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tippen 12-04-2005 10:00 PM

Zodiac Sign in the Postbit & elsewhere
- Alan @ CIT for developing this mod initally
- This thread for requesting this concept.

What does this do?
If the user has their birthday set then this will display their Zodiac Sign on the postbit & memberinfo.

Install the attached Product XML as normal, then add the following to the Postbit template AND the Memberinfo template (if you want it to appear there).

<if condition="$show['zodiacsign']">
<div class="smallfont">$zodiacsign</div>

You can put this anywhere you like in the Postbit template. The users zodiac sign will be displayed whereever you put it.

This mod comes with 2 options. They can be found in vBulletin Options, under Zodiac Signs.

The first one turns displaying of the zodiac sign on and off, and the second one adds a prefix of "Zodiac Sign: " to the users sign.

Version 1.2: Fixed a typo in a phrase name
Version 1.1: Fixed a bug and added profile support
Version 1.0: Initial Release

As usual, any comments / suggestions / questions / complaints, please let me know :)

On-going Development
- Chinese Zodiac
- Basic versus Advanced style Babylonian Zodiac Sun Sign
- Babylonian Zodiac Moon Sign
- Babylonian Zodiac Ascendant Sign
[I]Update: Tinkering along slowly. New goal: March 1st./I]

Ramsesx 12-05-2005 03:14 PM

nice idea, maybe I install it later, thanks

r6bbie 12-05-2005 03:24 PM

I would take it but it should show a picture not text

monstergamer 12-05-2005 03:29 PM

you can do this with custom profile fields

Alan @ CIT 12-05-2005 03:37 PM

r6bbie: It was done without a picture as it was done on request - the request thread clearly stated that they didn't need / want a picture.

Cyricx 12-05-2005 03:52 PM

I think he was just trying to give you an idea for an improvement ;)

Perhaps adding a third option that did an img src. I'm sure someone has some free horoscope icons we can snag for it :)

Snake 12-05-2005 04:55 PM

This is kinda nice!

lanc3lot 12-05-2005 05:09 PM

Yes it should be better with images instead of text :)

Alan @ CIT 12-05-2005 06:22 PM

Can someone point me towards some zodiac images please? (need to be ones that are public-domain without usage restrictions) :)

Once I've got some images, I'll add an option to display an image.

Cyricx 12-05-2005 07:28 PM


There ya go :)

Alan @ CIT 12-05-2005 07:33 PM

I can't use them unfortunatly, as that site only allows you to use them for Personal Use Only. I need ones that are in the public domain, so that anyone can use them for anything :)

boatswife 12-05-2005 07:47 PM


Cyricx 12-05-2005 08:14 PM

Ah bugger, I see what you mean :)

I'll keep peeking around :)

boatswife 12-05-2005 08:40 PM

Did I do something wrong?

Everyone's Zodiac sign is showing up as my sign. You can't view what the other member's signs are.

Shouldn't their own sign be showing?

cbr929rrerion 12-05-2005 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by boatswife
Did I do something wrong?

Everyone's Zodiac sign is showing up as my sign. You can't view what the other member's signs are.

Shouldn't their own sign be showing?

same here.. showing as my sign not the users..

Can we get a fix please

tippen 12-05-2005 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by cbr929rrerion
same here.. showing as my sign not the users..

Can we get a fix please

I've got a fix.

Edit the plugin.

Replace the first few lines with:
PHP Code:

if (($this->registry->options['zodiac_display']) and ($post['birthday']))

$bday explode('-'$post['birthday']); 

Author, please update! :) Thank you for this. I am contemplating making/finding some free domain images.

[edit] See attached xml for complete patched plugin.

boatswife 12-05-2005 11:39 PM

Thank you tippen........worked like a charm!

cbr929rrerion 12-05-2005 11:46 PM

I would like this code be placed in memberinfo to show it there also?


<if condition="$show['zodiacsign']">
<div class="smallfont">$zodiacsign</div>

What would need to be added to get it to show in member info?

tippen 12-05-2005 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by cbr929rrerion
I would like this code be placed in memberinfo to show it there also?


