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Brad 11-23-2005 12:31 PM

Caffeine users.
In my time here and other places related to coding I've noticed many caffeine users. Most use it in the form of strong coffee or soda. I am hooked on the stuff myself and I've been known to put down 24 cans of pepsi in the span of 18 hours or so, with multiple cups of coffee and tea mixed in there.

I am thinking about getting off the stuff for good, or at least cutting it mostly out of my diet. I get bad muscle twitching after using the stuff and in the morning I just can't get going with a drink of caffeine and a smoke. I also suffer from Acid reflux so that is just one more reason to do without the stuff.

I am wondering if others here have givin the stuff up after prolonged use, and just how much some of you guys are drinking the the span of a normal day.

Revan 11-23-2005 01:28 PM

That post made me think of Tweek from South Park :p

Reeve of shinra 11-23-2005 02:15 PM

I'm not that bad. I'll have a cup of tea or coffee in the morning w/ breakfast and maybe a soda or tea or coffee throughout the day and evening but nothing like you dude!

Boofo 11-23-2005 02:19 PM

Reeve, where have you been? We've missed you on the new site. ;)

I have coffee in my vains. I would cease to exist without a cup in my hand. I also have Acid Reflux, Brad, but can live with it for the caffeine. ;)

JTyson 11-23-2005 02:22 PM

I'll generally drink about 8-12 cups of coffee a day while coding, smoke way too much.


Originally Posted by Brad
I also suffer from Acid reflux

I'm the same ,a glass of milk does wonders if you havent got any antacid :)

Brad 11-23-2005 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by JTyson
I'll generally drink about 8-12 cups of coffee a day while coding, smoke way too much.

I'm the same ,a glass of milk does wonders if you havent got any antacid :)

Milk is out of the question on this end. I've never drank milk in my life (well a few times my mother gave it to me as a baby, before she found out it didn't mix well with me). I'm lactose intolerant, trust me milk ain't good for me or anyone else in the house ;).

I don't take anything for my acid reflux, although I plan on having my doctor look at it next visit. It runs in the family so sometimes my dad will give me some of his medication but I'm not trying to take away from him. The stuff he has takes about 3 days before it kicks in to.

Boofo 11-23-2005 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Brad
Milk is out of the question on this end. I've never drank milk in my life (well a few times my mother gave it to me as a baby, before she found out it didn't mix well with me). I'm lactose intolerant, trust me milk ain't good for me or anyone else in the house ;).

I don't take anything for my acid reflux, although I plan on having my doctor look at it next visit. It runs in the family so sometimes my dad will give me some of his medication but I'm not trying to take away from him. The stuff he has takes about 3 days before it kicks in to.

You can get Prilosec over the counter now. When I was taking it, it was by prescription only. It is the best acid reflux medicine available. It really works good.

Brad 11-23-2005 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
You can get Prilosec over the counter now. When I was taking it, it was by prescription only. It is the best acid reflux medicine available. It really works good.

I've been meaning to try them, how much does a box of them go for?

davidw 11-23-2005 03:44 PM

I commend you for your efforts on wanting/trying to get off of sodas. I know when I tried a no-soda diet (eat everything/all I want but no sodas), I lost 20lbs. For the most part, I'm off sodas. I might have 2-3 a week now. My weight has gone down and my energy level has increased. :) Great job and keep up the good work! I hope the other issues get better too.

Boofo 11-23-2005 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Brad
I've been meaning to try them, how much does a box of them go for?

I couldn't tell you, my friend. I just know that I had to sign over my first-born for them when they were prescription (which remonds me I should go and pick him back up sometime. It's been a few years since I went off of them.). I think you could probably do your car for them now. They went down in price quite a bit after they hit on so well.

All seriousness aside, they really do work better than anything else on the market, prescription or not. My Acid Reflux was so bad it caused my Sleep Apnea to flare up even worse than I originally had it. Now I don't take them because it isn't as bad as it used to be for me for some reason. I think stress added to it at the time. Plus I don't like depending on medication to get through my days anymore. I have vodka for that now. ;)

davidw 11-23-2005 03:47 PM

Boofo, I know what your are going through on the sleep apnea. I have dealt with it since 2000 and was diagnosed with Severe Obstructive type (over 200 episodes in 6-7 hour period). I am currently (have been and will be) on a CPAP for it.

kall 11-23-2005 04:19 PM

Generally... a litre of coke a day and about 8 or so good strong coffees. Milk and sugar.

I happened to work at McDonalds for 2 years...free coke became an addiction.

Paul M 11-23-2005 04:26 PM

Does Dr Pepper contain caffine ? - I mostly drink that, with a bit of Dandelion & Burdock, and a mug or two of Tea.

Boofo 11-23-2005 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by christianb
Boofo, I know what your are going through on the sleep apnea. I have dealt with it since 2000 and was diagnosed with Severe Obstructive type (over 200 episodes in 6-7 hour period). I am currently (have been and will be) on a CPAP for it.

