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admin0 12-03-2005 05:15 PM

vbSEO -- is it worth the price ?

is vbseo(.com) worth the price to purchase?
-- just asking for future reference --


vBTotal 12-03-2005 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by admin0

is vbseo(.com) worth the price to purchase?
-- just asking for future reference --


I would have to say yes

kall 12-03-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by vbcore
I would have to say yes

vBSEO has done far more for my forums than I could have managed spending the fee elsewhere...if you don't know of some really excellent SEO place that does as good a job for less..go with vBSEO.

(You shoulda added a poll! :) )

Corriewf 12-03-2005 07:29 PM

I would say no unless your site is new and faces a lot of competition.

Okie 12-03-2005 08:35 PM

No the price is really high i'm sorry to say this but that the truth ..

plus they dont give u full source code ... that anther good reson is not worth the price ..

Cole2026 12-03-2005 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by admin0

is vbseo(.com) worth the price to purchase?
-- just asking for future reference --



I beta tested, so got a free license, but it really is worth the high price tag it has, it is very well done. :)

The Geek 12-03-2005 09:59 PM

Yes, by far.

vBTotal 12-03-2005 10:24 PM

Okie your signature is wrong :) I suggest you do a little more research on both of the hacks to fully understand them and compare to figure out what is different :)

TyleR 12-03-2005 11:03 PM

vBSEO is way worth it..lots of features compaired to the ones released here, easy to edit URL's, add URL's to make SEO compatible (like changing sendmessage.php to contact.html, usercp.php to control-panel.html), etc.

And yes, Okie, your signature is wrong..those two are nothing alike :)

Robert Fogt 12-03-2005 11:54 PM

Sure it looks nice, but it costs nearly as much as vBulletin itself.

And SEO is not an exact science. Nobody knows for sure about the internal workings of Google's PR. No way to know for sure if it even works or not, just speculation.

joeychgo 12-04-2005 03:02 AM


No, its not.

What your basically paying for is the mod-rewrite since most if not all of the other elements are available for free as a hack or something you can do yourself as a template edit easily.

Ok, now that said. What VBSEO basically does is change your URLs to more simple URLs without variables.

A thread titled:
Probably a stupid question, but...

Ends up with a URL like this:

Instead of


Now this does 2 things basically. It makes a URL with no variables and it adds keywords to the url. While it was once true that search engine spiders had a difficult time spidering URLs with multiple variables, this is no longer the case.

Here is proof. Take a look at Google's index of vBulletin.com pages HERE - vb.com has 2,750,000 pages indexed in google. Lets check vb.org HERE- 445,000 pages indexed - how about a few others? Digital Point - 567,000, TIVO Community - 1,340,000 pages indexed.

All of these have stock vb urls and are clearly indexed fine. So, we have now established that the mod rewrite isnt necessary to be indexed by Google.

SO that leaves us with the keywords in the URL.

Are they helpful in getting ranked? Short answer is yes. However, Google uses over 100 different factors in determining how a particular page ranks for a search query. Each Factor carries different level of importance. Oh, one more thing, Google changes these around pretty regularily, so what works well today may not work tomorrow. Point being, they might 'help' in getting your page ranked, but they are onlya small part of the equasion.

Let me explain something else. Being indexed means little if your pages dont rank well. The difference is this. Indexed means google maintains a listing of your page in its computers. Ranked Well means when someone searches for a phrase that is important to your site, your site appears in the first few pages in the listings. It takes alot more then just words in a url to get ranked well, unless its a very obscure phrase.

Here is what I think is a great example.

Search for the phrase vBulletin. That phrase is the most important phrase to someone trying to sell a vBulletin product. vBseo doesnt appear in the first 10 pages! vBulletin Webmaster appears 3rd after vBulletin.com and vBulletin Fans. None of those sites use a mod rewrite or have the keyword in the url. Proof is in the pudding.

It is my opinion that although its a help, its a minor help.

If you want to rank better, Here is what I suggest. First, spend half that money any buy Arron Walls SEO BOOK. Read it. Learn about Search Engines. What it takes is too long to go into here. Its best you read the book and learn about SEO.

