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jj 01-13-2006 10:00 PM

Friends and/or Buddies on Profile
  • This product adds a public friends and/or buddy list in the profile.
  • What are friends? Friends means you are on each others buddylists. It is no seperate addition/addon. It's all based on vb's buddy system.
  • Need more info? Look at the attached screenshots, or the live demo(s).
  • Avatars/profilepics will not show up, if stored in filesystem!
  • Need some kind of informing the users, which have been added to a buddy list? Look at the AutoPM after addBuddy Plugin by Antivirus
  • The product adds 2 queries to the profile page


Install with product manager.

Set your preferences in the acp (vBulletin options)

PHP Code:


somewhere in your MEMBERINFO template. Whereever you'd like to show up the friends or buddies. If you're not sure what to do, search for

<if condition="$show['signature']">
in your MEMBERINFO template and add it before that line.

OPTIONAL (User selectable)

If you want to have this user-selectable you need to add a custom profile field. Create the new field as a radiobutton, give it a name and description of your choice, the options yes and no and use the following code instead of only $FNB_HTML:

HTML Code:

<if condition="$userinfo[fieldXX] == yes">$FNB_HTML</if>
(if user wishes to show up)

HTML Code:

<if condition="$userinfo[fieldXX] != no">$FNB_HTML</if>
(show by default, user can deactivate it)

Remember to replace XX with the number of the new profilefield!


  • Using Templates



Thx to Cloud-Warrior for inspiration and idea. If you want a seperate friends page, too, get the vBFriends extension by Cloud-Warrior.

vwturbo (for the idea of gettin profilepics instead of avatars),
gamebgs (limitting shown friends/buddies to a max number),
D|ver (hiding the information who you got in your buddy list and whohas added you to his buddy list),
yayvb (show a "no avatar" picture if no avatar is available),
ThorstenA (see changelog version 1.0.2)

jj 01-14-2006 03:14 PM

  • [Fix] Prevent showing the "red X" in Internet Explorer, if no profile pic is set and you're using file based storage of the profile pics

  • [Add] Option to set hight/width of avatar/profilepic
  • [Add] Option to use profilelinks with id or username
  • [Add] Option to show only friends/buddies with username if you limit them to a max number

  • [New] It's a product now
  • [Add] Phrased
  • [Add] Setup options moved to ACP (vBulletin options)
  • [Fix] Little fix with added option from 1.0.2

  • [Add] Option to remove "friends" from being shown in buddy-list and buddy-by-list

  • [Add] Friends list/Buddy list will not show up, if no friends are available. Also the additional Buddylist/Added by list will not show up if both of the are empty (i.e. you added no buddy and were not added by anyone else to his buddylist)
  • [Add] Prefixes to add/remove buddies in the additional lists now editable in setup part (what is meant exactly? these: [+], [-] as the default)

  • Initial release

Snake 01-14-2006 03:48 PM

Woohoo! First one to install. Thanks bro! :D

jj 01-14-2006 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
Woohoo! First one to install. Thanks bro! :D

Actually I have to dissapoint you. You're not the first :) as some other people got this already. The plugin was born in the vBFriends thread.

IrPr 01-14-2006 06:52 PM

same as vBFriend?

jj 01-15-2006 11:45 AM

Read credits, first sentence, Moosa :)

So no it's not the "same"

The Chief 01-15-2006 08:56 PM

heya thanks so much for the update on what I suggested, and all my honors to you for mentionning my name for the idea ;)

[high]* The Chief clicks install[/high]

The Chief 01-15-2006 11:18 PM

here are some requests I would like to have, and maybe other members would like...

First, when you click on Show All that it opens up a new page showing all the user's friends, so it will be alot easier to browse, like they are listed now but just on it's own page...with that I/we won't even need to have the friend's list anymore as it won't even be needed... just don't know if this is possible..

Second, is it possible when you limit the friend's shown that you can limit these users on the top 8 to the one's that have a profile picture. The one's that don't then they won't be on top, if you know what i mean..

I would rather if you would be able to choose your top 8 like on myspace, but I think that that can be a pain in the arse to build, so I will limit myself to the <if condition something for the profile pictures...

