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Dean C 06-02-2006 10:17 PM

vB.org Union
Just an idea to throw off the top of my (already sleepy) head. A union for vB.org members, where the union would represent the general feelings of vB.org members and present those views to the staff. Should the union feel that it's proposals aren't being adequately considered, then strike action could be taken.

And just to clarify, it's an idea. I have no views on it as of yet.

Corriewf 06-02-2006 10:21 PM

I agree with your idea and nominate myself president........


It is a good idea though! :) Considering we lost our liaison.

vBintense 06-02-2006 10:21 PM

Ya but who wants to be the first Hoffa ?

Corriewf 06-02-2006 10:23 PM

I already nominated myself.... Sorry.

Regs 06-02-2006 10:23 PM

This is getting tiring. Moronic even.

But just to clarify, it's just an idea. I have no views on it as of yet.


Good one.

Krahl 06-02-2006 10:26 PM

Would a loud groan suffice as a response? I mean, really, a union?

Corriewf 06-02-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Krahl
Would a loud groan suffice as a response? I mean, really, a union?

Those are the sounds of non paying union members..... We will even send you out little cards that you will have to get punched too.

MPDev 06-02-2006 10:29 PM

Can I be the enforcer? I have my own bat.

Boofo 06-02-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Can I be the enforcer? I have my own bat.

I've got your back, buddy!

Krahl 06-02-2006 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Corriewf
Those are the sounds of non paying union members..... We will even send you out little cards that you will have to get punched too.

I can envision it.. union splinter groups and sub-groups.

"The Union" (tm) rep walks around with a "Vote Boofo!" sign. He posts things like "The .Org is your friend," "Trust the Org!" and has ketchup stains on his tshirt.

"The Anti-Union Union" (tm) rep walks up with his "Vote Princeton, he'll protect you!" sign. He posts anti-AmyKhar messages, whines about how the community could be much better with real customer service reps and has mustard stains on his tshirt.

"The WeUsedToBeUnionButHateThemNow Union" (tm) goes around spreading propoganda about all other unions. They delete and lock posts from "The Anti-Union" (tm) folks and change their sigs to "The WeUsedToBeUnionButHateThemNow Union" (tm) links. Oh yeah, and they have mayo stains on their tshirts.

Will the madness never end?!?!


...starts the "Dancing Banana Union" (tm) because he can. :banana: Oh yeah, and has a banana stain on his tshirt.

Corriewf 06-02-2006 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Can I be the enforcer? I have my own bat.

Your a body builder so of course you can....

Boofo 06-02-2006 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Krahl
I can envision it.. union splinter groups and sub-groups.

"The Union" (tm) rep walks around with a "Vote Boofo!" sign. He posts things like "The .Org is your friend," "Trust the Org!" and has ketchup stains on his tshirt.

"The Anti-Union Union" (tm) rep walks up with his "Vote Princeton, he'll protect you!" sign. He posts anti-AmyKhar messages, whines about how the community could be much better with real customer service reps and has mustard stains on his tshirt.

"The WeUsedToBeUnionButHateThemNow Union" (tm) goes around spreading propoganda about all other unions. They delete and lock posts from "The Anti-Union" (tm) folks and change their sigs to "The WeUsedToBeUnionButHateThemNow Union" (tm) links. Oh yeah, and they have mayo stains on their tshirts.

Will the madness never end?!?!


...starts the "Dancing Banana Union" (tm) because he can. :banana: Oh yeah, and has a banana stain on his tshirt.

Damn! I've been categorized and found out.

Corriewf 06-02-2006 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Damn! I've been categorized and found out.

Boofo, I have appointed you the "shotcaller", which means your job is to call out when we have had too many shots of alkeyhol!!

Boofo 06-02-2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Corriewf
Boofo, I have appointed you the "shotcaller", which means your job is to call out when we have had too many shots of alkeyhol!!

It's waaayyyyy beyond that point now.

akanevsky 06-02-2006 11:45 PM

And what would be the point of the union? Sorry, I don't understand.

Corriewf 06-02-2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
It's waaayyyyy beyond that point now.

An old man once told me ( not boofo btw ) that you should drink until shes pretty..... well she aint pretty yet.... :cool:

Boofo 06-02-2006 11:51 PM

And sometimes there will never be enough to drink to accomplish that.

yinyang 06-02-2006 11:56 PM

if such a site does come around, the logical domain name is vbunion.com/.org. although we all would know it stands for vb union, we may get lots of people registering who are into remedies for sucking too much on the big toe, bunions, virtual bunions, etc.......

bunĀ·ion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bnyn) n.
A painful, inflamed swelling of the bursa at the first joint of the big toe, characterized by enlargement of the joint and lateral displacement of the toe.

Krahl 06-02-2006 11:57 PM

LOL yinyang.

:banana: union sympathizer


MPDev 06-03-2006 01:20 AM

I'm gonna start crankin' some skullz around here if anyone starts messin' with my boy Boofo. You mess with Boofo, you swim with the fishes. Coppish?

Boofo 06-03-2006 01:29 AM

MPDev's the man!

Gio~Logist 06-03-2006 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by MPDev
I'm gonna start crankin' some skullz around here if anyone starts messin' with my boy Boofo. You mess with Boofo, you swim with the fishes. Coppish?

