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-   -   Super Display Suite 0.3.7c - Effects Mod (UPDATED) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=108910)

AlchemyX 02-25-2006 10:00 PM

Super Display Suite 0.3.7c - Effects Mod (UPDATED)
Welcome to my second (err... 1st and a half?) Modification for vBulletin!

Effects have been tested in and are now compatable in IE4+, Opera6+, NN7, and Mozilla Firefox 1.5

Note: This product is still in beta stages.
But has been updated for those of you with problems in the usergroup manager. It should all work fine everywhere now. For any other problems, feel free to ask. :-)

First things... What is "Super Display Suite"?
Answer: This modification allows you to add DHTML and javascript text effects to various areas of your forums, for example, if you put it in the HTML Markup for your usergroups, then all of your users in that group, and any legend you may have, will display with these effects. You can also add them around different phrases and words in your template to make it even cooler.
This can be used ANYWHERE in your forum that allows HTML code! you can even, with a few minor changes, turn it into a BBCODE, which I am currently working on optimizing, and be turned into an addon with the next release of this hack. :-).

Currently no demonstrational site available because my host bought all new servers and forgot to transfer my database or directory permissions over with my files, so I really can't use my website at all right now, and thanks to brad of www.seriosgaming.com for allowing me to work on my modification on his forums. :-) /me gives and standing ovation and a "Woop Woop!"

The modification currently has 3 animations.
1.) Shining - Like the car in Knight Rider (Where, oddly enough, the main character also plays the German coach in "Dodgeball") this effect runs over your text from right to left and vice versa, highlighting a letter at a time, making a kind of... neon lighting effect.; if you will.
2.) Glitter - Very similar to the Shining effect, except it chooses a random letter from the string to light up, then lights up for an amount of time based generally around the set speed for your span item, but it is slightly edited (randomly, as said before, by up to 10 integers in difference going positive, and another going negative... giving it a variable range of 50-70 if you put in 60 as the speed.) In the end, making a kind of "glittering" effect.
3.) A new class all it's own, the dynamically self retaining rainbow effect (I just HAD to say that) this little miracle splits your string up into individual characters, counts them, and then sets a percentile range of colors chosen specifically from a 16bit color code variance, and display them across your string, a perfect rainbow, animating from left to righ. This is probably not a good effect for small strings (8 or less characters) but it is wonderful in longer strings.

Don't forget to hit the https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ button if you're using this.

Install instructions:
1.) If you have "Shining UserGroup Display" modification (The "preabmle" to this mod) UNINSTALL IT, and remove "$vbphrase[shin_func_1]" from your header template and "$vbphrase[shin_func_2]" from your footer template. You may also want to make all your usergroups' open and close tags blank before going on to step 2.
2.) Import the product through your product manager. - Easy as pie.
3.a) Go to your "header template and add this line at the very top of the template:

3.b) Go to your "footer" template and add this line at the very bottom of the template:

You're done!

Using This Modification...
We're going to go over how to use this modification as a usergroup markup here, if you'd like to use it in your templates, just follow the basic idea herein.
Find your usergroup manager, and open up the userroup you would like to add the chosen effect to. (In usergroup markups, the following code needs to be on ONE line before you paste it, or else it will only paste the first line)
A note about speed: speed here is reversed, if you want it to be fast, set it to a low speed, if you want it to be slow, set it to a higher speed.

1.) To use the "Shine" animation: Being careful to replace
*#Your_Base_color* =>With=> a hexidecimal color code, starting with the "#" number symbol. An Example would be #990000
*#Your_shine_color* =>With=> a hexidecimal color code, starting with the "#" number symbol. An Example would be #ff5050
*Your_Speed* =>With=> with a numeric value, generally between 50 and 250. An Example would be 120

add this is the first box of the usergroup html markup

<font color="*#Your_Base_color*"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='*#Your_Base_color*'; var a_speed='*Your_Speed*'; var shimmercount=shimmercount+1; eval('var shimmerspeed' +shimmercount+ '="' +a_speed+ '"'); eval('var shimmercolor' +shimmercount+ '="' +scolor+ '"');  document.write("<b><span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>
and this is the second box of the usergroup markup

It is not recomended that you remove the <b> tags here, as it would make the animation nearly pointless, because you would hardly be able to see it, if at all.

