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-   -   BoardTracker Advanced Topic Tags System - v2! (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=111887)

BoardTracker 03-31-2006 10:00 PM

BoardTracker Advanced Topic Tags System - v2!
BoardTracker Topic Tags Mod - ***version 2*** :cool:

This easy to install mod adds a complete thread tagging and tag search system to your board. Tags are displayed with the thread, similar to the tagging and tag search often used on blogs, and link to a tag search system on your board which is powered by boardtracker. (meaning no search load on your servers!)

Tag search and tag results are fully integrated with your board, similar to our other board search mods.

Advanced tag search options include:

Search tags by user
Search tags by forum and related forums
Search by boardtracker category
Search tags on all boards in boardtracker (optional)
Restrict search by date range
Tag cloud and 'related tags' cloud on search results - fully customizable!
Mod_rewrite option for tag links
RSS feed for tag searches
Search tags on a single or multiple specific boards you define thereby allowing you to create traffic trading rings with other board owners or just within your own boards if you have more than one.
Many options to play with the in admin panel!

If your board is not yet indexed by BoardTracker, make sure to submit it! :)

Tags created are indexed and searchable on boardtracker search engine also and can appear in various boardtracker tag clouds bringing you more traffic!

Once you have the mod installed and your users have started tagging, you will be able to add tag clouds to any page on your board or any site with this simple bit of html or just copy paste the following onto any vb page and change the params to suit..


<!-- Tag Cloud -->
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tcat">$vbphrase[bt_tag_cloud]</td>
<td class="alt1" align="center">
<script type="text/javascript" language=Javascript src="http://www.boardtracker.com/cloud/js/?board={$vbulletin->options['bt_tag_boardid']}&items=20&smallsize=6&bigsize=20&hot=e01010&cold=4090a0&days=90&linktype={$vbulletin->options['bt_tag_link_type']}"></script>
<!-- End Tag Cloud -->

You can see an example of the tag search on our demo forums (using tag results from another board just for example since there are no real threads/tags there)

Also see here the advanced tag search demo.

For support you can post here or on boardtracker support forums.

There is also a vb3.6 version.


MentaL 04-01-2006 11:38 AM

Looks nice.

Rich 04-01-2006 12:03 PM


The boardtracker cloud is a rendition of google? The link above leads to :!Google with your hound on it.

BoardTracker 04-01-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rich

The boardtracker cloud is a rendition of google? The link above leads to :!Google with your hound on it.

No, thats a temporary new look for boardtracker.. its april 1st.. ;)

The real one is here and will be back where it should be tomorrow.


Rich 04-01-2006 05:55 PM

Isn't it possible for the search engines to consider that keyword harvesting?

BoardTracker 04-01-2006 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rich
Isn't it possible for the search engines to consider that keyword harvesting?

Not sure what you mean by keyword harvesting but search engines should have no problems with tagging which is extremely popular these days and serves a very useful purpose. Wikipedia has some good info about tagging and folksonomies.

Also bear in mind that Yahoo owns several of the biggest/most popular tag related services around such as flickr and del.icio.us so they are very much in favour of tagging content.

puertoblack2003 04-02-2006 02:00 PM

just curious how to tag i have everything installed but when i was posting the topic i noticed the tag entry with numbers...how do that work???:surprised:

BoardTracker 04-02-2006 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by puertoblack2003
just curious how to tag i have everything installed but when i was posting the topic i noticed the tag entry with numbers...how do that work???:surprised:

Do you mean in the tag links that appear on the thread after posting? Something like this: http://www.boardtracker.com/tag/sometag/123 ?

If so then the 123 should be your boardid on boardtracker which you entered in the vboptions section. You can leave it blank which would mean the tag search will show tag results from all boards in boardtracker. If you want to only show results from your board(s) then you have to submit your board to boardtracker to get a boardid.

If thats not what you meant then let me know your board url so I can have a look..

puertoblack2003 04-02-2006 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by BoardTracker
Do you mean in the tag links that appear on the thread after posting? Something like this: http://www.boardtracker.com/tag/sometag/123 ?

If so then the 123 should be your boardid on boardtracker which you entered in the vboptions section. You can leave it blank which would mean the tag search will show tag results from all boards in boardtracker. If you want to only show results from your board(s) then you have to submit your board to boardtracker to get a boardid.

