boards that go against this rule will be disqualified immediately.
1.5) The vBulletin team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate BOTM Rules and Guidelines. (Examples include sites about drugs and/or sex.). If you have any complaints please refer to clause 1.2
1.6) vBulletin.org Staff can not nominate/second a board.

Nomination Guidelines
The Board of the Month is run on a nomination system.

* Primary Nominations can only be made by the Site Owner or Administrator.
* All Nominations must be seconded by anyone else.
* In the nomination thread, one may only nominate their board or second an already nominated board. Any other posts involving anything else will be deleted.
* Nominations will be voided if it is not seconded.
* When nominating please post the URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.
* If the nominated forum is not available at the time of creation of the poll the next nominee in line will be selected to take its place.

Voting Guidelines
* The 5 boards that have the most seconded nominations will be placed in the poll in alphabetical order.
* The thread containing the poll will be closed to any replies to prevent any unnecessary influence.
* Voting is up to the voters; no one can force or rally a vote, please visit all nominated and vote for the best board, not the board that you are most familiar with. Please check for clause 1.2 of the Global Rules section above.

Voting/Nomination Dates and Deadlines
* Nominations will begin on the 3rd of every month, and accepted for the 8 following days till the 11th.
* Actual Voting will take place during the 12th till the end of the month. This will leave you around 18 days for you to vote for your favorite board.

We are sorry to have started this a bit late, but we have had some difficulties with organization :)

Now let your nominations begin!


Snake 07-07-2006 02:59 PM

I will surely nominate my forums this time! :)

Name: Final Fantasy Forums
URL: http://www.finalfantasyforums.net
Description: Community forums to discuss on the popular series of computer and console role-playing games produced by Square Enix including a massive MMORPG system!

Lizard King 07-07-2006 06:23 PM

I also want to nominate my board.

Name: Ayyas.Com
URL: http://www.ayyas.com/forum.html
Description: A Turkish Community about literature , music , frp and fun.

jward 07-07-2006 06:30 PM

I nominate www.vbseo.com :)

Name: vBulletin SEO Forums
URL: http://www.vbseo.com

www.vbseo.com has grown into a very active community for vBulletin SEO enthusiasts. The forum provides lots of information about vBSEO - as well as troubleshooting and other information for customers.

Marco van Herwaarden 07-07-2006 07:43 PM

Please before submitting, read the changed rules.

Until now 3 submissions:
- 1 gives me a suspended page
- 1 is leading to a portal and not to the vB board
- 1 i had to edit the text since it was promotional to a product.

The Chief 07-08-2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
Please before submitting, read the changed rules.

Until now 3 submissions:
- 1 gives me a suspended page
- 1 is leading to a portal and not to the vB board
- 1 i had to edit the text since it was promotional to a product.

haha, yes, leave them a chance :p

COlson87 07-08-2006 05:53 AM

Name: TalkXHTML (TXS for short)
URL: www.talkxhtml.com
Description: Web designer, master, and programmer community. Geared more towards helping new users.

This is a work in progress, but I think it deserves recognition. The amount of time I have spent on the design, modifications, and the site in general (in my opinion) makes it worthy of a BotM title. My first time entering in a BotM contest, so, I don't really know what to expect.

:) Woo.

FASherman 07-08-2006 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by jward
I nominate www.vbseo.com :)


Stephen Brown 07-08-2006 01:22 PM

Name: ClubHabbo Forum
URL: http://www.clubhabboforum.net
Description: ClubHabbo Forum is an active, growing community based around Habbo Hotel. It has many modifications including the iBPro Arcade, vBShout and Yet Another Awards System. It also has an extensive list of forums for users to post and share their views in.

OllieRocks 07-08-2006 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen Brown
Name: ClubHabbo Forum
URL: http://www.clubhabboforum.net
Description: ClubHabbo Forum is an active, growing community based around Habbo Hotel. It has many modifications including the iBPro Arcade, vBShout and Yet Another Awards System. It also has an extensive list of forums for users to post and share their views in.

