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-   -   a forum using unlicensed vbulletin.. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=102254)

Nitewalker 12-05-2005 06:37 AM

a forum using unlicensed vbulletin..
i don't knw where to post this..

but please check this forum..

*** URL Removed ***

someone told me that they are using an unlicensed copy of vbulletin..

Marco van Herwaarden 12-05-2005 06:53 AM

Don't post URL's to board that are suspected to be running unlicensed. There is no way you can check for sure if someone is licensed or not!

If you suspect a site to be running unlicensed, you can report them to http://www.vbulletin.com/piracy.php

M33 10-07-2006 10:04 AM

Or email:
piracy@vbulletin.com :p

Shazz 10-07-2006 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by M33

This is last year... I don't think you needed to bump it :)

riverdale 10-08-2006 08:55 PM

Why this desire to rat people out? Really? what are you, the police? Have you really never done anything that is not exactly what you are supposed to do?

Actually, you Nitewalker are running a Torrent site for illegal downloads... you are not the most transparent guy out there, so mind your business, ok? And all those sucking up to JelSoft, calm down.

And no, I have nothing to do with whatever site was ratted out by this guy... the link is not there anymore and the thread is old. But I really find the vigilantes idiotic. So watch out for your own karma Nitewalker, you may get a nice lawsuit from the RIIA for your nicely illegal download site.

Also, you are running Yahoo! Ads, and you advertise "DVD Rips" that's "slightly" against Yahoo's policy, so if I was an ass like you, I would send a message to Yahoo! to let them know you are violating their policy... so my friend, really, mind your own shaise and don't suck up to Jelsoft, let them deal, or not, with piracy themselves.

PoetJA-1975 10-09-2006 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by riverdale
Why this desire to rat people out? Really? what are you, the police? Have you really never done anything that is not exactly what you are supposed to do?

Actually, you Nitewalker are running a Torrent site for illegal downloads... you are not the most transparent guy out there, so mind your business, ok? And all those sucking up to JelSoft, calm down.

And no, I have nothing to do with whatever site was ratted out by this guy... the link is not there anymore and the thread is old. But I really find the vigilantes idiotic. So watch out for your own karma Nitewalker, you may get a nice lawsuit from the RIIA for your nicely illegal download site.

Also, you are running Yahoo! Ads, and you advertise "DVD Rips" that's "slightly" against Yahoo's policy, so if I was an ass like you, I would send a message to Yahoo! to let them know you are violating their policy... so my friend, really, mind your own shaise and don't suck up to Jelsoft, let them deal, or not, with piracy themselves.



G0F0RBR0KE 10-12-2006 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by riverdale
Why this desire to rat people out? Really? what are you, the police? Have you really never done anything that is not exactly what you are supposed to do?

Actually, you Nitewalker are running a Torrent site for illegal downloads... you are not the most transparent guy out there, so mind your business, ok? And all those sucking up to JelSoft, calm down.

And no, I have nothing to do with whatever site was ratted out by this guy... the link is not there anymore and the thread is old. But I really find the vigilantes idiotic. So watch out for your own karma Nitewalker, you may get a nice lawsuit from the RIIA for your nicely illegal download site.

Also, you are running Yahoo! Ads, and you advertise "DVD Rips" that's "slightly" against Yahoo's policy, so if I was an ass like you, I would send a message to Yahoo! to let them know you are violating their policy... so my friend, really, mind your own shaise and don't suck up to Jelsoft, let them deal, or not, with piracy themselves.

It's NOT about sticking your head into someone business.

How will you feel if you work on a project and proud off? You sell it, and all of a sudden you're not making money because someone out their has a unlicense product and start sharing it to someone.

You'll be glad that someone report it to you on who's this person and probably make more money than the person could of purchase it.

You dont' expect the Jelsoft team to go on google/yahoo and start searching for all these unlicense members, now would you?

PoetJA-1975 10-12-2006 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by EvilAkuma
It's NOT about sticking your head into someone business.

How will you feel if you work on a project and proud off? You sell it, and all of a sudden you're not making money because someone out their has a unlicense product and start sharing it to someone.

You'll be glad that someone report it to you on who's this person and probably make more money than the person could of purchase it.

You dont' expect the Jelsoft team to go on google/yahoo and start searching for all these unlicense members, now would you?

Glad my Members found it well worth the while to help out JPiC with financials... Proud Owner of an Owned License - WOOHOO!

But really... I suppose you have a very poignant point - but just think about it: "vBulletin" goes Open Source :D

Pipe dream - eh LOL


Cromulent 10-12-2006 11:26 AM

Also the more pirated versions of vBulletin the higher the chance that Jelsoft would have to raise prices in order to compensate for lost revenue, it most likely won't happen but if no one reported dodgy sites then it would be a possibility. I'm sure no one wants that :).

