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leonsio 11-27-2005 10:00 PM

Joomla Connector/Bridge
Release Thread on joomla forums: http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic,21066.0.html

v. 1.0.0
all connectors are moved to separate packages
fixed some bugs with PHP4
support for joomla 1.0.8
better login/synchronisation handling
v. ( bugfix release, no new functions )
bug in the connector administration
v. 0.0.8
updated to joomla 1.0.7
added wrapped mode
v. 0.0.7
updated to joomla 1.0.5
fixed some messages with "warning"
v. 0.0.6
compatibility with new version of VB_SOAP
some bugs by login fixed
v. 0.0.5
cookie store bug in vbulletin module fixed
compatibility with JMSOAP addon, added
v. 0.0.4
added functions to update and delete users
splited modules to own packages
v. 0.0.3
each module has own logout function
fixed bugs in vbulletin_sql module
fixed bug in the connector.php file
v. 0.0.2
vbulletin_Sql module included
select menu in the admintool for the modules
v. 0.0.1
init release, vbulletin module included

Additional Modules

All modules are now in separate packages
to add module just download the module file
and unzip it in the /components/com_connector/modules folder
if not exists, create one

Online Demo running with vbulletin module (SOAP)



switching from vbridge to com_connector
creating own modules
patching joomla.php file himself

Component Information and description
This Component is only for the connection from joomla -> application
at the moment are following things supported:
common login
global changing password
global changing username/email
synchronistion of the users ( by first login or registration )

That does i need to run this component?

for this component alone you needs only joomla 1.0.x
it should run with PHP4 und PHP5(tested)

some modules like vbulletin_soap can have own requirements (needs php5 + SOAP extension )

That does this component do?

this component allow you to connect different applications to joomla over SOAP/XMLRPC, SQL Connects ( other methods are posible too )
You should use this component if you wants to have common login with an aplications ( which based on cookie login (session to, because it use cookie to store a sessionid ;) ))
it is posible to create own moduless to connect any applications

How to install
download and extract the files_to_replace.zip" file
move all files from "upload" folder in your joomla root folder

login into joomla administration and install the "com_connector.zip"
using joomla component installer

How to use
go to "Administration/Components/Connector"
click to "New"

Title: title/name of the module
Module: Choose a Module like "vbulletin"
URL: is a link to the application ( not to the module !! )
Add User to Joomla: if the user not exists in joomla he will be added
Add User to App.: if the user dont exists in the connected application it will be added
Display Mode: Wrapped = in iframe, Not Wrapped = redirect to application

Click on Save
you will be redirected to module settings
this settings can be different in every module

after you have added a data, you can create a menu link

go to Menu config, create on New and select "Connector Item"
in next dialog select you application and click to save

done ;)

gldtn 11-28-2005 02:17 PM

Although I have no use for this at this moment I must say it's looking pretty good, will use in the future if needed..

Great job ;)

sitka 11-28-2005 05:22 PM

Will watch this thread.... Looks like something I could use

thepipper 11-28-2005 07:07 PM

very interesting, been looking for something like this for a long time.

knobster 11-28-2005 07:46 PM

What's the difference between this module and the vbridge one?

leonsio 11-28-2005 07:53 PM

1. this module dont need direct access to vbulletin database

vbulletin can be on other domain/server

2. the password type if joomla user will not be changed

you can easy uninstall this module and joomla will work with out a problems, by vbridge noone of users can login more if you uninstall the module

3. you can connect more that one forum to joomla

4. this connector can be used to connects other applications
i will release some modules soon

leonsio 11-29-2005 10:27 AM

based on this component module to shows X last posts from vbulletin on joomla site

if a user is logged in the module displays posts which the user can see

Snake 11-29-2005 11:35 AM


gnrmarcel 11-29-2005 09:16 PM

i got an error when i will creat the table


MySQL meldet:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '+ (`id`)
) TYPE=MyI' at line 14
my webspace has php PHP Version 4.3.10-9.
Need i PHP 5?

