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-   -   Custom Avatars as Files (updated for vBulletin 2.2.2) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=11760)

Kier 03-18-2001 10:00 PM

Updated for vBulletin 2.2.2, 5th February 2002

Since there has been so much demand for this, I wrote a hack that will allow you to store all your custom avatars as files, rather than in the mySQL database.


Doing this will have the following benefits:
  • Avatars folder can be protected by .htaccess (Apache only) to prevent bandwidth stealing
  • No SQL queries or PHP code required to display custom avatars - server load decreases
  • No cacheing issues with Internet Explorer 5.5, so server bandwidth use should decrease
The install script will make the necessary modifications to your database, install a control panel option to switch the file-based avatars on, and convert your existing custom avatars from the database into files.

All avatar options that are present when using the standard mySQL avatar system are still present, and users will not notice a difference in the interface.

Full instructions for altering your PHP files are included in the zip file.

Once you have made the necessary modifications to the PHP scripts, you should run the enclosed install_favatar.php script from your admin/ folder.

03-18-2001 11:04 PM

Hi kier,
does your system allow admin to set max avatar size (lets say 80 x 80) and a weight (lets say 3ko) ?

This worked with mysql storing , will it work with your sysem ?

03-18-2001 11:06 PM

Oh, and does it allow user to upload their files, switch from one avater to the other (and have the previous one replaced and eareased ) ?

03-18-2001 11:08 PM

Kier, you know what ? :)
It would be GREAT to port this system to attached files to :)

03-18-2001 11:12 PM


Originally posted by Sharg
does your system allow admin to set max avatar size (lets say 80 x 80) and a weight (lets say 3kb) ?

Oh, and does it allow user to upload their files, switch from one avater to the other (and have the previous one replaced and eareased ) ?

Yes, All avatar options that are present when using the standard mySQL avatar system are still present


Originally posted by Sharg
Kier, you know what ? :)
It would be GREAT to port this system to attached files to :)

I'm not really interested in doing this for attached files, partly for security reasons, and partly because storing attachments in the database does not have the same problems/disadvantages as the avatar system. The reason I have done this for avatars is mainly to solve a problem with IE's cache which causes avatars to be downloaded again for every page, leading to increased server load and bandwidth use.

03-18-2001 11:22 PM


Yes, All avatar options that are present when using the standard mySQL avatar system are still present
Ok, just wanted to make sure they worked with directory storing, as I thought these size and weight option were database storing specific.

Another question: do I need to set to 777 the directory storing the avatars ?

03-18-2001 11:26 PM


Originally posted by Sharg
Another question: do I need to set to 777 the directory storing the avatars ?
Do the instructions say you have to? Have a read. http://kier.3dfrontier.com/vbhacks/avatarasfile.php

03-18-2001 11:29 PM

And I quote:

1) Firstly, you will need to create a new folder in your forums directory called custom_avatars and set the permissions on the folder to 777.

03-18-2001 11:32 PM

Just a last question before I try to install it:


I'm not really interested in doing this for attached files, partly for security reasons,
What's the security concern that attachement files folder storing involve that isn't involved by avatar folder storing ?

03-18-2001 11:35 PM


Originally posted by Sharg
What's the security concern that attachement files folder storing involve that isn't involved by avatar folder storing ?
Avatars are always stored as xxxx.gif. Attachments can be of any file type that the administrator decides to allow. If an administrator decided to let .php files be uploaded, and they were stored as files on the system, anyone could run a php script that could destroy the server.

It's a bad idea.

03-18-2001 11:41 PM

Ok, got it, thanks Kier.
I didn't considered this cause I would only allow jpg,gif, txt and zip and would use it.

Anyway, good job with this hack. Gives the webmaster the final decision.

03-19-2001 12:14 AM

Another wonderful hack, thanks Kier.... I already have it installed and working on Me2Be's forums.

Just one small typo, in the control panel options, it says "Store Custom Avatars in Database?", but this has to be set to "yes" to use files, "no" to use the database. It should say "Store Custom Avatars as Files?". But otherwise it works great!