We're in the same boat my friend. I was diagnosed a little stronger than that but close. I was supposed to be on the machine, but I never could get used to sleeping with it. It is still new in the case. ;)

I did however manage to do 2 things that relieved it quite a bit where it is almost gone on most nights.

1. Got rid of the stress problem. (She now lives in another state, still not far enough away. :()
2. Lost some weight. That helped to open up the airways quite a bit.

I now have the body of a 20 year old (I hope no one catches me with her). ;)

Boofo 11-23-2005 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Does Dr Pepper contain caffine ? - I mostly drink that, with a bit of Dandelion & Burdock, and a mug or two of Tea.

I think Dr. Pepper is like 197% caffiene. ;)

But I don't think it has as much caffeine as Mountain Dew, the drink of life for me.

Zachery 11-23-2005 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
I think Dr. Pepper is like 197% caffiene. ;)

But I don't think it has as much caffeine as Mountain Dew, the drink of life for me.

I'm trying to drink more water and less soda, but it just doesn't happen often.

I might have 2-3 cans a day, which is better than my old 4-5.

I'm cutting back slowly. Trying to switch over to water / juice more.

davidw 11-23-2005 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
1. Got rid of the stress problem. (She now lives in another state, still not far enough away. :()
2. Lost some weight. That helped to open up the airways quite a bit.

I now have the body of a 20 year old (I hope no one catches me with her). ;)


I couldn't get used to it at first, because of the stupid headgear, but I got some headgear that actually worked later (Nasal Aire II) - much better, doesn't go over my head - just around the ears and down to the front (low profile). I need to replace my CPAP - There is one now out there that really works good for people like me - more like natural breathing - so I may try to order one of those next year. What kind did you get?

Boofo 11-23-2005 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by christianb

I couldn't get used to it at first, because of the stupid headgear, but I got some headgear that actually worked later (Nasal Aire II) - much better, doesn't go over my head - just around the ears and down to the front (low profile). I need to replace my CPAP - There is one now out there that really works good for people like me - more like natural breathing - so I may try to order one of those next year. What kind did you get?

Gonna make me go and dig it out, huh? ;)

It's a Sullivan V Plus Nasal CPAP System (at least that's what is says on the machine). Shows you how much I know about it, huh? Mine got so bad at times that I was sleep-walking a lot. Peeing in the closet and going outside in dead winter stark naked pretty well cured me of the sleep walking, I think. ;)

And on top of that I have what they call Minear's Disease. Basically it's like 24 hour a day vertigo when it really gets bad (hearing and inner ear). Now imagine a fat, bald, ugly and really, really stupid person walking around outside in -20 degree weather having a vertigo attack which means I couldn't even keep my balance while puking my guts out because of the dizziness. Not a pretty site, let me tell you. ;)

davidw 11-23-2005 04:56 PM

Nope its not. I can imagine the fat, bald, ugly, and really, really stupid person part - when I look in the mirror. :P

Boofo 11-23-2005 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by christianb
Nope its not. I can imagine the fat, bald, ugly, and really, really stupid person part - when I look in the mirror. :P

I KNEW I had an ignorant twin from Arkansas. ;)

davidw 11-23-2005 05:12 PM


Boofo 11-23-2005 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by christianb

I was referring to our pm converstaion when I asked you that question. ;)

davidw 11-23-2005 05:43 PM

I got it.

Guest190829 11-23-2005 05:48 PM

I drink coffee from time to time, and tea (Caffiene free tea) to help me go to bed.

Tea is good with coding too, as it helps relax my nerves when I get those darn parse errors.

Boofo 11-23-2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Danny.VBT
I drink coffee from time to time, and tea (Caffiene free tea) to help me go to bed.

Tea is good with coding too, as it helps relax my nerves when I get those darn parse errors.

And we all know about you and those parse errors. ;)

Wayne Luke 11-23-2005 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Brad
In my time here and other places related to coding I've noticed many caffeine users. Most use it in the form of strong coffee or soda. I am hooked on the stuff myself and I've been known to put down 24 cans of pepsi in the span of 18 hours or so, with multiple cups of coffee and tea mixed in there.

I am thinking about getting off the stuff for good, or at least cutting it mostly out of my diet. I get bad muscle twitching after using the stuff and in the morning I just can't get going with a drink of caffeine and a smoke. I also suffer from Acid reflux so that is just one more reason to do without the stuff.

I am wondering if others here have givin the stuff up after prolonged use, and just how much some of you guys are drinking the the span of a normal day.

Tea and Coffee are actually better for you then Soda even though they contain the same amount of caffeine per serving.

If I were you I would suggest cutting down slowly. Drink Green Tea, probably one of the healthiest drinks on the planet, it has lower caffeine amounts and will help prevent the headaches caused by withdrawal.

Lately, I have taken to drinking a lot of Chai instead of Soda.

