King Kovifor |
06-11-2006 10:00 PM |
Welcome Panel Template Rewrite
When I first installed Zero Tolerence's Welcome Panel, I found that it had a lot of mistakes on my computer. I set out to make a new template for the hack - and I succeeded. This template is my rewrite of Zero Tolerence's hack.
This Hack Made Possible By Zero Tolerance
Please Remove Zero Tolerance's Plugins When Upgrading from a Previous Version!
Hack Requirements:
This hack has one requirement: - vBulletin v3.6.0 or higher. (Confirmed working with vB 3.7.0 RC1)
Installation is a breeze! Follow these simple steps: - Upload Files into folders.
- Install Welcome Panel Product
- Customize!
Yes, it's that simple.
Feature Lists:
Support for v1.x has been dropped.
v2.2.0- Displays the number of new posts.
- It displays the user's avatar & links to the edit avatar page.
- Displays your forum stats:
- The welcome panel is fully phrased.
- Displays a link for new posts.
- There is a link to edit your profile.
- It shows the forum your most active in.
- It displays the percent of your posts compared to the total forum posts.
- It displays the users posts per day count.
- It displays the users number of posts.
- The welcome panel is collapsable if the user doesn't want it there.
- Completely customizable through a setting group with 13 settings.
- Displays users current time (in their time zone)!
- Image or Textual links for New Posts, Daily Posts, and Edit Your Profile.
- Displays the number of new Private Messages.
- Displays the number of new Threads.
- Customizable link for forum rules.
- Customizable to the latest forum announcement (thread only).
- Latest Announcment name is customizable through a setting.
- There is an admin editable section for "useful links", HTML required.
- Link to forum leaders. (uses vB default phrase so if you change it to something else the welcome panel also changes)
- Link to Mark Forums Read. (uses vB default phrase so if you change it to something else the welcome panel also changes)
- Link to the announcement forum.
- The colors now alternate correctly on your welcome panel.
- Show Version
- Welcome Panel Style (Second Style by Da Pro)
- FAQ Entries
v3.0.0- Displays the number of new posts, threads, and unread private messages.
- Displays the current time (using the user?s time settings)
- It displays the user's avatar & links to the edit avatar page.
- Displays your forum stats:
- Top Poster Statistics
- Username
- Profile
- Amount of Posts
- Fully Phrased
- New Posts Link (Image or Text)
- Edit Profile Link (Image or Text)
- Daily Posts (Image or Text)
- The forum the user is most active in.
- How much percentage of the forums total posts does the user own.
- How many ?Posts Per Day? the user has.
- The Panel is Collapsible
- Customizable through 13 settings
- Revamp Settings from v2.2.0
- Forum Rules link.
- Forums Latest Announcement
- Pulled Dynamically from specified forum.
- Admin Set ?useful? links ? BBCode allowed!
- Links to Forum Leaders (vBulletin?s Phrase)
- Links to the Mark Forums Read system (vBulletin?s Phrase)
- Links to the Announcement Forum (optional)
- Alternating Colors
- Welcome Panel Version (optional)
- Welcome Panel Style Improved!
- BBCode Parsing
- Link to in ACP?s Product Manager
- Version Checking enabled.
- Retrieve Latest Version from database, and display in template.
- Improved Code: With Zero Tolerance's Permission, code rerelease made this a possibility! Improved!
- Optional Plural Checking (New Posts, New Threads) New!
- No Avatar Image: Uses the Image Path setting New!
- Multiple Templates! New!
Users have reported that there is a conflict with this modification:
Change Log:
v3.0.5: May 16, 2007 - New Features & Improved Code
v3.0.4: March 23, 2007 - Bug Fix - new auto version update.
v3.0.3: Immediately released to replace 3.0.2 to add the correct template.
v3.0.2: Bug Fix, immediately removed from download
v3.0.1: Bug Fix
v3.0.0: Initial Release of 3.0.0