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-   -   vbTags - a web2.0 like tag thread hack for vbulletin 3.5 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=113746)

devguru 04-21-2006 10:00 PM

vbTags - a web2.0 like tag thread hack for vbulletin 3.5
Think of a tag as a simple category name or keyword search tech.
People can categorize your forum thread with any tag that makes sense.

Primary Features:
- AJAX Technology (no refreshing during tagging)
- Tag clouds
- autocomplete

Features list:

* Tag any thread with an unlimited number of tags(use spaces to separate tags,ajax with no refresh page,autocomplete)
* List all the tags associated with an thread
* List all threads tagged with a given tag
* List all users tagged with a given tag
* List top 5 tags associated with an thread in forumdisplay thread list
* Generate popular tag cloud or simple tag list in any period (1 day, 1 week, …)
* Generate top tag contribution user cloud in any period (1 day, 1 week, …)
* Generate my tag list in any period (1 day, 1 week, …)
* Provides the means to dynamically navigate tags and see user tag intersections

Database Backups Recommended!
Although I have installed this script in a big forum for a month already, but I just test it in php5.
it IS recommended that you backup your database before installing this product!!

1 Product XML
3 PHP Script
1 css file
4 jscript file

1) Upload all files in floder to your vbb forum
2) Import product-vbTags.xml
3) Edit the template(see readme.txt)

Go to vBulletin Options / vbTags Settings to make your settings

If there are things missing from the documentation, please let me know!

P.S. Screenshots are included

auto tag tools

Synchronize thread_tag with thread's tag field


you have to edit this file, include your database configure ,forum id and keywords

* auto tag thread with forum id and keywords
* auto tag condition: the thread's replycount>10,$config['views'] > 300


you have to edit this file, include your database configure ,user id and keywords

* auto tag thread with user id and username
* auto tag condition: the thread's replycount>30,$config['views'] > 900


- Tony Li

Feckie (Roger) 04-22-2006 08:26 AM

Clicks Install

devguru 04-22-2006 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Feckie (Roger)
Clicks Install

thank your interesting , look forward to your suggestion and respond :)

q8-star 04-22-2006 09:26 AM

It sound great ,but ,isn't that the same as Thread prefix ,or at least similar to it ?

devguru 04-22-2006 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by q8-star
It sound great ,but ,isn't that the same as Thread prefix ,or at least similar to it ?

It's certainly different, you can learn more about tags from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tags

A tag is a keyword which acts like a subject or category. A keyword is used to organize webpages and objects on the Internet. Each user "tags" a webpage or image using his/her own unique tag. An image or webpage may have multiple tags that identify it. Webpages and images with identical tags are then linked together and users may use the tag to search for similar webpages and images.


Tags can be used to specify properties of an object that are not obvious to the object itself. Tags can be used to find objects with similar properties or to organize objects.

Tags are often used in social software and Web 2.0 pages. The method of allowing open categorization of the Internet is often referred to as Folksonomy.

Bookmark Tags are used in Flock (web browser) and will surface in Firefox 2.0

Popular websites that use Tags

* Del.icio.us [1] - A social bookmarking site that allows users to bookmark many sites and then tag them with many descriptive words allowing other people to search by those terms to find pages that other people found useful. See Also: Social bookmarking
* Gmail [2] - A popular web-mail site that was one of the first to allow categorization of objects using tags, known as "labels" on emails.
* Flickr [3] - A service that allows users to tag images with many specific nouns, verbs, and adjectives which describe the picture. This is then searchable. See Also: Metadata#Image metadata
* Basecamp [4] - A project collaboration service that allows users working on projects to tag portions of their work making it easy to find data.



michaelbenson 04-22-2006 10:28 AM

Perfect, i have been requesting and looking for a tagging system for vBulletin ever since vBulletin 3.5 began in development. Judging by the screenshots it looks just as fluent and intergrated as any blog tagging system would be.

/me installs.

q8-star 04-22-2006 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by devguru
It's certainly different, you can learn more about tags from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tags

A tag is a keyword which acts like a subject or category. A keyword is used to organize webpages and objects on the Internet. Each user "tags" a webpage or image using his/her own unique tag. An image or webpage may have multiple tags that identify it. Webpages and images with identical tags are then linked together and users may use the tag to search for similar webpages and images.


Tags can be used to specify properties of an object that are not obvious to the object itself. Tags can be used to find objects with similar properties or to organize objects.

Tags are often used in social software and Web 2.0 pages. The method of allowing open categorization of the Internet is often referred to as Folksonomy.

Bookmark Tags are used in Flock (web browser) and will surface in Firefox 2.0

Popular websites that use Tags

* Del.icio.us [1] - A social bookmarking site that allows users to bookmark many sites and then tag them with many descriptive words allowing other people to search by those terms to find pages that other people found useful. See Also: Social bookmarking
* Gmail [2] - A popular web-mail site that was one of the first to allow categorization of objects using tags, known as "labels" on emails.
* Flickr [3] - A service that allows users to tag images with many specific nouns, verbs, and adjectives which describe the picture. This is then searchable. See Also: Metadata#Image metadata
* Basecamp [4] - A project collaboration service that allows users working on projects to tag portions of their work making it easy to find data.



