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-   -   How To Include A Custom Template Via Plugins (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=119933)

peterska2 06-29-2006 10:00 PM

How To Include A Custom Template Via Plugins
This tutorial will show you how to include custom templates within your vBulletin pages using plugins.

First of all, you need to create your custom template. Lets call this mytemplate for the sake of this tutorial.

Once you have created your template, and decided where you would like to have it placed, you can put the template variable $mytemplate there.

As vBulletin does not yet know what to do with this template variable, it simply ignores it when generating the page.

Next you need to create the plugins for the template, so that vBulletin knows what to do with it. You need to create two plugins, one to include the template, and one to cache it (saves a query).

The easiest way to do this, although not technically the best, is to create the first plugin in either the hook location global_start or parse_templates This allows the template to be used globally throughout your site. However, you can also create this plugin in the _complete hook for the location that you wish to have it displayed (eg postbit_complete memberinfo_complete etc).

The content of this first plugin will be as follows:

eval('$mytemplate = "' . fetch_template('mytemplate') . '";');
This tells it that when it comes across $mytemplate, it is to fetch the template mytemplate and include it there. This plugin can be named anything that you want, and should be set to active.

The second plugin is always placed in the hook location cache_templates as this is the one that literally does what it says on the tin. It caches the template, preventing an extra query on each page that it is included on.

The content of this plugin will be as follows:

$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('mytemplate'));
This tells it to add mytemplate to the global templates array, which ensures that everywhere that it is used, it is cached. Again, this plugin can be named anything that you want, but not the same as the first one, and should be set to active.

Congratulations, your custom template is now included on your site without the need for any code modifications, and is already up and running.

If at any point you decide that you want to remove the custom template, either temporarily or permanently, you can simply disable the two plugins and it will again vanish.

My personal preference is to use the parse_templates hook for the first plugin as this enables the template to be used on every page on your site so you can move it about without having to edit the plugin. It is also useful if you wish to have it included on two or more pages.

The method explained in this tutorial is the exact same method as I have used for the following modifications:

Aurons Ghost 07-20-2006 08:15 AM

Thank you for this. I've been trying to split up some templates I've changed quite a lot into some easier chunks and wasn't sure how before I read this :)

One question though, can I use the same plugin to parse multiple templates or do they have to be individual?


eval('$mytemplate = "' . fetch_template('mytemplate') . '";');
eval('$mytemplate2 = "' . fetch_template('mytemplate2') . '";');


$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('mytemplate'));
$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('mytemplate2'));

or is that impossible / unwise?

peterska2 07-20-2006 09:18 AM

Yes that will work, however for the second one

$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('mytemplate', 'mytemplate2'));
is better as otheriwse you are merging the array twice where you don't need to.

Aurons Ghost 07-20-2006 01:25 PM

ah, thank you :) I hadn't realised that.

PennylessZ28 07-21-2006 07:38 PM

Question what if I wanted to replace a template al together?

Lets say, instead of calling forum_home, i want a plugin that will call forum_new instead ??

peterska2 07-21-2006 08:43 PM

You would need to put a conditional in your forumhome template so that if the plugin was enabled then it would use the forum_new, and if it wasn't, or some other condition, then it would use forum_home

Aurons Ghost 07-23-2006 09:22 PM

I've been trying to add a template in part of the forumhome_forumbit_x templates and it's not working. I've followed the instructions above (adding the parse plugin to parse_templates). I've also tried it out by adding it to another template such as the footer and it appears. Are there some templates that can't have another template added inside them?

Paul M 07-23-2006 09:59 PM

You shouldn't be merging arrays for this, that's very wasteful of resources, just add to the array ;

PHP Code:

globaltemplates[] = 'mytemplate'

Renmiri 07-24-2006 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
You shouldn't be merging arrays for this, that's very wasteful of resources, just add to the array ;

PHP Code:

globaltemplates[] = 'mytemplate'

.= instead of = right ?

Kaitlyn2004 08-01-2006 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Renmiri
.= instead of = right ?

ummm, no?

[] adds to the end of the array

Cheez-It 09-25-2006 04:37 PM

Do you need the first plugin as well when using that code Paul?

I'm actually trying to do this...

My goal is to have a template custom_header with a variable $custom_header which will contain all of the code from $header with a slight change (removing code for a right column and a different logo) for a CMPS home page...