Xtrato 11-29-2005 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by leonsio
1. this module dont need direct access to vbulletin database

vbulletin can be on other domain/server

2. the password type if joomla user will not be changed

you can easy uninstall this module and joomla will work with out a problems, by vbridge noone of users can login more if you uninstall the module

3. you can connect more that one forum to joomla

4. this connector can be used to connects other applications
i will release some modules soon

The vBridge from joomla.com is a widely used and excepted bridge to connect vBulletin to Joomla CMS. This is a interesting hack but in my mind your abit late to get this widely used. For people that are on the "wall" about this hack and vBridge, there are a few things to keep in mind. vBridge has been in dev. alot longer then this and its easy to install and uninstall. The one downside to vBridge is the joomla versions and the hack, you have to install the correct version of joomla to work with the hack. I like this hack, but i feel like i can get better support from vBridge and Predator(creator).

vBridge board :

I just think i should give some opinion on this because i have 3 sites running vBridge and 5 test sites and its a great hack. I have tested this com mod and its good.

I dont mean to down your Mod in anyway leonsio i just am a person that asks alot of questions and i know things like this help. Keep it up maybe in future versions i can try to adapt it more for public tryouts.

* Clicks Subscribes

leonsio 11-30-2005 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by gnrmarcel
i got an error when i will creat the table

my webspace has php PHP Version 4.3.10-9.
Need i PHP 5?

you need php5

i have fixed a querys in first post

leonsio 11-30-2005 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Xtrato
The vBridge from joomla.com is a widely used and excepted bridge to connect vBulletin to Joomla CMS. This is a interesting hack but in my mind your abit late to get this widely used. For people that are on the "wall" about this hack and vBridge, there are a few things to keep in mind. vBridge has been in dev. alot longer then this and its easy to install and uninstall. The one downside to vBridge is the joomla versions and the hack, you have to install the correct version of joomla to work with the hack. I like this hack, but i feel like i can get better support from vBridge and Predator(creator).

vBridge board :

I just think i should give some opinion on this because i have 3 sites running vBridge and 5 test sites and its a great hack. I have tested this com mod and its good.

I dont mean to down your Mod in anyway leonsio i just am a person that asks alot of questions and i know things like this help. Keep it up maybe in future versions i can try to adapt it more for public tryouts.

* Clicks Subscribes

if you have installed vbridge once
you cannot run joomla with out it any more, because vbridge alter the joomla user table and change type of the password hashes

you can run vbridge only if its on same domain, with this connector you can connect more that one forum with joomla at once

i know vbridge very well, i have created some hacks for it ( look at the release post, you will find some changes by me ;) )

but have told with predator he dont have time to develop his component

http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic,21763.0.html solution to switch from vbridge to this hack

leonsio 11-30-2005 12:47 PM

new version is online

some bugs fixed

added vbulletin_sql module to access vbulletin over mysql-connect
this module works like vbridge, but without alter a user table

vbulletin_sql module dont need php5

leonsio 12-01-2005 10:52 AM

*update to alpha 3*

changes are in the first post

ConKien 12-01-2005 09:08 PM

Very promising hack! :)

leonsio 12-07-2005 11:33 AM

new version is online

it is now posible to change a userdata global
so if you change username/email/password in joomla it will be changed in vbulletin too

only awayble in vbulletin module ( not in vbulletin_sql )

Cheertobi 12-08-2005 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by leonsio
new version is online

it is now posible to change a userdata global
so if you change username/email/password in joomla it will be changed in vbulletin too

only awayble in vbulletin module ( not in vbulletin_sql )

Can this also be done for vbulletin_sql someday?


leonsio 12-08-2005 03:29 PM

is allready done
look at the release post on forum.joomla.org

Deepdog009 12-10-2005 04:45 AM

Leonsio does it work with Mambo 4.5.x???