G0F0RBR0KE 10-12-2006 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Cromulent
Also the more pirated versions of vBulletin the higher the chance that Jelsoft would have to raise prices in order to compensate for lost revenue, it most likely won't happen but if no one reported dodgy sites then it would be a possibility. I'm sure no one wants that :).

Indeed and I'm a proud that i'm a license member Woot Woot

Ntfu2 10-13-2006 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by riverdale
Why this desire to rat people out? Really? what are you, the police? Have you really never done anything that is not exactly what you are supposed to do?

Actually, you Nitewalker are running a Torrent site for illegal downloads... you are not the most transparent guy out there, so mind your business, ok? And all those sucking up to JelSoft, calm down.

And no, I have nothing to do with whatever site was ratted out by this guy... the link is not there anymore and the thread is old. But I really find the vigilantes idiotic. So watch out for your own karma Nitewalker, you may get a nice lawsuit from the RIIA for your nicely illegal download site.

Also, you are running Yahoo! Ads, and you advertise "DVD Rips" that's "slightly" against Yahoo's policy, so if I was an ass like you, I would send a message to Yahoo! to let them know you are violating their policy... so my friend, really, mind your own shaise and don't suck up to Jelsoft, let them deal, or not, with piracy themselves.

The google Adsense TOS police are my favorite. They are the best :rolleyes:

Cpx 10-13-2006 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by EvilAkuma
Indeed and I'm a proud that i'm a license member Woot Woot

Count me as well :D

SmashinYoungMan 10-14-2006 07:13 PM

There are so many free bulletin board solutions out there that I don't see why folks want to use a pirated vB. It doesn't seem like it would be worth the risk of having your forum shut down after accumulating a lot of members and posts.

Of course, vB is hands-down the best forum software, in my opinion, and well worth the price. Sadly, there are a lot of "webmasters" out there who think all software should be free (in their words "open source"). They use this as thin justification to pirate any and all software they can their hands on.

Call me a capitalist pig, but I believe someone who makes a worthy product deserves to be rewarded for their efforts. I certainly don't believe I'm entitled to any hardworking programmer's labors for free.

Wabuf 10-14-2006 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by EvilAkuma
Indeed and I'm a proud that i'm a license member Woot Woot

Agreed! I'm proud to support vBulletin! $160 was well worth an owned license...

MRGTB 10-14-2006 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cromulent
Also the more pirated versions of vBulletin the higher the chance that Jelsoft would have to raise prices in order to compensate for lost revenue, it most likely won't happen but if no one reported dodgy sites then it would be a possibility. I'm sure no one wants that :).

Not necessarily true, you'll be surprised how many people actually bought vBulletin because they tried a pirated version first. Liked it, and bought it. ;)

Paul M 10-14-2006 11:44 PM

.... or tried a pirated version, got caught, and then bought it ;)

PoetJA-1975 10-15-2006 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Gary Bolton
Not necessarily true, you'll be surprised how many people actually bought vBulletin because they tried a pirated version first. Liked it, and bought it. ;)

Hate to admit it - but this applies to me :pirate:
Now I'm definitely a vB LOVER - legal and loving it!


Shazz 10-15-2006 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975
Hate to admit it - but this applies to me :pirate:
Now I'm definitely a vB LOVER - legal and loving it!


I guess ill admit it to many many years ago :pirate:

da420 10-15-2006 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan
Call me a capitalist pig, but I believe someone who makes a worthy product deserves to be rewarded for their efforts. I certainly don't believe I'm entitled to any hardworking programmer's labors for free.

I agree with you, you Capitalist pig!

G0F0RBR0KE 10-15-2006 04:10 AM

People goes from pirated to license. Amazing isn't it?

Shazz 10-15-2006 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by EvilAkuma
People goes from pirated to license. Amazing isn't it?

The feelings are like...
If you see something on vB.org you like you can't download it but you REALLY want it other one is you got caught by jelsoft or piratereports and your forced to :)

SmashinYoungMan 10-15-2006 04:51 AM

I really can't swallow this "try it before you buy it" mentality where vB is concerned. vB isn't some newly released game, or unheard of band where you need to sample their product before you plunk down the dough at the store (an oft repeated excuse for pirating).

vB is pretty much the de facto standard when it comes to message board software these days. I very seriously doubt anyone who goes through the effort of finding a pirated version of vB, downloading, then installing it hasn't had at least a little experience with the software before as a poster.

No, they want what the "big boys" use, at no cost.

I don't doubt that many break down and pay for the license when they find that getting access to plugins and upgrades is a major pain, but that in no way excuses their initial theft. Even if, in the end, piracy equates to more sales for Jelsoft, that doesn't make those that pirate vB any less scum in my opinion. Pat yourself on the back for finally paying for vB all you want, you're still a common thief.