1.) I do add new template, and put the code I want in it, saving it as custom_header. It now appears under "Custom Templates"

2.) I make a plugin with

eval('$custom_header = "' . fetch_template('custom_header') . '";');
starting at global_start

3.) I add the plugin "globaltemplates[] = 'custom_header';" starting in cache template

I enable both.

I get error:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/uninsta1/public_html/bu/forums/global.php(346) : eval()'d code on line 55

Right above the logo in ALL pages (not just CMPS...)

Shortly thereafter forums don't show and errors occur in functions.php as well.

I disable plugins.

What should I try next?

bitHacker 10-14-2006 10:41 AM

if you don't put $ before globaltemplates[], that won't work...

HPIA 10-31-2006 01:12 AM

Oh god, this is confusing. Is there any way of explaining this to someone illiterate in the technical coding world?

I want to incorporate my custom template into the forum and $mycustomtemplate isn't working.

Edit: Sorry for this post, I am an idiot. Worked it out. GREAT tutorial, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for ^_^

XXP 04-23-2007 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kerry-Anne (Post 1018718)
... The easiest way to do this, although not technically the best,...

Thanks for this crucial and very helpful information. Should be in the vB manual!

A followup please: what exactly is "the technically best" way to do it?


puck916 04-26-2007 01:12 PM

I have this working completely, except in my hook I have $myvar = "test";

Now in my header template I have :

Nothing happens. how can I get $myvar to be replaced with the dynamically created value from the hook?

iVox 06-08-2007 12:25 PM

Compliments to Kerry-Anne for posting this.

I'm new to vB, but a long time PHP guru and forum admin (including uBB and phpBB).

After reviewing some of the replies here I wish to add that the information presented here is not simply copy/paste, and requires basic knowledge of PHP as well as the hook and template system of vB. I noticed some of the more experienced PHP developers making suggestings and fixes here. I concur and wish to expand on that.

I tried the procedure, and with a few minor corrections got it to work with less overhead simply by optimizing the commands (using advice posted earlier plus new advice from me):

I can sum it up in 4 easy steps (vb 3.6.7+):

1) Create a custom template, i.e. "mytemplate" for purposes of these instructions

Put in there "Hello World!" or any HTML so you know its working when it displays.

2) Add a new plugin, suggested name is "mytemplate_plugin" for easy reference

Pick hook as "global_start" if you want your template available in any other, or select the appropriate hook depending on where you want your template to display. The latter is the better choice if you are customizing a specific feature of vB.

Set plugin PHP code: $mytemplate_plugin = fetch_template('mytemplate_plugin_home');

3) Create another plugin, suggested name is: "Cached - mytemplate_plugin"

Pick hook as "cache_template" (located within vBulletin; General hooks in pulldown)

Set plugin PHP code: $globaltemplates[]='mytemplate_plugin';

4) In whatever template you wish (based on step 2) place the variable $mytemplate_plugin where you want your custom template to display. If successful, you'll see your "Hello World!" or your HTML as in step 1.

Folks, that's all there is to it. Notice no need for eval or array_merge.

This approach follows a simple naming convention that's easy to understand long after you implement and forget, and uses the most efficient PHP to get the job done, and will work perfectly without have to hack any native vB code. Yes, there are a million ways to skin a cat, this is one, but if you start doing alot of customization of this type, keeping the naming convention and optimizing the PHP code will save valuable server resources.

Compliments to all who posted.

Thanks for your time and if I missed something, please let me know.


jingman 08-13-2007 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by iVox (Post 1264090)
In whatever template you wish...

The original post indicates that by attaching the "eval(.." plugin to the "parse_templates" hook, the template will be available to all other templates. I have not found that to be the case. I made a custom template, followed the above instructions precisely, and tried to use my custom template in FORUMDISPLAY and SHOWTHREAD - neither worked. It does work when I attach it to the "forumdisplay_complete" hook and the "showthread_complete" hook.

I want to be able to eval it in a single plugin, and make that template available to absolutely every other template - is there a way I can do that with a single hook?

loonytune15 12-09-2007 08:32 AM

This is just what i have been looking for. I now have my affiliates on a seperate template from my forum home :D

haaba 12-25-2007 10:04 PM

Like Jingman stated - none of your solutions working if new template is added to FORUMDISPLAY, no matter of the hook location...

Any other thoughts?


GameWizard 01-04-2008 10:57 AM

Both Methods, original and that of iVox, seem to make my template appear, however they do not seem to parse the template. I have conditionals in my template, and they appear like ".(($post[field5]) ? (" on the page.