2.) To use the "Glitter" animation: Being careful to replace
*#Your_Base_color* =>With=> a hexidecimal color code, starting with the "#" number symbol. An Example would be #009900
*#Your_glitter_color* =>With=> a hexidecimal color code, starting with the "#" number symbol. An Example would be #40ee40
*Your_Speed* =>With=> with a numeric value, generally between 30 and 250. An Example would be 140

add this is the first box of the usergroup html markup

<font color="*#Your_Base_color*"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">var scolor='*#Your_glitter_color*'; var s_speed='*Your_Speed*'; var glitcount=glitcount+1; eval('var glitspeed' +glitcount+ '="' +s_speed+ '"'); eval('var glitcolor' +glitcount+ '="' +scolor+ '"');  document.write("<b><span id='" + glitcount + "glitter'>"); </SCRIPT>
and this is the second box of the usergroup markup

It is not recomended that you remove the <b> tags here, as it would make the animation nearly pointless, because you would hardly be able to see it, if at all.

3.) To use the "Rainbow" animation:

add this is the first box of the usergroup html markup

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">var rainbowcount=(rainbowcount+1); document.write("<span id='rain"+rainbowcount+"'>"); </SCRIPT>
and this is the second box of the usergroup markup

Note: You can enclose the code here with <b> or <strong> (bold) if you like to add a thickness to your rainbow. Just make sure you add the <b> before <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> in the opening markup; and the </b> after </span> in the closing markup.

That's it for now... REMEMBER, you can use these animations anywhere in your forum where HTML is allowed, in templates, in posts that allow html... anywhere :-)

Known Issues:
1.) If you have vBShout installed. The shoutbox does not seem to allow javascript... so the animations will all display right everywhere but inside the actual shoutbox. BUT in the shoutbox's individual page, it will work... just not in the AJAX area of the shoutbox.
Thanks everybody. Any question or comments can be posted in the topic at vBulletin.org, or can be asked directly to me at alchemyx@rpgfreeze.com... though I would preffer the vBulletin.org topic.

Daniel 02-26-2006 02:46 AM

Nice job, looks like you put a lot of effort into it.

Elmer 02-26-2006 03:08 AM

Looks interesting, I will try it.

Smiry Kin's 02-26-2006 03:44 AM

[high]* Smiry Kin's saves for future use.. :)[/high]

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 04:20 AM

Sweet, I just had the admins with this untill a speed option was implemented, so now I'll delete that one and put this one in. Thanks for the quick update on it!

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
Sweet, I just had the admins with this untill a speed option was implemented, so now I'll delete that one and put this one in. Thanks for the quick update on it!

You're quite welcome. :-)

I'm trying to work on another animation that will use css relative positioning to make the text bounce... in this way creating a randon letter bouncing effect, and also having the means to create a several letter effecting wave animation. :-)

It's a bit confusing, and I'm not getting it right yet... but just give it time.

yinyang 02-26-2006 04:49 AM

maybe it is just me, but the demo link doesn't work.

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 05:00 AM

Hmm, this is wierd, it's not working now with the new one. I unstalled the old one, removed the header/footer codes and removed all markups form user groups. As of now the user groups show up in the base color and bold, but that's it.

eNforce 02-26-2006 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
Hmm, this is wierd, it's not working now with the new one. I unstalled the old one, removed the header/footer codes and removed all markups form user groups. As of now the user groups show up in the base color and bold, but that's it.

Ditto, same thing :nervous:

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by eNforce
Ditto, same thing :nervous:

Ok, then I'm guessing it's not just something I did lol.

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
Ok, then I'm guessing it's not just something I did lol.

What's the link to your forums so I can check the java console?

Vizionz 02-26-2006 05:22 AM

i get javascript errors and nothing works so

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 05:23 AM

<a href="http://www.graphicsanonymous.net/forums/index.php?" target="_blank">http://www.graphicsanonymous.net/forums/index.php?</a>

Right now I just have shine on the admins and super mods.

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o

Right now I just have shine on the admins and super mods.

Alright, I'll go check and be back with an edit in this post for an answer...

EDIT: Hubba, what script is that you're using that has those effects onMouseOver?

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 05:53 AM

<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=96513" target="_blank">Links with stars</a>, is that the one you meant, the link hover?

eNforce 02-26-2006 06:21 AM

Mine works after waiting for around 15 minutes until I change the usergroup's markup, then I have to wait again lol.

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 06:24 AM


Try rebuilding through maintanance!

eNforce 02-26-2006 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by AlchemyX

Try rebuilding through maintanance!

Yup, seems to work just fine now!

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by eNforce
Yup, seems to work just fine now!

Rebuilding what?

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 06:36 AM

I just added this to the top of the thread, here you go:

Please Note: For some reason, this mod needs to wait for your vBulletin forum to auto update the database with new information before it works... I'm not sure why, or how... but it does. This has been found by trial and error, and alot of thanks to hubba and enforcer. It could take anywhere from 15-25 minutes...then, try rebuilding information through maintanance, and update your counters. if it still doesn't work yet, just edit your html markup tags again, and it should work... This is still in beta, so I ope to have this fixed soon.