Thanks :)

03-19-2001 12:23 AM

Fixed :)

If you have this problem and want to correct it, run this query:


UPDATE setting SET title='Store Custom Avatars as Files?' WHERE varname='usefileavatar'

03-19-2001 12:40 AM

I just discovered that two php files that require modifications were not mentioned in the original documentation... please revisit the docs and follow the steps to modify private.php and announcement.php if you installed this hack prior to the posting of this message. :)

03-19-2001 09:22 AM

Kier, you are great! :)

Are all avatars stored as GIFs? Even those uploaded as JPGs? I'm asking because you said "Avatars are always stored as xxxx.gif".

03-19-2001 09:26 AM

Can you please make a hack for avatars that mods and admins can use custom, but any other group can't?

Or make it to where by group you turn on/off custom setting.

Under each group add

Can use custom avatar Yes/No

If you do modify for a group you'd see where it would be nice to have that setting.


03-19-2001 10:14 AM

yet another fine hack well done kier btw when does your new website open to the general public ?

03-19-2001 11:34 AM


Originally posted by GameGalaxy
Can you please make a hack for avatars that mods and admins can use custom, but any other group can't?
You can already do this, in a round-about-sort-of-way. Just set Custom Avatars to No (in Options) then go into User > Find > username > Edit > change avatar and you can set a custom avatar even if it's disabled for the board at large.

03-19-2001 01:58 PM

kool hack Kier

03-19-2001 03:18 PM


Are all avatars stored as GIFs? Even those uploaded as JPGs? I'm asking because you said "Avatars are always stored as xxxx.gif".
Yes, even JPG file types. Rename a .jpg file to .gif and open it in your browser. It should display just fine.

03-19-2001 04:16 PM

They are just RENAMED to GIFs or are they converted to GIFs?

03-19-2001 04:21 PM


They are just RENAMED to GIFs or are they converted to GIFs?
There is no "conversion" from one type to another. The data is stored as binary, and when "displayed" using avatar.php, it adds

header("Content-type: image/gif");
so your browser will believe it's a gif file. The contents of your jpg are unchanged, just sent to the browser as image/gif so it can be displayed.

03-19-2001 04:22 PM


Originally posted by -saturn-
They are just RENAMED to GIFs or are they converted to GIFs?
They are just renamed to GIF. This also happens (in a roundabout sort of way) with custom avatars stored in the database (they send a content header which describes their content to the browser as 'image/gif')

03-19-2001 04:25 PM

problem with showthread.php, private.php, announcement.php, admin/functions.php logic.

If there exists a customavatar record for the poster, it works great. But if you deleted all the customavatar table records, there's a problem.


if ($post[hascustomavatar] and $avatarenabled) {
        if ($usefileavatar) $avatarurl="custom_avatars/avatar$post[userid]_$post[avatarrevision].gif";
        else $avatarurl="avatar.php?userid=$post[userid]";

hascustomavatar is false because customavatar.avatardata is null, therefore, it can never check to see if $usefileavatar is true or not. There needs to be a way of determining if a customavatar that's saved as a file exists for that user. Maybe checking avatarrevision > 0.


if ($post[avatarrevision]>0 and $usefileavatar and $avatarenabled) {
            } else {
              if ($post[hascustomavatar] and $avatarenabled) $avatarurl="avatar.php?userid=$post[userid]";

member.php - Also, when a customavatar is deleted or changed to a predefined avatar, the user record needs to be updated to change avatarrevision=0.

Let me know if I am way off base here.

03-19-2001 04:45 PM

You're right. I'll look into it.

03-19-2001 04:51 PM

I know you can already do this, but this isn't the way it should be done. Its a pain if users want to change all the time or test new ones out.


Originally posted by tubedogg

You can already do this, in a round-about-sort-of-way. Just set Custom Avatars to No (in Options) then go into User > Find > username > Edit > change avatar and you can set a custom avatar even if it's disabled for the board at large.