What can be done to fix this?

siliconfinance 01-06-2008 08:54 PM

didn't work for me in 3.6.8

Jhonnyf 06-13-2008 01:16 AM

then.. if I want to use a Custom Templare, I should make all that ceremony?

sarahk 10-15-2008 08:08 PM

Hi Kerry-Anne

My template will have a few variables generated for it. Which plugin carries the code to process them?

Varsh 12-06-2008 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1036155)
You shouldn't be merging arrays for this, that's very wasteful of resources, just add to the array ;

PHP Code:

globaltemplates[] = 'mytemplate'

This I got errors with due to an unexpected "[". If it worked then this would've been the ideal statement to use. Has anyone else had this issue on vB3.8x?

vietfancy 01-12-2009 07:18 AM

it should be:

PHP Code:


Gulf Soul 01-15-2009 07:30 PM


I need a code which i forgot. ill try try to explain it.
for e.g.
If i wanted to add the line aaa under the line yyy in the footer or forumhome.
what could shall i use??


alexpaterson 03-15-2009 06:50 PM

Hi, I'm in the same position,

I can't get my own variable content to show in the template.

Is there a template variable assignment statement , like in smarty ?


alexpaterson 03-17-2009 05:37 PM

I got this working OK, I just declared the variable assignments in the global_start hook, so it was in scope for the entire board.

Thanks to Kerry-Anne for posting this, it saved me lots of time.

Come2Daddy 03-19-2009 08:14 AM

this is exactly, what I'v been wondering about

thanx a lot :)

Hitterman 03-21-2009 10:24 AM

This was really extrmely helpful. Thanks a lot.

tipoboy 03-31-2009 06:45 PM

this help a lot thanks

kronnos 04-05-2009 07:29 AM

Can these instructions be take a little further so the following can be done. When making a template, can that template include a variable that can be entered somewhere in the admincp? For example I want the temple to show "THIS". The only thing is I do not want to go to the template all the time and edit "THIS". Can I make a little addition to the admin CP so I can specify what "THIS" is?

Also, can all these template hooks, templates and all related to me showing "THIS" be saved in one package like a mod is so It can be uploaded to another forum easily?


IdanB 06-12-2009 11:01 AM

Thanks for this guide. Indeed good tutorial.

I've crossed into weird thing though (vbulletin version 3.8.2), maybe someone came aross it & can give few tips on what i could have missed - i can't get rid of "uncached template" warning eventhough I have plugin on "cache_templates" adding it to $globaltemplates[], so not sure what am i missing.

ragtek 06-12-2009 11:02 AM

what hook are you using and whats the plugincode?
nobody can help you without that infos;)

IdanB 06-12-2009 11:11 AM

2 plugins:
1] location: "global_start"
name: "alt_lp_template"
with followign code:
PHP Code:

$alt_lp_template fetch_template('alternate_view'); 

2] location: "cache_templates"
name: "Tempalte Cache"
with followign code:
PHP Code:

$globaltemplates[] = 'alt_lp_template'

and on forum i keep getting "uncached template" warning for "alternate_view".
Note this template was added to master style.

EDIT: what's more weird, i know it's cached, as later on i can access it from $vbulletin->templatecache['alternate_view']

ragtek 06-12-2009 11:38 AM

You have to make it this way:
to cache it:
PHP Code:

 $globaltemplates[] = 'alternate_view'

and save the content from the template into a variable:
PHP Code:

eval('$varname = "' fetch_template('alternate_view') . '";'); 

Now you can use $varname

IdanB 06-12-2009 12:04 PM

thanks, that solved it, wrote under cache name the var name instead... silly me :p

street tactic 06-14-2009 06:22 AM

Excellent Post. Including my Javascript php file worked in parse_templates rather than cache_templates.

warrentr2 06-24-2009 11:15 PM

Hi Everyone,
Lets say I set some variable:

$domain = "testsub.domain.com";

from within a global_start plugin. SHOULD I be able to use this in any template??

I seem to have very mixed results. Some pages with links that contain this domain are just broken...

Any ideas?

ragtek 07-24-2009 07:28 AM

No, some templates are called from functions/methods, so you would have to create plugins to make your variable in the scope there.

You could write your variable into $vbulletin['myvarname'] = 'foo.bar.tld'; because $vbulletin should be everywhere in the scope.

I hope you can understand what i mean

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  • (1)ad_header_logo
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  • (1)spacer_open 

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