Second, visit and become active in forums like Digital Point, vB Webmaster, and Webmaster World, ask questions, and learn about SEO and how to apply it to vBulletin Forums.

Third, SEO is something you have to work for. There isnt a 'magic pill' you can install and instantly rank high. It takes time and effort. Its not a plugin. BUT, you CAN do it.

Let me add one more thing. In a PM discussion on vBwebmaster, vBSEO said this to me:
I have to say I agree with you %100 in the fact that mod_rewrite is not necessary to get pages indexed.


BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 04:14 AM

Yes it is worth it. I use it.

I also own SEOBook and they both compliment each other nicely.

joeychgo 12-04-2005 04:25 AM

Where does your site rank for Ford Mustang Forums? I see the phrase in your sig so I assume your targeting it.

By the way - http://www.muscle-mustangs.com/ took my advice awhile back and now ranks 7th for that phrase.

:D There's more then one way to skin a cat my friend.

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Where does your site rank for Ford Mustang Forums? I see the phrase in your sig so I assume your targeting it.

By the way - http://www.muscle-mustangs.com/ took my advice awhile back and now ranks 7th for that phrase.

:D There's more then one way to skin a cat my friend.

What, you mean placing links in my footer that provide my visitors with no value what so ever?

No thanks, they can have their 7th ranking in google ;) Look at Muscle-Mustangs.com sites stats and look at mine.

They may get more visitors and have more members but who sticks around and posts.


Originally Posted by Mustang Evolution
Threads: 16,126, Posts: 253,593, Members: 2,461, Active Members: 410


Originally Posted by Muscle-Mustangs
Threads: 5,531, Posts: 49,517, Members: 2,849

I am not even trying to put down Muscle-Mustangs, I have helped them and currently am helping them with a personal problem that one of their moderators is going through right now.

I believe you said it best:

:gaysmilie: There's more then one way to skin a cat my friend.

joeychgo 12-04-2005 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson

No thanks, they can have their 7th ranking in google ;) Look at Muscle-Mustangs.com sites stats and look at mine.

They may get more visitors and have more members but who sticks around and posts.

AH, well SEO can only help being members to a site, SEO cant help you keep them - thats community management.

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
AH, well SEO can only help being members to a site, SEO cant help you keep them - thats community management.

My goal is not to spam my way up to number 1 which, in my opinion is all that you are doing when you put those links in your footer. I would rather achieve it the way google actually wants you to do it. Through actual linking from actual related sites. Maybe that is not possible, due to techniques used by sites like yours and Muscle-Mustangs, but what I dont get from search engines I make up for with the wealth of information and knowledge that my members/staff posses and can be found within the site.

joeychgo 12-04-2005 05:17 AM

I use alot of different SEO methods, not just one. I have many many NATURAL organic links to my sites. I have done alot with things like optimizing keyword relevance, title and meta tag work, internal linking, keyword relevance and deep linking, to name just a few.

Dont get me wrong, you have a pretty good site - hell, Id buy it in a blink for a reasonable price -

I would suggest you buy the book from Aaron Wall I mentioned. Its a great book that can help show you alot of things about SEO and really help your site take off.

jward 12-04-2005 05:29 AM

Targeting only a few select keyword phrases really shows a lack of understanding of how to effectively leverage the wealth of content that is generated by vBulletin forums. SEO on a thread-by-thread basis will generate traffic for 1000s of keywords.

@joeychgo: You just created showpost.php duplicate content by copy/pasting your DigitalPoint message here. ;)

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
I use alot of different SEO methods, not just one. I have many many NATURAL organic links to my sites. I have done alot with things like optimizing keyword relevance, title and meta tag work, internal linking, keyword relevance and deep linking, to name just a few.

Dont get me wrong, you have a pretty good site - hell, Id buy it in a blink for a reasonable price -

I would suggest you buy the book from Aaron Wall I mentioned. Its a great book that can help show you alot of things about SEO and really help your site take off.