I mainly need it for logins on both platforms at the same time. :ermm:

wertis 12-10-2005 09:45 AM

i receive this:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{' in /home/excel/public_html/vb/soap/examples/test.php on line 9

help, please

leonsio 12-10-2005 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by wertis
i receive this:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{' in /home/excel/public_html/vb/soap/examples/test.php on line 9

help, please

please read the requirements for "vbulletin" module

if you dont have php5 installed, you should use vbulletin_sql module for com_connector

all infos about are in the release post on joomla.org

@ Deepdog009

it should work, but you have to patch includes/mambo.php manualy
the package include only patched joomla.php file for joomla

look in the file for "COM_CONNECTOR" comments

wertis 12-10-2005 11:39 AM


ERuiz 12-11-2005 04:46 PM

Leonsio, I have been waiting for predator to fix the login/cookie problem but with his recent illness and setback, I can no longer keep on waiting for this fixed. So, I am about to jump ship and give your connector a try.

I have vBridge 1.22 installed on my site along with Joomla 1.0.4 and CBuilder RC2.

I guess I first need to uninstall vBridge and get my Joomla install working properly as if it had never been installed with vBridge, before I continue to install your connector?

Also, is your connector compatible with CB RC2?

You can find me on msn: eruiz_apr001@hotmail.com in case you can be of any assistance. I will be extremely grateful for your help on this, my friend.

leonsio 12-11-2005 04:58 PM

com_connector aktualy dont work with CB
i dont have time at the moment to look at CB intergration

actualy it is only login from joomla -> vbulletin posible
for other way i will release next weeks an plugin for vbulletin

at oficial joomla forum i have released an tutorial how to migrate from vbridge to joomla

you should follow the instructions in the tutorial ( if you follow all steps you will have all joomla and vbulletin users in vbulletin) the next synchronisation with joomla ( with com_connector ) will by on the fly, by first login or registration

p.s. vbulletin module is my preferred module
vbulletin_sql can a little bit less, it will be supported by predator

if you have php5 installed, you should use vbulletin module ( soap )

ERuiz 12-11-2005 05:21 PM

1. You are saying that in order to login to the website, the user must first login to Joomla and when he clicks on the Forums link, he will be already logged in to vBulletin? But not the other way around till you release the vBulletin plugin? Actually, I think for my website, it is just best that users login to Joomla first, because the forums are ONLY for registered members anyway.

leonsio 12-16-2005 10:14 AM


all changes are in the first post

now it is posible to login from vbulletin -> joomla

just install "vbulletin application connector" hack, this is the same like com_connector but for vbulletin
it include joomla module ( which is use SOAP calls)
joomla_sql module will be released later

leonsio 01-20-2006 07:33 AM

the release is updated to version

status is not longer beta

com_connector RC1
v. ( bugfix release, no new functions )
bug in the connector administration
v. 0.0.8
updated to joomla 1.0.7
added wrapped mode
v. 0.0.7
updated to joomla 1.0.5
fixed some messages with "warning"

if you update from older version then 0.0.8
please run this query

ALTER TABLE `jos_connectors` ADD `smod` INT NOT NULL AFTER `app_useradd` ;

then just upload new files

oojacoboo 01-31-2006 04:22 AM

ok, im having some issues of course. I really hope you can help me here!

First of all, all the sql queries that I added and tables I used the prefix "mos_" not "jos_", as my database is using the "mos_" prefix. b/c I converted from mambo. Is this the cause of my errors maybe?

I have also renamed the module "vbulletin_sql.class.php" > "vbulletin.class.php" and removed the original, as I was getting an erorr after installing the SQL one. Apparently the script was looking for the "vbulletin.class.php" rather than the SQL module, as I originally installed it. Could this be my issue?

The first error occurs when I activate the module from my Joomla control panel while being logged into my site. When I attempt to logout, I get the following error with the connector activated...


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: vbulletin in /xxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxx.com/includes/joomla.php on line 889
So, I cleared my cookies and then tried to login to the site and then I get the following error...


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: vbulletin in /xxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxx.com/includes/joomla.php on line 739
This error I think is created by not having this file...


// loading the module
// Module init
where is this module? It wasn't included. That is on line 735>737. 739 says...