<if condition="$show['zodiacsign']">
<div class="smallfont">$zodiacsign</div>

What would need to be added to get it to show in member info?

I'm experimenting with this now, will get back to you once I have it.

[edit] I can't figure this out just now. Sorry! I know where to put the hook, but I'm not familar with anything vb3.5 as I JUST (as in 20 minutes ago) bought it.

Rickie3 12-06-2005 01:30 AM

*installed* thankyou

alexdelli 12-06-2005 08:09 AM

i can't view Zodiac Sign in postbit....

why? :disappointed:

Alan @ CIT 12-06-2005 08:15 AM

Version 1.1 has been released which fixes the bug mentioned above, and adds support for showing the Zodiac Sign in the members profile. Make the same template edit to the MEMBERINFO template to add profile support (see release post).

Any problems / comments / suggestiosn / complaints, please let me know :)

GrendelKhan{TSU 12-06-2005 10:34 AM

1. Is this fully phrased? I'm AAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL over it if it is (I have a forum for astronomy stuff on my forums :D). If not PLEASE PLEASE can you phrase it? Multi-language forums will be very grateful (ahem!) :D

2. Microsoft's site actually has free animated gifs (and regular ones) for all the constellations/zodiac. believe it or not...some are actually pretty good. :)
take your pick :)

<< waits for phraes with finger on anxiously on INSTALL button. :)

Flow Fusion 12-06-2005 10:38 AM

Would love with images. I can create them by sat. For this hack.

Alan @ CIT 12-06-2005 10:55 AM

GrendelKhan{TSU: Yep, it is fully phrased. For people translating, the phrases it uses are:


Global Phrases:

Name: zodiac_aquarius
Text: Aquarius

Name: zodiac_aries
Text: Aries

Name: zodiac_cancer
Text: Cancer

Name: zodiac_capricorn
Text: Capricorn

Name: zodiac_gemini
Text: Gemini

Name: zodiac_leo
Text: Leo

Name: zodiac_libra
Text: Libra

Name: zodiac_pisces
Text: Pisces

Name: zodiac_sagittarious
Text: Sagittarious

Name: zodiac_scorpio
Text: Scorpio

Name: zodiac_taurus
Text: Taurus

Name: zodiac_virgo
Text: Virgo

Name: zodiac_sign
Text: Zodiac Sign

It also uses the following phrases, but they are only for the settings in the AdminCP:



I'll take a look at the Microsoft link, thanks :)

Alan @ CIT 12-06-2005 10:58 AM

Unfortunatly, I cannot use the images from the Microsoft link you provided - their Licence Agreement for the images states that I cannot re-distribute them.

I may just add the ability to use images, and let the forum admin provide them. That could be easier.

alexdelli 12-06-2005 11:07 AM

anyone interest italian zodiac xml file?

Eccolo qua:

tippen 12-06-2005 08:49 PM

Bug#2: A member with the birthdate 25 November 1988 gets a Zodiac sign of " " (null). I may trace code later, if someone else doesn't.

WhatChaMissin 12-06-2005 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Flow Fusion
Would love with images. I can create them by sat. For this hack.

*subscribes to thread*

Thanks FF!

silurius 12-06-2005 09:34 PM

Excellent. I will click Install even though I can't use it in its current form.

The minimum I'd need to use would be the option to specify either sun sign or ascendant or both. Some of my members would also want to see Chinese horoscope and other systems as well but the sun/ascendant option would be a great start for me. And images, of course.

tippen 12-06-2005 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by silurius
Excellent. I will click Install even though I can't use it in its current form.

The minimum I'd need to use would be the option to specify either sun sign or ascendant or both. Some of my members would also want to see Chinese horoscope and other systems as well but the sun/ascendant option would be a great start for me. And images, of course.

Ditto. It would be nice for it to be expanded to include Sun, Ascendant, Moon, & Chineese Zodiac.