03-19-2001 05:44 PM

As Pfunk pointed out, there was a logic error which occurred if you deleted the contents of your customavatar table...

I did sat in the instructions and in the install script that I did not recommend that you empty the custom avatar table unless you really (really) had a good reason to do so.

In any case, the code is now fixed. Visit the instructions page and make the necessary modifications to member.php - the other files do not need to be altered if you have already hacked them.

If any of your members' avatars are not showing up, simply get them to re-upload their avatar and it will fix itself.

03-19-2001 05:55 PM

Thank you Kier!

03-19-2001 06:14 PM


Originally posted by pestilence
yet another fine hack well done kier btw when does your new website open to the general public ?
not yet ;)

03-19-2001 06:34 PM

Another great hack Kier!
Thanks a lot

03-19-2001 07:19 PM

Another stunning effort. Just one question. I know you have been in close connection with the developers on this issue, so do you know if this hack will be in Beta 4? I just don't want to install it then re-install when beat 4 comes out.

03-19-2001 07:32 PM

Ok, this is the final thorn I will use today.

How about one last modification to avatar.php to prevent bandwidth stealers from circumventing the security measures people may put on the custom_avatars folder. Only bring this up because now there is a customavatar record again.

Either returning nothing, or the clear.gif image.

Ok, that's it... I promise. =) No, really! heheheh

Great work on the hack, and responding so quickly with a fix to the previous post of mine.

03-19-2001 07:55 PM

one more kier
you are the best of the best!

03-19-2001 09:15 PM


Originally posted by PFunk
Either returning nothing, or the clear.gif image.
Easy, if you use avatars-as-files, just edit avatar.php and at the top of the file, under <?php just put


I'm not going to do anything more fancy than that, as it would add extra queries to avatar.php, which I am not prepared to do.

03-19-2001 10:16 PM

If you installed the hack previous to this message, please revisit the instructions and follow the steps to modify admin/user.php... I completely forgot to hack that file before :rolleyes:

03-20-2001 02:15 AM

<< removed >>

03-20-2001 02:58 AM


Originally posted by PFunk
Add this:


if ($usefileavatar) exit;

This will cause avatar.php not to return the graphic if Use File Avatars is enabled, otherwise, it works as before.

Oh my god do you not want to add that!!!!

If you use require("./global.php") in avatar.php, you will be executing huge numbers of queries every time an avatar is displayed...

This code should really (really) not be added!

03-30-2001 03:55 PM


Great hack! This should speed up my forum a lot.

One thing before I install this hack. Will the database change that this hack does cause any problems when I upgrade to beta4? (Other than changing the php files of course)

Thanks again!

03-30-2001 07:51 PM

Hello Kier,

Would I be able to use this hack in conjunction with upgrading my 1.13 forum.

See, right now the current VB 2.0 upgrade1.php script does not upgrade my "custom_avatar" table from freddies VB 1.13 "Custom Avatar HAck"...which means my users will have to all re-upload their custom avatars.

You seem to be a hack master around here lately...do you think you could figure it out?

If so here is the information:
Here is my old 1.13 "custom_avatar" table:

CREATE TABLE custom_avatar (
  id int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  bin_data longblob NOT NULL,
  filename varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  filesize varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  filetype varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  userid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE userid (userid),
  KEY userid_2 (userid)

And here is the new VB 2.0 "customavatar" table:

CREATE TABLE customavatar (
  userid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
  avatardata mediumtext NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (userid)

Anything you could do to help me salvage my current user's custom avaatrs would be fantastic. Even if it means upgrading the custom avatars into your hack...which I want to store them outside the database anyway.

Thanks for your time. :)

03-30-2001 07:59 PM

drop the new customavatar table.

rename custom_avatar to customavatar.

Drop the fields id, filename,filesize, & filetype

rename bin_data to avatardata, change the type to mediumtext.

Drop the second index userid_2

p.s. now watch your avatars blow up in size as my hack made no checks on image height/width, only filesize. It used img tags to force all images to be the same size when displayed.

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