If thats not what you meant then let me know your board url so I can have a look..

yes, didn't see that tut..that's excatly what i mean ..so when i'm posting a topic or agenda underneath the post title i can put 1 for that particular post or leave it blank?... but you can look as well http://www.puertotech.com

thank you

BoardTracker 04-02-2006 02:34 PM

When posting a thread you can leave the tags box empty if you don't want to tag it and then no tags will appear on the thread itself. You can always tag the thread later anyway through boardtracker.

puertoblack2003 04-02-2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by BoardTracker
When posting a thread you can leave the tags box empty if you don't want to tag it and then no tags will apear on the thread itself. You can always tag the thread later anyway through boardtracker.

ok cool thanks i see you refered it as thread not post...i know i subscribed...lol forgot the pass...have to track it down..thanks:cool:

BoardTracker 04-02-2006 03:04 PM

You may want to change the tag help text on the newthread form..

"Seperate each tag with a comma ',' like: 1,2,3"

to something like.. "Comma separated keywords describing post" or whatever you prefer.

Just in case its not too clear as it is. Its the 'tags_howto' phrase under vb 'languages & phrases'.

Make sure to submit your board to boardtracker also.. http://www.boardtracker.com/boards/3

Boards with this mod installed will be added quicker than others where possible.

puertoblack2003 04-02-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by BoardTracker
You may want to change the tag help text on the newthread form..

"Seperate each tag with a comma ',' like: 1,2,3"

to something like.. "Comma separated keywords describing post" or whatever you prefer.

Just in case its not too clear as it is. Its the 'tags_howto' phrase under vb 'languages & phrases'.

Make sure to submit your board to boardtracker also.. http://www.boardtracker.com/boards/3

Boards with this mod installed will be added quicker than others where possible.

thank you, submission completed ***Great Hack***INSTALLED:banana:

BoardTracker 04-03-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by puertoblack2003
thank you, submission completed ***Great Hack***INSTALLED:banana:

Ok your board is now in boardtracker and you will see threads (and tags) appearing there now. :cool:

TheComputerGuy 04-06-2006 01:53 PM

installed on www.runaked.com/forums

Mr Chad 04-15-2006 05:44 PM

Installing on BeastToast.com :)

snowman872 04-16-2006 10:35 AM

Nice addition to board. Installed on raincoatreviews.com. *clicks install*

BoardTracker 04-24-2006 12:05 PM

Custom Tag Clouds for your boards are now available! :)

Just a single line of code to paste on any page you want (on your forums or blogs or any other site) so very simple to use.

Full details are here..


WritersBeat 05-11-2006 09:59 PM

does this integrate everything with boardtracker.com?

I don't think it's fair if it does. I mean sure you made the hack and all, but I want everything to be local and help my seo rating, not someone else's.

WritersBeat 05-11-2006 10:16 PM

Yeah I found out myself, it does. This makes this hack useless to me. Sorry :(

Coast to Coast 05-11-2006 11:35 PM

Release this as a Non integrated mod - or else it should be deleted. We should never install a mod that makes us dependant in another site - or help another websites SEO.

WritersBeat 05-12-2006 10:27 AM

Exactly my point.

Blah :(

BoardTracker 05-12-2006 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by WritersBeat
does this integrate everything with boardtracker.com?

I don't think it's fair if it does. I mean sure you made the hack and all, but I want everything to be local and help my seo rating, not someone else's.

Well first of all - you know what SEO means? Search Engine Optimization. You know what BoardTracker is? Its a Search Engine.. ;)

Secondly, tagging for seo is the wrong reason.. its like putting wheels on a car to make it look nice.. sure your car may look nicer with wheels on but thats not their primary purpose! Tagging is for organizing data, its for board users to build a folksonomy for board users. Its so they can easily find relevant threads and with the tagclouds also they can find 'hot' threads. If you provide your users with a better way to find what they want and with a way to contribute to that effort, you will have happier and more loyal users.

You worry that using this mod will send traffic to boardtracker? Where do you think traffic on boardtracker then goes? Since its a search engine for boards, the traffic goes back to the boards!

If SEO is your chief concern then you should understand that the more tags you create using this mod, the more links you will have from boardtracker to your board - this is good for your SEO! If you do it entirely internally, then what you have is a bunch of extra links on your board, pointing to other pages on your board - you already have lots of internal links, vbulletin has numerous links to threads/posts from all sorts of places within your board.. the last thing you need now for seo on your board is more links from your own board, what you need is links from other sites like boardtracker.

Look at this..