Well thanks ,I might reconsider this hack again now .
Thanks for the help again ...

bashy 04-22-2006 10:39 AM


I have installed...

the tags i have just added are showing 2 xx for removing the tags

Also the text on the foruhome is way too big... sime in the tag page as well

EDIT....I take it this is what the clod thingy is for in the options :)

Also All the time, should be All Time

Also i feel that Today This week All Time should be in a cell of its own and along side the actual tags?

Also the username in the postbit is far too big

Could you please address these for me?

Snake 04-22-2006 12:02 PM


/me clicks on install

bashy 04-22-2006 12:18 PM

If you have forums for certain usergroups only and you set a tag in that forum it shows the tag and the thread to everyone :(

Please can this be address ASAP?

AlexanderT 04-22-2006 01:01 PM

That's a great addition! I haven't updated to 3.5x yet, but once I will, this is going to be my first hack to be installed!


devguru 04-22-2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by bashy

I have installed...

the tags i have just added are showing 2 xx for removing the tags

two [x] [x] is because your are tag owner and admin. if you are admin, you can have [x] in all the tags . other people can't see two [x] [x] . And thanks your mention I will merge them if you are admin.


Originally Posted by bashy
Also the text on the foruhome is way too big... sime in the tag page as well

The font is too big, because tags is too little, and all the tags is in top level.


Originally Posted by bashy
EDIT....I take it this is what the clod thingy is for in the options :)

You can edit tag.css from time to time as your tags number increase.


Originally Posted by bashy
Also All the time, should be All Time

thanks you point, i will correct it.


Originally Posted by bashy
Also i feel that Today This week All Time should be in a cell of its own and along side the actual tags?

I am not sure where to put these links, do you have any good suggestion?


Originally Posted by bashy
Also the username in the postbit is far too big

I will check it.


Originally Posted by bashy
Could you please address these for me?

Sure... tonight , I will update the version.

devguru 04-22-2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
If you have forums for certain usergroups only and you set a tag in that forum it shows the tag and the thread to everyone :(

Please can this be address ASAP?

Stand by, I will resovle this probrem today.

devguru 04-22-2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lil Ripsta

[high]* Lil Ripsta clicks on install[/high]

Thanks, do you unistall it , any probrem do you want to address ?

bashy 04-22-2006 02:23 PM

Hi devguru..

Thanks for addressing the few issues :)

As for the Today This week All Time i think even above the tags and in its own cell would be better :)

username12 04-22-2006 02:45 PM

I still don't get it, but I'll install it once some of the issues have been worked out.

djwins 04-22-2006 02:51 PM

It would be useful to see a demo...sounds interesting!

COBRAws 04-22-2006 06:00 PM

Any live demo? This is really cool! But I want to live-test first.

bashy 04-22-2006 06:14 PM

I spose you could look at my site... www.bashys-place.com as it is up and running.... there needs to be a few tweaks here and there and the author is looking into them :)

You can see them as a guest but to do a post test you would need to reg im afraid

devguru 04-22-2006 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
I spose you could look at my site... www.bashys-place.com as it is up and running.... there needs to be a few tweaks here and there and the author is looking into them :)

You can see them as a guest but to do a post test you would need to reg im afraid

bashy,thank your support. I noticed that the tag list of the thread does not show up in the first time, I believe it is because the current php version cause this probrem, what's your php vesion ? i will figure it out lately.

I have added some auto tag tools for existing forum thread , you probrem want to have a look.

but don't do much work in this stage , this hack is very early beta stage, I will add seo url feature(with apache .htaccess support) and more configure options.

bashy 04-22-2006 07:04 PM

Hi devguru

No probs on the support m8....
My PHP is 4.4.1

The auto tag side of this i will take a look now :)

bashy 04-22-2006 07:22 PM

Ok...I have filled in my database information...
I am a little lost as to what happens next..

It says sommat about keywords and forum ID but i dont see anything in the files to sort out..

Can you explain this a little further and what happens once the files are configured correctly please? :)

devguru 04-22-2006 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Ok...I have filled in my database information...
I am a little lost as to what happens next..

It says sommat about keywords and forum ID but i dont see anything in the files to sort out..

Can you explain this a little further and what happens once the files are configured correctly please? :)

say , i see you have a tutoria forum in your forums, forum id is 113, you want to this tools tag all the thread that replycount>10 , views > 300 with 'tutorials' keyword'

you have to edit function autotaglist(), add

'113' => array('tutorials'),

to $fields arrary .

then run command 'php auto_tag.php'

devguru 04-22-2006 08:02 PM

bashy, I have resolved the probrem about the the thread permission(don't show the tag thread to no permission user);

I am not sure why the tag list of the thread does not show up in your forums , could you help me check in your forum:




function getTagCloudSize($popularity,$maxpopularity)
in tag_function.php

I wish this modification will fix this probrem. if this is done, i will update the current version .

devguru 04-22-2006 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by COBRAws
Any live demo? This is really cool! But I want to live-test first.

