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Kihon Kata 06-07-2006 02:13 AM

Don't you hate it when.....
16 year olds say "back in the day"?

I heard that today and I was like WTF.

Back in the day of what? Diapers? :cool:

noppid 06-07-2006 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
16 year olds say "back in the day"?

I heard that today and I was like WTF.

Back in the day of what? Diapers? :cool:

Kids, go figure!

I like your outlook.

Gio~Logist 06-07-2006 03:09 AM

Ah, because time does not change rapidly?

I myself can say back in the day and have it make sense. Nowadays we have ipods and psp's, back in the days we had cassette and cd players. Back in the days people could rap about a story and it'd be considered good, nowadays people rap about drugs and have other rap along.

Blam Forumz 06-07-2006 01:07 PM

Im only 17 :P I say back in the day, when referring to my childhood with my friends playing Nintendo 64 and whatnot :)

Boofo 06-07-2006 01:22 PM

You guys crack me up! I'm the oldie here and I can't even say back in the day with a straight face as I am still not old enough to be using that analogy.

Kihon Kata 06-07-2006 01:34 PM

LOL BOOFO, u love me :)

Gio~Logist 06-07-2006 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
You guys crack me up! I'm the oldie here and I can't even say back in the day with a straight face as I am still not old enough to be using that analogy.

Then i'll say it for you. Back in boofo's days, they didn't even have papers! People wrote with sticks and stones! :p Close enough? ;)

Kihon Kata 06-07-2006 03:37 PM

Was there even water and dirt back then? LOL


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Then i'll say it for you. Back in boofo's days, they didn't even have papers! People wrote with sticks and stones! :p Close enough? ;)

noppid 06-07-2006 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
Was there even water and dirt back then? LOL

Probably not. I heard he's older then dirt.

Boofo 06-07-2006 04:48 PM

And STILL able to handle each and every one of you without even breaking a sweat.

noppid 06-07-2006 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
And STILL able to handle each and every one of you without even breaking a sweat.

Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable throwing text bombs from my easy chair too. You didn't get to be top :banana: for nuttin'!

Gio~Logist 06-07-2006 04:50 PM


$start_number = 0;

while($start_number < $boofos_age){


echo $start_number;


Error: Timeout requested.:surprised:

Boofo 06-07-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable throwing text bombs from my easy chair too. You didn't get to be top :banana: for nuttin'!

Have you ever noticed that being a top banana seems to draw all the flies? :cross-eyed:

noppid 06-07-2006 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Have you ever noticed that being a top banana seems to draw all the flies? :cross-eyed:

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Boofo 06-07-2006 04:55 PM

Yo are not alone my friend, trust me. :cross-eyed:

noppid 06-07-2006 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Yo are not alone my friend, trust me. :cross-eyed:

hehe, actually I was joking about the heated debates we have been having lately and my grilling you. But, yeah, I have a fan club out there and it aint pretty at times.

Boofo 06-07-2006 05:07 PM

Fan clubs can be vicious at times, it seems. But you gotta love 'em. ;)

noppid 06-07-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Fan clubs can be vicious at times, it seems. But you gotta love 'em. ;)

In the words of the late great Dale Earnhardt...

"It don't matter what they are saying, as long as they are talking about ya."


This thread is more fun then the other one. I can't repeat myself anymore. I think it's time for a motorcycle ride.

Boofo 06-07-2006 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
In the words of the late great Dale Earnhardt...

"It don't matter what they are saying, as long as they are talking about ya."


This thread is more fun then the other one. I can't repeat myself anymore. I think it's time for a motorcycle ride.

Is that your forum?

noppid 06-07-2006 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Is that your forum?

Yeah, it's been lot of fun meeting and riding with folks from all around the country. We do a meet and greet in Daytona.

Lottis 06-07-2006 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist

$start_number = 0;

while($start_number < $boofos_age){


echo $start_number;


Error: Timeout requested.:surprised:

Haha, that was really funny. *giggels* Sorry, Boofo.:cool:

Boofo 06-07-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
Yeah, it's been lot of fun meeting and riding with folks from all around the country. We do a meet and greet in Daytona.

I used to ride, "back in the day". Had a 550 Honda that I sported to a harly frame. That was when they were the big boy on the block, back in the mid to upper 70's.

Boofo 06-07-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lottis
Haha, that was really funny. *giggels* Sorry, Boofo.:cool:

Funny? Snot-nosed brats making fun of senior citizens is funny? :(

Well, I'm over that now. :cross-eyed:

noppid 06-07-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I used to ride, "back in the day". Had a 550 Honda that I sported to a harly frame. That was when they were the big boy on the block, back in the mid to upper 70's.

Those 550's are still around. The inline 4 CB series I assume? I think we all had one of them "back in the day" as a first or intermediate motorcycle.

Boofo 06-07-2006 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
Those 550's are still around. The inline 4 CB series I assume? I think we all had one of them "back in the day" as a first or intermediate motorcycle.

Well, I haven't had one since so that was my ending bike. ;)

I got it off of a Shriner and ported the carbs out before I mounted it on the Harley frame. The thing would defiantly scoot. ;)

noppid 06-07-2006 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Well, I haven't had one since so that was my ending bike. ;)

I got it off of a Shriner and ported the carbs out before I mounted it on the Harley frame. The thing would defiantly scoot. ;)

hehe, I like to scoot. I'm riding a bike I had built to go to the track and I was going to get a second street bike. I had the fever.

Well the Motor, Trans, and drivetrain were completed when we discovered we were pregnant. That meant no travel. No racing. No money!