Alan @ CIT 12-07-2005 07:28 AM

Version 1.2 has been released which fixes a bug in the phrase "sagittarious", causing it not to appear.

Sorry, but I'm afraid I won't be adding other zodiac elements to this mod, such as Sun / Moon, or the Chineese Zodiac.


silurius 12-07-2005 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Alan @ CIT
Sorry, but I'm afraid I won't be adding other zodiac elements to this mod, such as Sun / Moon, or the Chineese Zodiac.

Understandable given the complexity. What about faking it with custom user fields? I already have the fields so how would you suggest I edit the postbit?

tippen 12-10-2005 11:26 AM

Possible Bug!
(I thought that I posted this earlier, but it seems not)

A user on my forums has the birthdate "November 25, 1988" set, and it shows up perfectly in memberinfo. The problem is that her zodiac sign in postbit has no value (ie. it is simply blank).

I think that this may be a problem with the code.

Re: Chinese Zodiac

See this... http://www.china-on-site.com/flexphpsite/downloads.html
They have a Chinese zodiac script that converts the Gergorian date into the Chineese one.

Re: Accuracy of Current Script
I am also trying to find a more accurate zodiac script that accounts for the variation in the periods of the signs, due to the length of one year's accordance with solar revolutions. I.e. Dec 23, 1989 should be Capricorn; while Dec 23, 1985 should be Saggitarius (I thinkth).

No offense to the author.

Flow Fusion 12-10-2005 01:57 PM


Mastar 12-10-2005 02:00 PM

Instructions for this suck! I quit!

Alan @ CIT 12-10-2005 02:36 PM

Master: There are only 2 things needed to install, 1) Install the product XML, 2) make the template edit - which of those 2 "suck" ?

Flow: Many thanks for the PSD mate, I'll take a look at integrating them next week.

Tippen: Thanks for the bug report, I'll look into it next week :) Also, if you can find me some info on the variations you mentioned, I'll adjust this script to work with them. My knowledge of the zodiac is zero, so when creating it I just copied the Signs / Dates out of the horoscope section of the newspaper :D

Mastar 12-10-2005 02:38 PM

well I install the product and placed the coding in my 2 templates in the contact info (memberinfo) and before my thanks hack in the postbit and nothing.

tippen 12-10-2005 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Alan @ CIT
Also, if you can find me some info on the variations you mentioned, I'll adjust this script to work with them. My knowledge of the zodiac is zero, so when creating it I just copied the Signs / Dates out of the horoscope section of the newspaper :D

The problem only comes in with people born on the Cusps, like me. The Cusps are when the borders of two signs meet, ie. December 23rd is right between Sagitarius & Capricorn. Futhermore, a person cannot be born "just on the Cusp", because they are always in either the preceeding or succeeding sign. The only way to determine exactly which they were born on is by knowing the exact time & place of birth, and comparing the exact position of the Earth with the exact position of the constellations. www.astro.com does this. I don't believe that such functionality would be easy to emulate.

Maybe an override option would be handy: so that persons born on a different side of the cusp could override the script's guess. I'm not sure though, as a lot of users probably would be confused by the description text for such an option.
Alternatively, it could be made an Admin Feature, but that becomes an annoying amount of work for admins, at times.


The Chineese zodiac is sooo much easier. :)

[edit] I suppose that they could be labeled Sagitarius-Capricorn Cusps, etc. But then you would also have to break every sign into the recognized three periods: each week of each sign is considered a period. In this fashion, each sign has three periods, plus a cusp; ie. LeoI, LeoII, LeoIII, Leo-Vigro Cusp. This is a much more accurate way of looking at the zodiac, because LeoIs are almost completely different from Leo-Virgo Cusps. A great resource for generally-accurate dates is: http://www.lesfemmescafe.com/horoscopeprofile.html

I am working on the code that would determine sign & period (incl. cusps), as I mentioned. I'll post it here for your use -- if you'd like -- when I am done. :)

akanevsky 12-10-2005 03:22 PM

Nice hack and what's important, nice coding style too, bro :)

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