Chris M 11-23-2005 09:50 PM

I drink maybe 3 - 4 litres of Pepsi Max per day, and probably 3 or 4 coffees...

I need to cut down I'm just addicted to the stuff...


Talisman 11-23-2005 10:14 PM

You really have to taper off the caffeine gradually to avoid serious withrawals from the stuff. Keep drinking lots of other fluids, though. If nothing else, flavor your water with something sweet or citrusy if that helps you to delay the next glass/can of soda for a while longer.

/me puts on the kettle for some chamomile.

Adrian Schneider 11-23-2005 10:44 PM

Tea or eggnog, sometimes both.

Corriewf 11-23-2005 11:04 PM

I drink nothing but water.......

Tony G 11-23-2005 11:12 PM

I drink caffiene occasionally but I'm not addicted to it. I can still be awake perfectly well during the day without any.

It's more the sugar I want. :p

Jenta 11-24-2005 12:07 AM

I drink at least a 2 liter of coke or pepsi a day...whatever is on sale. If i wake up and don't have it, I feel like total crap. Start getting headaches and stuff.

PennylessZ28 11-24-2005 12:17 AM

XS Engery Drink all day long.

PS: Guess what my favorite soda is from my car >>


Adrian Schneider 11-24-2005 12:31 AM

That nasty green stuff they call Mountain Dew? :)

Chris M 11-24-2005 12:37 AM

"Nasty Green Stuff"? I'd kill for Mountain Dew over here...


Corriewf 11-24-2005 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Tony G
I drink caffiene occasionally but I'm not addicted to it. I can still be awake perfectly well during the day without any.

It's more the sugar I want. :p

Ditto! I have to have some form of sugar every day!

Brad 11-24-2005 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Chris M
"Nasty Green Stuff"? I'd kill for Mountain Dew over here...

As far as I know they don't sell the 'true' mountain dew in some places. If you need some send me a pm, I'll send it over if you'll pay for everything :p

Edit - the wonders of wikipedia:


Mountain Dew is a citrus flavored soft drink produced by PepsiCo, Inc. It was first marketed locally in 1948 and across the United States in 1964.

Mountain Dew often incurs the disapproval of health experts due to its relatively high caffeine content. However, Mountain Dew marketed in Australia and Canada ? as well as several U.S. states ? has no caffeine added at all. Mountain Dew also contains tartrazine ("FD&C Yellow No. 5" in the US), which could lead to allergic reactions in some people. This has also led to an urban legend that the Yellow No. 5 in Mountain Dew reduces the sperm count of male drinkers. This is, however, a myth. Diet Mountain Dew contains aspartame. Mountain Dew's brominated vegetable oil is another source of contention. More than 100 countries ban brominated vegetable oil for its adverse health effects. However, the exact quantity of bromine put into fat cells from BVO is questioned.

In Europe, Mountain Dew is available in the following countries:

* Iceland (since 2002)
* Finland (since 2002)
* Poland (since 2002)
* Norway (since 2005)
* Switzerland
* Romania (since 2003)
* Germany (only at a few gas stations, as well as at Subway restaurants)
* Spain (since 2004)
* Malta (since 2005)
* The Netherlands (Only at America Today branches, and at EnergyBoost.nl)
* Hungary
* Bulgaria (since 2005)

A version of the drink was marketed for three years in the UK during the late 1990s. However, it is believed (more of an urban myth) that Mountain Dew is actually illegal (its American formulation at least) to sell in the UK due to its high caffeine content and excessive artificial ingredients. The version actually sold in the UK was a lurid green colour (it stained the teeth and tongue of its drinkers for several hours after consumption) and contained far more caffeine, synthetic sugars, and artficial colorings than the American version.

Mountain Dew was originally marketed as "zero proof moonshine" and had pictures of hillbillies on the bottle until 1973. Today's marketing target is radically different. The drink is mainly marketed to people in the 20-30 year old demographic group, and Mountain Dew advertising creates a connection between the drink and extreme sports.

Recently, Mountain Dew has used the characters from Spy vs. Spy in commercials that feature them fighting over the drink.

Mountain Dew syrups are used as Slurpee flavors.

Guest190829 11-24-2005 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Tea and Coffee are actually better for you then Soda even though they contain the same amount of caffeine per serving.

If I were you I would suggest cutting down slowly. Drink Green Tea, probably one of the healthiest drinks on the planet, it has lower caffeine amounts and will help prevent the headaches caused by withdrawal.

Lately, I have taken to drinking a lot of Chai instead of Soda.

Mhm yes give me a vanilla Chai or a green tea over a Soda any day. Got to love those antioxidants. ^_^

Adrian Schneider 11-24-2005 02:08 AM

I see. Pop is still bad for you! You are right - here in Canada the MD is caffiene free.

Tony G 11-24-2005 08:59 AM

Yum mountain dew. <3

I could go for some right now. Should have bought some from work.

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