The 'music' tag is popular on boardtracker now and appears in the tag cloud on our index AND on tag clouds on other boards who choose to display global clouds. You think those boards listed in the music tag search result don't get traffic now? I bet they do.. but don't take my word for it, here's what one board owner (whose board appears in that music tag result) had to say..

"I'm loving all of it. I've had 23 new registrations in two days."

Here's some more reasons for being in boardtracker and using our mods..

95 referrals from boardtracker..

112 referrals..


Originally Posted by AboveTopSecret
Release this as a Non integrated mod - or else it should be deleted. We should never install a mod that makes us dependant in another site - or help another websites SEO.

This is extremely shortsighted.. much of SEO depends on links from/to other sites. Without such links you have no SEO and you will have less traffic. Your board also depends on many things to survive and grow including links from other sites, software from other companies, hosting, servers, etc etc. Your board cannot live in a vacuum.

Also note if you look at this mod you will see that you can configure it to show only threads from your board or threads from several boards which YOU CHOOSE or it can show threads from all boards.

However a key feature of 'web2.0' is the community/social aspect, its about social search and social networks and empowering the users. The users will decide on the tags and they will be the ones using tags to find what they want. Even though a board is in itself a community, it is an isolated one and as such it risks losing members to those who are more open and connect with others and of course you obviously make it more difficult for potential new members to ever find your board if you are not part of the network.

Its important, even critical to network with other boards.. you cant lock your members in by 'hiding' threads from other boards that may interest them.. this is no way to build loyalty and activity within your board. Your members will still find them with google or yahoo, they do know the 'interweb' exists beyond your board and so its better if you are the one that provides them with the links to other relevant threads rather then them just going elsewhere to find it.

Tagging is good for boards, but tagging in isolation defeats the purpose..

WritersBeat 05-12-2006 08:33 PM

Bottom line is, I don't want to use another site to tag MY board. Sorry, if you're a search engine, do it on your own. Don't make other communities have to use your site to tag it. It's not right, it's messed up.

Tagging is meant for organization. I don't want to organize with a different URL. I like keeping things the way they are: local.

This hack should be removed if it doesn't fully integrate with your own board. It's just not a hack anymore.

You can't say tagging in isolation defeats the purpose. There are many tagging sites out there and they all point locally. They don't use another service to implement the tagging engine. All you're doing is making hacks that use your search engine to gain popularity. Thanks, but no thanks.

Release full hacks or just stop trying to promote your site in this way, it's just retarded.

cd1986 05-12-2006 09:10 PM

Actually they've got quite a good idea going...so how about a compromise. Have the mod include an internal tagging system by default, with the option to switch to BT tags. Or just include both - that's what i intend to do!

Click on a tag - new page comes up, above is the internal display (similar threads on your board etc, not relying on BT) and then below a "wider results" section including the BT display. Either display can then be switched on or off through the AdminCP.

BoardTracker 05-12-2006 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by WritersBeat
This hack should be removed if it doesn't fully integrate with your own board. It's just not a hack anymore.

To use your words, that is "retarded" - a hack/mod is to add additional functionality to the board. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean its not a hack - where is the sense in your statement??


Bottom line is, I don't want to use another site to tag MY board. Sorry, if you're a search engine, do it on your own. Don't make other communities have to use your site to tag it. It's not right, it's messed up.
Who is making anyone use this? Is there some law that says you have to use it? Where are you getting these ideas from? If you don't like it, don't use it. Thats the bottom line. Don't presume to think everyone agrees with you because they don't - some will, some wont. Some will install this mod, some wont. Thats the way it goes. Its not "messed up", its called freedom of choice - we provide one option which people are free to use or not as they choose.

Bear in mind when implementing a tag search system that this takes server resources. Anyone who runs a busy board will tell you how problematic a local search engine is which is why you will see search disabled on MANY boards. When you use our mods all the server intensive processing is done on our servers, freeing up your servers to handle the task of running the board itself. So not only do you get traffic from boardtracker, you also get servers that are more stable and can actually then handle more traffic.


You can't say tagging in isolation defeats the purpose. There are many tagging sites out there and they all point locally. They don't use another service to implement the tagging engine.
They certainly don't all point locally. A vast number of blogs and other sites out there link to tag search on technorati, del.icio.us, flickr etc etc. Those that keep everything local are missing out on the benefits of the global aspects of tagging. How will anyone outside ever find tagged content if they are only internal and isolated from the world?