Lay off the steroids please ;)

Kihon Kata 06-03-2006 02:14 AM

LMAO Krahl!!! I laughed outloud on this. Are you one of these? If not, I'll take the conservative nomination for that union


Originally Posted by MPDev
crankin' some skullz

It's crackin' skullz! Rip Paul

EasyTarget 06-03-2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Krahl
"The Anti-Union Union" (tm) rep walks up with his "Vote Princeton, he'll protect you!" sign. He posts anti-AmyKhar messages, whines about how the community could be much better with real customer service reps and has mustard stains on his tshirt.


Boofo 06-03-2006 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
LMAO Krahl!!! I laughed outloud on this. Are you one of these? If not, I'll take the conservative nomination for that union

It's crackin' skullz! Rip Paul

MPDev doesn't crack anything, he only cranks and that is a lot more painful.

And your RIP Paul link isn't working, by the way.

Ntfu2 06-03-2006 02:26 AM

Man, and i thought it was one of these unions i could join and every one else does the work and i could get credit


Serious note: I dont think its a good idea, its just another loop for members to jump thru

Gio~Logist 06-03-2006 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dean C
Just an idea to throw off the top of my (already sleepy) head. A union for vB.org members, where the union would represent the general feelings of vB.org members and present those views to the staff. Should the union feel that it's proposals aren't being adequately considered, then strike action could be taken.

And just to clarify, it's an idea. I have no views on it as of yet.

I'm just wondering how the union will be established and maintained. Hm.

Krahl 06-03-2006 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
LMAO Krahl!!! I laughed outloud on this. Are you one of these? If not, I'll take the conservative nomination for that union

LOL.. I easily COULD be but am not, no. In fact, I probably should be - it would make the days pass all that much more easily.

Kihon Kata for "DruNken AdmINs fOR FulL vB RIGhtS!! Union" (tm). I think you have it all locked up, but you gotta watch out for others muscling in on your dues man.


Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Man, and i thought it was one of these unions i could join and every one else does the work and i could get credit

You obviously do not "get" the concept then. Just borrow a sign with a slogan on it and hand it to the guy next to you then push him out in front. "Solidarity" and all that jazz... "we got 'yer back man!" :cool:


Originally Posted by gio~logist
I'm just wondering how the union will be established and maintained. Hm.

Why, on the backs of the working man, of course! Er, I mean, the users.. yeah, that's it... the users.



Kihon Kata 06-03-2006 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by Krahl
LOL.. I easily COULD be but am not, no. In fact, I probably should be - it would make the days pass all that much more easily.

Kihon Kata for "DruNk AdmINs fOR FulL vB RIGhtS!!" (tm). I think you have it all locked up, but you gotta watch out for others muscling in on your dues man.Krahl

LOL! that unoin post of yours should be POTM ;)

Krahl 06-03-2006 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kihon Kata
LOL! that unoin post of yours should be POTM ;)

Sure, so says the leader of the "DruNken AdmINs fOR FulL vB RIGhtS!! Union" (tm). It'll never be taken seriously!

Er, I mean... of course you're right!


Kihon Kata 06-03-2006 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Krahl
Sure, so says the leader of the "DruNken AdmINs fOR FulL vB RIGhtS!! Union" (tm). It'll never be taken seriously!

Er, I mean... of course you're right!


trademark that baby!

Zachariah 06-03-2006 12:22 PM

Unions were good in the 30's- 50's, but they are a waste of time in 2k.

There are enough government regulations now as it is w/o a mob (union) teamster hitting me in the head for their union dues.

Boofo 06-03-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
There are enough government regulations now as it is w/o a mob (union) teamster hitting me in the head for their union dues.

I already apologized for that and we settled out of court. What more do you want? :cross-eyed:

MPDev 06-03-2006 12:52 PM

Psssst, Boofo; I'm confused, who do I give these cement shoes to?

Boofo 06-03-2006 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Psssst, Boofo; I'm confused, who do I give these cement shoes to?

You can pretty much take your pick from anyone in this thread, as an example, if nothing else. I don't mind, really. :cross-eyed:

MPDev 06-03-2006 12:58 PM

I better call the guy over at the IPB Union, I'm going to need more cement.

Dean C 06-03-2006 08:50 PM

Ok after a little thought on the idea today, my idea is based purely on the principle that the current situation of members creating threads to propose things isn't done in a diplomatic way and has resorted to name-calling, thread closures, and discussions going round and round in circles with the same things being said again. How about a collection of vB.org users who can congregate, anyone can join the "group" (union as I first called it), and union members would elect a representative, and have a little meeting once a month to raise any concerns, and then the views could be presented to the staff in a sensible and democratic way :)

Boofo 06-03-2006 08:51 PM

That would be called a "liason", what Amy used to be.

Azhrialilu 06-03-2006 08:57 PM

I've got a better idea, why doesn't everyone just chill out for a week, take it easy, soak up the sun, have a joint if you smoke em, or a cigarette or a bottle of your favourite alcohol. but for chrissake shut up for five minutes <grin>

*awaits the flaming with a look that borders on tiredness*

*edited to add... I love you, Boofo, you know that ;) *

*another edit to add* I'm not referring to the conversation here in particular, more to all the constant +++++ing going back and forth all over vb.org the last few days :p *

kall 06-03-2006 09:02 PM

*returns from mad trip to Australia and looks around in bewilderment*

*hands Azh duty-free alcohol*

Harmony is the key. :)

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