I already own SEOBook and have read it :)

I will take a look at your articles on your site and give them a chance however.

joeychgo 12-04-2005 06:12 AM

Dont get me wrong, some of the things in the SEO hack are just fine - but doable without paying the $150. What the hack does thats complicated is the mod rewrite. That, first of all, is available here as a hack somewhere for free I believe. Changing things like meta tags and the other various things you can do yourself. The vBSEO sitemap is a good product however, (which is a free hack listed here) and ill bet is responsibile for more of the gains people have seen then the mod rewrite portion.

There is alot more to do - and alot of it is off page - meaning link building, which I know your doing brent. The point of my opinions are, that this hack is not worth the $150 and if people think paying that is all you need to do to get ranked well they are very mistaken.


BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
Dont get me wrong, some of the things in the SEO hack are just fine - but doable without paying the $150. What the hack does thats complicated is the mod rewrite. That, first of all, is available here as a hack somewhere for free I believe. Changing things like meta tags and the other various things you can do yourself. The vBSEO sitemap is a good product however, (which is a free hack listed here) and ill bet is responsibile for more of the gains people have seen then the mod rewrite portion.

There is alot more to do - and alot of it is off page - meaning link building, which I know your doing brent. The point of my opinions are, that this hack is not worth the $150 and if people think paying that is all you need to do to get ranked well they are very mistaken.


It depends on who you are if it's worth 150 dollars or not.

If you want to be able to control everything from one convient place then this hack is for you. It took me 150 dollars to buy this yes but it took me 5 minutes to have it done.

I do not know mod_rewrite and do not have the time with school and work to learn it.

So money well spent imo.

Vtec44 12-04-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by joeychgo
if people think paying that is all you need to do to get ranked well they are very mistaken.


Well said.

jward 12-04-2005 05:44 PM

SEO is very complex indeed - and vBSEO is a very important SEO component for vBulletin powered forums. That does not mean that general marketing principles and other SEO aspects should be disregarded.

vBSEO provides an enhanced SEO solution set that fully addresses duplicate content issues and sets it apart from 1st generation mod_rewrite hacks, produces results as verified by our outstanding customer reviews, delivers ROI, scales seamlessly & easily during vBulletin upgrades, is professionally supported by a dedicated team, incorporates suggestions based on feedback from its users where appropriate, and is constantly upgraded to reflect the idea that "SEO is a moving target".

The time, money & frustration that comes with making an attempt at a do-it-yourself SEO upgrade can be avoided - allowing serious forum admins to conserve their resources and focus on other aspects of marketing, SEO, and forum administration.

Okie 12-04-2005 09:33 PM


vBSeo Beta Tester

Please with all the Respact stay away from telling people it worth paying .. This is a Scam .. you never pay for this product so stop scamming other people...


@joeychgo i agree with everything you just wrote ..

If this hack was about From 30 - 50 $ is worth paying but not 150$ . plus it is closed source code ..

The Geek 12-04-2005 09:43 PM

No need to flame. Youve said you dont think its worth the price - now leave it :)

You dont think its worth it - I do. There are plenty in both camps. In the end Capitalism shall prevail. If enough people agree with you - it will go belly up, however enough people seem to feel it is - so, well - it is :)

Chris M 12-04-2005 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by jward
SEO is very complex indeed - and vBSEO is a very important SEO component for vBulletin powered forums. That does not mean that general marketing principles and other SEO aspects should be disregarded.

vBSEO provides an enhanced SEO solution set that fully addresses duplicate content issues and sets it apart from 1st generation mod_rewrite hacks, produces results as verified by our outstanding customer reviews, delivers ROI, scales seamlessly & easily during vBulletin upgrades, is professionally supported by a dedicated team, incorporates suggestions based on feedback from its users where appropriate, and is constantly upgraded to reflect the idea that "SEO is a moving target".

The time, money & frustration that comes with making an attempt at a do-it-yourself SEO upgrade can be avoided - allowing serious forum admins to conserve their resources and focus on other aspects of marketing, SEO, and forum administration.

Your post sounds very much like an advert for vBSEO - Please keep it to facts and not salesman text...


vBTotal 12-04-2005 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Okie

vBSeo Beta Tester

Please with all the Respact stay away from telling people it worth paying .. This is a Scam .. you never pay for this product so stop scamming other people...