Release full hacks or just stop trying to promote your site in this way, it's just retarded.
Please stop telling others not to release hacks that they put the time and effort into developing just because you don't like them. If you dont like it, don't use it or go and develop your own mods. Your statements here are quite absurd.

WritersBeat 05-13-2006 06:30 AM

What's absurd is you not adding the option to integrate it with the owner's site.

I don't give a shit about resources, if I'm having a tagging system with members tagging all the content, I don't want to give traffic to another site. Sorry, no free advertising.

Cloud-Warrior 06-08-2006 12:10 PM

Installed on www.boards.ie.

I don't see what the problem is, because:

1) The tags are stored locally, in your thread table. You can still access and do whatever extra stats / linking you want with this...
2) BoardTracker provides a mechanism to add your site to their tagged threads search, which I think is a great example of Web 2.0 being applied for the first time to forums. Tagging threads across forum sites - brilliant!

jeffj 06-15-2006 11:15 AM

does this mod supply user entered tags to google ad sense to help target their ads on your pages... if you're using google adsense???

this is very important to me - otherwise you're not exploiting the tagging work done by your users.


jeffj 06-15-2006 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud-Warrior
Installed on www.boards.ie.

I don't see what the problem is, because:

1) The tags are stored locally, in your thread table. You can still access and do whatever extra stats / linking you want with this...
2) BoardTracker provides a mechanism to add your site to their tagged threads search, which I think is a great example of Web 2.0 being applied for the first time to forums. Tagging threads across forum sites - brilliant!

I visited this forum. I noticed you installed the friends mod but you're displaying the friends links on profile that don't even have friends and allowing a click through to a blank page. you might consider correcting this - if it's blank because I'm not a registered user, then that's a great opportunity to display a message inviting someone to join and avail themselves of this great feature.

jeffj 06-15-2006 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by WritersBeat
What's absurd is you not adding the option to integrate it with the owner's site.

I don't give a shit about resources, if I'm having a tagging system with members tagging all the content, I don't want to give traffic to another site. Sorry, no free advertising.

I absolutely agree - we should be paid for installing this mod and promoting his site - this should really be an "affiliate type of program" where we share in the revenue generated by promoting board tracker

BoardTracker 06-15-2006 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by jeffj
does this mod supply user entered tags to google ad sense to help target their ads on your pages... if you're using google adsense???

this is very important to me - otherwise you're not exploiting the tagging work done by your users.


Well the mod is nothing to do with adsense. Its possible that google spiders will take notice of tags but thats their business. The purpose of tags is to create a folksonomy for your users to help them find content that interests them.

jeffj 06-15-2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by BoardTracker
Well the mod is nothing to do with adsense. Its possible that google spiders will take notice of tags but thats their business. The purpose of tags is to create a folksonomy for your users to help them find content that interests them.

please don't take this the wrong way. I admire your response, but any savvy marketer will tell you that "you're missing a whale of an opportunity"


BoardTracker 06-15-2006 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by jeffj
I absolutely agree - we should be paid for installing this mod and promoting his site - this should really be an "affiliate type of program" where we share in the revenue generated by promoting board tracker

The whole purpose of boardtracker is to send traffic and new members TO the boards we index as can be seen on the referral stats displayed on our profile on many boards. This one for example..

Referrals: 125

Traffic that flows through boardtracker, from boards, goes right back out to boards again. Plus any boards indexed by boardtracker benefit from new sources of traffic we provide such as persistant search, searchable rss feeds, etc.

Also our mods provide ways for you to trade traffic with other boards or just circulate traffic between multiple boards you own to ensure you maximize traffic while providing users with what they are looking for.

Zia 10-04-2006 04:38 AM

does this tag system available for 3.6.1 ?

BoardTracker 10-04-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Zia
does this tag system available for 3.6.1 ?

A new version with many more features will be released for vb3.6 in a few days. :cool:

Zia 10-05-2006 02:28 AM

hi B.Tracker..
its nice to know..
can u say will there be any problem..if zoints/boardtracker both tagging system installed togetherly?
or can u intigrated both in one? in mods thats works for both ?

Please give a serious thought on it...

BoardTracker 10-08-2006 08:18 AM

Installing both may be possible but having both active is probably not a good idea unless one or other is modded to merge tag creation and/or tag view.

BoardTracker 10-08-2006 11:44 PM

Tags mod version 2 for vb3.5 is now available! :cool:

BoardTracker 10-10-2006 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Zia
does this tag system available for 3.6.1 ?

Our new tags system is now available for vb3.6..



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