So I put the bike on the street. It was rediculous. So I pulled out the new drivetrain that put the gearing in the basment. It's an 80 inch, but I've yet to be beaten by an 88 inch yet. I haven't lost yet in fact when I've raced. But I quit while I'm ahead. It's rare to have the mile or two ya need to safely run the gears out anymore. Like it was ever safe to begin with! :D

I just redid her. She looks great.


The first 3 galleries are the new blue design. Then there is a gallery of what it looked like when we decided to paint her blue. The last gallery is some pics of the basket case Sportster we built in our dining room. We didn't have a garage or shed yet "back in the day".

Boofo 06-07-2006 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
hehe, I like to scoot. I'm riding a bike I had built to go to the track and I was going to get a second street bike. I had the fever.

Well the Motor, Trans, and drivetrain were completed when we discovered we were pregnant. That meant no travel. No racing. No money!

So I put the bike on the street. It was rediculous. So I pulled out the new drivetrain that put the gearing in the basment. It's an 80 inch, but I've yet to be beaten by an 88 inch yet. I haven't lost yet in fact when I've raced. But I quit while I'm ahead. It's rare to have the mile or two ya need to safely run the gears out anymore. Like it was ever safe to begin with! :D

I just redid her. She looks great.


The first 3 galleries are the new blue design. Then there is a gallery of what it looked like when we decided to paint her blue. The last gallery is some pics of the basket case Sportster we built in our dining room. We didn't have a garage or shed yet "back in the day".

Let's take this to PM before the whining starts about disrupting the thread. I'm interested in checking this out further as I had a Kawasaki 150 I use to rude back and forth to work when I was stationed at Ft. Bragg back in the early 70's. Best bike I ever had and did a little moto-crossing with it. ;)

Kihon Kata 06-08-2006 01:53 PM

TOO Late! Thread Hijack alert!

LOL Boofo hehe...msn me!

Originally Posted by Boofo
Let's take this to PM before the whining starts about disrupting the thread.

Loolerskater 06-10-2006 04:16 AM

Lol back in the day we played super nitendo lol

Kihon Kata 06-10-2006 04:21 AM

no, back in the day we played 2600!!! or Pong lol

peterska2 06-10-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
no, back in the day we played 2600!!! or Pong lol

Thats more like it, and Commadore 64's where you had to wait 2 hours for the tape to load.

Bus fares were < 10p (for kids) and you got 20 sweets in your 10p mix (not 2 sweets like you do now)

Marco van Herwaarden 06-10-2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by peterska2
Thats more like it, and Commadore 64's where you had to wait 2 hours for the tape to load.

.....but that sound....you probably knew exactly which game was loading by just listening.....those where nice days.

peterska2 06-10-2006 03:52 PM

I didn't own a C64, just a 2600 but if I was going to a mates to play on their C64 right after school, they would tell their Mum in the mroning which game to put on. She'd start it loading about 2pm ready for us when we got home at 3:45pm

Ohiosweetheart 06-10-2006 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
16 year olds say "back in the day"?

I heard that today and I was like WTF.

Back in the day of what? Diapers? :cool:

LMAO... that's good...

Kimmi 06-11-2006 01:05 AM

OMG pong..Yep i hear these kids say back in the day all the time .. Ummm Hell you didnt have to wear funky clothes like we did "back in the day" Checkered pants "barf". saddle shoes.. moon boots.

but i can say the music was better back then rather whats out now..

Eq4bits 06-11-2006 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Ah, because time does not change rapidly?

I myself can say back in the day and have it make sense. Nowadays we have ipods and psp's, back in the days we had cassette and cd players. Back in the days people could rap about a story and it'd be considered good, nowadays people rap about drugs and have other rap along.

Hehehehe, 'back in *my*' day ...
  • 8-tracks were the best thing since sliced bread... they sure as heck beat having to set the rpm on the turntable, making sure the correct 'spindle' was on there, putting-the-record-on/turning-the-record-over, and trying not to scratch said record with the needle.....;
  • Dictophones weren't 'tapes' they were green flimsy 45rpm size circles with grooves on them like 'real' records;
  • The only 'rap' we had was someone knocking on the door..... or gawd forbid a rap sheet...lol
  • We still had to punch all those holes in the cards (usually a few thousand of them) to run a simple program on a computer the size of a mountain....


Originally Posted by noppid
Well the Motor, Trans, and drivetrain were completed when we discovered we were pregnant. That meant no travel. No racing. No money!....

Excuse me? 'WE were pregnant'?

Boofo 06-11-2006 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Eq4bits
Hehehehe, 'back in *my*' day ...
  • 8-tracks were the best thing since sliced bread... they sure as heck beat having to set the rpm on the turntable, making sure the correct 'spindle' was on there, putting-the-record-on/turning-the-record-over, and trying not to scratch said record with the needle.....;
  • Dictophones weren't 'tapes' they were green flimsy 45rpm size circles with grooves on them like 'real' records;
  • The only 'rap' we had was someone knocking on the door..... or gawd forbid a rap sheet...lol
  • We still had to punch all those holes in the cards (usually a few thousand of them) to run a simple program on a computer the size of a mountain....

And don't forget the "tele-type" machines that were the computers of today in those days. Talk about loud. ;)

Kihon Kata 06-11-2006 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
And don't forget the "tele-type" machines that were the computers of today in those days. Talk about loud. ;)

omg, you ARE old, boof ;)

peterska2 06-11-2006 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
omg, you ARE old, boof ;)

Back in Boofo's day the TV wasn't even evented :p

Boofo 06-11-2006 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by peterska2
Back in Boofo's day the TV wasn't even evented :p

Back in my day we had to watch TV by candlelight as there was no electricity. :cross-eyed:

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