Thanks so much for this and you can count on me to keep you up-to-date on your products ;)

maroceve 01-16-2006 10:37 AM

allright i am having a little trouble figuring out where exactly in memberinfo to add :

PHP Code:

do i throw it anywhere ? :O ...sorry ..not really into coding so i just follow instruction when installing plugins etc ;)


jj 01-16-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by maroceve
allright i am having a little trouble figuring out where exactly in memberinfo to add :

PHP Code:

do i throw it anywhere ? :O ...sorry ..not really into coding so i just follow instruction when installing plugins etc ;)


I assume you use the original MEMBERINFO template. Try adding it before the line
HTML Code:

<if condition="$show['signature']">

agiacosa 01-16-2006 10:45 AM


What is the difference between a friend and a buddy?

jj 01-16-2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by agiacosa

What is the difference between a friend and a buddy?

If you're on each others buddylist you're friends, i.e. person A adds person B to his buddylist and person B adds person A to his buddylist, too.

maroceve 01-16-2006 10:57 AM

thanks a lot :) ok now im trying to figure why i can't see the avatars

"Avatars/profilepics will not show up, if stored in filesystem!"

hmm so do i need to do something to fix that ? maybe i have em in the filesystem

The Chief 01-16-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by gamebgs
here are some requests I would like to have, and maybe other members would like...

First, when you click on Show All that it opens up a new page showing all the user's friends, so it will be alot easier to browse, like they are listed now but just on it's own page...with that I/we won't even need to have the friend's list anymore as it won't even be needed... just don't know if this is possible..

Second, is it possible when you limit the friend's shown that you can limit these users on the top 8 to the one's that have a profile picture. The one's that don't then they won't be on top, if you know what i mean..

I would rather if you would be able to choose your top 8 like on myspace, but I think that that can be a pain in the arse to build, so I will limit myself to the <if condition something for the profile pictures...

Thanks so much for this and you can count on me to keep you up-to-date on your products ;)

are you going to consider this Jacob?

jj 01-16-2006 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by gamebgs
First, when you click on Show All that it opens up a new page showing all the user's friends, so it will be alot easier to browse, like they are listed now but just on it's own page...with that I/we won't even need to have the friend's list anymore as it won't even be needed... just don't know if this is possible..

You mean linkin to Cloud-Warriors vBFriends extra php? Not sure what you meant exactly.


Originally Posted by gamebgs
Second, is it possible when you limit the friend's shown that you can limit these users on the top 8 to the one's that have a profile picture. The one's that don't then they won't be on top, if you know what i mean..

Possible. I will look into it.


Originally Posted by gamebgs
I would rather if you would be able to choose your top 8 like on myspace, but I think that that can be a pain in the arse to build, so I will limit myself to the <if condition something for the profile pictures...

Answered that question already in the vBFriends thread. This would require the storage of your preferences in the database.

subnet_rx 01-16-2006 05:28 PM

Is it user-selectable whether to show the vBFriends list or is that admin only?

The Chief 01-16-2006 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
You mean linkin to Cloud-Warriors vBFriends extra php? Not sure what you meant exactly.

Possible. I will look into it.

Answered that question already in the vBFriends thread. This would require the storage of your preferences in the database.

well more or less click on View all friends and then a different page opens up with all the friends that you can browse through, like 8 per page...

Just upon a different page with the profile pics like it is now with the buddies except on a different page with all your friends...

and thanks for looking up into it ;)

and for the last one, I meant saying the second one (repeat it)

jj 01-16-2006 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by subnet_rx
Is it user-selectable whether to show the vBFriends list or is that admin only?

Why don't people read?


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
  • If you want to have this user-selectable you need to add a custom profile field. Set it up as radiobutton, give it a name, the options yes and no and use the following code instead of only adding
    PHP Code:


    , add this
    HTML Code:

    <if condition="$userinfo[fieldXX] == Yes">$FNB_HTML</if>
    replace XX with the number the new profilefield got.

TunerChic.Com 01-18-2006 04:25 AM

Fixed ... Clicks Install

TunerChic.Com 01-18-2006 05:03 AM

fixed this one too ... thanks!

agiacosa 01-18-2006 02:19 PM

How would you add a link to "Add $userinfo[username] to your buddy list"?

jj 01-18-2006 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by agiacosa
How would you add a link to "Add $userinfo[username] to your buddy list"?

Search your MEMBERINFO template for <if condition="$show['addbuddylist']"> you should find it there.

vwturbo 01-20-2006 06:57 PM

I think I found a pretty big bug. I decided to change my profile pic which changed successfully. The problem is whoever I had as a friend when I go to their pages it still has my old profile pic.