G0F0RBR0KE 10-15-2006 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan
I really can't swallow this "try it before you buy it" mentality where vB is concerned. vB isn't some newly released game, or unheard of band where you need to sample their product before you plunk down the dough at the store (an oft repeated excuse for pirating).

vB is pretty much the de facto standard when it comes to message board software these days. I very seriously doubt anyone who goes through the effort of finding a pirated version of vB, downloading, then installing it hasn't had at least a little experience with the software before as a poster.

No, they want what the "big boys" use, at no cost.

I don't doubt that many break down and pay for the license when they find that getting access to plugins and upgrades is a major pain, but that in no way excuses their initial theft. Even if, in the end, piracy equates to more sales for Jelsoft, that doesn't make those that pirate vB any less scum in my opinion. Pat yourself on the back for finally paying for vB all you want, you're still a common thief.

vB has a try it before purchase, it's call "Demo."

Even if they are common "theft" at least they manage to buy one, unlike those who has "pirated vB" for several years without getting caught.

We all stole something n.n

MRGTB 10-15-2006 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
.... or tried a pirated version, got caught, and then bought it ;)

Not sure if that was aimed at me with the wink smilie, if it was. No, I was never caught using a pirated version of vBulletin. As I only used it for about 2 weeks to see what I thought seeing as it was quite expensive to buy. And liked it so much, I bought it! In fact this is the second full license I've had now.


Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan
I really can't swallow this "try it before you buy it" mentality where vB is concerned. vB isn't some newly released game, or unheard of band where you need to sample their product before you plunk down the dough at the store (an oft repeated excuse for pirating).

vB is pretty much the de facto standard when it comes to message board software these days. I very seriously doubt anyone who goes through the effort of finding a pirated version of vB, downloading, then installing it hasn't had at least a little experience with the software before as a poster.

No, they want what the "big boys" use, at no cost.

I don't doubt that many break down and pay for the license when they find that getting access to plugins and upgrades is a major pain, but that in no way excuses their initial theft. Even if, in the end, piracy equates to more sales for Jelsoft, that doesn't make those that pirate vB any less scum in my opinion. Pat yourself on the back for finally paying for vB all you want, you're still a common thief.

Very strong words there, which is fair enough. But, I'm presuming then you created all them images on your site yourself from scratch, if not, you got permission to use them all from the authors who created them on your site. :classic:

PoetJA-1975 10-15-2006 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by SmashinYoungMan
I really can't swallow this "try it before you buy it" mentality where vB is concerned. vB isn't some newly released game, or unheard of band where you need to sample their product before you plunk down the dough at the store (an oft repeated excuse for pirating).

vB is pretty much the de facto standard when it comes to message board software these days. I very seriously doubt anyone who goes through the effort of finding a pirated version of vB, downloading, then installing it hasn't had at least a little experience with the software before as a poster.

No, they want what the "big boys" use, at no cost.

I don't doubt that many break down and pay for the license when they find that getting access to plugins and upgrades is a major pain, but that in no way excuses their initial theft. Even if, in the end, piracy equates to more sales for Jelsoft, that doesn't make those that pirate vB any less scum in my opinion. Pat yourself on the back for finally paying for vB all you want, you're still a common thief.

A thief that can now testify to the fact that vBulletin IS in fact THE BEST forum software - I'm thinking perhaps I can get cut in on the profits being made from my recommendations... Anyway - very strong words from no-doubt the largest bigboy of the industry - but agree with me: a toy is just a toy and you like playing as well.

Blow it out the right side of your........ AdminCP :)


HowardS 10-24-2006 11:34 AM

Hi All

Lots of opinions and lots of finger pointing etc. but to be sure none of us was ever born perfect and part of growing up is learning from our mistakes and choosing the straight or crooked path. I note many admit that their opinions have changed.

In an ideal world we would all have equal opportunities and good guidance from our peers but the world is not ideal and I give praise to anyone who makes a conscious personal effort to be more honest even if they have to do it by degrees.

Going from 100% warez to 100% legit for instance is unlikely to be an overnight option for many so encourage them in their efforts to make the change.

And if you want to have a site checked out then put in www.vbulletin.com/piracy because that's what the link is there for. It's not wrong to report possible dishonesty, in fact I would go as far as to say a person who starts with an attitude like that is just as likely to be the one who steps in when you mum is being mugged. It's all about attitude and leaving it to the next person is just a weak excuse.

ZomgStuff 02-14-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Bolton (Post 1097232)
Not necessarily true, you'll be surprised how many people actually bought vBulletin because they tried a pirated version first. Liked it, and bought it. ;)

I'm afraid to admit it, but I have the same story. I had a pirated board for quite some time and loved it. I decided it was absolutely necissary that I supported the developers and bought a license. It is well worth the money and I apologize that I pirated it in the first place.

Oh and for the record, I never got caught.

Dismounted 02-15-2007 04:08 AM

No need to bump an old thread, mate.

PoetJA-1975 02-15-2007 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dismounted (Post 1182981)
No need to bump an old thread, mate.

it's a worthy thread for the bumping IMHO :)


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