@joeychgo i agree with everything you just wrote ..

If this hack was about From 30 - 50 $ is worth paying but not 150$ . plus it is closed source code ..

Dude, this is not a scam, you must be borderline retarded or something or just don't comprehend anything. There is not a need to bash someones hard work, if you think it is to expensive and not worth it, simply do not buy it. Myself and many others think that it is worth the $150.00 and would buy it in a heartbeat. It drives me nuts to see people bash others work, if you don't like it don't pay for it and go your own way and drop it.


Marco van Herwaarden 12-04-2005 10:06 PM

Can we all please keep the discussion civilized?

Okie 12-04-2005 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by vbcore
Dude, this is not a scam, you must be borderline retarded or something or just don't comprehend anything. There is not a need to bash someones hard work, if you think it is to expensive and not worth it, simply do not buy it. Myself and many others think that it is worth the $150.00 and would buy it in a heartbeat. It drives me nuts to see people bash others work, if you don't like it don't pay for it and go your own way and drop it.


anyway when i say it is scam yes it is .. because this vbseo beta ADS come here and saying it is worth of paying 150$ when they can't pay by them self and come here and say it is worth paying when they can't pay by them self and trying to lie and come here ads the vBSEo and scamming other people and lie that they pay for it .. when they dont. so what that called ? 100% scam and this is anther smart way to scam people ..

i like vBSEO but try to Compare :

vBulletin 80$ Year with Open Source Code almost 6 Year.
vBSEO $149.00 USD Year with Closed source code and Few Manth.

i pay every manth almost $700 for our Server and all the extra we have .. i can pay for vBSEO and other scripts if they have a good price and open source code..

@vBCORE if it drives you nuts then make sure it is me also when i see this vbseo beta Ads tester come here and trying to lie and ads vBSEO and scamming people here ... it also drives #@$#@!$

btw they release the final so why they keep the beta tester ? think about this ..

Brandon Sheley 12-04-2005 10:38 PM

i say No it's not worth it.
at 150$ a pop, with hidden code. no way would i buy this,
even if i was beta testing i would only do this on a offline site.
what happens when and if vbseo site goes down ??
all your seo links are broken :))
not that i wish this to happen, i hope you guys do well and are around for a long time.
but there is no way I'd pay 2 times as much as i did for my license for a mod with hidden code.
IMO dean's does just as good.
in fact what will help more then any seo is an active forum, as stated in post 3 or 4. those sites don't have seo and are ranked very well, whys this ? its because they are active.
if your started your site from scratch, i guess it may be a good idea, if not for the extreme price and hidden code. but really whats the point of being ranked high with no activity..

just my opinion.
and i do notice alot of beta testers saying how great this is,, well ofcorse they have the vbseo staff all over the place. I'm sure one bad remark with lead to not being a (free) beta tester anymore ;)

if i had something for free that i liked, I'm sure i'd say its worth w/e outrageous price too :))

vBTotal 12-04-2005 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Okie
anyway when i say it is scam yes it is .. because this vbseo beta ADS come here and saying it is worth of paying 150$ when they can't pay by them self and come here and say it is worth paying when they can't pay by them self and trying to lie and come here ads the vBSEo and scamming other people and lie that they pay for it .. when they dont. so what that called ? 100% scam and this is anther smart way to scam people ..

i like vBSEO but try to Compare :

vBulletin 80$ Year with Open Source Code almost 6 Year.
vBSEO $149.00 USD Year with Closed source code and Few Manth.

i pay every manth almost $700 for our Server and all the extra we have .. i can pay for vBSEO and other scripts if they have a good price and open source code..

@vBCORE if it drives you nuts then make sure it is me also when i see this vbseo beta Ads tester come here and trying to lie and ads vBSEO and scamming people here ... it also drives #@$#@!$

btw they release the final so why they keep the beta tester ? think about this ..