[high]* OllieRocks seconds this. :banana:[/high]

smellymatty 07-08-2006 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen Brown
Name: ClubHabbo Forum
URL: http://www.clubhabboforum.net
Description: ClubHabbo Forum is an active, growing community based around Habbo Hotel. It has many modifications including the iBPro Arcade, vBShout and Yet Another Awards System. It also has an extensive list of forums for users to post and share their views in.

ed2k thirds this

CAMS 07-08-2006 02:13 PM

Name: 2EvolveMedia
URL: http://www.2evolve.org/vb/index.php
Description: vBulletin Skins and Graphics site.

Atakan KOC 07-08-2006 05:11 PM

Name: Bizim Uydu
URL: http://www.bizimuydu.com/forum/
Description: Satellite technology discussions

tomshawk 07-08-2006 06:04 PM

I'll give it a shot

Name: Tech-Unity "Tech Community"
URL: http://www.tech-unity.com/forums/index.php
Description: Computer Certification Discussions and Articles, as well as the occasional "What life throws at us" Chat

Robbed 07-09-2006 12:57 AM

Name: Double Minor Hockey Network
URL: http://www.doubleminor.net/forums/
Description: Number one site for Ea Sports NHL Series Downloads/Addons. A site dedicated to hockey. Discuss the NHL, games and any other hockey leagues.

joeychgo 07-09-2006 02:08 AM

I would like to nominate vBulletin FAQ

Forum Home: http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/

Main page: http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/

vBulletin FAQ is a newer community dedicated to assisting vBulletin forum owners and administratos manage, promote, customize and profit from their forum. We also have Free vBulletin Skins and graphics available for download to registered members.

Our site opened in March of this year, and have nearly 600 great members already.

vBulletin FAQ operates on vB Version 3.6 and has a number of custom hacks installed including our Webmaster News section, whcih features feeds from a variety of sources including vb.org. We also have a custom style and many vBulletin articles and tutorials available.

I hope thats not too promotional. I merely wanted to explain a little about our board and community. Thank you.

Ohiosweetheart 07-09-2006 02:12 AM

I second this nomination. I've learned alot from the people, and articles, at vB-FAQ, it's a great site.

CoastToCoast.fm 07-09-2006 08:54 AM

I'm also for the vbseo.com nomination -

TheMusicMan 07-09-2006 09:13 AM

I'd like to nominate my music site - www.theMouthPiece.com/vb

Any seconders?

Azhrialilu 07-09-2006 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by TheMusicMan
I'd like to nominate my music site - www.theMouthPiece.com/vb

Any seconders?

I'll second John's site :)

smacklan 07-09-2006 11:52 AM

I'll second theMouthPiece.com as well as Tech-Unity...both are very nice sites with well thought out content :)

niels999 07-09-2006 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by CAMS
Name: 2EvolveMedia
URL: http://www.2evolve.org/vb/index.php
Description: vBulletin Skins and Graphics site.

I second thisone, he's making some great skins. And he's made a real nice forum for it all :banana: (And hes a good guy at vbh) ;)

AWS 07-09-2006 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by tomshawk
I'll give it a shot

Name: Tech-Unity "Tech Community"
URL: http://www.tech-unity.com/forums/index.php
Description: Computer Certification Discussions and Articles, as well as the occasional "What life throws at us" Chat

I'll second this one and vb-faq as well.

hilfe-forum 07-09-2006 05:38 PM

first german bord...

Name: Hife-Forum (Help-Board)
URL: http://www.hilfe-forum.eu
Description: German Help Board.
Help for all problems Sozial... P2P... Mobil Phones... PC... INet...

derekivey 07-09-2006 06:20 PM

/me seconds vBulletin-FAQ.

Disamy 07-09-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Robbed
Name: Double Minor Hockey Network
URL: http://www.doubleminor.net/forums/
Description: Number one site for Ea Sports NHL Series Downloads/Addons. A site dedicated to hockey. Discuss the NHL, games and any other hockey leagues.

I second this. Great site !