ThorstenA 01-20-2006 07:30 PM

Great great idea! Some suggestions:

- if there is no friend, do not show friends (same for buddy lists)
- set no avatar pic location standard to any standard picture from vbulletin like "images/smilies/smile.gif"
- maybe implement template system, hopefully it's not soo complicated
(- more complicated: get a private message if someone has put you on his buddy list "Dear ... xxx has put you on his buddy list, to be his friend, just put him also on your buddy list")

This hack's a really big improvement to community.

Hanif 01-20-2006 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by ThorstenA
(- more complicated: get a private message if someone has put you on his buddy list "Dear ... xxx has put you on his buddy list, to be his friend, just put him also on your buddy list")

Dude, have a look at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...2&page=1&pp=15
The hack that Antivirus has done.

Hope it helps.


jj 01-20-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by ThorstenA
if there is no friend, do not show friends (same for buddy lists)

On list for next update ;)


Originally Posted by ThorstenA
set no avatar pic location standard to any standard picture from vbulletin like "images/smilies/smile.gif"

Hm, don't know. You are free to set in there what ever you like to. As the options will move to acp soon, it's even easier to set an alternative pic location.


Originally Posted by ThorstenA
maybe implement template system, hopefully it's not soo complicated
(more complicated: get a private message if someone has put you on his buddy list "Dear ... xxx has put you on his buddy list, to be his friend, just put him also on your buddy list")

Read the answer by Hanif or re-read my initial posting, in which I mentioned both of your "requests" :)

Thx for your suggestions.

jj 01-20-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by vwturbo
I think I found a pretty big bug. I decided to change my profile pic which changed successfully. The problem is whoever I had as a friend when I go to their pages it still has my old profile pic.

As my time is limited at the moment, I have to figure out that later.

vwturbo 01-20-2006 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by j.jacobsen
As my time is limited at the moment, I have to figure out that later.

No problem, I just thought that I would let you know what I found.

ThorstenA 01-21-2006 07:35 AM

j.jacobsen, thanks very much for considering my last suggestion. And Hanif, thanks for showing me the right product for the private message suggestion.

My users do like this hack very much. I have one more suggestion about the redundant view of buddys both as "friends" and "buddys", I think it's very easy to implement. Show all buddys with avatars - and if they are friends, extra mark this "friends" as "confirmed" or "Friendship".

The Chief 01-21-2006 08:35 PM

Thanks, take your time j.jacobsen and thanks for all the efforts you put into this ;)

MB Dreamz 01-22-2006 05:18 PM

Would it be possible to get rid of the underline on the username and avatar? Thanks.

Rukas 01-22-2006 07:19 PM

I installed the phpAdsNew Integration and now I get the following error.

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /member.php(654) : eval()'d code on line 197


I tried reuploading the plugin but that didnt fix it. Anyone got any ideas?

jj 01-23-2006 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rukas
I installed the phpAdsNew Integration and now I get the following error.

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /member.php(654) : eval()'d code on line 197


I tried reuploading the plugin but that didnt fix it. Anyone got any ideas?

Hi there, my actual plugin doesn't use the mysql_fetch_array() function anymore, so your error has nothing to do with my plugin. Sorry I can't help you. Are you sure you have uninstalled the older plugin version before you have installed the new one? The old plugin was called something like "Friends, Foes and Buddies" and the hook is member_complete.

jj 01-23-2006 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by MB Dreamz
Would it be possible to get rid of the underline on the username and avatar? Thanks.

Hi there,

find the
HTML Code:

<a class=\"smallfont\"
in the plugin code (must be 3 occurances).

replace by
HTML Code:

<a class=\"smallfont\" style=\"text-decoration:none\"
That should do.

MB Dreamz 01-23-2006 02:28 PM

Thanks you for this awesome hack, and support! :)

eNforce 01-23-2006 09:12 PM

How do I uninstall this? It's not showing in the plugin manager

The Chief 01-23-2006 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by eNforce
How do I uninstall this? It's not showing in the plugin manager

It should show...

maybe under a different name but it should be under Member_Complete

eNforce 01-23-2006 09:28 PM

Yeah I found it, had to disable the plugin system.

Plugin manager and Product manager are both linking to Product Manager :(

Rukas 01-26-2006 10:01 PM

Ok I got it working you were right, I didnt properly remove the old one first.

Great updates by the way.

Can I still display total number of Friends like before?

jj 01-27-2006 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Rukas
Can I still display total number of Friends like before?

Read the initial post of this thread.

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