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 06:44 AM

Meh, I'll check on them tomorrow and see if they're working, but for reference when I wake up can you answer my question. Rebuild what and update which counters? Everything?

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
Meh, I'll check on them tomorrow and see if they're working, but for reference when I wake up can you answer my question. Rebuild what and update which counters? Everything?

Try repairing/optimizing the usergroup table, fixing broken pofile, and updating user title and rank counters... just a guess though...

eNforce 02-26-2006 06:50 AM

For some reason this mod isn't working in all of my forums :ermm:

Like this thread for example

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by eNforce
For some reason this mod isn't working in all of my forums :ermm:

Like this thread for example

try going to maintanaince->update counters->fix broken profiles and rebuild thread information... tell me if that works...

Wait... I read something that some mods need vBulletin to refresh it's own cache....

try that while I look for something on it.

Gizmo5h1t3 02-26-2006 07:26 AM

soon as i installed this, i got error message on bottom left of page when loaded...ie....page loaded but with errors.....


o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
soon as i installed this, i got error message on bottom left of page when loaded...ie....page loaded but with errors.....


That's what we've been discussing for two pages now heh. I've rebuilt and updated counters and all that still not working. I opened my javascript console and looked at some of the errors, first the error, the where it pointed me too, the line with error in red:

Syntax Error:

function RainbowSpan(span, hue, deg, brt, spd, hspd) {

Though I'm not using the rainbow one thought I'd mention this.

TTG 02-26-2006 04:42 PM

Installed and working fine .. thanks for the hack AlchemyX

G_Man 02-26-2006 06:53 PM

I think this thing is great! I'll be waiting anxiously for the debugging and be back to install it. :D

AlchemyX 02-26-2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
That's what we've been discussing for two pages now heh. I've rebuilt and updated counters and all that still not working. I opened my javascript console and looked at some of the errors, first the error, the where it pointed me too, the line with error in red:

Syntax Error:

function RainbowSpan(span, hue, deg, brt, spd, hspd) {

Though I'm not using the rainbow one thought I'd mention this.

Yes, that error has been appearing, though it's odd, because the phrase in which that function is stored only has one "%" symbol... for some reason, on output, it rewrites it to have 2 "%"'s, but there's also an "innerHTML" error happening within the javascript that gives the variable "d" no properties...


Originally Posted by TTG
Installed and working fine .. thanks for the hack AlchemyX

You didn't have any errors at all?

I am coming to believe that some of my javascript variables are interfering with, or being clobbered by another modification that some of you might have installed. It worked for me, worked for TTG, ddn't work for hubba, partially worked for enforce...
:-? I'm confused, but I'm atill working on it...

o0Hubba0o 02-26-2006 11:46 PM

Tomorrow after work I'll remove a couple mods with js and see if it affects this one at all, link the stars on links when you hover. The first one worked fine though. I'll also try re-installing it tomorrow after doing all the rebuild to see if that will make a difference.

DamasGate 02-27-2006 01:32 PM


2.) Import the product through your product manager. - Easy as pie.
Thanks for this nice hack but where is the product file ?

I did not find it in your first post !

Thanks again

MThornback 02-27-2006 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by DamasGate
Thanks for this nice hack but where is the product file ?

I did not find it in your first post !

Thanks again

He took it offline because of glitches, just like the topic says :p

Deimos 02-27-2006 06:16 PM

Yea it didn't work on my forum either
It just bolded the usernames, but no effects.

AlchemyX 02-28-2006 04:10 AM

It seems, finally, that the problem is in that the javascript variables are getting smashed by some other plugin or product that does someething strange to the innerHTML command. So I'm having to literally rewrite the entire script so it doesn't have to use innerHTML to call the HTML source dynamically for output.

Deimos 02-28-2006 04:13 AM

Wouldn't be because of the template compresser mod would it?

o0Hubba0o 03-03-2006 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Deimos
Wouldn't be because of the template compresser mod would it?

Are you talking about HELLCAT's Realtime Page Compressor? I disabled mine and this one still didn't work. :ermm:

AKapadia 03-03-2006 01:39 PM

If we install DOES this look same in SHOUT BOX too ?

Mobilestan 03-03-2006 05:40 PM

Product file where is ?

Deimos 03-03-2006 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mobilestan
Product file where is ?

It's on hold, as per the thread title

(On Hold until errors are fixed)

Mobilestan 03-04-2006 08:24 AM

oh, ok

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