$application=new $module->module($params, $module->id);

I have attached my joomla.php file. I searched for your tutorial on how to manually edit this file, but I was unable to find the code or even the full download link for the instructions you provided on doing so, via terminal. Nonetheless, here is the file that I have.

leonsio 01-31-2006 05:37 AM

you shouldn't rename vbulletin_sql to vbulletin

it will not work !!

just put the vbulletin_sql.class.php in the components/com_connector/modules folder

nothing else

then select this module in the Connectors administration

oojacoboo 01-31-2006 06:53 AM

just as I thought, when I tried it this way the first time. I now get this message now that I have renamed it properly...


Warning: login(./components/com_connector/modules/vbulletin.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx.com/includes/joomla.php on line 736

Fatal error: login(): Failed opening required './components/com_connector/modules/vbulletin.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /xxxx/xxxxx/xxxx/xxxxx/xxxx/xxxx.com/includes/joomla.php on line 736
and, if that original file is in there (which I removed) then it has a SOAP error...

Any ideas?

When I put the original PHP5 and SOAP file back into the modules file, like the error above is requesting, I then get this error...


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{' in /xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxx.com/components/com_connector/modules/vbulletin.class.php on line 41
Starting on line 41 I have the following...


$connect= new SoapClient($this->__data->get('server'));
// falls Benutzer exestiert und bereits eingelogt war, benutzen wir seine Cookies
$userid=($my->id) ? $my->id : $this->_session->userid ;
if($userid !='' AND $userid!=0)
This is why I say its trying to connect to the SOAP module and thats why I renamed the file.

Any ideas?

leonsio 01-31-2006 07:38 AM

you can try to rename the module name, but you must rename all variables in the module from vbulletin_sql to vbulletin ( example the class name )

if you have shell access on you server

just open the file in VI an type


you can save and close the file with


oojacoboo 01-31-2006 03:58 PM

this surely isn't the proper thing to do though... Why is this happening? Does the SQL module work? What have I done that would have caused this, if it has been working?

oojacoboo 01-31-2006 04:49 PM

ok, I got the login working after changing that file name and making the necessary changes within that file. However, when I try to add the menu link to the component, I get the following error when trying to access it...


While this isn't that big of a deal, I can just edit the template of the vbulletin file. I thought you might want to know so this can be fixed. It doesn't offer the option to decide which module you want to append to the menu link. Maybe that should be an option for future releases as well, espectially if this thing catches on and people will want to use multiple modules...LIKE ME ;) - Still hoping for a community builder and Gallery2 module. Let me know if you have any immediate ideas on this, b/c using the wrapping feature would be nice!

Thanks again for all the great work. I look forward to future releases and the progression of this great component. Keep it up. Also, I send you a PM over at forum.joomla.org. Let me know about that.

provedel 02-04-2006 04:04 AM

Is it's compatible with vB 3.5.3???


Xtrato 02-04-2006 04:09 AM


leonsio 02-04-2006 05:55 AM

it works only with VB 3.5.x

one user in joomla.org forum is working currently on CB intergration

Inferno Dragon 02-04-2006 12:16 PM

I want to use Joomla on my site..right now I am using vbulletin 3.5.3 and my server running PHP4 can I still use it? becasue you have written "this hack require PHP 5" furthermore what is the install process? included in the package?

leonsio 02-04-2006 12:22 PM

where has you found that this hack require php5 ?

Inferno Dragon 02-05-2006 05:19 AM

Can you explain this?


That does i need to run this component?

for this component alone you needs only joomla 1.0.x
it should run with PHP4 und PHP5(tested)

some modules like vbulletin can have own requirements ( vbulletin module needs php5 + SOAP extension )

leonsio 02-05-2006 05:34 AM

okay i will translate this ;)

the com_connector himself works fine with php4 and php5

some modules can have own dependances ( php5, php5 + soap, ldap .... )

the module "joomla" needs php5 + soap extension
the module "joomla_sql" needs only php4 ( or 5 )

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