I have a big Chinese forum run this hack: http://www.canadameet.com/forums/ , you can see also http://www.canadameet.com/forums/tag.php.

it looks much better while you got a lot of tags ...

bashy 04-22-2006 08:08 PM

Hi m8

Just done the edit and sent you admin login deets by pm....

bashy 04-22-2006 08:16 PM

right then just so that i dont mess things up

I take it the

'113'                => array('tutorials'),
gones somewhere in the code below, i just need you to point exactly where please :)


/* auto tag thread with forum id and keyword
 * $config['replycount'] = 10; // auto tag condition: the thread's replycount>10
 *  $config['views'] = 300; // auto tag condition: the thread's views>300
 *  example
        '14'                => array('vancouver'),
        '15'                => array('toronto'),
        * */ 

function autotaglist()
        $fields = array(
        return $fields;



Originally Posted by devguru
say , i see you have a tutoria forum in your forums, forum id is 113, you want to this tools tag all the thread that replycount>10 , views > 300 with 'tutorials' keyword'

you have to edit function autotaglist(), add

'113' => array('tutorials'),

to $fields arrary .

then run command 'php auto_tag.php'

devguru 04-22-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
right then just so that i dont mess things up


PHP Code:

    $fields = array(

PHP Code:

$fields = array(
'113' => array('tutorials'),

bashy 04-22-2006 08:37 PM

Cheers m8 that sorted it out :)

Tell ya what though, i wish i didnt go through all the tutorials this afternoon and add a tutorial tag to each of the tutorials ha ha ha ha :o


#!/usr/bin/php Database Connected successfully ==================================== Now processing auto tags ==================================== Processing thread in forum 113 Total records: 0 . Done! Process completed!

Originally Posted by devguru

PHP Code:

    $fields = array(

PHP Code:

$fields = array(
'113' => array('tutorials'),

Torqued 04-22-2006 08:43 PM

Can you have tags that are more than one word?

devguru 04-22-2006 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
Cheers m8 that sorted it out :)

Tell ya what though, i wish i didnt go through all the tutorials this afternoon and add a tutorial tag to each of the tutorials ha ha ha ha :o

you see, Processing thread in forum 113 Total records: 0

bashy, you tag nothing, probably you have to change the tag condition:
PHP Code:

$config['replycount'] = 10// auto tag condition is replycount>10
$config['views'] = 300


PHP Code:

$config['replycount'] = 0// auto tag condition is replycount>10
$config['views'] = 0

and I figure it out your forums do not call the hook : showthread_complete

so the code "Show tags in showthread(vbTags) " do not run in this forum and the tag list doesnot show up .

bashy 04-22-2006 09:02 PM

Yeah m8 i did notice that :)

Is there a work around for the Show tags in showthreads?

bashy 04-22-2006 09:06 PM

#!/usr/bin/php Database Connected successfully ==================================== Now processing auto tags ==================================== Processing thread in forum 113 Total records: 0 . Done! Process completed!

Still not worked an i have a feeling i know why, Some hacks dont work with the GARS system and this is what the tutorials system is, I can manually add the tags to the posts in that section and any other section but for some reason the auto side of it is not playing ball, i have going to try it in another setion (none GARS) brb

EDIT: nope still didnt work

devguru 04-22-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by bashy
#!/usr/bin/php Database Connected successfully ==================================== Now processing auto tags ==================================== Processing thread in forum 113 Total records: 0 . Done! Process completed!

Still not worked an i have a feeling i know why, Some hacks dont work with the GARS system and this is what the tutorials system is, I can manually add the tags to the posts in that section and any other section but for some reason the auto side of it is not playing ball, i have going to try it in another setion (none GARS) brb

EDIT: nope still didnt work

I forget to mention tableprefix, do you have a tableprefix. in that case ,you have to $config['tableprefix'], anyway i will update the tools to use the vbb configure lately.

devguru 04-22-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Torqued
Can you have tags that are more than one word?

do you mean multiword as a tag ?

bashy 04-22-2006 09:18 PM

Yeah i dont use any prefix that i know of lol...
I have never entered a prefix whenever i have been asked for 1

bashy 04-22-2006 09:20 PM

I think they mean something like toys games barbie dolls as 1 tag? if they do then yes you can lol if you dont mean that then sorry i dont know what you mean

Torqued 04-22-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by devguru
do you mean multiword as a tag ?

Yeah. For example: President Bush as a tag...


devguru 04-23-2006 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Torqued
Yeah. For example: President Bush as a tag...


You may have already noticed a limitation to tagging in del.icio.us ,same as in vbTags: spaces aren?t allowed. This leads to three different strategies for multi-word tags:

1. underscore - put an underscore where the space would be. Using this example, should have used ?President_Bush? as tag.
2. mashup - remove the spaces altogether. Using this example, should have used ?PresidentBush?.
3. hyphen - put a hyphen where the space would be. This is the one for ?President-Bush?.

I have no idea how to support technorati multi-word tags in this moment, it probably causes the "space separated" to "comma separated" tag

Torqued 04-23-2006 04:12 AM

It looks like %20 is a valid encoded replacement for the space:


info on %20 encoding for space: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/ht...rlencoding.htm

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