Mythotical 07-10-2006 03:18 AM

I second http://www.vbseo.com

EthanHunt 07-10-2006 05:37 AM

Name : Bit-Racing-World
URL : http://www.bit-racing-world.de
Theme : This Board is about little, very little, RC-Cars. A lot of Tuning-Tips, Pictures, Videos and Fun-Stuff will also be there. It is a german board. Many pics will be self explaining.

Enjoy and have fun. :knockedout:

Reminder 07-10-2006 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Atakan KOC
Name: Bizim Uydu
URL: http://www.bizimuydu.com/forum/
Description: Satellite technology discussions


markbolyard 07-10-2006 03:54 PM

Name: Talk vBulletin
URL: http://www.talkvb.com
Description: A support and discussion community for vBulletin owners.

hilfe-forum 07-10-2006 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by jward
I nominate www.vbseo.com :)...

I'll second

HabboTopic 07-10-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen Brown
Name: ClubHabbo Forum
URL: http://www.clubhabboforum.net
Description: ClubHabbo Forum is an active, growing community based around Habbo Hotel. It has many modifications including the iBPro Arcade, vBShout and Yet Another Awards System. It also has an extensive list of forums for users to post and share their views in.

Josh // HabboTopic User Owner Seconds This Nomination To BotM

Cole2026 07-10-2006 11:21 PM

I'll nominate:

Name: YourConvo
URL: http://www.yourconvo.com
Description: A heated debate and discussion forum as well as just a general place to chill out.

Sports1131 07-11-2006 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Robbed
Name: Double Minor Hockey Network
URL: http://www.doubleminor.net/forums/
Description: Number one site for Ea Sports NHL Series Downloads/Addons. A site dedicated to hockey. Discuss the NHL, games and any other hockey leagues.

Thirded! Fantastic site!

sab2000sab 07-11-2006 03:17 AM

I guess it can't hurt!.. lol

Board: Southern Gospel Music Lovers
URL: http://www.sogospellovers.com/forums/
Description: A fun place where people who love Southern Gospel Music can hangout, talk about the latest in SGM, post concert schedules, submit CD's for review, and read the featured artist and featured fan articles.
Guest Login: afriend Password: afriend


Originally Posted by COlson87
Name: TalkXHTML (TXS for short)
URL: www.talkxhtml.com
Description: Web designer, master, and programmer community. Geared more towards helping new users.

I would like to second TalkXHTML! It rocks!

OOPS.. I forgot about the auto merge posts!.. This is a nomination post and a seconded post!! LOL.. Sorry!

Logikos 07-12-2006 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
I would like to nominate vBulletin FAQ

Forum Home: http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/forum/

Main page: http://www.vbulletin-faq.com/

vBulletin FAQ is a newer community dedicated to assisting vBulletin forum owners and administratos manage, promote, customize and profit from their forum. We also have Free vBulletin Skins and graphics available for download to registered members.

Our site opened in March of this year, and have nearly 600 great members already.

vBulletin FAQ operates on vB Version 3.6 and has a number of custom hacks installed including our Webmaster News section, whcih features feeds from a variety of sources including vb.org. We also have a custom style and many vBulletin articles and tutorials available.

I hope thats not too promotional. I merely wanted to explain a little about our board and community. Thank you.

I'll second this one as well

gamelandz 07-12-2006 07:24 PM

I might as well try.....

Name: Gamelandz.com
URL: http://www.gamelandz.com
Description: Online Sportsman's Community

Marky 07-13-2006 08:40 AM

Site Name: vBDiscussion
Site URL: http://www.vbdiscussion.com
Description: A forum dedicated to the customers of vBulletin. Helping in their problems and advice for modifying and boosting their forums.

Milad 07-13-2006 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by COlson87

I vote for this board :banana:

Adult SEO 07-13-2006 04:49 PM

Name: Scooter Help Forum
URL: http://www.scooterhulp.com/
Description: A dutch scooter forum where users can find support and other scooter addicts/experts.

My vote: http://www.hard.fm/

Best Regards,
Adult SEO

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