Brandon Sheley 12-04-2005 10:46 PM


this is an international site ;)
don't be ignorant

Okie 12-04-2005 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen

this is an international site
don't be ignorant

Vbtore already have bad rep here go search to see what other people say about him . :D


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen
what happens when and if vbseo site goes down ??
all your seo links are broken :))
not that i wish this to happen, i hope you guys do well and are around for a long time.

this is anther reson .. :ermm:

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Okie
anyway when i say it is scam yes it is .. because this vbseo beta ADS come here and saying it is worth of paying 150$ when they can't pay by them self and come here and say it is worth paying when they can't pay by them self and trying to lie and come here ads the vBSEo and scamming other people and lie that they pay for it .. when they dont. so what that called ? 100% scam and this is anther smart way to scam people ..

i like vBSEO but try to Compare :

vBulletin 80$ Year with Open Source Code almost 6 Year.
vBSEO $149.00 USD Year with Closed source code and Few Manth.

i pay every manth almost $700 for our Server and all the extra we have .. i can pay for vBSEO and other scripts if they have a good price and open source code..

@vBCORE if it drives you nuts then make sure it is me also when i see this vbseo beta Ads tester come here and trying to lie and ads vBSEO and scamming people here ... it also drives #@$#@!$

btw they release the final so why they keep the beta tester ? think about this ..

When I say it isn't a scam, it isn't

Just shut up with your * Edited for content accusations and leave this thread to people with atleast half a brain

I use it and have been using it for months now.

I am very satisified with their support and the product I paid for. You are not. Stop the defamation of vbseo without valid proof

Vtec44 12-04-2005 11:15 PM

I personally don't think that it is worth the money. It certainly has some nice features, I was seriously looking at it for my site the other day and was a bit shocked over the price. There are many ways to skin a cat, vBSEO is certainly one way of doing it but there are also many other cheaper alternatives. I've been using vB Google Sitemap Creator (available for free on here), and have increased more than 7 times the total indexed page of my site on Google and Yahoo. If you think that vBSEO is worth the money, then go for it. But keep in mind that there are many other free alternatives out there, and there is no guarantee that they will help to increase your search engine ranking or indexing, free or paid solution. It's certainly one way to help increase exposure of your site, but not the only way. :)

Guest190829 12-04-2005 11:17 PM

Please everyone refrain from cursing, making accusations, being mean...etc...etc. Mature discussion and debate is great, but please do not get out of control here. :)

Boofo 12-04-2005 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
When I say it isn't a scam, it isn't

Just shut up with your * Edited for content accusations and leave this thread to people with atleast half a brain

I use it and have been using it for months now.

I am very satisified with their support and the product I paid for. You are not. Stop the defamation of vbseo without valid proof

Please keep the swearing out of the thread. It is not necessary and will not be tolerated for any reason. Thank you.

BamaStangGuy 12-04-2005 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Please keep the swearing out of the thread. It is not necessary and will not be tolerated for any reason. Thank you.

Good grief...

ok change "that word" to ignorant? Or can I not say ignorant?

Tell her to stop saying its a "insert word" scam when it is obviously not. That is no better than "that word"

I gave a perfectly logical reason as to why it could be worth it for some people and all Okie does is moan about it being a scam.

Okie 12-04-2005 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by BrentWilson
When I say it isn't a scam, it isn't

Just shut up with your * Edited for content accusations and leave this thread to people with atleast half a brain

I use it and have been using it for months now.

I am very satisified with their support and the product I paid for. You are not. Stop the defamation of vbseo without valid proof

if u pay for it .. then good luck .. i called it scam because of the vBSEO BETA ADS coming here trying to ads VBSEO and saying they pay when they dont so what that mean ? LIE and SCAM so you are the one who need to shut when u dont no nathing because i can list all their name here if it needed .. why i need to bother my self here .. just wait and find your self how many people here dont like the price of vBSEO/And closed source code this thread still not hot just give it time and u will see .. :nervous:

Andreas 12-04-2005 11:25 PM

My board has no SEO at all (not even the stock 3.5 optimization as we are still running 3.0), has a PR of 2-4 (depending on the pages) and gets < 5% visitors from search engines.

Yet it is Germany's # 33 with over 10 million PI/month ...

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